KLAMATH REPUBLICAN FROH OUR EXCHANGES Letter from Steve Herlihy KLAMATH COUNTY BANK We Lead In Cattle (Merrill Record) * K«H Hs«Taa, N. Y. Feb. 14. IlVfl. Oregon ifl ' te Ireding catlla state ofj KLAMATtt FALLS, OREGON the Northwest: lu tact, all litiee com Wallac« Baldwin was down from To thz Kniroa: ALEX MARTIN. President E. R. REAMED, Vice President Aa 1 promised you before leaving for bined, it I* the leading live slock state ol J E. J. Klamath Fall* thia week. ALEX MARLIN, Jr.. Cashier LESLIE KOGERB, Asst. Cashier the east that 1 would drop you a line 1 that section. It ha* lea* sheep than i Mr. J. Hartman and family of Klam thresglit I would do so now, though 1 Idaho: fewer horees aud uiulee than ath Falla have moved to this -ity. have been intending to do so lor some Washington, but is far aliead in it* ag Mr. and Mr*. A. T. langell and fam time. W* have just returned front Can gregate, as lar as value* are com-erne«] ada. We had a deliffbHill time, though Thia ia shown by a table of atatlalle* 8TATEMENT OF CONDITION AT THE CLOSE Ok BUNlNEHB ily wert Bonansa visitors last week. the snow 1» the deej>est they have ever prepare«) by the liepartment ol Agri DECEMBER Si, 1907 John and Jerome Whitney left Tues had it, and you know what that means, culture. DOLLARS PER YEAR day tor their sheep camp <n Modoc coun aud the thermometer registering forty msuimta Di* total live stock in Oregon on Jan ty’ degree* below aero. I visited the old uary I, 1908, was valued at »67.739.tkX) Loans an<l IMacounta................................. . ...... I 340.M0.80 All communications submitted for publication in the columns of this paper Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Demorest were place where 1 was born, and found very in Washington »49 IXtt.Otlt), and in Ida Honda anti Securities ................................. .......... tW.fc/ft.M will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume article« Klamath Fall* visitors Tuesday ami little change« in condition« now and ho. »33 107.MX». ............ l4.7M.lfl Real Katala, Buildings and Fixture* .... Ih* organisation ot the Portland then. 1 surprised tile people theie and will be published. Wednesday of tl.i* week. ........... IMI.247.UH elsewhere int’anada, bv the big potatoes Country Club and Livestock Aaaiwiation Cash and bight Kichanga........................... Rolwrt Hunsaker, Democratic candi- I brought with me. 1 had three« that ha< done «* lunch aa anything else lor date tor sheriff, was in the city thia weighed from five to seven pound* each. the devvlo|a*in<*nl of tine industry. The ».Mih.lMll.M For Square Deal Bristol to Investigate week looking after hie political fence*. They were th* largest they had ever movement looking to the organisation of U A Ml LITI K» Portland Telegram. I. D. Applegate, the Modoc Indian seen and would not have l>elieved me the aaeivlation had its Inception three Capital Stock, fully paid It seems to me that we, in thia por .. I 100.000.00 pweewu through inrvuan Meirill .Merrill •'•d I not tile evidence to back up my years ago. but It was not uutll the last Developments are pending in the mat-) war w*' veteran, veteran passed tion of the west ought to be a little .. 2l.7M.li I Surplus and Profit* ......... year that the plan materialised lu Spile ou hi* wav to the Tule 1-ake »tatement«. They could liardlv believe more 'rue to our principles and loyal to ter of the appointment of a new United j yesterday ' | .. 32.ÜÜÜ.IM outlet. their eyes and e»uld not understand of the tact that prominent buaineea men | Du* other Banka....... . the flag under which we march. If we .. , . . _ . . , how thev can grow ao large. They were not only of Portland, but throughout DbPOBITB...................... .. 431,»«6.46 are going to build up a great and pros States District Attorney, to succeed W. ac , * l , *‘ ¿ .v jty Measro. an4 K tl om w„ P»» re w‘ th |rt,ln I elic-sad up and will be planted in Canada the atate had backed the movement perous community, we must, right here, C. Bristol and unless something is ae- . ..................................... mb-,...» i— wUh ,h,t they will "deliver from the tlrat. «M3,049.61 ay down right foundations, and deal complished along these line* in W ash- | lllr Kalis this week looking over the the same kind of goods," but 1 am afraid A movement is now on foot bv stock with the elements fairly. ington very sooq, Bristol will appoint an country. I. Ales Martin, Jr., Cashier ol the above named Bank, do solemnly I there is only one