KLAMATH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCI such a man in Oregon. We hope then* is; and that the time is not far distent when his voice will l*e heard through- | out the State summoning the Republi­ cans back from the ranks of populism , and socialism whither they drifted when they permitted themselvee to l*e fooled into voting for such a law as the direct I primary. THE OLD LINE Klamath Lake Railroad All communications submitted for publication in the columns «1 thia paper Another week has (*a»sed by and yet will be in-erted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume articles no report from the Fourth of July com­ will be published. mittee. It would srwni that for its own I ■ ' ------------- vindication a report would l>e forthcom­ It took the Fourth of July committee IHE DIRECT PRIMARY ing. The Republican asked some ques­ al tout five months to publish its first re-1 tions that the committee ought nut to |s»rt. Wonder if it will take it that It would seem that the wave of en have auy difficulty in answering. It long to answer the Repuldicau’s ques­ thusiasm that swept on to lhe statute kicked up an awful lot of dust al>out the tions? books of lliis state the direct primary way we have been grafting, and we have t law is subsiding and that it is only a '«en trying to figure out why the work The Republican aiked the committee question of time taforeit will lie either was done with so much v.m and vigor. last week if it would I* willing to turn repealed or l>ecome a dead letter. This Surely it was not for the purpose of get- over to two accountanta appointed by is the conclusion that is l*ing reached I ting the public to look in an opposite di­ the Civic Federation all of the hooks throughout the state by leaders m both rection, for it is impossible to believe aud papers connected with the Fourth parties sm.-e Senator Mulkey divided that the committee would have an alter- of July celebration, but no reply has that he could not muster enough j ior motive in abusing us. I wen forthcoming. The Republican strength to win for him tho toga that would like to see these accountants ap­ has been worn for the past six years by Tells How to Mix It pointed, in order that it might have the Senator Fulton. In withdrawing from questions answered that it asked two the race Mr.jMulkev gave ‘as one of the A well known authority on Rtieunia- j weeks ago. principal reasons the lukewarm support tism gives the reader» of w large New' he received by the advocates |of State­ York daily paper tho following valuable, j According to the repor* published by ment No. I. He was an out and out ad­ ! yet »¡tuple ami harmloM prvecriptiou, | the Fourth of July committee it had at vocate of this feature of the primary which any oue can easily prepare at j home: its disposal something over ♦ ItUN, and law. believing, no doubt, that it would Fluid Extract iMml.-lion, one-halt: yet that was not sufficient to pay its do for him what it did for Bourne, land ounce: Compound Kaigvu one ounce; debts. Now when the creditors are ask­ him in tbe Senate. But it did not Con>|>ound Syrup Swrwapwrilla, three ing for an accounting they are met with work, for the people throughout lhe ounce». Mix by »baking well in a bottle, and abuse and charge-* of grafting. How­ State are Ivginning to realise that the take a teaspoonfiil after each meal ano ever, when a fellow is after the collec- direct primary law. that great iiiBtru- at bedtime. He states that lhe ingred- 1 ion of an honest account lie is not go­ merit that was going to emancipate the ients can la* obtained Irom any good j ing to be scared off by the ban-shee cry people of l »regoli and make them inde- : preM-ription pl.arma.-y al »mall coat,' <>f the person who gave him the sack. pendent of the l>osa and the huodler is a , and, l>eing of vegetable extraction, are, The Republican is not the only one that farce pure and simple. They see now | harmless to take. This pleasant mixture, il taken regu­ was handed a coki biscuit by the com­ that it is the man with money who win», larly for a few days, is said to overcome J mittee. There are others and they are for no poor man can go up against it ' almost any case of Rheumatism. Tire j about as desirous as are we that the and win a nomination. It costs too; pain and swelling, ’If any, diminishes I committee shows what it did with all of much for printers’ ink and postage and , with each dose, until permanent results I are obtained, and without injuring the the money paid in. other “incidental”expenses. The poor. ! stomach. While there are many so- deludevi mortal who