Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 19, 1907, Image 6

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    Üisäululiunoi' Partnership
What's the matter with the Old Line?
Klamath Lake Railroad
Saves about 20 miles of staging
over any other route between Klamath Falls and the S. P.
Go by the Pokegama Line and
SAVE 68 miles of STAGING,
$1.40 in MONEY and 24 hours
in TIME—unless you want to
land at midnight in Portland.
’Phone Central at Klamath Falls.
Your wishes and space will be
reserved. No charge for ’phone.
I E. T. Abbott, ^a^sk£r¿ Thrall, Cal
W. O. W. Eaatina Cutup, No. 799, W.
O. W., meet« every Tuesday evening
at 7 :30 o'clock at Handerson’a nail. All
TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY uvtghbur* cordially invited.
C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk.
coi kt <> f hie hiah : or ore
I. O. O. F.—Klamath
G kbktino : We th« undersigned pe­ Lodge No. 1.17 meet«
every Saturday even­
titioners, resident«, ellisen« uud legal ing in the A. O. U. W.
voter« of Pievena Precinct, County and hall. U. B. Clendenititig.
Htate aloreaaid, very reapecliully peti­ N. G. Geo. L. Hum­
tion and request, that a retail liquor II- phrey, Secietary.
cense be grantni J. W. I>yar to «ell
O. E. S.—Aloha Chapter No.ftl, meet«
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in
leas quantities than one gallon, in the in the Masonic hall every sscond and
fourth Tuesday evening« in «sch month.
tuwu ol Kano. Plevena Precinot in the Christine Murdoch, W. M. Jeouie E.
'County of Klamath, btateof Oregon, for Kearnes, Secretary.
I a period ol 6 month« commencing on
the Hth day of January A. D.
Ewanna Encampment No. 40.1.0.O.F.
and that the application for the grant­ Encampment meets first and third
ing ol «aid license will lie made to the Fridays of each tuonili in tli« A. U. U.
W. hall. C. C. Brower, C. I’.
Hon. Court aforesaid, at their regular
Geo. L. Humphrey, Kerii*«.
January Hth, 1907, term, and that Hie
name I* granted will ever pray, etc, etc.
A. F. A A. M.—K lainaili
Lslge No. 77. Meets second
J. E. Newbanka
D. J. Jones
and fourth Monday« of each
L. N. Manderson
Roller I Atciieson
monili in the Masonic Hall. W. T.
Shivv, W. M. W. liowdoin, Secretary.
D. L. Gordon
N. W. Diehl
I*. H. Downing
G. G. Kerns
I Leon Anderson
K. of P.— Klamath Ixxlge No. 9(j
Sam Diehl
meet« in Handcrsuii*« hall every .Mou
8. J. Poole
M R Ftnin
day evening.
Bert liani lier, U. U.
Eugene Spencer
R im | M. Frain
John Y. Tipton, K. of R. sud S.
J. Hughes
Cha« Msrsrow
Roy Stonebrsker
J. I*. Hitchcock
M. W. of A.—Ixslge meet* in the
A. I.. Fornao
J. Brannan
A. l*. P. W. hall every first and third
Wednesday in the month.
C. A. Barneburg
G. H. Orr
W. B. Mclxiuglilin, Consul
C. E. Biddix
F. T. Maxwell
W. A. PhelfMi, Clerk.
Ilan* Nelson
J. Connolly, Jr.
A. W
Pro«|>erity Reltekah Lxlgv No. UH
Conrad Madison
Marion Gordon
I. <>.<>. F. meet« in the A. O. U. W.
B. W. McCormick D. Heavilin
hall every fimi «nd third Wedneaday«
E. II. Cooper
Elsi M. Morgan
in tn« month. Mary E. Fish, N. ti.
J. E. Zevo
| Chas. Hitchcock
Ixirinda M. Haulier, Secretary.
E. II. Gifford
i George E. Chase
W II. Wall
Geo. Heavilin
Forester* ol America—Ewauna Camp,
C. J. McCollum
No. 01, meets In the A. O. U. W. ball
D. K. I>olen
every second and fourth Fridays iu the
A D. Gillman
Ira K. Hanson
0.1). Wilteoa.C. K.
G. F. Sevita
I i. W. K egg
» E. K. Jamison, Rec. Sec.
J. W. Adkiu«
, G. W. Korruls
C. M. Wilson
' John G. Driskell
_ Women .>1 Woodcraft, Ewautia Circi«
Olner M. Sly
! Chas. Gordon
No. 647. meet* every ms-oud sud fourth
Salon Allen
W. II Weeden
Friday in Naiideraoi?s hall.
John Connelly
(Tom Wilson
Mr«. Dollie Virgil,G. N.
