Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 02, 1908, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
ol Klamath County
. their voluutary offerings ul pratM and
I A-Ide from the hall room th, new hall
ia equlplred with a large reception room,
nicely arranged with card table, and
lornfortable chair, and a. at,, also ladle,
and men*, drraalng riH>m,, an<l altogeth­
er i, one of the finest equlpprsl club
room, ami dancing hall, in lhe nity.
Tli, new oreheatra, which lurnlslred the
niu.ic, came in alao for a moat flatter­
ing .bare ol the praise. The band’, en­
trance into MH'iely tie, Iteen moat an-
• pieioua and if the standard of it, enter-
taininent. tn ttie future equal ila Initial
one it will last become one of the most
)a>pular a<a ial orgarilxatlona in the city.
Many application, have already lieen
received Irotu the business men ami olh-
via fur aaa,«iate mrmlteraliip, and the
lary» are already arranging to put in bil
Hard table, and other equipment of a
modern club.
To Improve
Final Decree in Contest
The conteat of p«t«r Petarwui against
James N. Dennis has finally l>een ebrsed
by th« Department, in favor of Mr. Den­
nis, h« Irving the timlier and stone sppli-
cant, Mr. Peterson having offered a
homestead filing or. the land in pursu­
ance of a «qualler's right. A hearing
was ordered by the local land office ami
testimony wss taken at I-akeview in
January, 1907; the result was one of the
uutuerous “split** decisions that fre­
quently occurred in land litigation of
thia naturs, the Register deciding in
lavor of the tiuilier and stone applicant
and tire Receiver in favor of the so called
squatter. Th« case wa> appealed to the
Commissioner witli the result that a de-
c is inn was rendered favorable tn Mr.
Dennis on tlm ground that lhe land was
not suited for agricultural p/irpoeM, that
it was only valuable for tbe tltnher
thereon and that there was a lack uf
go->d faith on the part of tbe home­
steader with reference to lhe entry.
Alter the cwmmiseioner'e decision, the
homestead applicant filer! an application
to liave the decision reviewed ami lor a
rehearing, this has l«en denierl and the
case < lowed. Tbe land is coverel with
a heavy growth of yellow pine timlwr
«nd the claim is valued at ab-mt
it living th« best claim sec are. I in the
rush of Keptemlier PAM.
It was just one year to a da> from the
rial« of the first decision in Ixikeview
until the final decree was issued Irom
Washington. C. F. Stone was attorney
for Mr. Dennis.
H hi O. A U. Trans. Co. has agreed to
carry the mail at th« specified amount,
J. D. Carrol lias gon« to Portland on a lie did not state what time the new »er-
vir-a would go into effect.
business trip.
City Brief»
When the plan, of the Klamath Fall,
Light A Water Con>|>any are executed
thi, city will have an ample supply of
' John Chastain ia here from Medford
on a visit with relatives.
pur, water. The company ha. rralixed
lor MOW time that the one lenervuir i,
D«n Johiiwm has gone to Bly and
Lakeview on land business.
inad«quate to supply sufficient water for
m H purpose, and last Fall a movement
II. G. Bussey was io the city from
Laugeil valley Tuesday.
I w„ »larled which resulted in an agree­
ment between West bi le properly own­
J C. and Oda Craven, sre in the city
from Bonanxa ou land businew.
er, and the company to put In ■ reMr-
voir un the Moore addlt'Og. Work on
C. H. Moore ha, returned from Port­
land, where be spent the winter.
till, has Ireen delayed awaiting the com­
pletion ol arrangement, for au extension
Mis, ueta au.kerw n returned last
wi-ek from Ashland, where she spent
. of the entire water ,y,lem.
the winter.
