Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 16, 1908, Image 3

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THE BOSTON STORE is going out of, business and in
order to dispose of the stock quickly, EVERYTHING IS
f th«* merchants of th«* city, (who at that
citizen, who, knowing thnt a crime has
been committed fails to report the
same and register complaint with th«
proper officer. It la alwaya to be re­
membered, for instance, that the dis-
officer undertook the task. With their trict attorney la not an official de­
assistance he acquired th«* necessary tective; that the city attorney is not
The Judge Delivers an Elo­ evidence of the violation of the Sunday an
official detective. It is not to bo
law upon the part of the saloon Bien of presumed that he fréquenta haunts of
quent Address to the j the
city, on a particular Sunday, und vice and places where lawlessness
I on the following Monday morning lie abounds, On the contrary, he has been
Civic Organization
caused the arrest of every saloon pro­ selected, presumably, among other
prietor within th«* municipal corpora­ things, by reason of the fact that he
Ilouaton’s <>|M*ra house was tfllvd Fri­ tion limits. Kach of them, of course, is a good citizen, a law-abiding citizen,
day night with <>ur citizens who had been demanded a jury trial, and while the a man without habits of dissipation, u
invited thers by the Civic Federation district attorney waited ut his hotel man with clean ideal*, a man with the
to hear an address by Circuit Judge for the summoning of the jury in the courage of hia convictions, a man who
lienaon on "What May Citixens do to first case, he wan waited upon by a will faithfully perform every duty that
Aid in the Enforcement of the Law.” committee, of the merchant* of the presents itself to him under his oath of
G. W. While, president of the Fed­ town, who warned him of political office, and when you know of a crime
eration, In a few appropriate remarks vengeance, and th«* baffling of all hia that has baen committed, and observe
Introduced th*i able orator of the even­ ambition«, in case he persisted in this no prosecution upon the part of the pub­
ing who, ’ i rr.d"ng
_ "fnim "ma'im Jnpt, prooecution He abowed them the law, lic prosecutor, did it ever occur to you
. reminded them of bis oath of office, and that it was barely possible that the
j went ahead with th« trial. Th«* jury
Mr. I*rcsalent and Gentlemen of the was drawn from the r«*gular panel, in neglect to prosecute resta rattier upon
your silence than upon uny dereliction '
Civic Federation:
■ ' vn»'
•»••»»»»w» 1 prescribed
‘ivrstiiirt u is
writ-, of duty upon his part?
the • manner
by j I4»w,
law, salts*
and were,
I have be. n honored by a .-ommittce apparently, a group of representative
It must also be remembered, gentle- '
from your organisation
organization with an invita-
“Dw evidence
invita Kootl eitizena.
citizens. " Tn.
evid«,.«:, presented
men, that it is not the part of good .
tn.n to
addn-ss you this evening upon , to
t() them was
Ws. clear
rll.Mr and
,,1(1 eonvlnemg
<-.,nvin< ing, to citizenship to reiterate street rumor of .
Leave THRALL after arrival of Trs. 15 and 16 on S.P.R. 3:00 p. m.
the subject suggested by the committee the effect that the defendant had wil- lawlessness and crime without any •'
thcniselves. nnd thin subj«*ct is the
L„ | fully disregarded the law which re- justification in the shape of definite and 1
Arrive KLAMATH SPRINGS, 4:07 p. m. POKEGAMA, 5:05 p. m.
question: "What may citizens do to 11 quired him to keep ills place of buai- reliable data. It will not do for mem­
ui<l in the enforcement of law.” In as : nvaa closed on Sunday. The jury, after bers of thia organization to go up and
Leave POKEGAMA at 6 p. m.
much as thin subject baa been suggested ( sn abecnce of ten minutes, returned a down the community reiterating the |
by your Federation, for a discussion be­ 1 verdict of not guilty. This verdict was formula of the scandal monger "they I
Arrive KLAMATH SPRINGS, 7:05 p. m. THRALL, 8:20
fore your F«*«leration, I take it that received by a crowded audience with say;” it should lie only what you, indi­
what in meant is "('Itizenahip in the rounds of applauar. A second and a
vidually, say: and you should aay noth­
aggregate,” or rather, "Organizard third trial followed with the same re­ ing that you do not know to be true.