section where they will men of thi« section, east of the Cas Louis Gerber and G. W. Offield went grow to perfection Klamath County. Not long ago a case was tried in your ! Assistant United States District Attor- cade». towards organising a Livestock swear that th* above statement is true to the lieel of my knowledge «nd believe courts, where a white man was accused The winter in Roeheater Iota l>een an aaeociatioa. covering Klamath. Lake and i ney, remove the present office force, ap- to Fort Klamath last week for the pur- Atal M ahtim , J r ., Cashier, of stealing a horse from an Indian. • poee of buying cattle. They returned : open one, but it lia« also l*>en very cold Crook i-ouiitie*. and no doubt it would The evidence was very clear and con 1 point a new force and initiate a lot ol empty handed Subacnlied and aworu to latlnre ma thia tttli day of January, 190S. *a the tmople tip there I at time*, going a« low as 15 d«<grees lie- result in a great Iwnifit to the stock in- clusive as to the guilt of the prisoner, so new Federal business which require* at .,---- ’ the gentlemen ------ >------- 1 fe]t I low aero. How doe« this cc'iujiarv with »silted more than duatry ol southern Oregon. (aiALj C. H. Wirnnow, that the lawyers on both sides, and even tention. It is rumored that if Bristol | like paying. what you are having in Klamath'* The Notary Public for Oregon. the judge acknowledged he was guilty. twople there do not appreciate what take thia step, which will not be en C. G. Merrill and A. T. l.angell will ' blessing» they have at home and seem Yetlhejurv relumed a verdict of in- Captain llansberry has sold out nocence It is said that oue of the tirelv satisfactory to the Oregon delega leave next week for Modoc county with I anxious to explore elsewhere. Well, if jurymen said, when he was being ex- tion, the Department of Justice nor the a bunch of eavelry horses to sell to a I thev will take tuv advice they will re interest In the steamer Winema to partner, J. H. Totten amined, that he would not believe the President, Bristol will appoint Walter government buyer in that county. i main in Klamath forever and ever. Messrs. Merrill and l.angell have «elect- word of an Indian. H. Evan* as hi* assistant. 1 ed the heroes carefully and expect to amen. Now wbat is an Indian to do if he We expect to leave here in a lew day* That Bristol is suspicious of traps be- realize a good price. They started in cau'tget justice in our courts: if he can't Guardian 5ala of Real batate 'for Washington, D C . aud from there A r inglaid for him was indicated when an . breaking Wednesday. get a square deal. we will start for the Fall«, stopping at a By virtu« of rq order of •*(• duly tuad« and 1 I few place* on the way. It is the first It is the policy ol the government to illegal fencing matter was calle«! to his entered by the County Court of th« Htate of , tune tn twenty years that 1 have been {Lakeview Examinerl cease upholding' the Indians upon their attention. A man named Bagby, ot Oregon, for thvCeunty of Klamath, on lb« 17th reeervation, but to allot them, and open Klamath Falls, made an affidavit that Mr». T. A. Caldwell, who lives on the ■ section, , ao you may day of ptctuber, IW7. aulhortaing. Ite«u«lng the rest of the lands to settlement. To there was a violation of the fencing law M. Wingfield ranch, near Adel, per imagine better than I can deacribe how and empowering me. a« th« guardian of th«, push them out to stand upon their owu formed one of the mo-t daring feats thqywnghly Mrs. Herlihy and myaelf are peraona and «atat«a of Mary Parkluaou, and feet, and to fight their own in the long in hi* territory and this affidavit «as Tuesday morning of thia week, that it enjoying our trip. We will probably Frank lK»w«y Parklnaou, minora, to tail al struggle of life A great many of us sent Bristol by an attorney named Kuy has been our experience to chronicle in reach Klamath Falls the first week tn private vale all th» right, ’it)« and tnt«r«al of 1 believe that thia is the beat way. and kendall. said to be a brother of former this country. Shortly after her hus March, and you may be sure we will be »aid minor» In and to the follow lug deterlb«d I are most hopeful as to the ultimate out State Senator Kuykendall. «-«- ■«< ■■■• day >,av ’* • glad to get back there, for while lie have property »ituate In the County of Klamath, band had left the lionae for his rem/’to i ,l,d • ,‘BI* *nU ’’Pl'P**' "',n' come. But what can the Indian do if Foils work on that morning, Tcorcite