Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 19, 1907, Image 3

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    - ■
The Sale at the BOSTON STORE
will continue until everything is sold
Dinners Costing $100 a Plate
Are Not Uncommon.
Artietie and 3o*nia Effects and Lua-
urious Surroundings Help to Pile Up
ths Pric*—Methode of the Manager
ef a Modern Dining Paleo*.
to come witum it» uniiu.
When tbs commercial arrangements,
so to speak, have been made be sits
down to map out bls campaign A
typewritten plan is sent to the steward
showing just what bls department may
be required to do. another to the deco­
rator. another to the electrician, one to
the bead waiter, one to the chef, one
to the wine keejKT nnil one to the
"confectioner of souvenirs.”
are the banquet manager's trusted
lieutenants, without whom bls suceoss*
es would be little more than frantic
endeavors.—New York Letter in What
To Eat.
How would you like to pay 3100 for I
a single meal? There was a time I
On* That Cast ■ Reflection on Kina
when this question would have seemed
George III.
absurd. but now, with our rapidly
One of the last stopping place« of the
gruwiug wealth. It excites little com
Txmdon and Weymouth coach was at
merit. Ye*. $100 a plate banquets are a little Dorset village, whose principal
not uncommon among the Four Hun­ I hostelry was known as the Ass' Head.
dred. and $40. $30 and $»/) a plate are Bo good were the refreshments, so
quite ordinary chargea for twentieth I obliging the host nnd so reasonable the
century banquets.
To the ordinary charges that the luu ' did a thriving
trade and wan well spoken of through­
mind, however. It Is not easy to imsg
Io* s list of delicacies expensive out the district In one of George IIL’s
visits to Weymouth the royal party
enough to foot up such an amount or
stayed at this Inn und had lunch. This
an appetite so expensive as to desire was very gratifying to the loyal host,
them. Nightingales' tongues and bum
who Immediately took down his orig­
mlng birds* wings, washer! down with inal signboard and erected a full length
the costliest wines, would not satisfy painting of the king in Its place
the up to date diner, however. The Ilonceforth the inn should I m ? known
caterer does not depend entirely upon aa the Iloyal George. The proprietor
his chef and his steward for the suc­ of the rival hostelry in the village pur­
cess of great ”functloM.” Artists and chased the Ass’ Head sign for a few
mechanical geuulsea are his chief as­ shillings and had It placed over the
sistants. He must be able to trans­ door of his house. Now. It so hap­
form a New York banquet hall into a pened that the coachman and guard
fhp . d melhasb
plaza In Venice, a corner of old Japan of the Weymouth coach had t>een
V Aa-PraaMraf
or an ancient Greek or Roman palace, changed on tlia day this alteration of
as hts guests' taste or whim may dic­ the signboards took place, and they
were both atraugera to the district
Fads of millionaires and the fancies but their Instructions had been to stop
Capital Stock $100,000
of club* aud societies always seeking at the Ass' Head. and. seeing the sign
the unusual hove brought to pass the on the rival bouse, they pulled up
Opvn for butin«* «vary day in lh« ye*« «xcapting Sunday! and kgal holiday*.
3100 a plate dinner. The production there. This much annoyed the orlg
of the surrounding* they demand ne­ Inal owner, who. foreseeing that his
cessitates the outlay of thousands of pocket might suffer for bls loyalty.
dollars for each separate banquet. It Immediately had nailed to the bottom
would never do to have two banquets of the painting of King George a
alike, as goes without saying
4. M. WOHDBN. (Mb lar
NETTIE MBl.tUSE la charca of sav/ag.
board with these words in large let­
There was recently given in a new ters:
"This Is the original Asa!*’—
hotel In New York a bachelor dinner Londou P. T. O.
at which the guests were seated In a
corner of Venice. The effect was a
masterpiece of scenic art and electrical
Ingenuity, and that, quite as much as
the rich viands, was what the host Mentioned by a Jesuit In 1679
Mined First In 1749.
wanted and was paying for.
So far as known the first mention of
doors along the corridor at the sidcF of
the great banquet hall were removed, the occurrence of coal In the United
Delivered Daily from the Altamont
and in their pluces balustrades were States is contained in the journal of
set to give the ap|>earance of Vene­ Father Hennepin, a Jesuit missionary,
Dairy. Wholesale and Retail.
tian balconies
Beyond stretched a who in 1079 recorded a "cole mine” on
transparency 130 feet long and twenty Illinois river near the present city of
feet high, showing moat realistically a Ottawa, 111.
Every Ikdailof Our Dairy ¡»Sanitary, insuring
Coal was flrst mined in the Rich­
In the city of cnnals. Between
the Parity and H«altl>fuln«'»»<>f Our Products.
this aud the dining room was a wa­ mond basin, Virginia, about seventy
terway on which plied a gondola with years ufter Father Hennepin'ji discov­
a party of troubadours, who played ery In Illinois, but the first records of
aud aaug as they passed to and fro. production from the Virginia mines
The tables were set about the room, wore for th« year 1822. when, accord­
at one end of which a beautiful gar­ ing to one authority, 54.000 tons were
den of growing (minis and flowers had mined.
Ohio probably ranks second in prior­
lieen laid out. In Its center a fountain
which tossed Its light spray almost to ity of production, as coal was discov­
the celling Thousands of tinted elec­ ered there in 1733, but the records of
tric lights abed a soft blue lllumluation production date back only to 1833.