II. R. Fox
Geo. L. Chase
Notice for Publication.
[Bonanza Bulletin]
Chas. Horton wm in the city Tuesday
and stated that he had shipped 250
herd of beef cattle to the San Francisco
markets -and that about the 20th he
would make another shipment.
K. E. Wattenburg and Wm. Wingate,
the contractors, will soon leave for
Lakeview where they will look over the
plans and specifications of Lake coun­
ty’s new court bouse and may put in a
bid on the same.
Louis Gerber started 200 bead of beef
cattie from the Graham, Offield and Ed.
Terwilliger ranches yesterday for Mon­
tague. Mr. Gerber informs us that
meats of all kinds have taken a heavy
drop in the California markets.
Mise Leona Bean returned home Fri­
day from Jacksonville, where she had
been attending St. Mary’s Academy.
She was accompanied by her brother,
Louie, who has been visiting uy Ash­
land for the past month.
The price of butter fat was raised the
first ol the month by the creamery com­
pany to 30 cents a pound. Milk more
cows and at the end of the month you
will find that you have a good little ac­
count coming from your cows.
[Merrill Record]
Tuesday last Dr. Patterson of this city
and Dr. White of Klamath Falls per­
formed a rather delicate surgical opera­
tion upon G. R. Carlock, editor of the
Merrill Record, for the purpose of re­
lieving Mr. Carlock of a paralysis of his
right arm caused by the knife used upon
him by Ernest Woolford, *»ov. 22nd,
severing tbe nerve lying along the arm
bone between the shoulder and elbow.
The operation was to unite one of the
main nerves of tbe hand and arm to
give control of the muscles in both hand
end arm.
It usually requires from
t >irty to ninety ttavs for actual results
to show.
Government gauging of the rise or fall
of Tula lake is being carried on at the J.
Frank Adams ranch, and a measure­
ment of the height of the water is taken
every Saturday near the mouth of Loat
river. On the 30th of November the de­
crease amounted to .09-6-10. Last Sat­
urday’s measurement showed a still
further decrease of 4% tenths. It
should be borne iu mind that there is no
evaporation at thia time of year, and ac­
cordingly this decrease plainly »hows
A. O. U. W-Linkvllle
I .m I go No. IIOmvelN in the
A. O. U. W. hall every Tues­
day evening. Visiting Broth­
er« always welcome. Walter
Lennoa, M. W.
J. W. Hieuiens, Recorder.
_______ •
Evangelina Ixslge No. Mrt Degree of
Honor Lslgn meet« In the A. <>. U. W.
hall every second and fourth Thursdays
in the month. Nancy N . While, U.ol ii.
Jesse Mai pie, Recorder.
Petition for Liquor Licence1
Thrall and Pokegama Route
Pullman Standard Sleeper berths
for all points on the Southern
Pacific are on sale at Thrall.
Notice is hereby given that tin* part­
nership heretofore existing between
Baldwin and Hughe« is dissolved, Janies
II. Hughes retiring. The business will
( in the future be conductnl by the un-
deraigned who reautnea any indebte«ine«a
existing and will cuU^'t
account« I
due the firm.
ILated November 23, 1007,
C ha ». R. B aiiiwik .
that tbe newly found outlet is steadily
lowering the lake.
About thirty-five ol the friends of Mr.
Ed Martin gathered at the Martin home
Saturday evening to celebrate his birth­
day. Progressive whist was the amuse­
ment, and a nio«t enjoyable evening
was spent over the game. At its dose ;
it was found that Mrs. Tenbrook and j
Mis* Riches had tied for the highest
score, and the prize was finally drawn
by Mrs. Tenbrook. Henry Cox, having '
the highest score among the gentlemen, J
won an appropriate prize, while the
boobies fell to Mrs J. 8. Rose and Guy J
Merrill. I>elicioua refreshments were
served. Mrs. Martin was assisted dur­
ing the evening by Mrs. W. Wilson and '
Mrs. G. R. Carlock. Mr. Martin was
remembered with wme very nice pres­
ents. Altogether it was a most delight­
ful party. The following is a list of the
Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Merrill, Mr. and
Mr*. Guy Merrill, Mr. and Mr*. Henry
Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tenbrook,
Mr. and Mrs. Purl Merrill, Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. Beard, Mr*. Ratliff, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Pope, Mr. and Mrs. G. R.
Carlock, Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Mr. and ‘
Mrs. J. S. Rose, .Mr. and Mrs.
Robison, Mrs. Laura Carr, .Misses May
Martin. Callahan, Riches, Conn, Alla
Balis, Mate, Kattenhorn
Mee»r« Joe.