a coy< State of Oregon, to wit: Au undivided two* According to a friend of Bristol, the - he does not have a fair chance. If the I the chicken yard and made a th* . raid ...... - on ute, we nevertheleva feel that there ia M*\enth«, being an undivided oue aevauth In just one place that is a little tvtter than words and acta of an Indian are not to alleged scheme was to send the affidavit, the chickens- chickens IC... Mrs. Caldwell went w to • _‘t we have seen, and that is tvreat ea -h. (subject to an tinawlgiied <1ow«r lie taken and considered as the words which called for immoliate action, and chase the covote awav' not believing “>>.'»hing Interval therein > io and to the south half - th« ’ • a > -- k lamalh County. Klamath and acta of a man. if Bristol refused or neglected to proceed that cryote would tackle a person. But »•»uthweat quarter of the uurthvatt quarter With regaids, 1 am, Our government is baaeif upon the at once, on the theory that his tenure of she was surprised. when the thing took and lota on« (l|, two (>), three (TJ. four [4 ) and fact that all men are free and equal. It after her. She started to run. tripped | Very Truly Yours, five (5] of mvc G ou twenty eight (JIJ; th« north is our boast, in theee western commun- office is to expire any day, Bristol would and fell prone to the grouud. The cav- had of tho aoulbwett quarter; th« »ouihwvat S tkvk H khiihv . itiee, that every one has an equal be in the same box that John H. Hall ole jumped on top of her and sunk his quarter of toe «outhweat quarter, aud lot« on« chance. If he ia a man. and has the was, and likely to be indicted as Hall teeth in her breast She grabbed Mr. ( 11 ] and two ol section tweu«y sev«u (17J. all element* of manhood in him, he can was, for not acting promptly when the coyote by the throat and with * dead Grazing Lands in townahip thirty ulue (WJ suulh range »ev« come right here and have a fair show. gnp. choked it to deatn. The coyote's r eu (7Jra»t of the Willamette meridian, run Hne does not get much advantage here violation of the fencing law by the teeth were fastened in her clothing anil In its investigations for the improve twining uW.JO acres, I will from and alter th« on account of his position or his pedi Butte Creek Itand, Livestock A lumber she succeeded in overpowering him, and ment of grating lands within the nation 7th day of March. i*M. proceed io aell aud coy gree back east. No, it is the feeling of Company was brought to bis attention. | never loosened her grip until her des tlnue until «old. to »ell at private sal« for cash our people, and the spirit of our time, Bristol, however, if such a trap existed, perate victim was dead, and dead to al forests during the past year, the For tn baud, subject to the cuuArmalion of th« est Service han found that the ranges that every one, no matter what his stay._ The covote was skinned, and above named Court all the right, title and lu parentage, or hi* position, or his color frustrated it, for he started the machin Mrs. Caldwell undoubtlv will keep the on some of the forest* cannot be utilised tere«t which the said minor», or either of them COLONIST RATES from all parts ol the ery of the law this morning, and the i hide as a souvenir of the most blood fully because of the lack of a proper hav« lu aud to the Mid premise» may be, ia to have a asqure deal. water supply. Plans have been made United State* and Canada to all part* of And eepecially must we, right here government will be put to an expense ot curdling experience of her life. Applications for purchase tuay be made to lor bettering these condition« a« rapidly O. A Stearns, Klamath Falls. Oregon aud to and rifftit now. put thia into practice. about »1000 for investigation and other Oregon and the Northwest w III be put as possible. If the policy of the government is right, N.na Farkm»ou. guardian, Pato Allo. Cal. FARMERS OF HODEKATE MEANS Into effect by th* proceedings. This supposed trap, savs The method to tie adopted of cleaning we must meet and aid it. If the Indian Dated and drat publiturd Fvb 4. i*JR OFFERED RARE OPPORTUNITY out and protecting spring- and other ia going to be pushed out to stand upon the informant, is thought to have been MKA. NINA PARKINSON hi* own feet, give him a fair chance to laid by Bourne through friends. It is ! An unusual opportunity is offered the watering places will result in much Guardian of the person» and MiaiM of Mary stand. A square deal is all we want. even possible that Bristol will write , farmer of moderate means to secure a benefit 1« stockmen grasing on strips of Parkinson aud Frank l)««r«y Parkinson. ranges within the forests. —-and---- Let the words and conduct of an Indian minor«. 