Citizenship, ” and, therefore. In tho sult, and the prosecuting officer, recog­ It is a well established legal principle
first instance, I shall take up th«* ques­ nizing that he was up against an aver­ that he who testifies to that which he
tion of what organiz«*d citizenship, in age public aentimeut in opposition to docs not know to be true ta as guilty of
the form of a Civic Federation, may the enforcement of that particular law, Jierjury as he who testifiea to that
do to aid in the enforcement of law
: abandoned the unequal struggle.
which be positively knows is not true.
Organizations, such as yours, are not
Again, those of you who have been It ia useless for members of this or­
u new thing in self-governing com­ reading the daily |iapcrs for the paat ganization to go up to the public prose
munities, and for many, many years, few weeks have Irarned that the law cutor anti demand an indictment, or an
at varying Intervals of time, such bodies 1 und <inter forces in the great City of information, or complaint, against any
have tH*cn created by good citizens for I Chicago have been making n supreme individual charged with the commiaaion
the purpose of more rigidly enforcing effort to enforce the same law then-, of a crime upon hearsay, and if you
the law, and more perfectly restraining ' und with the same disastrous result. go up and down the streets charging
the lawless. In nearly, if not all in- j The jury returns a verdict of acquittal. John Doe or Richard Roe with having
stances, they have accomplished much j Now, in the use of thia illustration, I committed a specific crime withoutany
good; their weak points lying in the do not wish to lie understood as saying definite knowledge which you could
fact that in loo many instances they that these efforts nt the enforcement reiterate under oath of the commiaaion
Through Tickets on Sale at Thrall, Cal., and at the office of the McIntire Transportation Co. at Klamath Fails
have been the creation of an impulse, of an unpopular law were « failure. of such crime, how much Is-tter are
guided by men Inspired rather by zeal • It may be that in their effect and in- you than the commonest goasip or
atal a sudtirn enthusiasm than by calm, fluence upon the public conscience they scandal monger of the community? It
dispassionate judgment. The result may have accomplished lasting good. ia not sufficient to go to the prosecuting
Passengers who miss connections with S. P. trains at Thrall by reason of delays
has been that after a few spasmodic, But, 1 do want to impress upon your officer with u statement that Bill Jones
and more or leas illogical efforts, they mind the thought that it is unfair to told you that Tom Brown told him that
either on the K. L. R. R. or above Stage Line, will be entertained free of charge
have fallen to pieces, not from lack of demand impossibilities from your pub- Billy McGee told him that John Doe
merit, but from the lack of an abiding I lie officers. And. further, that when violated tlic law, but it ia necessary for
at the Hotels either at Thrall or Pokegama until connection is made.
purjMMte, and a consistent motive power »Uch a condition confronts you, the you to go to the diatrict attorney, or
liehind them. In too many instances duty before you is manifest: that is, city attorney with the statement, "I
they have permitted their «rganlza to create a public sentiment that will know,” "1 saw thia or that violation
tiona to fall under the control of men render tne enforcement of the law of the law. ” If you believe that gamb­
who sought to use them for the ad­ possible.
ling is carried on in violation of the
vancement of their own secret, selfish.
Whether or not the people of statute, or an ordinance, it ia your duty
|M>lltical pur|«>scs sml aggrsrxliiemvnt our county,
upon an average, as a good citizen to investigate for
in too many instances they have fallen have
reached a
tone yourself, and to lie prepared to say to
under the blight and control of the sufficiently high to tender practical the the officer. “I saw John Doe violating
lawless themselves, and have b«<»n effective enforcement of any law is a the law;” I saw Richard Roe selling 1
turned from their flrat, clean, honest question which can only be determinad liquor without a license;’ • "1 saw Rich-1
and worthy purjxwe into channels which by an actual test resulting from art! Roe keep open hia place of busi-
lead in the opposite direction. Thia or­ the prosecution of an established viola­ neas for the purposes which are tor­
ganization of yours, by reason of the tion thereof, but such efforts, even bidden u|x>n that day, on Sunday;a
character of the men whose names ap­ though they be barren of immediate. specific Sunday.” It ia necessary for
School Landa
pear upon its roll call, is starting out
results’ arc’, nevcrthele'^ a you to be able to do thia, or to know ganization will be one of the greatest
under peculiarly auspicious and hopeful ,u,p |n B(lvBneei Br)d mark B llcKrw of through witnesses, whom you know elements that can be conceived, or Iiepartmsnt ol ibe lot lor. t'alled Slates
Land Office,
Horses boarded by
surroundings. Its motives are evident-
consequently must necessari­ are available and reliable, such circum­ dreamed of. for the development of the
ly those of • purr and upright desire to jy hBVP their educational influence up- stances as would be admissible to a cleanest add finest that can be imagin­ Lakevlsv. Oregon. Dec. a. 1907.
