WANTED Girl for general house­ work. Apply to Mrs Gio. Noland. ~b4’4’4’4’4’4’4» X CLEARANCE SALE! “High Jinks" at Degree ot Honor Thursday night All members specially requested to be in attendance. M ary E. F ish . C. of H. + N. S. Merrill ha» »««Id ten beau of voung mules for |!5tV. The youngest has just l«een weane«! and the oldest is less than three years. WANTED—Girl for general house­ work. Apply Heitkemper's Jewelry Store. •• John W ami James L l.ogue. W P. Sedge and J R Welsh, are Dairy resi­ dents who were here Monday. flonday, January 6th, until T f f f * ♦ 4- + 4- 4- ---- February 15th----- Secure Bargains While You Can THE BRICK STORE C° CITY Agents for the celebrated Lamm & Co. hand - tailored clothes t t 4- BRIEFS FOR SAI. F Eighty acres.neai Dairy; price fh’ per acre. Oome to s««e us t about this land — Masou A Slough tf j Mr. and Mrs. Lewi* Gerber cam«« in I from luiiigell «alley Sunday, ' whrip they were called bv the illness of Mr«. Geroer’a father, whom they report very much improv«-1. iur W. II. McClure left Sunday Dorris where h< will probably engage in th«- meat business, it arrangeme «IS can 1 l«e made to secure tlie ol.l shop nt that place. We have a few thousand dollars to loan on real estate. Mason Jk Slough tf See Adv for marsh lands. The Oddfellows held a big session J. P. Bonham, the Singer man, re­ Saturday night, when they conferred turned Thursday from Merrill, where he the second degree. There are four ap­ attended to business (or a lew day * plications in for degrees, commencing the first meeting m the m«>nth. D W Burling, the Ikirris real estate man, is in the city Friday boosting the WALL PAPER-WALL PAPER coming railroad terminus. WALL PAPER Dr. Middleton, of Klamath Agency fiOtX* Rolls Choice Wall Paper was in the city Friday. House I in.ng Wheat hay, allalia and timothy, All at popu .1 « al the Belmont Baldwin the Hardware lValer Stables. ♦ Klamath Falls 4 For the Man who wants The Koval Neighbor* will give a st Valentines' dance at Houston’s opera house on February 14th. The grand march will be led by the Forester» and M. W. A. and Koval Neighbor* team«. style and quality Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. II. Hughes are in the city front Butte valley, where Mr Hughes is now' engaged in clearing n large tract of sagebrush land, prepara­ I tory to putting in a crop of grain, They will return to Dorn« Monday. Every change of Fashion is reflected in our assort ment of high grades. We show the same selec­ tions as are seen in the swell city stores—same Clothing, Hats and Shoes—same Fur­ nishings. FOR SALE—House and lot four blocks from post office. P. O. box 115, Klamath Falls, Oregon. It According to the new schedule issue«! bv the postotfice de|>artnient to go into effect Monday, Februrary ¡0. the mail will leave Klamath Fall« m the morning at 10 o'clock and arrive here about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The new or­ der provide« for a ten hour acbedule be­ tween here and 1'okegama. The mail w ill leave the latter place at 5 a. m. ** When it's new it's here When it's here it's new Small tract* of well located tule marsh lands offered for one week at |2l) per acre. Abel Adv. 4 Practice for “The Crucifixion” under the leadership of T. W. Zimmerman is progressing very satisfactorily. The Twenty One Club gave one of its popular dance* la»< evening, and it was one of the most largely attended of any given by this organ ¡ration for some time, 'lhe evening was an ideal one for dancing and the guest* of the Club en­ joyed tiietnuelVM thoroughly. The dancing committee tiad decorated the hall beautifully, evergreen, flowers, red and while rib'xin and Japanese lantern* entering largely into the decoration*. Each of the ladies was presented with a carnation as a souvenir of the occasion. KLAMATH-FALLS ■ OR* -EXCLUSIVE GOODS Withrow-Melhase Block 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO “Spray 'em or cut 'em down,” says Secretary W lUiamson of the State Board of Horticulture, in discussing the care of fruit trees awl vine*. He is engaged in »ending out the formulas for spraying for the San Jose »« ale, wooly aphir, codling moth and other thing*that prey on the fruit crop of Oregon. "Now is the time for winter spraying and it ought to lie done right away," 1 e said. "Where the tree* are not Wurth spraying they »liould becut down and burned, so as not to remain breiding placi-s for lhe various ¡>ests. Even rose hushes ought to be sprayed, in order that they may not harbor the San Jose scale. KENYON A THOMPSON, PROPS. Goods packed and shipped. Heavy freighting a specialty. Baggage orders given prompt at­ tention. Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving. * t Phones—Office 871, Barn 671, Res dence 645 Cbarle* Tximbert of Bonanza manager of the Klamath Falls-Lakeview stage line has been in this city since Saturday looking after the business at this end of the line. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES BUESING A CLENDENNING, PROP S - Corner 8th and Main - W V V ” " V ” w ” - "X" “ ” ” ”T ” “ ” T t v ™ * * * * * * * * Dependable Hardware Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or shelf-worn goods. Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences— and everything the farmer needs. ** * * * * f * * GEO. R. HORN, the Hardware Man * 4 Abstracting ALLEN BLOAN Secretary Maps, Pians Blue Prints, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DOJI J. ZUMWALT, C. £ Proaidaat M. D WILLIAMS, C. £. Troam rar Chat Is UlhV Ch< NATIONAL The following teacher* are in the rity taking the examination« for -late and county pap-r« Meedaniea Knkendall, Newton, ami Lambert. Mis»,-» l.'achael Applegate, Sarah Gntfllli, Nichol«. l/,la VI ilker»on and W.-»f Messers Irwin. Hall, Griffith, Clapp, all teams, and they are ready te challenge the world. It would make a nice in- teresting game if sf rai.gementa could lie made to hate tlieiu meet one of the Klamath Falls lesm«. According to J H. Hulse, who recent­ ly returned from Dorna, the Dunkarda are planning to set out a one humlred acre tract in apples this spring. It is believed that the vicinity near Ma. I»oel is particularly adapted to the raising of fruit. Experiment* already made fully justify those who bold this opinion ano another year will see large tracts planted in fruit trees. The contract is also alxrut to be let for the seeding of H tract I of 700 acres in wheat. Every indica­ | tion points to the rapid settlement and cultivation all land along the line of the new railtoad. Capt. Ivan D. Applegate arrived in Richard Kern* ami T. H. Hunsaker, the city Thursday from his home in are i i the rity from Dorris. Oakland, Cal. Mr. Applegate will re­ ft is understood that the Fire Depart­ main here a short time looking after his ment will ask for the receipt* from the •beep interest*. basket ball game*. The Public Library Evidence that the dog poisoner has official» also think they could use tht! begun work again this year ha* been money to good advantage. reported. “Rip,” the fine English i Jrx- Hettinger, of Bonanza, waa regis­ pointer, Irelonging to !.. A. Gregory, was taken sick Thursday, with every tered at the American Hotel Monday. indication of poison, and it was only District. Attorney W. J. Moore ar- 1 after several hours ol work that the life of the animal was saved. It w ill l>e rived from Lakeview Saturday evening remembered that last year there was a to attend the special term of Circuit Mr. | big loss of valuable dogs from some un­ Court, which convened today. known person distributing poisoned Moore said he did not think he would be a candidate for re-election. meat. Geo. W. Nowlin, who ha* held down , Since the organization of the ornpany here to prospect for oil, there has been cases on tin-Republican for more than ' several representative* from the nutside two years and recently of the Herald I sent here to make private investigation force, left Hunday morning for lx»/ One of these parties is in the county Angeles where he will join Ina wife and I, now from Bakersfield, Cal. In speak­ young son, who have been in the land for several ing with a business man of Bonanza, be of |>er|>etiial sunshine fully agreed with the report^ and state- I months. Mr. Nowlin will seek employ­ meins made by Mr. Sims. He said, ment on one of the large dailies in however, that it would take a well-or Southern California. ganized company with considerable cap- ' Miss Doris Goee and Oda Cravens were irai in order to »ink well* and build pipe ’ Bonanza people in the city Friday line*. making final proof on timber claims. W P. Sedge, of Dairy, who recently Fred Liskey, charged with mayhem purchased the Davie*’ *u>ck of merchan­ on the persom of Ira McCall, was re­ dise, wa* in the city Tuesday. Mr. I leased from custody of the sheriff Mon­ bedge brought in 2M dozen of egg* which day on t'M bail, fnrtiished by hi* be sold to the local merchant*. He say* mother and brother. The case will be the Yonna Valiev hens are workingover tried at the regular June term of court. time these fine day* and they are turn­ ing out dole lo three hundred dozen of Charles Horton has ju*t, returned egg* each week. Wr'h such a recoid as, from Yainax, where he is wintering 3(Xl this the people tjf Yonna ought to feel head of stock cattle. He also ha* 40out two years old. One bay mare colt coming two years old. has four white feet, small spot in forehead and on nose. J C. BEACH. 243-3-19 Klamath Falls. Or the County of Klamath. Mary J. Johnson. I’latnnff »• CharUa Johamm. Defendant. Suit for IS vote* To t'harloa Johnson, the abovo named ¡Wfendant You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ffled a*ainat you In the aka we en­ title*! suit, on or botor* Thursday, the 2*th day of Marek IVO. beta« the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the publkattam of thie summoni. the first pukdk-alam there*»/ twin* un the IJth day of February. !**. and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plain­ tiff will apply to the Court fur the relief prayed for in the eomplaint heroin, to wit For a derrae ditaolvin« the bonds of matrimony now eiiotm« between plaintiff and »■ Il W KEESEF 2-11 II» Attorney for Plaintiff AND NIAGARA STEEL RANGES Economy of Fuel » Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Malable 1 op National and Niagara Roberts & Hanks Emma Block Phone, 173 <• ! : l! I» sunnoNs A new basket ball has been purchased Guy M. Ingram, head of the Forest Service at Lakeview, passed through for use during the series of games for the the city Thursday on hi* wav lo the Mong Cup. The ball will Is- given to ti e winner of the series. railroad. > “There Is Only One II fy Of Judging The Future; That ts By The Past.” Notice Supt II. G. Wilton and W J. Btrclty “Every drop pure," is what can l-e uf llit* Atfvnry, rMpttl tu rruitin in llia said of Continental whiskey, Watci city until thr cuurluniun ul thv cwh In Mill whiskqy, Normandie Rye and F. F. uh ich tiiv Indian» art* intrrraled V. Rye. Sold by C. lb Willson , Yesterday waa-H)th anniwraary ot th# Postmaster Murdoch, as soon as ho ws-notified of the change in the mail birthday ut Abraham I.incolli, nr having been burn on Febril rv 12. IMMh in Har« schedule, telegraphe«! the depa>tment asking that the order be reconsider«"»!, din county, Krntuvky. Hr «»» ataati* and advising that the mail leave here st naled un April 14, 1*64. S o'clock in the morning instead of waiting until 10 o'clock. lie lias not reeeive«l an answer yet. If the eituens County Assessor will support the lawtinsster in his effort l herebv announce myself as a candi­ to reme«ly the present conditions, it un­ date for the Republican nomination •» doubtedly can be acomplished. Assessor of this county, subject to ths As an indication of the increase in will of the voters at the primary «lee business condition» prevailing in this tmn. April 17, 1SOK. city, that of G. Heitkemper, Jr., is a E. W. GOWEN. fair example. When he rented the store room in the Kepublican block In* t«eheved that he would have ample room I hereby declare m» self a candidal« for sometime to come, but now lie finds for the noni.nation lor county assessor that bis business has grown to such pro­ portions a« to demand large, ai'. omim • on the