Making Aftacument Assessor J. p. Iae has started in mak­ FROH OUR EXCHANGES Municipal Ownership Urged CANDIDATES’ COLUMN {Merrill Record) County Treasurer I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Republican voters at the primary election, April 17, 1908. lui|H>rtant suggestions and recoin- meiidaltone are carried in tbe annual County Assessor report ot tbe state board ot health I hereby announce myself as a candi­ which lias just Isseii prepared and dis­ T. W. STEPHENS tributed, In tbe report tbe board date for nomination on the Republican ticket for County Assessor, of Klamnth givee the reeult of investigations wlileh County, subject to the decision of the I respectfully announce myself as a A sees »or and that it le properly taxed. pect tor the coming year lor Merrill, have been made during the past year voters at ths primary election. candidate for the office of Treasurer of Klamath Coun'y, on ths Democratic Ill order to keep the title of your prop­ Contractor Harrow« says he Is figuring on different subjects, while at the same BERT E. WITHROW. ticket, subject to tbs decision of the Ilins directions and recommendations erly dear it will have to appear ou the i ou five al the present lime, voters at the primary election. Jllliel are given for tlie lietteiineut of condi­ J hereby announce myself as s candi­ CLAUDE H DAGGETT. tax IsMika and tlie lairs paid, so there i Ivory will probably build on his lot tions generally in tbe hiallb and sani­ date for the Republican nomination as is nothing to gain if ilia Assessor should adjoining tlie school pro|ierty, and is tation of the state at large. Assessor of this countv, subject to the I announce myself a candidate for will of the votere at, the primary elee- accidentally overlook it. If every pAip- now iencing it. The water supply and sewage systems tion, April 17, 1908 tbe Republican nomination for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the of the state are disuiseed and the board erty owner would give thie matter hie E. W. GOWEN. L. Hhsnks, recently of Portland, has action of the voters at the coining gives as its opinion that as tbe popula ­ liereunal a Ite nl ion when requested lodo liouglil tlie Mrs. I.. M. Carr place near primary election. tion grows it is becoming more and 1 hereby declare myself a candidate ao by the Assessor, he wouldn’t have to this city. Mr. Nhanks knows s good C. C. CHITWOOD. more im|ierativo that tbe cltire ul tbe for the nomination for county asaeeaor du ao much kicking when lax paying thing when he sees It. He and a friend stale secure control of their water sye- on the republican ticket, subject t > the time comes. The fault is usually more { last week purchased tbe Turner place. teuis Municipal ownership of water decision ol Ilia voters at the primary election, April 17, 1908. I hereby announce myself as a can­ iila own than the assessors tor any mia systeme is imperative (or the proper Both places were sol I by E. E. Fitch. 8. B GARDNER. didate on the Republican ticket for the supplying of good pure water in the lake. Section 3070 of the tax law reads nomination for the office of Diet net E. E. Fitch has tired of the simple i growing towns. Attorney for Klamath and Lake coun­ as follows : County Clerk life and lias bought the city residence ties. subject to the decision of the Greit stress is laid upon tlie sewage Every Assessor shall require any par- j I hereby announce my candidacy for voters at the primary election. 1 of lleury Turner. ■ He will move his problem throughout tlie state, Il is the office of County Clerk, subject to sou liable to lie taxed in hie county and , FRED. H. HILLS. I family into town as eoon as Mr. Turner (minted out that tlie great increase in the Republican Primariee of April T7, to be assessed by him,and tlie managing population during tlie past few years 1908. i*an make arrangements lor a change 1 will be a candidate for tbe Repub­ C. K. BRANÜENBLRÜ. has overlsxed the sewer syetems In op­ agent or oiticer of any corporation or as- . lican nomination for the office of Prose­ ’ Mr. Turner baa purchaaed ten acres cl eration generally throughout tbe state aoclatlou liable to be taxed in bls couuty | cuting Attorney for the Second Prose­ N. 8. Merrill along tlie river front and and has made them inadequate to the 1 hsreby declare myself a candidate cuting Attorney District of the State and to be assessed by him, to furnish for thè nomination tur County Clark un «ork demanded ut them. of Oregon, consisting of the counties of will build at once. thè Regublican ticket, aubject to thè such assessor a list of all tbs real estate i On the other band tbe increase of decision of thè voterà at thè primary Klamath and Lake. F. R. Merrill lias lieen