the day, week or
Notice la hereby given that the State ot Ore­
citiaenahip, and to aid | on ,)«. community at large and, in this jury, and would tend to establiah, be­ ed of hnman communities.
gon hat. under the provisions ol the Act of
the public officers in the performance connection, permit me to suggest that yond a reasonable doubt, the truth of
In your honest effort to bring about congress of August 14, 1S4S. and tbe acts sup­
of public duties; to develop a clean such an organization as yours, educa­ the charge you make. Remember that thia result, gentlemen, I bid you God­ plemental and amendatory thereof, made ap­
Fine livery teams
moral sense in the community; to raise tional necessarily aa it must be in it* these officers can not prosecute a man speed.
plication for the lolloving described unap­
propriated. non mineral surveyed
the moral tone of the community, and character, cannot afford to lie incon­ upon hearsay; remember that no court
at reasonable rates
James B. Moore, Prop.
land aa indemnity for losaes tolls grant tor
to put civic affairs upon a higher plane sistent. If it demand that one citizen in thia enlightened land of ours esn per­
than they have hitherto been. These are shall obey the Sunday law, it should mit a jury to hear the atatement* of
Grain and hay for
List No. 242. lor net«noX. *ec. 24. Tp. »
Opp. Martin Flouring Mill
jorthy purposes, and the development with «*qual energy and force demand men’s suspicions and guesses and apecu-
R. 14 E . nwK.swX- snd ne\sW<. Sec. 4. Tp. M
— Hay baled
The Free Public Library is open every 8.. B. IS K: and «.^ne^, Sec. S. Tp. Si 8.. R. IS
of a noble ambition; an ambition which that every citizen shall oboy the Sun- lationa aa to what their fellow citizens
or loose.
cannot but meet the approval and the day law; if it insist that one tnan shall
,,r n>»y "<>‘ h»'e done, and, there- evening from 6:30 to 10 o’clock; and E.. W. M.
Wood, Posts, Shakes
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
hearty co-operation of all good citizens. , not steal, it must by the inevitable fore, it resolves itself into this: That Saturday and Sunday afternoons from
Such an organization aa yours, if prop­ logic of moral law demand that every •» food citizen, who seeks to aid in the 2 to 5;S0 o'clock, A cordial invitation above described lands are requested to flle In
this office tbelr said claims on or before tbe
erly safeguarded alike from the ma­ citisen shall refrain from theft; if it enforcement of the law, can accomplish is extended to alt.
*Jlst day ot February, ISOS.
chinations of the lawless, and the in­ shall insist that one man shall not give j that purpose only by furnishing to the
J. N. WAl'SON.
temperate zeal of blundering friends, I liquor to minora, by the same rule it proper officers the necessary facts
can and will accomplish an inestimable must demand that all citizens shall re- which tend to establish the commission
Grieg as a Schoolboy.
Guardian Sale of Real Estate
gocxl to the community in which it frain from giving liquor to minors; if it of the violation of a law by such evi-
Grieg, the uoted composer, was not a
Hy virtue of an order of sale duly made aud
works; but if you permit it to lie domi­ inaiata that one man shall not gamble, 'fence as courts may receive, and per-
nated by men of narrow views, by men it should by the same rule demand that mit to go to a jury aa tending to prove pattern schoolboy, lu n description of eutered by the County Court ol the Slat «0
bls days at school be wrote: “Kuowtng Oregon, for the County of Klamath, on the l?th
who an* riding hobbies, by men who all citizens shall refrain from gamb- the commission of a wrongful act.
