THE MOOERN WAY. RUYS AND PLAYEAS. Xellsde Luaenn la to nppciir Lu vatxte- vllle B om Melville la playing In her ninth m-aooti In "His Hopkins.” Italph Mtuart, who is slurring In "Htroiighearl." la to apfiear next sen •on In a new play. Marie Ttunpeat la Io have tlu* loading role In Alfred Mutro's now play, "The Barrier," In London, , Tho voteran American slur, Oliver Doud By run, hiia uiude n greut bit us John llyd«*r In "The Lion uml tho Mouse " In hla new Bketcli, “A Dull Day at the White House,” l4*w Iteckstader gives ii funny but good nature«! im- poraonatlon of I'realdeut llooaovolt. James K. Iltickett Is directing tic* pr<Hliicflon of "A Fool mid u Girl," but will la-gin Illa ludlVIdilliI season ill the now hulro play, “John Ulnydv's Hmi or." It in rumored Hint John Hurry mor». now Mtnrrliiu In Kldn Johnson Young'« play, "The Boy a of Co It." la to mart y the lending lull y of the COmpuny, Ju sophlne Drake. Arthur Donaldson, who sang the role of Curl Otto In "The Prince of Piisen," la to l*c starred In a new piny by 1>. B Soriin thia season, entitled "The Norseman.'* Make the Children Happy! 11« stayed till 2 a in., and she ■«-«-■nel In no hast« lu part. And also It wan plain that he Was In n<> noe'* toptart. N«r did her father gtve a about And a«k him than and there If lie should come and put him out— I guetta ho didn't ears. things given away with each $10 Purchase Gifts for Men and Boys •>.« did nut Whisper, "Hurling John, I guaaa you'll have Io go," And a** ho simply stayed rishi on— The litchi wua turned down lo«v. Although Iho hour was -ery late, Iler father did not ewear Nor tell her Io dlamlM him aliulght— I gusas ho didn't caro. i For >*.*««• tho Jokoatera bold have told llow fathers fumtel and fuaaed And often kicked limae lovers bold Kirnlkht out into tho dust. Bui nowadays such a* enea «■ ihraa Ihm't huppen. I declare. For lovers do just aa they pleaue, *arenta *)** not care. 4 ta troll Freo Presa, Tho Ideal HOUSEHOLD HINTS A cloth dipped lu strong cider vine gar will clean mica. The electric clothes drier is now In* log put lu Hw houses of the luxuriant class. Ordinary fine salt should be kept on every kitchen washstand since It la splendid In • leaning stains from the bands. itcineinlx-r In removing atalna that all alkali stains can lie rein«*ve«l by a weak solution of citric add, while acid stains can l*e removed with ammonia Have n small I iohhw I mh * magiwt fas tewd to Hm end of n tsp«« of ribbon of sufficient length ao that It can lie drop|H*d to the floor to pick up sclaaorw aisl needles If n lintr mattress has once l*cen Ibor.nighly fumigated with carbolic acid ait Inroad of Imgx will Is* wnrded off for years, ftoinetlmes this Is done I by the manufacturer, and In buying a new mattress it Is well to make !n qu tries alxtut It. FACTS FROM FRANCE. In Paris there In a Buddhist temple with Mio members. A good glove cutter will make aa much ur lloo a week In I’aris. In Hie south of France wino Is now •old by the half hour. On payment of 2 cents one can go Into n wino cellar •ad stay there for half an hour. French physicians are recommending their patients Io use In their Imtbs per fumed tablets containing cartomlc arid gas In dlaaolvliig tbeaa make tlw wa ter bubble vigorously. Submarine signal ls*lls have been orderc<l by the French government They are actuated by pneumatic pow er and nr«* to Is* place«! at the ends of the piers a! Cal ills, Boulogne nud Ila vre. Also a submarine algmil buoy Is to l>e pln<*«*d for trial off Havre. Too! Chests for Boys, and other valuable Beautiful Dolls for Girl». "Here's a piece of pie I made my self " "Dut's all right, lady. I'm so hungry i I don’t mind what 1 eat."