had high aspira­ called Rheumatism remedies, i-atent The editor ol the takwview Herald is tions to serve his State in one capacity medicines, etc., some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results, "warm under the collar’’ liecanst* he or another and who Ivlieved that by a ami the above will, no doubt be greatly was not chosen as Receiver of the land direct |>riraary be conld circumvent the appreciated by many sufferers here at achemes of the l»>«s is now seeing that office, lie presumes that Mr. Crone- this time. ♦ Inquiry at the drug »totes of this miller is a tine fellow, (and in this pre­ he is worse off than he was before, for sumption he is correct) but that when he has absolutely no show whatever, neighborhood elicits the information that these drugs are haruilees andean the state delegation undertakes to say mile»» he lias a good sized tank a<*<-ounl be bought separatelv, or the druggists to start with. that only “loyal Republicans'' are going here will mix the prescription for our Like ad new experiments, it met with readers if asked to. to be (*lace>I on guard it is a little more than he can staud. He assumes that popular favor the first time it was tried, the reason lie was not apiwiuted was t>ut assoni as the first trial was over it Church Services his support of Governor Chauilieriain was seen that the triumph of the will of last year, but pointe tn the fact that thè people was a myth. They saw that it M. B. CHI IU II Bourne wav a populist a short time ago was not representative and that the Re­ There ia always a welcome for you a ami Watson fought Brattain! Well, publicans of the State were hoodwinked Grace M. E. church. Services will Is* held Sunday in the brother, iu 1907 it would seem that a into supporting it by the Democrats, for new leaf was turned over, on w hich waa the latter were the only ones to lie bgne- new Methodist Church. written “Place only Republican» on tiled by ita operation. The next move guard.’’ That rule ia certain to hold to he inaile is one looking to its repeal. good lor a while at least, so that the There are many men prominent in >«at thing you can do is to get in line state politics who would be glad to take and not buck over the traces any more, the first step, if they thought it would nor threaten to support Chamberlain prove a popular one. But these are not again. If yon have an itching for office the men who will bring about Its repeal. v < mi must stand up and 1« counted. If It will lie the man who has the courage you have not, then you can do as you j of his convictions, who will go out please. among the |ieop'e of the State, explain « : THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK : OF KLAMATH FAI.LF, OREGON, 0 5 t t 4 J t x * I at the close of business November 19, 1907, which we be- lieve is as good or better than can he made by any } other Bank in the State of Oregon J ----------- ------- --------------------------------------- No. 7167 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Klamath Falls, at Klamath Falls, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, November 19, 1907. RESOURCES A A i J J F F S DOLLARS Liane and Discount«............................................................... » 71,2X2 43 < Iver.l.-afie, ss*-ured and unse, urt- l '407 «3 U. F. Bolide to teetin* rir-ulati.m 10,000 lai Bond», Securities, eie .............................. 22,M»7 r>3 Banking houre, forniture and fixlnrc»........................................... 3,100 w> 1 »tiu r reai ertele owned .................................................................... 640 50 ('aah and eight exchange....................... 03 Redemption fumi with U. S. Treae. (5 jarr cent ol c.rollatimi 1. 500 IX) Total d t i »167,7« 77 LIABILITIES Total............................................. 4 DOLLARS Capital stock paid in............................. Surplus fund.............................................................. Undivided profit«, lees expenses and taxes paid National Bank notes outstanding Due to State Banks and Bankers.... Individual deposits subject to check J fleposits. Demand certificates of deposit.......... f » 1157,795 77 S tatz or Onzoox, i County of Klamalhf **' I, W. A.Delxeil, Cashier of the a'*ove-nained hank, do solemnly swear that tbe above statement is true to tbe best of mv knowledge an t belief- W. A. DEI.ZELL, Cashier. Subscribed and eworn to before me this 20th dav of November, 1907. J. SCOTT TAYLOR, Notary Public. C obbkct —Attest: a GEO. T. BALDWIN, U. W. WHITE, Directors. t ) Allgpic«. ( J'linen to, a dark colored btwj', la th« I size of u p. a with