limplug sruund D. V. KUYKENDALL. ol such pereou,corporation or assodatici! sewage led through tbe systems and out election. with his left arm disabler! as a result of C. R. DeLAP. ' into tbe most convenient streams has in situate In IPs county liable to taxation, an effort to outdo his domestic cow In a many instances uieusced tbe waler sup­ 1 am a candidate for the Democratic and a list of all the personal property of : I hereby announce myself as a can­ nomination for Prosecuting Attorney I tug of war. At the signal boeay took plies of cities and towns snd laid the such person, corporation or association didate for nomination to the office of of the Second Prosecuting Attorney the lead and literally dr agger I her op- population in danger of infection and County Clerk, subject to action of District of Oregon, comprising Klam­ liable to laiattou in Ibis state and shall epidemics of diseases. It is recom ­ Democratic voters at the primary ath and Lake counties. 1 |moent across the dead line Mr. Mer­ require sudi person, managing agent, or W. J. MOORE mended that the smaller towns take up election. rill aaya that if he had a turn around a W. A. DELZELL. ofilcer to make oath tlial.tolbs l>eet of hie I > tlie consideration of modern methode of ' lelrgrapli pule he could hold her. bands disposal of sewage, and septic lank sys­ knowledge and belief,such list conlaiusa I down. tems are suggested as a partial solution I respectfully announce my candidacy ull and true account of all ita or liit prop | I hereby announce myself as a candì for re-election on the Republican ticket L. J. Rose, Jr., of Oxnard, Ventura ' ol the trouble at least. srty lialde to 1« taxed in such county; j During tlie year tlie board has made date for nomination to the office of to the office of County School Superin­ , county, Cal., pasaeti through Merrill County Commissioner, subject to tbe tendent, subject to the will of the vot­ end if any person shall refuse to e ap« ial investigation of conditions decision of the voters st the Republican ers at the primary election. IV rd need ay night Mr. Roae lies pur­ existing tn the schools and other simi ­ J. G. WIGHT. furnish such list, or to swear to the primary election, to be held April 17, chased several head ol young uiulee and lar institutions ut the stale. As a r>* 1908 same when required so to do by the C. J. SWINGLE, will take them to his California home, suit ut three visile various rmxjfufuen* I hereby announce myself a candi­ aeseeeor, such ¡lereon aliali (erteli and Lorella, Ore. date for nomiratioo on the Republican lie will add to the number at tbe Davis det tons have ta-en made leading to ticket, for County School Superinten­ pay to the assessor, for the use ol the ranch, making in all a hundred, lie better ventilation, plumbing and 1 hereby announce myaelf as a candi­ dent of Klamath County, subject to county, tlie sum |60, which sum may be eral sanitation. date for the nomination for tbe office of the decision of the Republican voters has Irern buying horses and mules in (xHinty Commissioner on the Democrat­ at the primary election. recovered by action in any court having this country, curl says Oregon ha* the ic ticket subject to the decision of the J. H HOBBS jurisdiction ol mettere ol debt or con­ Missouri for Hughes voters at the primary election. beet horses ou earth. S. T SUMMERS. tract to the amount of 450. Hhould any I hereby announce myself a candi­ Republican cqaventkins held ou th« date for the nomination for County such person, managing agent, or officer, call of the chairman of tlie Missouri School Superintendent, for the consid­ (Bonanza Bulletin] State Senator when eo requited, refuse to furnish and eration of the Repubbcan voters at the state committee in tbe Eleventh and 1 hereby submit my name to the Re- primary election. I.. J. Roes passed through Bonanza to swear to such list the aeseeeor shall J. O SWAN Twelfth Congressional districts Io elect Biblican voter» for joint senator from lamath, Lake and Crook counties at ascertain ths taxable pnqwrty of such Wednesday morning with 62 bead of delegatee to the National convention the primary election to be held April County Sheriff person, corpuraticn, or association, and mules which be purchased of John adopted resolutions indorsing Governor I hereby announce myself as a candi­ Having faith 'ully represented thia shall appraise the same from the best Welle, of Bly, paying |106 a Lead tor Cbarlee E. Hughes, ol New York, for district in the last session of the legis­ date for the nomination on the Repub­ information to be derived from other them. They were lieing driven to Mer­ the next President. and Die delegates lature. and since the senatorship has, lican ticket for the