Dewey, Henry Anderson, Henry Cox,
John Cox, Gus Peterson, Herman Kat­
i i
tenhorn, Tobe Mishler, Carlton.
And Than Accused H«r of Having N«
Sense of Humor.
The Metal of the Standard« That Are
In Uee Today.
Iieparlincnl ol tbe Interior, l-amt ofllce at
Ixikevlew.' >r»ton. Xov. S. I«7.
Nslice Is hereby given that Theodore I. Ser-
moro o( ttlsmsih Faile. Oregon, bee flled
notice ot bls Inlrntlon to make ftnal conamuta-
tlon proof In support of hl« claim, vis: Home
,u-s<l Entry No. aaOl. made May 2. IWS. lor the
Loll. sec. 1. rp. «7 H. H 10 kt.. W. M . and that
Mid proof will t»e made before tbe clerk of
Klamath county. Ore., si hl« office at Klamaih
Falls, Oregon, on the xiih day of Is-cember '
He names tbe following wltncsac« to prove |
his eontinnou« resldenoe upon, and culllva
lion of, the land, vlk :
O.K. Heusinger, IL H. Monaghan, William
Imslius and Jubu Kcuuey all ol Klamath
Falla. Oregon.
J. N Watson. Register.
It H —12 I»
Fraternal Order of Eagles meets
«very Monday evening at H o'clock in
A.<». ILW. Hall. Henry Boivin. W.
I'. Otto Heidrich, Sec.
Englishmen are often accused of bo­
There nre no products of human aklU
Ing unable to grasp the point of th« on which a greater degree of care Is
American pun, and sometimes they expended than the atamlarda of weight
Holder of License No 29.
may think they see tbe point of a Joke and measure io use among the civi­
when perhaps they do not. An Eng­ lized uatlons of the globe. Two things
lishman name«! Morley was walking tn particular have to be considered,
along the sidewalk one day with nn accuracy and durability. Nature doc»
American friend when the latter Inad­ not furuLsh any single metal or min­
vertently slipped and fell down.
eral which exactly answers the re­
“Ah, my deah boy. I hope you •re quirements for a standard of measure
not hurt! How did it happen?"
or weight that shall tie ns nearly an
To which the friend replied:
possible unalterable.
“It happened notwithstanding."
Notice For Publication.
The best subatauce yet produced for
Office in Exchange Barn
They both laughed over the pun, and this purpose Is an alloy of 90 per cent United States Land otnee, Lakeview, Ore- ,
Morley said It was so good he was of platinum with 10 per cent of Iridi­
Phone (101
gon, Oct. tv. me.
going to tell his wife about It At um. Thia la called irldlo platinum and
Notice 1» hereby given that In compliance |
dinner that evening he remarked that la the substance of which the metric with the provision« of the act of Congress ol
he bad such a good Joke on bls friend standards prepared by the Interuatloa- June». I»7». entitled “An act lor the eale ol
Brown, and by way of preliminary, a! committee on weights and meaaurew timber lauds in lb» Blates ol California. Ore­
leading up to the point of bls story, la composed. It Is bard. Is less affected gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory.” a«
be proceeded to tell all about who by beat than any pure metal. Is prac­ I extended to all the Public Larffl States by act
Brown was, his associations and busi­ tically nouoxldlzable and can tie finely
Klamath Falls, County uf Klamath, Slate ol
ness connections, h«w he came to get engraved. In fact, tbe Unca on tbo Oregon,
has tblsday flled In ibis ollies tits
acquainted with him, commercial re­ atandard meters are hardly visible to sworn statement No XM, for tbe purchase of
lations be bad had with him, etc., until the naked eye. yet they are smooth. . tbe u*',ue*4 ol Hee. No. «. In Tp. |
he forgot about the story, but was re­ sharp and accurate.
No. 41 H. K No. ». E w M, and will I
minded of It by the wife, who said Im­
If our civilization should ever lie lost offer proof to »how that the land -ought 1s
valuable lor Its timber or alone than lor 1
and relics of It should lie discovered In
agricultural pur|>ose», and to establish 111«
"But w’hat about the story?"
tome brighter age In the remote future
“Ob, yes!" laughing immoderately as there Is nothing that would bear high­ claim to Mid laud before tbe Clerk of Klamath
the recollection of It struck him. er testimony to Its character than these county, Oregon, al hl« offlc« at Klamath
"Why, you see. Brown and I were standard measures of irldlo platinum, , Falls. Oregon, on Friday tbe 29th day of
Pecember, 19W.
walking down tbe street together, and for the protection and preservation of
He names as witnesses:
be slipped on a banana peeling and which the science of this dny tins doue J. T. Johnston, Minto E.te«, W.Heehorn and
fell down, and when 1 asked him how Its very best. - St. Louis Republic.
