3 The Santa Claus’ Store XMAS GOODS Toys, Dolls—Toys, Dolls Fancy China Galore We will give Clothing, Dolls. Fancy China, etc., this year as usual. Call at Store for Particulars. Miss Maud Baldwin entertained the 500 Club Saturday afternoon, and de­ lighted her guests by presenting each MARRIED—In this city, Saturday, with score and parther cards that were Decemlier 14, DM)', Frank Chenlell and very unique. They were actual photo­ Grace Barnes, T. F. Nichols, J. 1‘., graphs of Klamath scenery and other interesting objects. officiating. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore left this Bonanza is going to have a grand masqusra.le l>al| Xmas night, and like week for Portland, where they will all things that Bonanzsites do, it is go­ s|>end the winter. One of the most successful dances of ing to lie the licet ever held in the the club's history was given in the county. Houston opera house Friday evening by The storm* of the past week bare con­ the 21 Club, Aliout fifty couples danced siderably delayed the work on the Keno the light fantastic and the evening was canal. one filled with keenest enjoyment. A telegram was received this week by If. P. Hoey, construction engineer of I). F, and John Driscoll, of Bonanza, the California Northeastern railroad, enouncing tlie death of their father, was in the city this week in the inter­ which occurred at his home in Smarte- ests of bis railroad »nd the work that is trill*, Calif., Thursday. Ib’ath was due to l>e 'done on the cut through the Hot to old age. Mr. Driscoll has many Springs addition. friends in Ibis county who will regret to Herb Cranmer left this week for his hear ol his death and who hasten to ex­ old home in Wisconsin where he will tend their sympathy to the bereaved spend the holidays. From there he relatives. will go to Kentucky, where he will l>e Mr. and Mrs. John S. Shook left lor employed by a large lnmlwr company !x>s Angeles Tuesday where they will for a short time. He expects to return apend the winter. ! here next summer. Additional Briefs STORE Bring the Children and See the Toys 'Tiit? Santa Claus’ Store I Extensive improvements in the way Owing to a shortage of coal oil, the I Mr. and Mrs. Austin E. Cox, of Bo­ 1 of new side walks are being made j merchants of Lakeview have agreed to nanza, are visiting friends in this city* throughout the city, particularly in the close their stores at 5:30 every evening James H. Driscoll, who went to Ewauna Heights Addition, where sev­ and Sundays, and as a result the em­ Smartsville, Calif., to attend the funeral eral of the property owners have laid ployees are wearing a smile that won't of his father, returned home this week. good, substantial side walks during the ' come off. R. E. Wattenburg, the builder of tha past week. It is to be hoped that every Rev. H. L. Gratuous, the Methodist Bonanza high school building, was in Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Naftzger left for i property owner will follow the example missionary for the Klamath Agency, I^keview this week to look over the their hxi Angeles home this week, set and thus add greatly to the comfort was in the city for a short time this plans and specifications for the Lake where Mrs. Naftzger will remain for the of the citizens and the up-building of week. winter, .Mr. Naftzger expects to s[>end County court house. the city. portions of the winter months in this In the case of C. T. Oliver vs. the W. A. Wingate, who has been in this R. I. Kilgore, who went to Ashland Klamath Lake Navigation company, in county for the past several months, left city. a short lime ago, returned to hie home i>. B. Campbell left this week ' in Bonanza this week, having longed for which the former sought to restrain the for his old home in Petoskey, Mich., latter from extending its wharf south of this week, where he will remain until for his old home in St. Thomas, Can­ ¡the beauties and fine climate of hie Klamath avenue, Judge Benson this next spring. ada, where he will s|>end the holidays. K lama tn abode. Mr. Kilgore has week handed down a decision in favor of From there he will go to his old haunts plenty of company, for there are many the defendant, dissolving the injunction For Sale in Florida to spend the winter, return­ I of the citizens of Klamath, lured to and assessing the costs and disburse­ ing to this city in the earlv spring. Ashland by the blandishments of that ments of the suit against the plaintiff. 