Ttii» KlMumih ioontry hi vonirfioii
I lie Hut Hprlng, tract already ba. a
W (th «11 cdhoi an li«>nn
m rr
' large number ol building, and many
Harry Gray relumed from Lakeview
Tuesday and ha> accepted a position a,
•oil of iht* piioie, hui It I n now coming
mor, are contemplated. Three build­
in th« American hotel.
out of th«« IrtliMtgv dial foll«iwt<l n|»on
ing. cannot be »aiislactorily served from
Walter« and wife came down
tlio hrol« of lb« tioam lal Hurry un*l tli«
the reMo voir on the lull and Io order to
from Bonanxa Tuesday and attended
give the Irest poesible M-rvice the com-
corning y«*ar proml««*« to I*« onu of do*
to business matter«.
tnoNt |itu«|M*rMiiN Io th«« hlahiry of di«
|iany haa formulated plan, for lhe con­
C. T. Oliver returned Saturday from a
struction ul an additional reMrvuir un
lao<i of irrigation« Tim r»i hmadon M»r
trip to Bonanza and Merrill in the in­
the Hot Hpring, tract.
vln U middmi rit<oi«iv< preparation«
terest ul lhe Mascot Implement Huitse.
Success Assured
II. V. Gate,, the president ol the com-
of carrying » n dm govrrnmrnt work,
Howard Van Valkr-nhurg is mourning
(■any, will Ire here the latter part ol
an«l tl la very probat-lr that one or uidlV
Portland, Ore., March 31, 190H.
over the death of a fine mare He had
In virtually cunceding the numination April Io complete arrangement, for the
conlractora a ill I n « awaolnl wliona of
recently refused an offer of |2fiiJ lor the
tLt canal runn'ruction « n a uumlM-r of of H. M. Case, the Telegram ray,. in cuuimencernent of work on the,« addi­
rr|mhibl<» |iaii|«'N have pla«r<| blda for part:
tion, to tire »ystem. The reservoir to
il. T Chitwood has moved from the
“Attracting crowd, that numerically ire put >>n the Moore addition will haves
ilia» work.
Heidrick resi-lence to tbe bouse he pur-
have l>evn a great surprise to everyone,
chaired from Capt A. H. McIntyre on
The government will provide employ II M Caka la touting th« alate in be­ capacity of 3UU.000 gallon, an*> lhe one
Washington street.
liienl for a I urge nund*'f of I a la» re re half of hi, candidacy for the Republican on the Hot Spring, Iran, of about 300,-
Mr,. B. E. Hawkin,, residing near
which will lie M*alttn<| throughout the nomination tor United State, Senator. 000. The company*a plan, provide that
Mr Cake began hi, tour about two
Olvne, fell to the ground last Sunday
country, inifraaing the pr«>«|»eriiy of week, ago and sine« that time haa work on these |>r<>ject, t, to begin tn the
while getting out of a buggy and díalo-
every aectioii
the <<»•<•» t-. I m ? employ» ■iMiken practically every night.
Mr. early p rl ol May so that they will Ire
rated iter »b-mlder.
•d on die Keno canal and the large take ma.ia many warm frianda and a
Telford and »on expect to go to Odem
powar plant will l»v a direct la*nrllt <o Urge following during hi,campaign two mer.
thi- week to tmild a 3fl foot launch fur
year, azo. when he loat the nomination
thia city, whl a tl>4 Houth l*ramli will for UtiT'ed Stale, Senator by a very
Dau Griffith, to lie use,I in connection
with fits hotel business thi. Summer.
Io Ip Merrill, ••»*! the Imllding of th« narrow margin.
Thea« friend, and laying <d a considerable distance <d waler
C'ear Iwko «lam will Increaae the other, who have rallied tu hl, standard main, and a large amount of pipe,.
Dnt is now flying on the* Keno canal.
Anurnlierof horses were put to work
• «Mount of buaiiicva t raiomctrd in lk> during iha intervening period are sue- This will give employment to a large
ceeding in creating real enthusiaam for ! lore« uf men during the greater portion
Tuesday and the lotee of men is being
n ansa
the aspirant a, he lour, the atate.
From what we can learn there will increased every day.
of tbe Summer.
While the reclamation work will do
"At every town in which Mr. Cake
not be SO per cent of the mrmbera ol
Moore Bro,, will liegin work on their
much towanla making Klamath Kalla haa apoken. ho haa Iwen warmly re­
the Water t*M-r» A»s>«-iati"n lr.>m this power plant the last of thi, week. The
a lively «wnter «luring the attauing »ea- ceived and hi, addresses have been
valley attend the annual meeting to be foundation was practically compleied
Should Be Reorganized
held in Klamath Fall,, next r>aturday. last Fall so tliat the building will be
•oti, Il alao will la» hri|<x| In no amall | heard by crowd, far greater than usual­
ly gather to hear a political addreaa.