the remalms'of tbn 1 calyx attached and posaeHaea an odor I aud flavor resembling u mixture of cln- t miuioii, cloves and nutmeg, from which ) fact It derives the name of allspice. I. W bile an Inferior variety grows In I Mexico und parts of Central auu Booth 1 America. Jamaica Is the only country I i Iri th., world from which pimento la , »xported. II ------- ---------------- I» ; * We publish this slatement at this time in order thst the ¿ood people 1 of Klamath County may know how westend; eapecially so because some I malicious cur has l>een industriously cnculating false statements of our < condition. ( We publish similar statements five t.mes a year when called upon few ( II m Government to do so. , The honor and integrity of the stockholders ami men behind this . Bank is worth more than its capital, ami «» appreciate the confidence ,| and good will of the people in the past and a«k for a continual. . . OUR books are open for inspection at any time. . ( Had to Do Something. A cubby was brought to the police station fur having hit one of his fares over the bead during a dispute about hia payment. "Couldn't you explain to the gentle­ man without hitting him?" Inquired the magistrate "Yes, str. of course 1 know I waa wrong, but, you see, I had Jumped off the box, and 1 couldn’t do that for nothing.”—Nos fxilalra. This route is B8 miles shorter, nl»<»ut *20 miles less staging, about $1.35 cheaper, and '21 hours sooner, unless you want to bo dumped in Portland at midnight. 8:45 a. m. Pullman Space Is on Sale at Thrall. No Charge to Telephone for Berths. You Cannot Make this Connection by Any Other Line. «• * In any event you get about 20 miles less stage ride between Klamath Falls and the Southern Pacific, than over any other route E. T. Abbott, S,Ï a ^ skpr £ Thrall, Cal. I % /’MiO MHLHlia Vte»-»*rv»MM< LOTS The American Bank and Trust Co Capital Stock >100,000 Open lor buorMM «very In Mills’ Addition and Mills’ Second Addition are > 4. W. SureHoney OFFERED RARE OPPORTUNITY ____ • STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF • Leaving Klamath ball» in the morning you connect with No. 1.» ot tho Southern Pacific. This is the Southern Pacifie s best train—observation ear. tourist ami standard sleepers and diner, arriving at Friseo at to them the fallacy of the law and help Merit Printing exec tied at th * priât them to reach an intelligent under- I FARMERS OF HODIsRATE MEANS ship of the Klamath Republican. standing as to its value. There niav 1« I # 78 Going to Portland? Si Are You Going to Frisco? Sunday Services: Bible School............................. ... 10 a. m. Preaching................................... ...II a. rn. Preaching................................... ....X p. iu. Epworth League ................... 7:1S p. in. A hearty welcome to all, P. CONKLIN, Pastor, mrrisr cnracii Preaching services next Sunday at 11 o’clock a. in. and X o’clock p. m. Sun­ day school at 10 '.'clock and B. Y. I*, u. at 7:I5 p. m. Everyone invited. An unusual opportunity is offered the farmer of moderate means to secure a a home in the Lakeside Tract located on the North shore of Tule Lake. The land now offered for sale consists of 3500 acres of irrigable land lying under the Adam« canal, a part of the Klamath Project, and admirably located along the shore <>l the lake. It is rich sage­ brush and grass land, part of it being in cultivation. It will be sold in tracts to »nil purchasers and on satisfactory terms. For particulars call on or address, J. Frank Adams, manager Lakeside Com­ pany, Tule take, Oregon. 10-17-tf Thrall and Pokegama Route tn Ihr year riceptlng Sondayiand legal holiday». Interrai Paid ou Saving* Drpoait. WOIHMÌN. C-Mtor Mtì I Til! HASH! j« /• cAary* •/ /•?« 'A Jtltamont Dairy flakers 'ft No single lot higher than $300 Choice lots as low as $75 K, Make your choice, pay 20 per cent cash and $10 a month 'A The Cleanest and Best Kept tivering Milk and Cream in rva^^i Falls. Every Can and Bottle Sterilized with Steam each day. Our Cows are fed and cared for under direction of Dairy Division Department of Agriculture. > PHONE ORDERS B 3 y OOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000<9) s o IJgL Frank Ward will show you tho lotx and ’pg“’ *, SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS»* is tho word that telln the story, and when tho government places its O. K. on whiHkey you may *'e auro it is pure. Sold by • s « t C. I). WILLSON Wholesale and Retail Dealer £ Q • > FURS WANTED A. HELMING & CO Fur Merchants We pay the best Cash Price. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE, Aiklrt ss MEDFORD, ORE