—New York World. Gifts for Men and Boys XMAS Suits Shirts Overcoats Smoking Jackets Fancy Sweaters Silk Underwear Stylish Hats Dress Gloves Umbrellas Ascot Ties Mufflers Fancy Vests Silk Suspenders Fancy Hosiery Suit Cases Disappointed. A diffident Imiklng man from one of the suburbs Stepp«*«! up to the ticket office In one «if the railway stations tn Chicago and asked the man Inside In a hesitating way if he sold round trip tickets to the Jameatown cx|x>sltlon. ’’Yes, sir." answered the ticket seller. "Give reduced rates?” "Yea. sir." “I suppose there will be special days now and then?’ 1 "Undoubtedly." "Going to tie a Pocahontas day?’ "1 guess no." "Well, what I want to know is thia," •aid the stranger, clearing hla throat: "Will there lie a John Hmith day?’ "I don't know aa to that." gravely rejoined the ticket seller, "but I am Incline«! tn think not. Hotel irnitnmo flattens In the nclghtorhood of the ex- poaltten are limitedYouth's Com- I panion. Making a Sala. “Tour case.*' remarked the salesman Io the reluctant customer, who said he was In a ruah. "reminds me of a dog niy uncle ¡xwM*«ae<l out on the ranch He would start running around the rain barrel very slowly and would In crease hl» speevl until he was Anally running so fast that about every third lap lie bad to Jump over hlmarlf." i He ciluch«*d the Bale.—Judge's m brary. Taking Ways. f Don’t forget your Winter needs. Stormy weather is coming. We have an abundance of good things that will keep you comfortable, such as Mackinaws, Duck Coats, Rubber Coats, Corduroy and Leather Coats, Rubber Boots, Snow Shoes with Leather Tops, Arctics, Blankets, Etc., Etc. THE PORTLAND CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE Agents for Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing Talling Talas. The teacher wax giving them a prac tice lesson tn the art of conversation, and every little girl was ex|>ected to tell of some Incident In her receut ex perience. In the class there was one bashful little girl who finally was Induced to tell of an experience she bad when the family were out riding: "We were riding along, having a nice tima," she aakl, "when we saw another horse and buggy coming very fast. And pretty soon the buggy ran into ’ something and was upset, snd all the people were thrown out Then pnjia said: 'Good enough for them. I never liked those («rople very well anybow.* " There was a buret of laughter In the room, for every laxly knew who the peo ple in Hie accident were.—Columbus Dispatch. According to telegraphic dispatches, Governor Chamberlain will discontinue the holidays on December 14. Well it is about time. There was no pressing necessity for it in the first place. Per haps in one particular instance it was of advantage to declare a bank holiday, but there is no reason why the entire state should he incorfvenieqced to pro tect one individual. The batiks as a rule have for sometime been demanding , that the proclamations ceasewgnd busi ness be permitted to take its course, but I it would seem that there was sufficient influence at work to cause the Gover nor to continue them ami at onetime ae were threatened with an extra ses sion of the legislature, calle-«! for the purpose of amending the attachment law. Thia, however, met with such vigorous opposition that the plan was calted off. There ate a lot of skins j throughout the state who are taking advantage of the holidays to avoid pay- . iug their honest debts and the propose«! amendment to the attachment law was only another move by these bilks to make it more difficult for creditors to collect honest debts. If after a reason able susoension of the holiday program there are indications of an unsettled condition among bank de|x>sit*>rs in the larger cities, then it may t>e returned to without any criticism, but the concen sus «>f opinion seems to be that no such neees-siiy will arise. In this city, as in all other small cities throughout the state, there is no fear for the future. Depositors ar«* certain they are safe, and this feeling of safety has been produced i by the banking institutions in there I places practically ignoring the holiday« and meeiing all demands that were made on them. “I met that popular young doctor at my uncle's the other day. and I cer tainly win taken with the way he act ed." "What did he dor "He took uncle's temperature, next he t«x»k aunt's word about paying bls ntul t’.. i lie took litw li'iiw " MODES OF THE MOMENT. bill, Tho Same Old Mothsr. "Humph.