The mining of anthracite In Pennsyl­
over the whole. giving the effect of
Italian twilight, One could scarcely vania liegan ntxpit 1790, and it is said I
realize that abut out only by the stur- that fifty-five tons were shipped to Co­
dy walls of the hotel and thick bang­ lumbia. Pa.. In 1807. Reports of the
ings were the glare and rumble of anthracite coal trade are usually begun
with the year 1820. when 363 tons, one
Longncre square.
Hut there Is an endless variety of for each day of the year, were shipped
elaborate and picturesque effects cre­ to Philadelphia from the Lehigh re­
Before this, however, in 1814, a
ated for the twentieth century diner. gion
New York furnishes the most striking shipment of twenty-two tons was made
examples aud the most numerous, from Carbondale, also to Philadelphia. II
though London nnd Paris vie with her It Is (»robable that the actual produc­
for the honors of extravagance. Mme. tion prior to 1820 was between 2.500
Madeleine Lemaire’s dinners are per­ and 3.000 tons.—Washington Star.
haps the most notable of Paris. She
Why Boys Play Hookey.
has n special fondness for the an­
A child plays truant either because
OOOOOOOOOOOO <><><> <><><><>0-(><><X> »I cient In effects, and In a Grecian court
her guests sit at a Greek feast and the school has too little Interest for
All the room with their singing. An­ him or else because the parent cannot
Probably in
other striking effect followed a supper properly control him.
to n notable visitor from abroad. The most cases ls>th circumstances affect
guests were led to n room which hud his conduct, if the subjects taught
I been arranged to represent a pastoral and the teachers themselves were in
. scene, with growing turf and foliage. all res|»ccts what they should be aud
Of, Old Continental Whiskey
' nnd running nbout among the trees If the parents had fall control of their
were several little lambs. Overhead children, there would be little heard of
Water Mill Whiskey
J was suspended a huge ball which sud­ truancy or Its effects. There are three
Normandie Rye
denly burst nnd showered American causes of truancy, therefore, which de-
Beauty roses on those beneath It.
servo attention—a narrow curriculum
F. F V. Rye
The banquet Itself Is a gigantic un­ which falls to meet the needs or In­
dertaking. for under the manager's su
terests of all the pupils; Inefficient
pervtalon conies the selection of dish­ teachers who by reason of a lack of
es. their cooking, the sliver, glnss nnd skill, tact and sympathy fall to reach
china, the mode of service and the some of the pupils; weak or Indifferent
hundred and one other details. A great parents who fall In their duty of keep
dining palace seats from 1.300 to 2.000 Ing their children tn school.—"Chari-
persons, all of whom must be served ties and the Commons.”
simultaneously and each of whom
must tie served as If he alone were to
Better Castles Than Cavern*.
be considered, This gives some Idea
I find the gayest cnstles In the alr
perhaps of the banquet manager's tnsk. that were ever plied far better for
The office of this modern magician comfort and for use than the dun­
suggests, with Its roll top desk. Its geons in the air that are daily dug and
typewriter nnd Its telephone, the office caverned out by grumbling, discontent­
of any manager of large enterprises. ed people.—Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Uere be meets the people playing the
part of hosts nnd goes over the details
An Indorsement.
of the entertainment with them. He
She—What did you think of the min­
suggests, consults, advises nnd decides ister’s expression of the belief that the
on each Item not enly of the menu, world would soou some to an eml}
but of decorutlona and of service. Fre­ Ha—I was rather Inclined to think It
quently aud particularly In the case of would before he got through with hit
clubs nnd societies he Is offered a
<XX><XXXXXXXX>8 fixed figure nnd must lay out a scheme sermon
We make the best Cakes, Pies, Bread, etc. out of the
very best flour.
Everything is neat and clean in our baking department
and open to your inspection.
Van Riper Bros, handle our bread and will deliver it to
your door if you will mention it to them.-^^
ALEX MARTIN, President
ALEX MARLIN, Jr., Caahier
E. R. REAMES, Vice-Preai.ieat
LESLIE ROGERS, Arot. Cashier
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
JUNE 29. 1907.
Izmns and Discounts.............................
Bonds and Securities.............................
Real Estate,.Buildings and Pistares
Cash and Bight Exchange....................
Capital Stock, fully paid
Surplus and Profits.........
Due other flanks............
I 100.000.00
deposits ...................
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly
■«ear that the above «tale men t ia true to the best of my knowledgexnd believe
Aux M abti . x , J a., Cashier.
Subscribed and «worn to before me thia Sth day of July, 1907.
Notary Public for Oregon.
First Class
of tuli kind
of Price
Opposite American Hotel
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Laundry Trays
H. BOIVIN, the Plnmber, Agent,
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work
Livery and Feed Stable
Both Saddle and Driving Horses
PIK« 456
Kluu:h Fallt, Orason
City Meat Market
___________________ PHONE
I 314,982.78
James B. Moore, Prop.
Opp. Martin Flouring Mill
Wood, Posts, Shakes
Every drop
18 as pure an Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries.the guarantee of abso­
lute purity.
is the word that tells tho story, and when the
government places its (). K. on whiskey you may
bo sure it is pure.
Sold by
Wholesale and Retail Dealer £
Horses boarded by
the day, week or
Fine livery teams
at reasonable rates
Grain and hay for
sale — Hay baled
or loose.
Lakeside Inn
M rs . M. M c M illan , Proper
!! <»
’--- l!
_____ <•
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.__ ' ’
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
' >
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
Opposite Van Riper Bros.
Phone çg6
We deliver to any part of the city
Phone orders given careful and prompt attention.
We cut hams to accommodate customers-^^^^
J. W. Hawxhurst, Prop.