It is the duty of even- member of tbe erected at once.
<!• give by the railroad r«mattQcdon and |
aeeocialion to attend this meeting, and
a Mr. fake la an able ,|>eak,r —force­
by mi me rou« other Impruvementa con« ful in delivery and wonderfully rlear in game,, playerl in the Houston opera, to ask fur tbe early completion of this
A sure indication that Spring is at
t«mplatr«l by the lai go enterprise« ul ,-xpr. »»ion
ilia tulka are unique In house last Fridry night, brought to a project. On the other hand if we are hand, is that the Pelican, are migrat­
Large fl cgs pa-s over the city
The work to |»n dona by that they differ ao widely from a politi­ cluse a contest that has practically dis- not interested lhe Government 1» i.ot
dailv en mute to tbe fishing place, on
Moorv Brog, «»n their power plant, th#
<lo, a he resort to crimination of any reputed the high school. This stale of but will help those project, where the the Vpper Lake.
projM>»wi| Improvement on lhe Hot kind. He tall, what he haa to aay in a affairs has demonstrated the imper­ l«op|e are interested and clamoring fur
J. II. Hamilton returned Thursday
spring« and Ktiena Vi«ta tract«, and clear logical way—a way that appeal, ative necessity of a thorough re­ thia money. It’s up to the people.
from Ashland where be went to meet
the construction of two reawrvnire by •trongly to tha people.
organization of the county', institution.
There are a good many tn this pre­ his sister, who was enroute here from
"One feature of Mr. fake*, addreaa The time ha-, come when the high cinct wtio have not vet registered, and New Brunswick. Canada she expect,
the Light and Water (‘«»mpauy will give
employment to a large force of men ami
it they don't register before the 7th of to remain in Klamath Fall,.
hearer,, i, hia puaition with reference Khrxrl ahould have at it, head an edu­
give a«N«iran<e that all manlier of buai to tha election of United State, sena­ cator of more than local repute and April they will m»t Ire aide to take part
I*. T Oliver ha, erected a temporary
io the primary election, which ie of
nei* will flourlalt during I90&.
tor,. Mr. Cake believe, in the people average ability.
more importance than the general elec­ sai-itarium on the Hut Springs tract
aielhas srrange-l It m that he can take
Included in the Klamath llecla- anti consequently believe, in the elec-
The person se ecled should be a man of tion in June; best.lea it will dc|>
He de­
ination Project i» the <on»tiuct|uii of a lion of aenator, by the people
them of the pamphlets explaining tbe nut mud bath, which he think, will lie
clare, that if elected, he will ,upta>rt a practical experience with wurk of thia different measures that will come before a sure cure tur In, rheumatism.
Urge |H>wer plant, and a force of men federal amendment providing for the kind. He ahould be a College man. and >
Bids on the South Branch canal were
ate no* building a turnout Iruni the popular election of United State, sena­ yet not possessed of the narrow view , the people fur their consideration.
Reno «anal just alrovc die large power tor,. In thia connection h. recite, the that too often handicap, them. 1 he high | J. G. Swan, aspirant for the numina opened at Portland at 2 p m. yesterday.
The local office has receive! no advice,
plant being put In by Moore Bru«. The hiatorv of tha people to achieve thia school board should go into thi, matter I tion ol county school superintendent, ! regarding tbe same It is understood
was in the valley last Friday
I a year, and year,, vartoua ef­
government plant will not I m * Imilt un* fort, have Ix-en made by tne people to moat thoroughly and not permit senti­ Swan is a very pleasant man to meet, I that several bid, sere submitted.
til newt year, but the turnout in Itring elect their own aenator,. and tie ahow, ment or friendly relation, to interfere and judging fr.-m the stand and the in­
W II Shook i, in the city from hie
c«>ni*trii<*lc«l at till* tint** to «void m««k* that there ia , pr .vi.ion in lhe Cun,tl- with the discharge of a sacred duty. tereat he lias taken during the last five Dairy ranch. He says aside from the
years in educational lines d«u>onsirau-a
itig a brmk in the canal when it 1« com« tution at thi, time for ao doing.
