Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 26, 1907, Image 5

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    The Sale at the BOSTON STORE
will continue until everything is sold
PRAYERS before battle
Cwri*us h,OMti«na by Fsm*u*
M* Heard of It
Admiral Walker wa* a tins old
■nd he wa* recognized a* thorough
No personal friendship softened hie
One <»f ..........
rwords in his manners to a delinquent. One day
U»y Of a prayer Iwfure battle la that when he was Railing out from Hamp­
of Chtiderlr, king of Gaul,
----- - _ * pagan. ton Roads with the International fleet
wl»<> before going into battle at Zurl that helped us to celebrate the centen­
filch, some 4'«) years after Christ nial of Washington'« brat Inaugura
prayed to tbs God of the Christian* to tlou hla orders about weighing anchor
kelp him to victory. Hl* foe was At­ were disobeyed by his dearest friend
tila. king of the linns, and t'hllderlc In the service, who was In command
vowed If God would give him the vic­ of one of tbe ships, and a* the old
tory far would embrace the ithristtan Chicago, th* flagship, passed tbe
trembling culprit tbe navies of the
Ths prayer of a Hungarian officer I world heard "bis whiskers” thunder­
Iwfore one of the lilt ties fought for tbe ing out from the bridge objurgations
iieh-le nili-ni e of Hungary In 1M9 wa* and expressing wonder at bls own
a* follows- -f will not ask thee. lx>nlJ moderation in not putting bis old com­
to help u*. and I know thou wilt not rade under arrest At another time
help the Austrians, tint If thou wilt alt when the white squadron was sailing
on yonder hill thou shall not t*e usliam out of a Mediterranean bay another
«1 of thy children
This was the old friemi worked hl* ship so awk­
prayer of the "Fighting Bishop'' Is-» wardly that the admiral then nearly u
He I m fore <>;.e of the battles fought In "trade dollar admiral"—suspended him
Ireland '«» God. for our unwortlilneas by signal Iu tlx- face of tbe whole fleet
we are not lit to claim thy help, but The punished <-a|-taiu, coming alaiard
If we are I ki -I ->ur em-mlea are worse. I to protest against bls public repri­
Slid If thus se st Hot Wieet to help u* mand. puffed out indignantly. "Why.
we {»ray the* help them not. but stand sir. I neypr lies ail of such a thing.”
thou neuter on thia day and leave It to , ' Well," said John, pulling at hl* big
fls>- arm of the flesh "
side whiskers, “you've beard of tt I
Tbe one offered la-fore the battle Of ■ now.-—Harper's.
ildgeblll by Hlr Jacob .Valley was.
"Thou knoweaL O Lord, that I shall .
Quetta Who Won't Order.
be very busy thia day. aud If I forget j Tbe business man returned to his of­
fl...- forget thou not tin-,” a.4 then the fice iu a bad temper after tbe lunciieon
command followed. "March on. boys!” hour. "I wish people who haven't
As King Edward advanced with bl» minds of their own would come to a
columns to Baumekburn lie remarked
realizing sense of the bother that they
to bls sill», seeing the Scotch on their are to their friend* and would devel­
k><-,-a "Roe. they ktu-el. The rebels
op a little Initiative on their owu ac­
are «»king pardon" D'l'mphravlile
count.” Ite said. "Maybe It's only a
ws* heard to remark "Yea. but It is to
mistaken Idea of politeness, but any­
the Klug of kings. These men conquer
how It'a a nuisance to be eutertalning
<< die on thl« field.”
illlut Cromwell had public prayers a person at tbe club and have him ut­
terly without idea* as to w hat be wants
before going to battle on so»era! ocea
■Ion*, as. for Instance. previous to the to eat and drink. You ask him and he
aays he'll leave it to you. which is ex­
battle <>f Duubar. it is a curious fact
that the English prayer book contains actly what you don't want him to do.
How can you divine bls tastes. I’d like
prayer», or at least one prayer, to la?
Mid before going Into action at »ea. to know? What appeals to you very
while uothlnx is provided for nae be likely won't to him. and you know and
he knows It. But your selection* from
fore engagements on land.
the menu are always met with the
commeut 'That's very nice,’ or 'You
couldn't suit me lietter.' And *o you
go through tbe meal in a hit and miss
Many F*ath*r*d Creature* U«* the fashion that certainly get* on tbe
Sam* On** Y«ar After Year.
nerve* of the host. The next time I
"That • >mmon evpre»*lon for worth run up against that kind of man I’m
lessnesa. 'll ha* uo more value than Just pdng to sit back and let him do
a leaf year's Uni'* Best.'” »aid a bird the entire ordering."—New York Press.
fancier. "I* often far from correct.
The majority of our bird* do leave
Wh*r* th* Dog I* Valued.
tlielr nreta after r«l«lng a brood, but
In northern France and in Belgium
many do not. ami tbefr n«-»t* are used especially the dog is Indeed the friend
through a succeiuilon of year*. I have of man. lie Is made to work. He
known some birds to use their nests gets little play except that small
ten year* In sucres-doB, and *o per- amount deemed sufficient to prevent
siatent are they that many time* the canine dullness, yet he Is so loved and
female will return even after the nett so well cared for by his owner that
ba* ta-en robtaal ami the mate killed. be iteconies a most important member
Among these Users of jierennlal neats of the family. The farmer, the trades­
are the w rena, some of the swallow man. the householder, the guardsman
family, bluebirds, great created fly­ of the frontier worships his dog—one
catchers. some of the owl*, eagles, of the first things he thinks of when
chickadee» and some wood|«eckere.
founding bls little home. He takes de­
"They repair to the nest each year light In rousing the dog's intelligence
and often build It over. A little wren and loses no chance of pitting Niat in­
ha* made It* neat In a hole In a tree in telligence agnlnst others. Local farm­
my garden and ha* occupied It for the ers vie wit h each other to Improve a
last eight years. Each y*ar It baa piled breed Dog clubs take up the work,
on new stuff tdl the holo la nlmoat fill bolding exhibitions In villages ami
nd tip Rome <ay that aa a.»on na It be­ towns
Cities challenge neighboring
come* crowded the bints will clean It munieiiuilities to contests on the grand­
out. 1 know of a bluebird's neat that est •«■ale.—Wide World Magazine.
ha* been occupied for several years It
la the same female year after year, for
Wracked by • Whal*.
