Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 19, 1907, Image 2

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    mixture to my lips, and. behold, it Is
( maraschino!
"No troublesome or expensive proc­
esses for me.” he protests. "There you
have about a penny worth of different
Tricks of London's Professional | essences that you’d pay sixpence for
In a restaurant. I add cochineal to it
Wine Doctor.
and It's kirachwaatier, vanilla and it’s
whatever you like to call or lalwl it.
You're astonished.
"if you were to tell a wine merchant
wbat I’ve told and shown you he'd
pretend astouisliiuent, and if you priut
Thia Master Mixer, With Hie Chemi*
ed it some of them the ones the cap
eale, Spirits and Water, Will Turn Ata— would write to the pai>ers for the
Out Cheaply and With Ease Any sake of advertisement mid call you
Deaired Brand, New or Old.
"What about yourself, though?" I
Some (»eople call him a wine forger
ask. with polite anxiety.
and treat him accordingly. But I pre
"Oh. I’m all right.” he declares. "In
fer to regard him as an entertaining tbe first place. I’m of a retiring nature.
Juggler who »ioes surprising feats with I’m doing a respectable trade in ’min­
a magic bottle.
erals* and only deal with reliable peo­
His apparatus, arranged on a narrow ple. Besides, I take precautions—pro­
abelf. consists of a dozen or so of tect myself. You’ve got to with a gov
small glass stoppered bottles of vari­ ernuieut like ours. I buy an occasional
ous coined liquids, a big jar of cara­ cask of real stuff from a good wine
mel aud another of silent spirit. There district, with labels for bottling. Yes.
are other things, such as an aerated It lasts me a good while—a few thou
water plant, but it is openly displayed sand bottles to the cask, in fact!’’ lie
downstairs. For the aeration of table allows himself a wise little smile.
.waters is tbe wine doctor’s ostensible
"But that’s not what I wanted to
talk to you al»out. I've been thinking
“Fact is there's too much wine tuade You can see for yourself what a lot of
already.” be says—"real wine. I mean monny there is in uiy business—about
It’s not wanted. It kee|w down the 200 per cent profit roughly. Now, can't
price. Besides, its wastiug good land we deal? if you were to staud lu with
,to plant it with grapes Just to keep up me—put in a bit so as to enable me
tbe old myth that they'n' necessary for to increase tuy turnover—your name
iwine making.”
needn't appear, you know—we tuight
i He draws my attention to his row of do big things. You sv, my wines"—
battles with a comprehensive wave of
It sounds tempting. 1 nln;o6t yield
to it.
the band.
"See those? Wine in embryo, tons
"Do you drink them yourself?” I ask
of it! Give we good water"—be indi­ cautiously.
cates an innocent looking tap in tbe
"Not me!” disclaims the wine doctor.
earner—"and I’ll turn you out a bottle
That settles it. I believe he’s a fraud
of anyth lug you like to name while after all. Anyhow I’ve never yet Bent
"conscience money” to tbe chancellor
you wait!”
That is what I have come for. I of the exchequer, and I never will.—
ought perhaps to explain that I orlgl
Armlger Barclay In London Mall.
nally met tbe doctor in a distant col­
ony, where men talk more openly than
.they do here, and—well, be knows that
,what I may set down in print a boot
Queer Pranks Played by the Sea on
him will convey no clew to bis iden-
the Yuha Plain.
lu the southeastern portion of Cali­
"Mind you,” be goes on. 'I don't ob-
Je« to real wine in moderation. My fornia la a great desert plain known as
own best qualities have a base of the Yuha plain, which lies below the
Take level of the sea. It is a portion of the
sound sherry or burgundy
claret, for instance, Why send to Bor­ Colorado desert. In which Is a depres
deaux when with a gin of Australian slon below sea level having an area of
burgundy or Spanish rioja, water— 3,900 square miles. Some portions of
watch while 1 do it—a few drops of this great sink are 265 feet below the
French vinegar and 25 per cent of po­ level of the sea. The Yuba plain is lees
tato spirit that’s colorless and odorless than fifty feet below.
One portion of this plain several
and only costs a few pence per gallon
J can give you chemically the Mine miles in extent is covered with remark­
able stones— remarkable in that they
thing with more alcoholic strength 7’
Presto! It is done. He pours some have been shaped into many curious
of tbe result into a wineglass and forms, and that independent of the
bands it to me. It has the look, smell hand of man. The waves of an ancient
and taste of tbe wine for which I pay sea which covered the region Ln the
prehistoric ages fashioned the stones,
Ja. and fid. a l>ottle
•Total cost a fraction over three- producing many resemblances to ob-
pence, bottle and label ineluded,'' he ex- jects manufactured in workshops to­
alts; "bocks and uternee the same. A day or found in nature. There are
little real sherry for the base, sufficient stone balls vsrving in size from a mar­
acidity—say citric—an astringent like ble to a cannon ball, many of them as
tannic acid to dry them, spirit and round and smooth as those cast for
water in proportion to dry them, and the great runs of a man-of-war.