* No wonder In* Is taking "Now, Jamie." said tin* schoolteacher. with (x**pl** ."- Baltimore American. Short «■(■Hts of fur made with a cir "If there were only one pie for d«*ssert cular (icplum ure wonderfully »mart and there were five of you children and Tiresome. for slim tlgnrea. papa nud ruamma to divide It among, "1 suppose." remarked Knox sat bow large n piece would you get?" The negligee Is now ko clntxirately made Hint one can Hcarcety tell It from casllcdlly. "that you're busy with your "Oneslxth." replied Jamie promptly. Society stunts, ns usual ?' the dinner gown. "But there would be seven people "Oh. yaas,” replied «’holly wearily, there, Jamie. Don't you know how Fur brimmed Imta will be lu order to an extent not known for aevernl "but I’m tieginning to discover, don't many times seven g«x*s Into one?” years, In fact, fur, broadcloth and y’know. that mx-lety Is a deuced bore.” "Ycs’m, and I know my mother. "Well. well, most of us discover«*«! velvet » III re I go supreme. separately She'd say she wasn't hungry for pie that nlxHit your society long ago."— and In various combinations. that day. I’d get one-sixth.”—Youth’s Catholic Standard and Tillies. Companion. It Is connMcred Immensely Kmart to wear a silk shirt waist suit In the The Close One. A Disappointment middle of winter. The suit can lie "He's almost as wealthy as you are. 1th h Uncle (to his physician)—So yon mtide upon the simplest of shirt waist Isn't lu-?" asked Jlgley. think there Is hop«? for me? lines, with ti<> trimming at all. except “Yes.".replied Kicbley. "but hc'a aw "Not only that, but I can assure yon a band of silk or a few rows of vel fully tight chest«*«!." that yon are out of danger." vet, A fur enut for th«* street gives "Why. In* said he'd give $50 to that “Very well. 1 wish you would In this suit Hie crowning touch of smart charity If you would." form my uephew, but break the news ness. -Brooklyn Eagle. "Exactly. That Just shows that be gently to hltu."— Philadelphia ln«|Ulrer. doesn't expect to «-outrlbute at all."— Philadelphia Press. NEW YORK CITY. Unaided. Dr. Slicer - Shocking! This paper New York city's bonded Indebtedness Uncertain. says that 8.000 peop^* died lacking la now close to the $.VK).(X ki .(M m > mark. "There Is no telling how fame Is go medical services lust year. Mrs. Slicer New York city's old tenement house ing to tie acquired.” said the ambitious —Well, well! You wouldn't thirk that bloika have twice ns large h popula citizen poidble. would you?-Cleveland Lead FARMERS OF flODERATE MEANS "No." answered th«* sardonic person. er. tion as they had fifteen years ago. OFFERED RARE OPPORTUNITY There h* euougli money In the New "Sometimes It comes from doing some thing great and sometimes from saying Yerk savings banks to give *210 to Had Heard It Before. eecli rnaa. woman and child within He something foolish.”—Washington Star. I An unusual opportunity is offered the "She looks very young to have a border«. iiarmer of moderate means to secure a grown daughter." Another Rioh Strike. There la a "TInpot" alley on the home in the Lakeside Tract located on "Yes: she was Just telling me"— Fake Oil Capitalist (smilingly)— lower end of Manhattan Island. The the North shore of Tule Lake. The "I know. That she was married your latest gold mine panning tenia la a corruption of "Tuyn Past.” Bow's when ahe was Just barely fifteen years land now offered for sale consists of out? ■waning “Garden lane" In Dutch. 