The high school can be made one of the his alulitv beyond <f<ml>t to handle the fact everyone is very busy workiag in
"Thi, subject. however, according to
the fields there is nothing new in hi,
Mr. Cake, i, not the overshadowing leading institution, of the ,tate, or it position for which he aspires.
neigh burtiuod.
The Klamath projet t I nv hi dew a num* feature of the campaign The election may be left where it I, today, an insti­
Ed Miller, who has been spending the I
J.G. Pierce and family returned Mon­
tier of pumping atatlona ami the power of United State, aenator, must prevail tution divided against itself.
winter with his brother, John, in th«
t«> be generate! by die large plant will cv.-nlunlly, but the need, of Oregon
The Republican h s no quarrsl with valley, has employment with Mr. El­ day night from their extenied visit
throughout the East
They report a
bo uaetl in o|x*radng threw alation«, and th« maintenance of Republican the faculty of the high school.
It ler, of Keno <-pi|ng», who is g-.ing t>> do very pleasan* trip, but nevertheless are
ptim-ipal, ,h"uld be the topic instead."
holds the members in the highest e,-!
w hb h will do • way with any additional
pleased to be at home again.
coat (or power, Tim plana lor dm plant I
Nevertheless, it is just as i
M»j-r C. E and W. 8. Worden have
J. Frank Adams, the horse buyer from
have md been made public, but it is
Working On Keno Canal strongly of the opinion that a vendition Merrill, was in the valley la-t Fridav returned from San Francisco, where
•laird that it will I n « at least twice dm
has arisen where i dividual,, singly , and Ks'k out a number of horses with thev were on busin,«,. The loruier tu
The Reclamation Service ha. for the and collectively, must step aside in the him Mr. Adams is a good judge of purchase »applies for the bank at Dorri,
• lie <>f the M««or»* plant which w ill give
it • capacity «»I neatly lfOO horm* power pa.t ten day, hail a »mall lorce of men interest of the institution, the success horses, a uice man to deal with and he and tlie latter on railroad business.
Babe Vinson, the daughter of Dave
l he «lie f<o tlm plant ia t n the wert employed on the Keno canal, and the of which i, of more importance to ths pays good prices.
S. A. I‘enn--y, who has had the F. W. Vinson, died at Bonanza Mondav night.
•Ide of Link Hiver, mar tlo old Breit«*»* uumla-r i, lieiiig gradually increa,ed. people of thi, county than the success
She was stnu1 eighteen years of age and
stein house, ami but a short diatanee AiWnal construction work I, now in pro. of any man. and it is *"ith thi, con­ Broadsword properly leased fora num­ was well known In the Upper country.
ber ol years, has leased Mrs. Wilson*,
gree, and by the time working «caeon viction that tne Republican urges tha
ftoin tlm Moore plant,
farm, at the south end of the v Iley, 1 he remains were laid to rest Tuesday
open, a large f rce will lie employed on thorough and complete reorganisation and has moved there to live.
tn tbe B-nanxa cemetery.
thi, part of the project.
of the affair, of the high »chool.
Mr, A. D. Miller and daughter, Con­
The Ladiee Aid Hoeiety met at the
Dance a Big Success
The men work eight hour, per day
home of Mr». Wiley Iasi Thursday. The stance, will retu.-n today from Port­
The Initial club dance Saturday night and receive 22 cent, an hour. So far no
society is steadily increasing iu meni- land, where they have been for several
bershtp and doing some efficient work. weeks, celled there by the illness of M rs
given by th, Klamath Kali, Military difficulty haa lieen experienced in get­
Church is Growing
Miller’s mother, who is nuw very much
lland »a« e< joyed nv nearly UN) sjiec- ting lalxirera, there twing enough appli­
A. R. Campbell ami sister, Stella, of improved.
The annual meeting of the congrega­ Klamath Falls, spent Saturday and
tally invited friend» o( lhe member, ul cant, to k«ep the crew up to the ileeired
Councilman John R. Stilts is the first
tion of the Presbyterian Church was Sunday at tbe home of their parents at
title popular <>rganixa)l«n. Aller eev- ■timber.
man to announce his candidacy for a
held in the churvli Monday night a|large Lorelia.