office of Sheriff of rill, where be has >2 bead which be for this term, been conceded to Klam­ Klamath County, subject to tbe de­ sources, elected from the Twelfth were instructed ath, 1 again ask for the favorable con­ cision of the coming primary election. purchased last tail from the 70 ranch in W. B. BARNES. for him, and are the first delegatee to be sideration of the voters of thia Sena­ Drews valley. He will atop at the Da­ torial district. Respectfully. Mt. Hebron 1> Growing instruct»! for tlie New York executive. vie ranch and gather up 30 bead more GEO H. MERRYHAN Olene, Ore., Feb. 1, 1908. J F. McGuire, the postmaster and that he purchased from Mr. Davit on I The resolutions adopted by tbe two I hereby declare myself a candidate merchant of Mt. Hebron, arrived in the for the office of Sheriff for the consid­ conventions indorse tlie alministrtaion I hereby announce myself a candi­ Ins trip out to lily. He will theu drive eration of the Republican voters at the, city last evening. He Matas that Ml. <4 President Roosevelt and indorse Gov­ date for Joint Senator from Klamath, primary election. Hebron is growing fast, and the country to Montague, where ho will ship to Ca­ Lake and Crook counties on the Re­ B. S. ORIOSBY. ernor Hughes as “a candidate whom we publican ticket, subject to tbe decision becoming thickly settled with farmers nard, Cal. He also had several ponies A new restaurant and blacksmith shop which ho is taking along with him, as believe can be relied on to follow up the of tbe primary election. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for L. F. WILLITS. have recently been eetabiislied in the he says they will sell tor enough to pay work en ubly and fearlessly inaugurated the nomination of Sheriff of Klamath town and another hotel completed and County, subject to the action of the tor tlie shipping of the mules.—Bulletin. by the present administration,’* and I hereby announce myself a candidate Republican voters at the primary elec­ opened up by the Weed Lnmtier Com continued: for Joint Senator from Klamath. Lake tion, April 17lh, 1908. pany, who have lumber yards at that In I he selection of a auccveeor to Presi­ and Crook couatiee, on the Republican WM. MARTIN. place. Oregon Sheep ticket, subject to the decision of the dent Roosevelt we believe the party'e primary election. The rails will be laid to Mt. Hebron H. L. HOLGATE. Need No Dipping choice should fall upon a candidate who within ten days, and right of way tor tracks at that place Is 430 feet wide and Al a called meeting of the Kiard ol stands for the “square deal" and for tbe For Joint Representative a mile lung. The company plans about Sheep Commissioners held at Pendleton unwavering application of these poli- To the Republicans of Klamath. 12.0U0 feel of sidetracks. This is a greater space than le rrserved at Dorris a proclamation was issued declaring the ciee which insure the greatest individ- Lake, Crook and Grant counties: I wish to inform the Republicans of or any other town along the line. Ac­ annual dipping lor tbe Spring of 118)8 UB] freedom consistent with tbe public Klamath, Lake. Crook and Grant cording to Mr. McGuire, Mt. Hebron is unnecessary and that It need not be ob- safety. countiee constituting the Twenty-first Representative District of O regen, that to tie a ehipping point tor cattle. The served Ko believing we indorse Hon. Charlee my name will be presented for your railroad will build stockades and there According to the report made bv State £. Hughes, Governor of New York, as a consideration at the primary election IN CONNECTION WITH is plenty of teed at thie point. Slieep Inspector Lytle and Dr. S. W. ' candidate tor the Republican nomina­ to be held April 17, 1908, asking your The Yreka Chamber of Commerce has suffrage for one of the Republican nominees for joint representative in established that there are 200,000 acre« McClure, head of the Bureau of Animal tion tor President. said district, to be ballotted for on of land tn Red Rock valley, which is Industry in tlie Northwest, the state is June 1, 1908. near Ml Hebron. When Mr. McGuire practically tree from scab, A few cases H. A. BRATTAIN, Provides for Townsites first went there ten 1« mil lee constituted were reported in the Willamette Valley Paisley, Oregon. the settlement. Today there is not a Senator Hepburn of Idaho has bad re- early in the Winter, but these have all homestead left. When the poetoffice ' (erred to tbe senate committee un irri- To tbe Republicans of Klamath, was flrot started it averaged lees than beeu attended to. In Umatilla County, i gat ion a bill likely to find considerable Lake, Crook and Grant counties. a half of a sack of mail and now they where two yeare ago there were 60,000 I wish to inform the Republicans of I favor and excite interest in some of the Klamath. have tour full sacks. Lake. Crook and Grant head of ecabby sheep, there is not a western elates, insomuch as it provides counties, constituting the Twenty-first single case of scab today. Tlie only case Representative District of Oregon, We cannot be, al the same time, kind reported lately in Eastern Oregon was a for townaitea in connection with projects that my name will be presented for ami wary; nor can we nerve tao mas­ your consideration at the primary elec­ band of 175 bucks in l-ake County, and undet the reclamation act, as well as tion to be held April 17. 