14 M Bourne on the subject. home in the Lakeside Tract located on be weighed and judged as a man simply. Since Heney came to Oregon in Janu- > the North shore of Tule Lake. The Ar man’s a man for a' that, for a' that. ary, Bristol has not visited the rooms land now offered for sale consists of HIRAM F. WHITE, sunnoNs (Lines In Oregon set aside for the United State* District 3500 acres of irrigable land lying under Allotting Agent In th« Circuit Court of the Stat« of Oragm, for Attorney. These room* were promptly the Adams canal, a part of the Klamath th- County of Klamath Mary J. Johnaun. Plain tiff, v« Chari«« Johnson. I pre-empted by Heney and bis assistants, Project, and admirably located along THE LAND MAN White and Defendant. Suit for Divorce. Bristol retired to hie private offices . the shore of the take. It is rich sage To Charlee J oh neon, th« above named Defendant In referring to the letter signed by in the Fenton block. After Heney de brush and grass land, part of it being in You are hereby required to appearand answer Hiram F. White, published above, bear- parted Bristol still avoided the rooms in cultivation. It will be sold in tracta to the complaint filed against you in the above on from the Principal Cities ot the Middle West List your land for sale with this ngi upon the jury’* verdict of acquit 1 titled suit, on or before Thu reday. tho 31th day . the Rale* Will Be as Follows: tal of a man accused of stealing a horse the Federal building and has never en suit purchasers and on satisfactory office; we have buyers tor all of March. 1WH. being the last day vf the time j from the reservation, George Noland, of tered any of the apartments, except the . terms. FROM FROM prescribed tn tho order tor the publication of this classes of Klama ’ . h County For particulars call on or address, J. the firm of Noland 4k Smith, who de one occupied by the stenographers when • - LW.ou CHICAGO - • • COUNCIL BLUFFS - - »30 00 mmnwru, th« first publication thereof being on i property. fended the person indicted, said : Frank Adams, manager Lakeside Com he has requested them to tile j«apers. the 19th day of February, lwn. and if you fail «o 1 ST. LOUIS • • - - LK.«* OMAHA.................................. »30 tw “The attorneys for the defense never pany, Tule Lake, Oregon. 10-17-tf to appear and answer, for want thereof tho plain • • Liu uo KANSAS CITY • ST PAUL............................... »30 00 The office ef Vnited States Attorney I said be was guilty, never acknowledged tiff will apply to tho Court fur the relief prayed be waa guilty and never thought he was ba* been drifting along, running itself, Corresponding rates from all other Eastern points. Stopovers fnr in the complaint heroin, to wit: For a decree i guilty. The evidence all went to show although Bristol has attended to Some dtaaoiving the bmd« of matrimony now existing The only acreage adjacent to at pleasure at all points in Oregon. that the man was innocent. I do not E. WHITLOCK between plaintiff and defendant and for tho care Klamath Fall* for aale in «mall think that the judge acknowledged that routine business which required action.! and custody of Juanita Ruth Johnson, a minor I ha Colo Blit Hat* I* the greatest of all homebuilder* Oregon has unlimited he waa guilty, and I doubt very much He ha* studiously avoided initiating new tracts. More than a score of UNDERTAKER child, tho Laus of said marriage, and tho coats resources and needs more people who desire homrs and larger opportunities whether be said so. The juryman he business, however, although there is a people have secured sites for and dhibursenkonts of this suit, and for sush AND EMBALMER apeak* of never said be would not be large amount of it accumulating. Bris other and further relief as to the Court may sas m home*. lieve an Indian under oath. The jury Holder of License No 29. j<ist and equitable. Oregon people can aceomplien splendid results by heralding thia opportunity man stated that hie experience with In tol’s stand is that inasmuch as he it Thia summons is serv*«d by publication thereof i to all the world Send Oregon literature g.ving good reliable information about dians was unsatisfactory. The juryman likely to be ousted any day, it was un KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON , m the Klamath Republican, by order of the Hon. referred to i* a good citizen and a fair- necessary to take up new business which | H L. Benson, one of the Judges of the First the state, far and wide. Call on the above railroads for it if necessary. are the best buy* on the market minded man. hi* successor would have to study up Judicial Diatrtct of the State of Oregon, made. “1 regret very much to have to notice I listed and tiled in this suit at Klamath Falls. Ore anything of this kind, but I feel under and carry on. Therefore, Bristol per gon. un the 12th day of February. 