•ral week, of planing, rand pattering
city office, and at the earnest solicita­
Harry Stilts, the Klamath Falls tion of a large number of friend, he has
and waxing, lhe dancing hall wag, Warren n. Kingdom arrived in the ami enthusiastic number answering to
city Tliuraday en route to hi, home at the roll call. Re|a>rt, were heard from butcher, was in the valley looking at consented to accept a nomination for
brought to n alate of peitectlou and Fort Klamath. He had been vinting
some cattie .ast week.
tlie mayoralty.
the officer- of the church and of the
every one present »a< euIhti.iaalic in relative, in Montana.
Geo. D. Grin e is the sn-ond man to
various organixati ms of the church
announce him>eli for tbe office of may­
Road at fit. Hebron
Thirty-five new meinlwn were received
or, Ins friend« having prevailed upon
dttrii g the year. Nearly tw-- thousand | The steel gang on the California him to enter the race. He is one of the
dollars was contributed in various way, Northeastern arrived at Mt. Hebron city’» business men, and enjoys a wide
forchu'ch work and benevolences. The Monday evening, and within a very and favorable acquaintance.
memliership <-f the auxiliary organisa­ lew day, the terminus of the new ioa.1
The Hamilton horse will lie started to
tions was rei>orted as follows:
Sunday will tie established at that p-mt. The Silver Lake tomorrow to be returned to
School, 15M; Ladies Aid Society, 40; work on the road i, being rushed and it lheoaners. Dunean A Son, from whom
it was st-dvil bv the murderer. The
Christian Endeavor S wiely, 83.
is very probable that it will reach the -a híle has »ot been found, but Deputy
To fill vacancies on account of expired water early in lhe Fall, ami poesildy tn Sheriff Bchalhx'k expect, to make an­
turm», Alex. Martin, Jr. was elected time (or the Harriman lamily iu make other seat ch for it.
Trustee anr. Messi». J. B. Mas-m ami J. tlie initial trip when they come to Peli­
Chas. MeCumlier is in the city from
G. Swan Elders of the church. Rev. can Bay tills Summer.
Ins Yunna valley ranch
lie -ay« he
Geo. T. l’ratt wa, elected Pastor for an­
good reasons for my success in the
Remarkable progress is living made has lieen t- o busy putting in his grain
other year al a largely increased salary. on the 'shoo fly” ami those who have
Jewelry Business-»-
mid coiiMspiently knows nothing, ex­
The business of the evening being over, come over the line just recently say that cept ih»t th>- country could stand a
a reception »a» tendered the new mem­ they a>e utily convinced tliai lhe road gissl tain. He will lie in town for
ber, amt refresh.iient, were served by will lie in thi-city this Fall. The'fwrce, several ilays on laud I'ltsiiiess.
the ladies.
at work thi« side of Dorri, are also mak­
About eighty head of government
ing a splendid showing and by the tune hone, that have lieen wintered at Bly
brought in vesterdav and are now
the grade »cross the bill is built they
Case Finally Decided
being put iu sha|ie for the season’s
will have must of the road bed com­ work. Most of the horses will lie used
A decision of very great importance to pleted to the water’s edge. If the dike on the Keno canal and in hauling risk
Klamath Falls, as well as to individuals, across the marsh is ready for rails and for the foundation for tbe Lost river
was given in tbe United States District ties by till. Fall there will tie no cause flume.
Court at Portland. Oregon, on the 27th for delaying the completion of tbe road
The Klamath Falls Tranaportation
¡Company will begin hauling freight
ol thia month. JuAfe Wolverton, of until next Spring or Summer.
from Mt. Hebron on April 3th, it lieing
that court, decided that Win. A. Wright
definitely announced that trains will
and tlte Hot Spring, Improvement Com­
run to there on that date. This com-
Will View Site
pany are the owners in fee simple of the
|iany has announced a reduction in
County Judge Griffiith and Commissi­ rates, lint the directors will meet next
Hot Springs iract at Klamath Falls,
The only place to get Phonographs, with a written
oner, Meili,se and Walker will go to week and at the meeting the matter of
formerly known as lhe Brook, ranch.
gun runt,« for one year.
lower rates will lie considered.