1908, asking ters,—love and selflslineM. the construction of the schoolhouses your suffrage for one of the Republican Leave Thrall....................... 3.00 P.M. these have now been dipped. nominees for joint representative in Wireless telegraphy was unthought Arrive Pokegama............... 5.06 P.M. The Commission made a regulation and for munici|>al improvements. said district, to be ballotted for on Ils enacting clause empowers the sec­ June 1, 1908. of but a few years ago and would have requiring railroads shipping sheep into Leave Pokegama ................ 7.00 A.M. H. P. BELKNAP, been thought a thing impossible; yet the state to notify the secretary of the retary of the interior to withdraw from Arrive Klamath Falls .... 5.00 P.M. Prineville, Oregon. the other day tlie fleet down on the Board of Slieep Commissioners eo tbe public entry any lands needed tor town­ Leave Klamath Falls every morning Pacific ocean off Ixiwer California, sent animals can tie ins|>octed. A resolution site purposes in connection with irriga­ County Surveyor connecting with Klamath I.ake I hereby announce myself as a candi­ a message to Pensacola, Florida. It is was also passed favoring a bounty law tion projects under the reclamation act train which leaves Pokegama date on the Republican ticket, for an age of wonders, but greater wonders for the slate of Oregon, holding that it of June 17, 1902, and to survey and County Surveyor of Klamath County, at 6 P. M. arriving at Thrall subdivide the same into town lota, with subject to the decision of the voter« at may yet be disclosed. at 8: 20 P. M. is necessary fur tlie protection of tlie appropriate reservations for public pur­ the primary election. sheep industry. The Commission will The largest award of damages ever MELVIN D. WILLIAMS. ifies. The tots so surveyed are to be brought by a jury In an Oregon court use Its best endeavors to secure the pas. sold at publieauction to the highest bid­ was returned al Eugene in the case of sago of such a law al the next session of — ————— der tor cash, from time to time, as may M. Doyle against tlie Southern Pacific the Legislature. be deemed advisable by him. ing tlie assessment of the property tor r John lietllff sold Ills place this week the year IVtm. Now le the time tor the i to Dau VanBrluiuisr for a consideration properly owners to see lliat a complete > ot 4125 |*r sere. list of their property is given to the I There are several buildings In prue- Prosecuting Attorney County Commissioner Diiily M ason ì S lough Paved streets tor all the business sec­ at Divide, a small station in bane coun­ tion of Granta Paas and macadam or ty aliout 24 miles lielow Eugene. A cruahed rock tor many of the residence verdict of )45,000 was brought in favor streets are now assured. The city coun­ of the plaintiff. cil has voted the paving, and steps to­ Parker station, the half way house be­ ward contracts are now being taken. tween Ashland and Klamath Falls, has bean leased to L. P. Brlttaan of Ash­ The Marion County Democratic Cen­ land, who will remove the at reonce. tral Committee met Monday afternoon Mr. Brittaaii b lievee that there will be heavy traffic over this roulj this sum­ and decided to put a full ticket in the mer and is preparing for the accommo field, indoreed Statement No. 1 and launched the name of Governor Cham­ dalion of the travel. That the spread of tuberculoais io caused by lack of freeh air in modern life and poorly ventilated sleeping apart­ ments among people of the present gen­ eration, was a declaration made by Dr. J. L. Eaton, of Bismarck, Mo., presi­ dent of the lioard of managers of the state sanitarium, in an address before the Sonthwost Missouri Medical Asso­ ciation. “The fresh air ¡weapon is the most effective means of fighting the dread disease,’* declared Dr. Eaton, “and it io tlie defensive instead of the of­ The Ashland Commercial Club is ser­ berlain as a candidate tor United States fensive stand which we must take.