•be has two black wing feathers and
While cruising iu the south seas the
Is lame.
whaler Essex was furiously attacked
"Birds that build In exposed situs by a cow sperm whale supposed to
tlona. like hangblrda. always build have been the mother of a calf which
anew each season. anti aome other* had Just been harpooned. Tile whale
build anew for every brood. Rome nev­ had not lieeu wounded herself, aud her
er build. They cither lay In the neat« attack was very determined. At her
of other birds or In the «and. The first rush she passed under Uie Essex
ettgle ami the owl make a framework and carried away a great length of her
of »tick» and alight repair* are needed. false keel; then, coming to the surface
Manv bird»' ne»ta that you find have a considerable distance away, she ap-
never been used. For Instance. the peared to take Iwarlugs ami deliber­
marsh wren build« several with the ately charged the vessel again, ram­
Idea that In the case of disturbance ming her with such violence that she
the male will attract attention to the stove in the bows, while the ship roll­
ne«ta other than that in which the fe ed so heavily that the captain thought
male la brooding and so shield her from she must be dismasted The case is
memoraliie because the crew had to
abandon the vessel, and one boat was
An lihmaalita of tha Plain*.
never heard of again.—Bally’s Maga-
The dead thing, wherever it Ilea, still «1ns.
remain* the coyote's choicest feast. A
creature without n friend, an Ishmael-
Jingled His Wealth.
Ite whom men and animals have com
Young Scotch Precentor—Man Tarn- i
bined In despising, the ideal thief and mas. there's ae thing bothers me satr
vagabond of the animal world, this when I'm singin', an' 1 canua get
gray, gaunt tlgurcheail
of the western ower't. I'm awfu' nervous.
world still survives, as much the own
o)j precentor—Ays, aye. I wis the
er of his empire as he whs In the days •aine as you when I wis young, but I
when his ancestors looked with cock found oot a cure, au' I’ve aye kept
eared astonishment and staccato ex­ tas't I Jist pit seeven or aeht coopers
clamations upon the expedition of In my i>onch, an’ when I feel the nerv-
Lewis and Clark feeling Its way slow­ ousneas beginnln* 1 give theni a bit
ly across that transmlssourl wilder rattle. It mak’s me feel kin' o’ whit
ness whose future was then undream I may ca’ independent like, Try't.
ed. -James W. Steele In Outing Maga mon, try't—Dundse Advertiser.
____ _
On th* Bifl Job*.
In New York city alone the great
works of tunnels under city ami river.
Towne Look nt that poor blln l beg­ railway terminals and depot*, water
gar playing the accordion.
supply and other similar enterprise*
Browne Yes. I've l»ssn listening tA nuw In progress aggregate the enor­
him. I'ity he isn't deaf too.—PhlladaP mous »urn of *625.090.00). or tnsre
Dbta IT«*».
than four rnnnma canals, says Popu­
flt*el Pens.
lar Mechanic*, while three of th* on-
toriasi P*r**nage*.
Ji Few
Words Concerning
Good Printing
ID it cviy occur to you that nine men
out of every ten judged your stand­
ing in the commercial world by the
sationery you used?
Such is a fact,
you use cheap, shoddy printing, such as
many printing offices give you, devoid of
merit, then your correspondents will put
you down as a has-been and irresponsible.
GOOD PRIMING has been our motto for
years and in quality we refuse to1 be ex­
And our prices are right.
One tirade »Chat the Best
Try us with your next order.
We have the
latest styles of type and competent men to
execute the work in the latest approved style
ALEX MARTIN, Prescient
E. R. REAMER, Vine Premdeat
ALEX MARLIN,Jr., Cashier
LEHLIE ROGERS, Asst. Cashier
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
JUNE 2», 1907.
bbsovis as
Ijoana and Discount*............................
I 314,962.76
Bond* and Kecuritiea..........................
••• •••••* 60,684 86
Real Estate,.Building* • nd Fixture*
Cash arid bight Exchange....................
fmsjoo . u
Li Ant Lin
Capita) Stock, fully paid
Surplus and Profit*.........
flue other Banka...........
I. Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly
«wear that the above «utement is true to the best of my knowledgexnd believe
A lex M astix , J b ., Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before m* this 4th day of July, 1907,
[* kal )
A. M. W ubdbx ,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Plumbing 1
of all kinds)
of Price
Laundry Trays
H. BOIVIN, the Plomber, Agent,
PttoyE 3*6
City Meat Market
XZ£ k / ncs cf frfsh ’
. 1
** 1
James B. Moore. Prop.
Opp. Martin Flouring Mill
Wood, Posts, Shakes
Horsey boarded by
the tlay, week or
Fine livery teams
at reasonable rates
Grain and hay for
sale — Hay baled
or loose.
Lakeside Inn
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
Opposite Van Riper Bros.
Phone Ç96
We deliver to any part of the city
Phone orders given careful and prompt attention.
We cut hams to accommodate customers
ii r