that by arrlvlug late I would not be day of September, 1907, authorising, licensing
seek to use it fot th«* furtherance of ling; if it inaiata that one criminal law . There is another suggestion which I allowed to enter the class until the end and empowering mo, ae the guardian of the
their personal and selfish ambitions, it shall be enforced, by the same in- * <k?aire to call to your attention with of the first lesson. 1 used, on wet morn­ person« end eetates ol Mary Parkinson, and
will not only cease to become a blessing flexible logic it must demand that every much emphasis, ami that it is this: ings. to stand under a dripping roof Frank Dewey Parkinson, minors, to sell at pri­
to the community, but it will become, criminal law, whether a wise or un­ Whenever you know of crime» com­ until I was soaked to the akin. The vate wile all the right, title and Interest ol said
Office in First National Bank Building,
on the contrary, »0 much of 11 curse wise one, shall be enforced to the ut­ mitted within the corporate limit», master then sent me home to change minors In aud to the following described real
estate, situate in the County of Klamath. Stale
thnt it will eventually perish from the most limit, until the unwise ones are which are prohibited by municipal or­ my clothes, but the distance being long ol Oregon, to wlt: An undivided two-sevenths,
inherent weakness of its own evils.
eliminated by repeal. An organiza­ dinance, you should take the prosecu­ this was equivalent to giving me a dis­ being an undivided une-seventh tnieroet each,
You may guess that I fsubject to an unaaalgnod dower Interact
Aa to what may be done by such an tion like this, gentlemen, cannot, in tion of »uch offenses to the police court pensation
organization, living up to the lofty the very nature of things, temporize of the city, and not into the state or played this prank pret.y ofteu. but therein) In aud to the south half; the south
ideals which prompt its organization, it with crime or lawlessness, and this county courts, for it is certainly unjust, whan at last I tarried it so far as to west quarter of the northeast quarter and lota
one (I), two (1), three l>). four (I) end five (Sj ol
may be well to remind you, and for ua brings me to the question in detail (to say nothing of the spirit of the law) come one day wet through, though it section twenty-eight (M|; the north halt of the
all in fact, to keep in mind the truth which has been presented me by your for a municipal corporation to saddle had hardly rained nt all, they tiecame s uthwest quarter: the southwest quarter of
which ia known to those who have had committee for this discussion. “How its troubles and expenses incurred in suspicious nnd kept a lookout. One the southwest quarter, and lets one (1| and
fine day I was caught and made an In­
much experience in the enforcement of may the citizen aid in the enforcement maintaining law and order upon outside timate acquaintance with the birch.’’— two (2) of section twenty-seven (27], all In
1 township thirty-nine (SSJ south, range seven
the law, "that the stream can rise no of the law?” This calls for still more citizens and tax-payers who derive no St. James* Gazette.
(71 east of the Willamette meridian, containing
higher than ita source," which truism, serious consideration, and very careful immediate benefits from such corpora-
ggg V) acres. 1 will, from and alter the 17th day
applied to the enforcement of law deliberation, and I must aay in passing , tion.
A Peculiar Cold.
of January, 190», proceed to tell aud continue
against crime, means something like that he gives no aid to the enforcement
In addition to this, however, it may
81ms Reeves bad been unuouneed to until sold, to sell at private sale for cash In
this: That a law can not Im enforced of the law who rails against the public be said that the citizen may aid in the sing at a small public dinner nt which hand, subject to confirmation by the above-
successfully in any community wherein officers whom he helped to choose; that enforcement of the law by his example, Dlckeus presided, and, as hapi«*ned named Court, all the right, title end Interest
the average sentiment of the communi­ he gives no aid in the enforcement of by his own unswerving and faithful not Infrequently. Sims Reeves had which the said minors, or either of them have
In aud to the said premises.
ty ia not as high in ita ideals as the the law who babbles in ill-considered obedience to the law, and a fearless, something the matter with bls throat
Applications for purchase may be made toO.
moral tone expressed ir. the law itself. rhetoric, in public declamation, against brave denunciation of the violator of
A. Stearns, Klauialb Falls, Oregon, aud to Nina
To illustrate what I mean by this, let the moral tone of the community in the law; not in any public speeches, announced this, aud the announcement Parkinson, guardian. Palo Alto, Cal.
Dated and Aral published Dec M, 1W7.
us take the so-called "Sunday Laws.” which he resides, and sends broadcast not in print, but in the personal inter­ was received with u geueral laugh of
In many communities, the Sabbath, as throughout the land the mistaken im­ views with the officer whose duty it is Incredulity. This made Dickens very
angry, aud be rose manfully to the de­ Uuardian of the persons and estates ut Mary
a day of rest, is generally disregarded; pression that his own community is to punish the lawless.