190M. which the circumstances it is necessary. As mits work to pile up and looks after only far as the Indian testimony is concerned, the winding un of old business. ■ mm J order requires that summons In thia suit ba Hare at home if desired. Any agent ia authorized to accept the required dapoait I will say that if some of those Iudians published <mce a week fur a period of six succes and telegraph ticket to any point. Call on any O. It. A N. or S. P. Agent, It hss come to such a stage, however, got their just deserts they would be that Bristol believe* ««jmeliiiiig must be sive and consecutive weeks from tho 11th day of or addrasa, prosecuted for perjury. : February. ISOL done, and he projHjees doing it and at H. W KKEHEE. THE LAND MAN “Tue instructions of the court were tending to all the work unless the dele Attnm«y for Plaintiff 'WM. MCMURRAY fair and the jury waa comprised of the gation and the President see that hie Z-1Z-S-1S 5. B. GRIZZLE General Passenger Agent. Portlend, Oregon liest citizen* of the coun ty and it occur re«) successor is appointed in the near fu KLAMATH FALLS to me th* a* fair minded a jury ture. There is work for a grand jury aa I ever case before. I think and there is need for an Assistant United OREGON ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- the action of Mr. White in assailing ritates Attjrney, since James Cole re the courts and tbs action* of the jury, signed a lew hours before the name of to say the least, is unfair and ill-timed.” Chris Scbuebel was sent in bv Roose I velt for Bristol’* place. This being the situation, it is highly probable that Stone Declines Bristol will set off some fireworks soon, After considering the matter ¡or sev appoint Evans as assistant and other eral weeks C. F. Slone, assistant attor help. Evans is a Portland attornev who The Cleanest and Best Kept Dairy de ney for this district, has decided not to was in Culet with Federal Judge Hunt, livering Milk and Cream in Klamath lie a candidate for the office of prosecut who presided at the Hall and other land ing attorney, to succeed Mr. Moore. trials. Falls. Every Can and Bottle Sterilized Naturally, if Bristol makes his ap Great pressure has been brought to bear on Mr. Stone to be a candidate and few, pointments and once more actively re with Steam each day. Our Cowi are if any, men ever refused a nomination sumes operations there will be results MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. a that has been tendered with such unan from Washington. If Bristol’s course; fed and cared for under direction of Dairy imity as has that to Mr. Stone. He should be objected to, which is probable, ; Division Department of Agriculture. > feels, however, that he would be making it will enable him to “come back.” Modern improvements. rooms suites. 9 ¡ATTORNEY AND too great a sacrifice, for even if he were Sample Bar Boom, Parlors, Two elected the compensation would fall far COUNSELOR AT LAW PHONE ORDERS ■3 The illegal fencing case in Klamath short of reimbursing him for the busi Booms, Etc., KLAMATH FALL«, OREGON County, an account of which was given . ness he would low. Mr. Stone is recognized as one of the in thia paper some time ago. is caus- 1 ROOMS 7 A 8, MURDOCK BLDG ablest lawyers in this section of the ing considerable furore in the district > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > * state and the manner in which be han attorney’s office in Cortland, and also dled the Corpron caw demonst. ated that some notoriety for Attorney Kuykendall DR. C. P. MASON he would make an able prosecutor if the of this city, and probably will result in voters of the district honored him with the government sjiending about »1000 DENTIST investigating the case. election. During his residence here he Henry Bagby squatted on 160 acres of has surrounded himself with a wide air- Office in American Bank A Trust Com cle of staunch friends and they will re government land near the Lower Lake, <XX>00<><>0<XXX><>0<X><><>-0-0-Q-0-0-0 pany’s Building gret that he has decided not to lie« can which has been temporarily withdrawn PROPRIETORS PHONE 614 by the government. Forty acres of this didate and deprive them of the oppor tunity of proving their loyalty in a sub is within an encloe«?