W. A. Wright and Attorney, Drake tlm Upper Gap next Monday to view cations are that the shipments over the
and Mill,, who have been in Pdftland the site for the proposed bridge at tliat new road will lie heavy thi, season, as
or Mime time on this matter returned place. It I, generally reconixed that a numerous parties have already aake-l
bridge ia needed at that place, but the for rates on carload lota.
heme last night.
one heretofor considered was too ex pen­
Mail Route Inspector F.W. Vaille was
sive to warrant it, construction at this in the city Friday, hi, business here be­
ing in connection with the establish­
cluded to ,pi over the gr< itnd to see if it ment of a mail route via Bray. In con­
Notice is hereby given that there are is not possible to find a site in that im­ versation with Postmaster Emrnitt Mr.
fund, in the City Treasury to pay all mediate vicinity where a bridge can la- Vaille stated that he would recommend
Republican Block
warrant, protested on and prior to May put in for lea, money.
the establishment of a special mail ser­
6, 1906. Interest will cease from this
Court convenes again on the Oth of vice via Bray and also the discontinuance
April, ami at that time some definite of the service via Pokegama. Thi, rec­
action will be taken on this matter. It ommendation ia made on condition that
J. W. Siemens,
City Treasurer.
iw very proluihle that the bridge will la- the mail is to lie carrie«I for a certain
Dated April 2. 1908.
built till, yMr.
figure, nut mad« public at thi, time, and
Big Power Plant to be
Constructed by Recla­
mation Service
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Prof. J. <>. Hwan wa, a caller at Dairy
Saturday and Mumiav getting acquainted
with the voter*.
Prof. Cooper, principal of the Bonanza
school, was in [Miry r-aturday. He re­
port, a g«'»l interest in school at Bo­
John Pool, C. If. McCumber, Manuel
Viera and others from the upper end of
Yunna Valley, were in Dairy Naturday.
Mrs. J. A. Jone is making her hu»-
band a visit in Klamath Falls.
Freight Magnates to Reach
Conclusion on Who
Will Remain
Again the power, that b, it, local
i transportation matter,, will meet in
T. A. Turnage ha, moved his family
to Dairy in order to be convenient to .conference with Sontharn Pacific offi­
school. They occupy tbe Obenchain cial, in Nan Francisco to determine up­
on a freight service for thi, city. The
Excavations are made and the rock meeting will occur within the next few
delivered for the foundation of I. F. ' days, and will be attended by represen-
Davies new store building.
[ tativre of tbe McIntire Tran,portati»n
Rev. Barnes walked Irom Bonanza to Co. and the Klamath Fall, Transport*»
preach to the Dairyi’«, Sunday. He is
a good speaker and deeerve, a larger at­ tion Co Capt. J. M. McIntire will
repremnt the former and il is under­
tendance than that of last Sunday.
stood that W. R. Davis will be there to
John Hibbert wa, delivering ■bingle«
to I. . . Davies today. The contract i, look out for the latter company. Thi,
fur I MX).
conference is held at the requeat of the
Prof. Hal I went sporting on Swan Lake Soathern Pacific, and is for the purpose
Saturday. He hasn't told u, what luck of securing a through freight service to
be had, and fur that reason we think he thi, citv, which is very much desired by
got duck-ed.
the railroad company. Tbe California
A good sized bunch of Government Northeastern will beat Dorris on May
horses passed through [Miry on Mon­ 1st, and if the Southern Pacific has it,
day. We take this as an indication that
they will non be put to work on tbe nay about it the Pokegama line will be
discontinued at that time. A through
rate, whereby the Southern Pacific will
Rev. Barne, will preach in Dairy deliver freight at the store do- r or
April 5th. Everybody invited.
warehouse, will go into effect at that
Rev. Haines will preach io Dairy lime over lhe new road. The confer­
April 12th. Come everybody.
ence between the railroad officials and
Mrs. Viera and child have been quite
the local transportation company mana­
■iik with grip, but are improving.
ger, ia to determine which company
Mr. and Mr,. W isemen, of Bonanza, will haul tbe freight from Dorri, to thi,
were visiting at il. S. Oden, Sunday.
city for the Southern Pacific.