Parkinson .aud Frank Dewey Parkinson,
fense of the deliuqueut. "My friend.
Discard the uie of leaky wooden wash tub», quit carrying clean
and where tha average public senti­ the wickedest and most lawless ag­
Finally, my friends, there remains 81ms Reeves," he said quietly, "re­ minors.
water in and wash water out, by fitting your Laundry with
ment is indifferent to the observation gregation of human Iteings within the the greatest, grandest and finest of all grets bls inability to fulfill bis engage
of the day, you may have statutes up­ State. You may take it as a general ' duties of good citizenship; that of an ment owing." be added, with caustic Beware of Ointment* for Catarrh
on the statute book, and ordinances I proposition that the people have con­
severity, "to au unfortunately auius
That Contain Mercury
without number, you may have honest siders! with fairly accurato wisdom honest, earnest, patient, continuous Ing and highly facetious cold."
will sursly destroy tbs reuse of
nnd efficient officers of the law, and what they were doing when they se­
smell and completely deranze the whole ays-
Laundry Tray9
yet all their efforts to enforce such lected the men whom they have chosen uplifting of the community in which
Largs Doings.
tern when entering it through the raucous sar-
If your Laundry is not modern,
laws will be futile and unavailing. 1 re­ to enforce the laws of the land, and
On Long Island a huudred aud more faces. Such articles should never be used ex.
don’t you think it should be I If
call, by way of illustration, an incident that, therefore, it may at least be said • organization, each for himself, will do years ago there was fox bunting for cept on prescriptions from reputable physi­
that came under my own observation, that these men who have been elects! 1 his part, not in a railing, complaining three days during the season, and the cians, as the demage they will do Is ten fold
you make it so, the household du*
several years ngo, Several of the good to public office represent the average . or fault-finding spirit, but in kindly biography of Catherine Schuyler con to the good you cen possibly derive from
ties will be pleasantly performed,
tbem. Hell'sCaterrh Cure, raauuiactured by
citizens of a growing town in Oregon public sentiment of the communities in zealous, never ceasing efforts to uplift tilths the following apt ilues from the F J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O . contains uo
and in case you wish to sell your
home it will increase the selling
went to the diatrict attorney and de­ which they dwell, and that they are at the community in which he resides, pen of a witty woiuau whim« name re­ mercury, aud Is taken internally, acting di­
manded that the law against doing least ail average of intelligence and and to uplift the moral tone of the mains unknown:
rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol
value. Let us give you prices.
A fox Is killed by twenty men.
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
business on Sunday bo enforced. Up­ honesty of purpose, and that if crimes community in which he resides, and to
That fox perhaps had killed a hen.
lie sure you get the genuine It Is taken In-
on consultation with these citizens, tho aro still committed during their in­ direct the youth of his community into
A galluni act no doubt Is her«
ternelly and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Ah wicked foxes ought to fear
prosecuting officer discovered that the cumbency it is barely possible that it higher and better planes of living, and
Cheney a Co. Testimonials true.
When twonty dogs and twenty men
enforcement of the Sunday-closing act is not their fault, but the result of the to loftier ideals of human life, its pur-
Sold by Druggists. Prloe, Jtc. per bottle.
Can kill a fox that killed a hen.
was not designed to apply to, or affect timidity and cowardice of the average I poses and aeeompiishmenta, your or-
Take Han's Family rills for oonsttputlon.
I time were treating Hundav aa an ordi-
nary commercial day), but that it was
tO r”^orru<
* ■“••’ly against th* liquor
of thvir municipality, Tho
Klamath Lake R. R. Co.
Effective Thursday, January 16, 19o8
In connection with ihe Straw-McIntire
Stage Company
All daylight between Klamath
Falls and Pokegama
Comfortable Stages will leave Klamath Falls and Pokegama Daily
------------ at 6 a. m.------------
Fare in either direction between THRALL and KLAMATH FALLS $5.50
pipe Klamath Falls to Weed, via. Thrall and Pokegama, C A 7 K
1 HlyLf
Telephone FREE OF CHARGE for Pullman Reservations at Thrall
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work
Livery and Feed Stable
Both Saddle and Driving Horses
non 456
The Modern Laundry
B.JB01 VIN, the Plumber, Agent, * «j-«*.