republican ticket, aubject to th« decision ot the voter» at the primary datums He has therefor made arrange­ ments lor lhe erection of an addition on election, April 17, llMW. S. B. GARDNER. the rear of his store, which will <>«• us««d as a work shop and »tore room. The space at present used for these purposes will be fitted up lor optical and music departments ami will lw in barm-my In th« Circuit Court of tbo State of Orw-*. f * with the rest of In» establishment. C. A. Jensen, who ha* been employed on Klamath hall* newspapers for several Do not buy Mended whiskey. When years, left for Ijtkeview Saturday morn- I yon want pure whiskey i-e<- that it is ing. He bn* accepted a position as fore­ put up under thegovrrnment's"bondesl man on the Lake County Examiner, and warehouse stamp," as is the Continen­ leing a good printer a ml also u good tal whiskey, Waler Mill whiskey. Nor- fellow lie will fit into hi* new sur­ uian.lie rye nnd*F F. V. rye. Sold by rounding*. C. D. Willson. 4 Rigs furnished with or without drivers. Feeding our specialty. Grain by the sack. Hay by the bale or ton* Large corrall for loose horses. Phone 591 J. M. Emery io down from Fort Klamath. Mr. Emery has wi.h hint several marten and fox skins, which were taken from animals he trapped in the northern part of the county I I <■« are all handsome specimens of Iur. Farewell Ovation Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Crouemiller war« given a big ovation at Fort Klamath saturviav night. Mr. Crouemiller ha* l«eeu visiting friends in the Wood River country previous to his departure lor Lakeview to assume hisdiitle« as receiver of the land office. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cronemiller have a host of warm personal friends, who took this occasion to show the rsspect in which they hold their former neigh- bor«. As soon «• the suggestion »»» made it wus oiithusiasticaily taken tip l>y evorvono and arrangement» were quickly made lor a banquet ami dance. When the people ot Woo«i River un­ dertake to «Io a tiling they alwsis go the limit and aturday alleru.ioii the resi­ dents began pouring in and by eveuing uearly everybody within a radius ol 30 miles were gathered nt the big I'»" where lheevent was to take plscr. lhe r. twirl« state that it was the largest gathering hi the history of the hurt, wuli everyone crowding each oilier to offer tt.eir coiigiatulallona ami do hon­ or Io their most reepected cilisen. Mr. and Mrs. Crouemiller were troth deepl' moved l>y the enthuiiastie reception lendeted them and It will l«e with a ting« o: regret that they leave their host of sincere ft lends. PHONE516 For fresh groceries of all kinds—Phone Ç-I-6 For the best of teas and coffees—Phone Ç-I-6 ü c For the choicest of canned goods—Phone ç-i-6 $ For fresh raisins, candies, nuts, etc.—Pilone ç-i-6 0 (» (• For 190B groceries and fruits—Phone For courteous treatment always—Phone ç-i-6 I 0 » M ason & S lou gh ABSTRACTERS A. oholoe of iiiv€?«t« munta flint ’will iimlcv flit» ji ta re li ci aer xiionox Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages Let Me Hear Your Watch Tick! MASON & SLOUGH If you want your Watch re­ paired by a skilful repairer, bring it to me. I employ"« Watchmaker who underttxnds not only the theory, but the mechanical principle* of BALDWIN The Hardware Dealer WATCHES Carries the Most Compia Line of All work guaranteed. No matter what kind ol a watch or how badly broken, it can be repaired and done promptly, al Hardware, Stoves, Steel Ranges, Paints and Oils, Wall Paper, Pumps and Pipe» Crockery WINTERS Bnfc/imaitsr* Jtutltrt Optiriani KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. For Sale! i UNIVERSAL BREAD MIXER. Makes Bread Making a Plea»««- Agent for STUDEBAKER WAGONS and OLIVER PLOWS The “ACME" and “1900" WASHING MACHINES rob wash <<•/ 01 mo«t of Ita terrors. I offer ray stock of General Merchandise for sale at actual cost. Stock will invoice be- ween $4000 and $5000. -Respectfully, W. P. SEDGE UNIVERSAL I OOu CHOPPED DAIRY, ore . or MASON & SLOUGH KLAMATH FALLS The Big Four-Story "BRICK," Klamath Falls I