If the McIntire Company should be
Keno Items
selected then it i, very probable that
J. I. Padget*. ba, sold all of hi, Keno the Pokegama rout, will be discon­
property but live lot,, which be holds in tinued, but if the other company i,
He has moved to Ashland choeen it i, bard to tell what will be­
where be trailed for some town property.
come ol that line. The two companies
II he ibofild nut like Ashland he will re­
turn to Keno onto bi, rraerved town teem to be at dagger, point, »nd it ha,
lieen Mid that there can be no mutual
Mr«. Pratt is having a good run at her ground. McIntire propose, to haul be­
tween thi, city and Dorris by team, the
Im tel.
H. Snowgoose is offering three fine plan, of the other company are to haul
I to Teters Landing and then to transfer
young breeding jack, for sale.
Brice McCormick had a stroke of pa­ to water, bringing tbe freight into this
ralysis on the left side of hi, face, but is city in one day, bat arriving here in the
slowly improving.
'• evening, perhaps to late for delivery.
The Forest postoffice will be discon­ The McIntire team, would arrive here
tinued Apnl 1st.
| early the following morning so the time
Harry Wall ha, taken hi, team, to would be practically the same. In us-
| ing the boat service it will be necessary
Mt. Hebron to work.
R. W Tower, Sam Padgett and U. E. I to handle the freight four time,, while
Reader have each bought town lot, of I with tbe through team, it will be necee-
J. L. Padgett. These lots are well lo­ »ary to handle it only twice. Thi, may
make some difference in the cost of
John Dyer has gone to Ashland on a > transporting freight, and petition, cir-
j culated by a representative of the
; McIntire Company show that a major
Bishop Sells Out
I ity ot the merchant, signing the Mme
B. St. Geo. Bishop has »ol-l hi, large * are in favor of having their freight
furniture store to W. H. Doi beer, of > brought through by team if the rate is
Seattle, who took pomes,ion ol the busi­
’ not higher than by team and water.
ness yeeteiday evening.
Mr. Bishop will not engage in any bux­
ines« until after lhe primary election,
Shipping Season Closes
and if he should receive the democratic
nomination for sheriff he will then make
Lewi, Gerber has returned from Mer­
a strong campaign to h, e'ected to tbe rill, wliere be went to start bis last
shipment of beef cattle for Montague.
There were 285 head in the drove, and
. their deetination is Sacramento.
Owing to numerous inquiries, for in­
Mr. Gerber say, the C. bwanston Co.
formation. and a place to purchase
stock, have made arrangements to pro­ still has 230 head at the Fred Stukel
vide such a place at Heitkemper's jew­ ' ranch, and that all other beef haa been
elry store. Stock can be bought and shipped out of the basin. Since last
any informatit n regarding the company
can be obtained by calling on Mr. August about 24,000 head have been
driven through Merrill. The prevail-
Heitkemper at any time.
< ing price ia 7 cent, for steer, and 6 cent,
1 for cuw.
Stockmen throughout the country
There will be a CANDIDATES BALL have turned out their herd, on the open
at Keno on the evening of April 14. range, and if rein, cume shortly th,
spring feed will be exceptionally good,
Everyone ia cordially invited to attend i according to Mr. Gerber, who is con­
Ticket^ including supper, $2. 3-19 4-9 sidered authority on the stock industry.
The Klamath Oil Co.
Get Busy
// / do not lead, why
do others follow.
Reliable Work, in all lines.
New and Up-to-date High
Grade Goods.
Reaso.iable Prices.
Responsible Guarantee.
Lastly, the money back, if
‘ you are not satisfied*
• G.Heitkemper.Jr.
We Do Picture Framing
We have just received a complete line of
Picture Frames and Moulding
Let us frame tha‘ picture of yours. Prices reasonable
Our Responsibility Ends When You are Satisfied
Klamath Valls
Furniture Rouse
StKcesaor to R. /T. Boiler