*’ iously dijjjjussing the matter of Inaugur­ Senator, ating a stock sales or market day once a Notice But one punishment is possible tor month or as often as should prove feasi­ December 1st—One brown pony mare Harry Orchard under the plea of guilty ble. This plan is beooming a regular with oval brand on left shoulder, about feature in several eastern Oregon towns bs made in the district court at Cald­ 4 years old. One black mare with and is proving a most successful way of well. He will lie sentenced to be hangod white strip in face and white hind feet, One mouse­ attracting people to the town and put­ for hie crime. Orchard will not ask tor ebout three years old. color mare with narrow white atrip in ting naw life into bualnses. mercy and says be will bo ready to pay face, about two yeare old. One bay mare colt coming two yeare old, has Tbe Initiative and Referendum act the penalty. four white feet, small spot in forehead has been attacked by the Pacific States and on nose. J. C. BEACH, Klamath rails, Or. Tel. A Tel. and the case will go to the The bill passed by the Senate provid­ 2-19-9-19 Supreme Court for their decieion as to ing for tbe participation of this govern­ ths validity of the law. The outcome ment in the international exposition at Public of this case is ot greatest importance to Tokio, Japan, in 1912, has been amended The Free Public Library is open every Oregon, since It involves ths validity of a number of lews, among them tbe local by the house committee on industrial evening from fiilO to 10 o’clock; and option law, direct primary law and all arts apd expositions, making the amount Saturday and Sunday afternoons from the laws enacted under tbe Initiative appropriated for tbe purpoee half a mil­ » to 6:90 o'clock. A cordial invitaUoti lion dollars instead of 4360,000. la extended to all- f •nd Referendum. Library ABSTRACTERS I A. oholoe line of invest- ments tlxfxt will moko tlxe purchaser money ! LUHBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, fiend sawing and Turning, Odd-Sued Doors and Windows a Specialty PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum­ ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made'up and ready for immediate de­ livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. Manager VV. O. MUSON, OUR SECOND «iron ot Tn condition ot The First trust I Savings Bank AT KLAMATH FALLS; la the Bats ot Oregon, al the close ot business, February 14. ISO« RESOURCES Ixiens and discounts.. ..4 29,170 80 Duo from approved reeerve banks...................... ........... 5.021 92 815 68 Eipeose Account... 600 00 Cash on band......... ............ T otal .. ... I 35,508 30 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in........... 4 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex 867 70 pensee and taxes paid .. Tima certificates of deposit 7,740 00 9,100 00 Savings deposits.................... t I 35,508 30 I S tats or O bboon , I C ocxty or K lamath I **' I, J. W. Siemens, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. simtsse, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of March, 1908. P. L. F ovxtais , Notary Public. CORRECT—A ttxst : G. W. Warrs, ) mr— lt ,™ Gao T. B aldwin , ) I T otal Since our organization as a Trust and Savings Bank on November 18, 1907, we have rendered to the State Exam­ iner of Banks two reports of our condition and been exam­ ined once by him. The Report speaks for itself showing a gain of 49,716.60 since our last report. We realise that the moot valuable asset of s Bank la that of public confidence and we furnish our depositors with every safeguard and protec­ tion for their funds, and shall continue to do so in the future as in the past Our books are always open for inspection by depoeitors. Klamath Falls, Oregon G. W. Warrs. PraMms O. T. B aldwin . Viss-Prsa J. W. S umsws Oatetar W. a. D wlssu . Asse. CSatew City Meat Market MEISS & ARMAND PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED HEATS SAU8AQKB OF ALL KINDS KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP M'» are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. Repair Work of all kind» done promptly. We guarantee all our work to 6« first class and at Satisfactory Prices. BETWEEN 6th and 7'* ON WALNUT Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages A. G. DUHME MASON & SLOUGH TIMBERLAND 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. KENYON A THOMPSON, PROPS. $ Maaufacturers of All Kinda of School Superintendent McIntire-Straw for the loss of both legs in an accident Long Lake Lumber Co Goods packed and shipped. Heavy freighting a specialty. Baggage orders given prompt at- tention. Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving. Phones-Office 871, Barn 671, Residence 646 Otflc« in First National Bank Building, S J £ k S LAKEVIEW, OREGON. Sut>aox*it>e for tixe