3500 acres of irrigable land lying under Fake Mine Promoter—Beyond expec- old.”—Pittsburg Post. New York'a official extreme tempera the Adams canal, a part of the Klamath tores, taken 1n Central park, are 101 tatlona. Why, old man, It'a assaying Didn’t Affect Him. over n thousand suckers to the ton of Project, and admirably located along degree« abova aero and (I below. The Stella—Mrs. Jones wnnts a new coat the shore of the lake. It is rich sage mean temperature during the last year literature.—Puck. Iweausc Mrs. Smith looks so well in hoe been 08 degrees— New York nee- one Jnck—Yes. but Jones won't Riga a brush and grass land, part of it being in In the Enemy's Ceuntry. aid. cultivation. It will be sold in tracts to Btnbb— My wife sent me to a rem check merely la’cauae Smith looks ao ■ suit purchasers and on satisfactory pretty when he la writing one. — Har nant sale last week. I terms. PITH AND POINT. per’s Baur. Tenn—Did you see any remnants? I For particulars call on or address. J. Stubb-No. but If 1 hadn't seen the No man's credit la so good that the door pretty soon they would have pick It Is sometimes advisable to employ Frank Adams, manager Lakeside Com CMh In not better. 10-17-tf ed me up In remnants.—Chicago News. a night watchman to look after men pany, Tule latke, Oregon who are ns honest as tho day Is long.— It Is nlwnys n temptation to mock Bt Louis Globe- Democrat. any one you dislike. The Noose. A man's word may be uh good aa hla Tolstoi predicted that this country Is Teacher (expectantly)—Now. chi) Brick Work bond and yet hnvo no special value. dren, how many of you enn tell me going to smash, nud some one circulat Man Is disposed to believe Hint while What a lasso Is? ed the report that Tolstoi Is dead. A ' Flues built, plastering »ml cement he lieljis others no one ever hel|«s him. Willie (hurriedly raising Ills hand)— great deni of guessing la being done by work promptly done. Prices reason- CHAS. W. THOMAS. Every day thousands of people ex rieaae, ma'am. It’s a long rope with ■ people not connected with the weather nbte. Lefive or«l*'rs at Gun Store. Phone claim. ”1 can't stand It!" But they do. running nose nt the end. -Judge. bureau. 5!>.”. 10-17 t After a man rcuches seventy living Tho Terms. must Is* a gm m 1 deni like waiting to go So far none of the newspaper nrtista "Tlu* payments ain’t so liani.” to a dentist's to have a tooth pulled. hm considered It necessary to furnish • WANTED -This office will pay '•What terms?" A good deni of sympathy Is wnated, US with a diagram showing Just which five rents per pound tor old rajs "A dollar down and a dollar wlieu- no doubt, hut a goo*I deal of sympathy pnrt of Japan's neck will need n pool« > They mud be dean; linen or cotton la eounlerfnlt. milking Its extravagant ever the collector ketches :ue."—Wash lice if she gels too gay. Ington Heiuld. | < «< Ue unimportant.—Atchison Glolie. ■ I — M a SON &. S LOU GH ABSTRACTERS choice line of invest ments ttiot will make ttie purchnser money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH Plush and Mohair Robes and All Kinds of Harness. Poultry and Stock Food and Harness Oil. WILL HUMPHREY’S HARNESS SHOP < tpposite Exchange Stables A. G. DUHME TIMBERLAND Office in First National Bank Building, LAKEVIEW, OREGON. FURS WANTED A. HELMING CO., Fur Merchants We pay the best Cash Price. Address KLAMATH FALLS, ORE, MEDFORD, ORE I want 10,000 Muskrat. Will pay big cash for rat and other furs. I have some fine hounds for R»le. ami will take furs* in pivment. BOYS, HEHE IS YOVR CHANCE. TRY IT! ’ C M. GOSNEY, GODDARD, KANSAS