640 acres of excellent land, >'-* mile* Miss Mae Worden and the Mis,es neck of the woods, have returned to Ashland went “diy” Tuesday by a out, one mile from macadam road ; 500 Campbell will give a New Year’s eve this county to find wliat they were majority of 81, much to the surprise of acres under gravity ditch, laterals all |«rty at the former's home. Very i looking for—fine climate and hospitable everyone. This is the second try at it, made: 140 acres under proposed high- people. unique invitations have tieen issued and ' it having experimented along that line line ditch ; 250 acres in'grain; 250 acres the affair promises to lie one tided with The annual mask ball will be given two years ago. According to the city in alfalfa, good eight-room house; pleasant surprises for the guests, J this year by Manager Houston in his charter the question must be submitted srge barn and granary ; four wells. ' opera house on New Year’s eve. He is Price >53 per acre, one-third cash, J. B. Moore this week sold his big going to give a number of very fine annually to the voters. Will Loomis mayor by a majority of 7 balance on easy terms. freight outfit to R. E. Hunsaker, who prizes on that occasion. He will also was . elected , . . MASON & SLOUGH, will place it on the Bray route. It is give a eimiliar affair in hie opera bouse an'* Egfi«®*’» won *or recorder by a ma­ in Merrill Xmas eve. jority of over 200. Exclusive Agents. one of tlie best in the field. ♦ J'»e Conger, who has lieen confined to hie home for some time, »»< very low this week and little hope entertained for hia recovery. Hie many friends hope that he will pull through all right and get out among them once more. An Extraordinary Event Never before has Klamath Falls and vicinity had the opportunity of selecting from such a large and fine stock of High Grade Jewelry as they have at present. A large city could not offer a finer display than is shown by G. HEITKEMPER, Jr., Republican Block THE LEADING WATCHflAKER, JEWELER, AND ENGRAVER Suitable gifts for all. From the inexpensive trinket, of worth, to the more elaborate selection. To those who would like to know, before they start shopping, the following list may prove convenient: In Gold and Filled Watohes Chains Lockets Rings Cuff Links Brooches Scarf Pins Fobs Bracelets Hatpins Beauty Pins Collar Pins Baok Combs Lodge Emblems Beads Neok Chains Festooned Neoklaaes 1 Sterling and Plated Silver Toilet Sets Embroidery Sets Hair Brushes and Combs Mirrors Cloth and Velvet Brushes Manicure Sets Puff Boxes Salve Jars Collar Button Boxes Jewel Caskets Salts and Peppers Thimbles Shaving Mugs Collapse and Travelling Cups Manicure and Embroidery Scissors Bodkin Sets Liquor Flasks Whisk Brooms Military Brushes In China In Leather Cigar Cases Plates Wallets Vases Letter Cases Ladies* and Gents* Purses Almond Trays Playing Cards in Cases and Sets Tea Sets Sugars and Creams Travelling Cases • Steins Handbags Lemonade Jugs Novelties Claret Jugs Bon Bons Fruit Dishes Cups and Saucers In Ebony Mayonaise Bowls Whipped Cream Bowls Brushes and Combs In Cut Glass Bovis Decanters Water Bottles Tumblers Vases Compotes Nappies Miscellaneous Artistic Bronzes Clocks Silver Knives Silver Forks Royal Doulton Ware Military Brushes Fountain Pens Hat Brushes Child’s Sets Clothes Brushes Everything Nicely Engraved. Mention could hardly be made of all tho beautiful articles of worth and quality to be found here, suitable for Xmas gifts. Inspection of my stock, will prove to the ‘‘Hardest to Please’’ that they can find here just what they want. Let us help you by our suggestions. Our experience counts. I G. HEITKEHPER, Jr. Out of town customers will be given prompt attention. matchmaker, Jeweler and engraver If you let us select for you and it is not satisfactory, the money will be refunded.