Hen Milton ell of Klamath Falla. Oregon.
it happened he said, ‘Nevertheless.’ "
Any and all person* claiming adversely the
above-described land* ar« requested to ll'.e
And he was sore at her all evening
An Obedient Patient.
tbelr claim« In this office on or before said JUtn
and declared she had no sense of hu-
An old doctor whose memory was be­ day of !l«< ember, 1W7.
High Living.
ginning to fail him called in to see a
UtM -121»
J. N. WATSON, lleglslcr.
An eminent man who la a strict ab­ anything funny to that.—Judge’s Li- i young man who was 111. Ou arriving
Bank A Trust Com*
stainer from both wine and animal brary.
at the home be fouud bls patient Ln
pany’s Building
food Is obliged In consequence of this
Notice for Publication
bed with nothing the matter but a
peculiarity to refrain from dining out.
Garman 8port«m«n.
slight cold. After prescribing the usual | United Blate* Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon
He entertains, however, an occasional
Half a million sportsmen In Germany remedies be said:
Oct. 2A, 1W7.
kindred spirit. One such was recently kill annually 40,000 head of red and
“Now, my dear sir, you must stay Ln
Notice 1* hereby given that In compliance
at his table.
fallow deer, 200,000 roebuck, 4,000,000 bed till I come again.”
j with the provision* of tbo act ol Congress of
“You ought to have seen them,” said hares, 4,000,000 partridges and 400.000
He went away and forgot all about I June », 1»7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
the eminent man’s son, “rioting over wild duck, in all some 25,000,000 kilo­ bls patient The time flew by. One limber land* In the Htate* of California, Ore­
boded carrots!” >(
grams of wild game of a value of 25,- day the -M. D. came across tbo young gon, Nevmla, and Washington Territory.” as
000,000 marks, or $5,000.000, forming man’s mother in the street Tbe sight I extended to all tbo Public Land Stales by act
In Wooden Sho« Land.
nearly 1 per cent of the total meat snp of Mrs. Jones brought bls patient to of August 4, 1HW2. Hayden J. Lockwood, of
1 Klamath Fall* county of KUmatb. Htate
Patience—Did you have any shoes ply of Germany.—C. G. Schillings’ “In bis iniud. and. with a start, he said:
i of Oregon, ha* tb>* day Bled In tbl*
made in Holland? Patrice—Well, I Darkest Africa ”
“By tbe bye, bow is your son getting office hl« «worn atatement No. 3H11. lor All kinds of engineering and draughting
tried to have a pair made, but when
I tbo purchase of the e^nw'i and w^Mk of
Breaking Her In.
I went to get them they told me they
To his amazement Sirs. Jones replied Section No. 2», iu Township No. :ts «, Range No.
hadn’t cut the tree down yet.—Yonkers
Geraldine—I want you to understand that he was still In bed. obedient to ■ 10K W M, and will offer proof to »how that the
before I marry you that I believe In the doctor’s commands. lie had been land sought I* more valuable for Its timber or
* »tone than tor agricultural purpose«, end to
the equality of the sexes. Gerald-All there three weeks.—Illustrated Bits.
' o*tabll*h hl* claim to said land before the
Wh«n Pride I« Humbled.
rlyift. I was Intending to give the min­
I Clark of Klamath County, Oregon, at hl*
“now can I ever hope to win such a ister two guineas, ao you’d better hand
office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Frl-
proud beauty?”
over one.—Illustrated Bits.
Wlthrow-Melhase Building
Artist (Indicating an exquisite ma­ | day, the 10th day ol January IlMn
“Drop around when men are scarce.
rine view)—This picture Is valued at I He names as wltues»««:
No Room.
She ain’t nearly so proud then.**—
Stockbroker - Well, well!
H. S. Urlgiby, Ueo. Webor, W.H. Webb and
Washington Herald.
Scribbler—My new novel Is entitled There’s n lot of water In It, Isn’t Usere? ’ W. O. Webb, «11 uf Klamath Falls. O*«goit.
"What I Told My Wife.” Ruyter— —Spokane Sportsman-Review.
I Auy aud all persons claiming adversely tbe
Why don’t you call It. "What I Didn’t
above-described land« are requested to flic
A Oisgui««.
To the Barber—Lather me thorough ! Tell My Wife?" Scribbler - Publish-
Something like 1.500.000 steel | en» lutb day u( January, llflw
If; the’-e comes my t’Hor.-FHcget'.'!« er» limited t::.- t> one volume. E:;-
J. N. WATSON, Register.
<*jti be inaile from one tun uf ate;).
10 31 12
Utftrinary Surgeon
Office over Klamath County Bank