«! field lielonging to KLAMATH FALLS OREGON E. P. Hopkins. It appears that this ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT stantial manner. fence was built many years ago, tiefore the adventof land frauii caees ir> Oregon, Fitting AND SMOKED MEATS and when the greater portion of the WILL A. LEONARD Ô Of Old Continental Whiskey From all appearances the Klamath Klamath Basin was in sagebrush. As SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS Oil Co. are getting down to business. Bavby has acquired no legal title to the DENTIST They have secured the room formerly land, Mr. Hopkinn does not see the ne- j Mill occupied by the Water Caere Associa cessity of going to the expense of remov-1 Wlthrw-Melhaie Building ing the ferise. X Normandie tion, in the Baldwin block and are fitt ing up a neat office. Attorney Kuykendall, who is a well I Ô F. F known supporter of Fulton, in quite It has been decided on accoint of the large number of inquiries for informa wroght up over the report that he is im- I I Y Government inspection tion and for stock, to make headquarters plicated in any scheme of Bourne’s. He ' C. F. STONE at Heikemptere jewelry store until their stated that Bagby came to him as a T It is in bond under su- ATTORNEY AT LAW client, asking hie assistance to have the ’ offices are ready. A great many inquiries are coming in fence removed He bad him make out I X pervision guarantee OFFICE OVER POBTOFffICE relative to the prospective oil fields, an affidavit stating the facts, which was X lute purity. from the outside, and th* company are forwarded to the district sttorney’s of making every effort to get to drilling at fice, with the expectation that that of fice would order Hopkins to remove the I th* earliest possible date, fence. His only object waa In furthering I the interests of his client, but ha says ■ Mown Thlal ha is pleased if it results io starting the DR. WM. MARTIN Wa offer on* hundred dollars reward for so; cats of C'atarrb ibat cannot be cured by Hell« wheels of justice, which have ao long Office in First National Bank Building, been out of commission in this state. i Catarrh Cure. MURRAY, Editor The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON IN ADVANCE TWO Asks i MIDWAY STABLE IHE SHOP General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Livery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses Pitone 456 CHAS. R. BALDWIN Kk« OREGON’S Improving OPPORTUNITY The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Company FRANK IRA WHITE Daily During March and April, 1908 Noland Answers Enterprise Tracts 4 Mills Addition Lots FARES CAN BE PREPAID FRANK IRA WHITE ; :;Hltamont Dairy / Lakeside Inn, i C. C. BROWER 73 9 and Club Booms, Etc. J» City Meat Market MEISSÄ ARMAND j Every drop Up Offices Water X A. G. DUHME S. J. CHKNKY A CO .Toledo. O. We, tbe undersigned, bsv* known T. J Che ney lor the last 1« yeers end believe him per- tectly honorable in all buslaeu trao sactlous. and tnanclally able to carry any obligations mad* by bls flrm. Waldon. Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Bells Catarrh Cure Is taken Iniernslly. sei- itt( directly upon tbe blood and mucous sulece of tbe sysiem. Tesllmoulsls sent free. Price 7fr- per bottle Bold bv all drugtlsls Take Bells family pills lor constipation. TIMBERLAND ■ dentist There is no place that can equal the weather in Klamath county this tea- son. Sunday |was an ideal day and the livery stable* were kept busy all day furnishing driving team*. A great many horseback parties were out also. It is ! reported that the county roads are in fine sbatie and *)m.»t inclined to lie dusty Many of those »ho could not secure I teams, enjoyed the fishing at the Falls above town. is as pure as it. bottled and that carries.the BUYS Klamath Falls, Oregon a can make Government of abso- Pure is the word that tells the story, and when tho government placeB its 0. K. on whiskey you may he sure it is pure. Sold by LAKEVIEW, OREGON. Office over Klamath County Bank C. D. WILLSON t E. B. HENRY CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR 2 £ Wholesale and Retail Dealer * KLAMATH FALLS All kind* of engineering and draughting Whiskey Rye If. Rye l< 4 « « I J