I CITY New hue ol Hülfe detachable haudle umbrella« »J R’ to HO «I Wtotore*. » BRIEFS The hearing in the land arm Ate to ari» 1 Tbe beautiful Klssr Photos have mg from the opening last »Stober are arrived at the Star Drag Store. ♦ now in progrva« and the war will Miss Marie McMillan will leave cleared for o>nle»t» or clear Al ugs- within a tew deva for Chl«eud the wluter and visit her Shalva* Klipper Klub. sialers. Huy »nur »halva W’e are ready for you at Winters’. ♦ at |talnrr from Montagu» was in the citv thi« week on business. for a tea day» thia week Keep your eye on |er Broa. ¡ I Jacob« returned Saturday from San have fre.li groceries arriving daily. Francloco, where he had bwu on a bi lei Phone your order to N-l-ri. 11-3K t ' buaiuraa trip He reporte great iiu Marriage liceu.e. were I muo I thi. prove man I a bring made in the I’«« I it, week to Ralph W. Timmons and Miss and l*lirir« that it will not I* «• foot Cora A. lx>e, Frank Vhentell aud Mi*» an first auti.-lpat.'l tadure the ravage* «•! Grace Barn«! the public along i ber 20. Oystere. linked been., breed ' «hl» line. The .table la -x»e of the iarg and butter, coffee, doughnut, and pie e»t in the .tat« and la ftllv.| with !*•»! chute., thu. mailing p will be the leading diahre. Pruereda Pmere.la to toichule., making it pr«atl>to tor • horaea to wcure a omatanl »apply vt go toward lighting the new church. hay nithoul wa.le. The butiding I. ao Small trecta of well located tulv marah large that it afford, ample n»>n> for land, offered for oue week al |*A> per vehicle», thu. making II utinveeaanry for ieere. Abel Adv. f loaded wagon» to remain ->ut ia the A. *TL Brooks, an employe of the , »term. Reclamation Service, left line week for FOR EXCHANGE. A new »»torn his home in Virginis. He eapecta to ftee-ru>m houw. value IlflOO. In Santa go via the Panama canal route to New I Vraa. Cal.; climate here like perpetual York. •prtng time Wall »tchange tor Klam­ The ki»er Photo» have arrived at ath Falla vacant lota, valley land, or the star Drug Store. f timlvr. Rc»«un for change, »mt t*r. , I alao have a Hire Fred McKendree of Bonanra wa. in higher altitude the city Tuesday looking alter the in­ eight acre ranch two and one-halt mile» A‘LI rm. I. terest« of the Bonanas Creamery, of from Santa t’r«u. for •«!» W Pingree. Sen brig hl Matta«. Manta' which be is managrr. Cree. Cal. • i S. A. White ol Bonanaa wa» r.gmt- •M im Bertha Slater, who eaa danger- 1 I ervd al the Istheaide Inn Tuesday. ou.ly ill tor several day» thi. week i. re- Mrs F'mmitt Beeson, ol Talent, is here ported to be vxnr nhat Improved Iler on a vi»it with her daughter., Mrs. E. •Il knew h»a devel oped Inin pbeum-mia Dunham and Mi«s Anna Be.-»»« and ho|»r are entertained f»r her ull> mate recovery. Mrs. J. B. Griffith, who has been ill for »MUM.4.U.». is M4*«ri.-.p c<, hw «-*«••**- • Maw watabea am! nage al Winter..* r lescing. George I*. Kill, manager of the Hol­ W H. Heilman and family left this comb Realty company, 1» in Portland In week for Washington, fl. C. They ei- the interval, of hia company I*«’ to return to I»s Angeles for the Buy your Xmas prearnla al Winter».* winter. All grouda handsomely engraved. • Those who wish the Wiggle blick W. Il llill an I W H. Cole were down Blue, which 1 have been selling for the from Klamath Agency thi. week benefit ol the Woman's Temple of Chi­ The alarm of Are turned In Saturday cago, will now find it for «ale at the Racket Htore, a* Mr. Itaffy has kindly morning «•• cauar'l by the burning of a raaidence, consented to handle it in future. I also mwllrea« at the Spencer have it at iny r<-«i-!vno-, if it is more Ser.>ml and Grant »trvet». It was a convenient to call lot it there. Hattie caae of much raMle and little Are, bet it created cmnsideraM« ei«-it»ment for a Wilson. 10 31 f time tai I dem- n.tratsd that there i. Fancy hoi stationery at Winters.’ ♦ •omething needed in the «a* ol aouh<|. It would seem that F. 11. .Menden­ mg an alarm. HOME BAKERY I hall, who pa»»*-0 tor have been visiting friends ami relative« the arreet of F. H. Mendenhall, the in Ashland, returner! h««ine th!« waeh. forger, have been issued by Sheriff Foil HALF:—First-« -lam Winchester Obencbain. The deacrip’ion contained repeating, lever action »hot gun, g.xd , therein it as follows: Smooth-faced: gun cover and cartridge bell. Complete a lain t W yearn of age ; height 5 feet 5'4' Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns outfit for |12. Inquire at thia office, t inches; weight IM; large, «lark blue and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every­ F C. Biaemoreol Fort Klamath wa« eyes; full-facer!; medium dark com- registered at the lakeside Inn Friday. plexion an«! hair; wears No. 5 shoes, thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or I »car site of 25-cent piece on right leg The government »ay« that Continen­ shelf-worn goods. above ankle; small »car on none be­ tal whiskey, Water Mil) whiskey, Nor- tween eyen. Dinchargerl from fleer Agents celebrated Ell wood Fences— mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye ia pure Lodge, Mont., penitentiary, Nov. 17, I for it ia put up under ita eoperviaion in and everything the farmer needs. , 1907. bonde«i warehouse«. Bold by C. D 4 i I/o not buy blemlrxl whiskey. When Willson. i you want pure whiskey see that it ia ‘•Every drop pure," i» what can 1« , put up umlr-r the government's "bonded «aid of Continental whiahey, Water % 4* 4* »b 4* *4* 4* 4* 4* 4*‘4« 4* 4* 4* *4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* X warehouse stamp," as in the Continen- .Mill wbiakey, Normandie Rye and F. F. I tai whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor- V. Rye. fold by C. D. Willaoo, ♦ mamlie rye am! F. F. V. rye. Hohl by ALLEN “LOAN .1. W. Fletcher of Yalnax wa» In the J C. D. Willson. ♦ Fee reUry city during the pa«t week. President Mulkey this week resigned Maps, Plana Blue Print», Etc. a« hea«l of the M.