There are stone dinner plates as thin
there you are! Leave out the tannic
and use white sugar sirup instead and as the porcelain or china found ou the
you have chablis.”
i tables of our dining room and uearly
A dispensing druggist in a burry as perfect in shape. Sometimes these
could not make up a prescription more are found in piles two or three feet
high, as though arranged by the band
quickly tbsn be manufactures vmn.
I taste a “nierstehf of man. There are stone flowers, stone
before my eyes
cabbages, stone dumbbells, stone cane»,
"Light elegant dinner wine with stone quoits, stone boomerangs, and
good body, from the Hoggen-noch- even resemblances to birds and ani­
heimer district." he remarks in the mals are discovered.
The peculiar freak of the waves In
tone of one quoting from a wine circu­
lar. "Now try the graves. Dry and taking up the art of carving in this
flavory. eh? The chablis soft and part of the plain is accounted for by
round, isn’t it? You quite recognize the conformation of the desert at this
the vintages you’ve bad to pay respect­ point. When the waters of the sea oc-
cupied thia region they were a part of
able prices for?”
Is it so, or has he the power of sug­ the gulf of California, the nearest
gestion, like a prestidigitator, who can point of which is now ninety miles
make you believe that you hear your distant The tides came in to this an­
cient sea through the gulf from the
eighteen carat gd?d Imntoy ticking In
aide a boiled egg?
, sooth. They rolled up against what is
I "The«e, of 6GS7se, are new wines,’’ | Ti<Jw known as Superstition mountain
he explains. “The addition of a tea- The waters swept back against a low
apoonful of sterilized glycerin ages range of hills on the opposite side of
them at once. You might remember the Yuba plain and. recoiling, were
that when you’ve got a new whisky. again thrown back toward the Super­
stition mountain, finally passing out at
worth knowing."
I know some «•Tiiskies that would about the point whence they entered
need a pint of glycerin to the bottle nt this arm of the gulf. This kept the
Jeast to make them palatable, and 1 be­ waters at that particular point always
gin for the first time to suspect their in a swirl. This circular motion wore
the rocks round or nearly so, lami­
nated some of them, carving the
“A whisky or brandy properly made
ought not to want glycerin, though,” plates and thin pieces, kept small
rocks and bowlders revolving, turning
he observes, as if he had read my
thoughts. "Here’s a brandy that 1 out the balls and dumbbells and in
made yesterday from silent spirit and like manner shaping up other freaks
oenanthic ether, colored and sweeten­ by their peculiar actions.—St Nicholas.
Public Library
The Free Public Library is <>|>en every
evening from fl .30 to 10 o'clock; and
Saturday and Sunday afternoons from
S to 6:30 o'clock. A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
Klamath Wholesale
Liquor House
Exclusively Wholesale
Complete Stock of WINES, LIQUORS, BEERS
be i ubi u il y ;Uu4ial<d, ftxxl «toara
ar.d aiticiaa about CaUwifi*
Family Department
Bar Fixtures, Etc
Special arrangements will be
made for family trade. All orders
will be delivered free of charge.
A complete line of Bar Fixtures
will always lx* carried and orders
will lx* tilled on short notice.
•nd all 4 m far Wat.
a laoulhly
pubkeataoa drvatrd
lo iba farwiaa ouereata ol the
a boat af 7S
AU for
A trial order will prove that we can be of service to you
«¿•3130 to
Klamath Wholesale Liquor House
P atents
Klamath Falls, Oregon
T radc Manas
Dt stuns
C opyrights Ac.
h and daacripOon may
Wvteklv aacartain our opinion fr«« what bar an
lurenlkm it probably palantabl< ( ommonlra.
ikmRRtrtetlycontdantiaJ HANDBOOK oo Pataou
•ant fraa. (Hdaat afrenry for •erurfne patanta.
Patanta taken tbrouah Munu A Co. rtcalre
sparaU fMilca. without cbarga. in tbe
Scientific American.
A bafMleomely Hlnatratad weakly. I artoot cir­
culation of any erientlfir Joe’Tial. Term«. S3 a
year; f >ur mouiba, $L tkUdbjrall nawadaaJera.
MUNN 4Co.s”B'—’ New Tort
Braced OS«. Q r BL. Waatmxluo. UC.
Lots In Mills Addition and Mills Second
Addition Are Sure Money makers
No single lot higher than $300.
ed with caramel, that hardiy differs
from well matured cognac. That’s be­
cause it’s been heated to 140 de­
grees F.”
My palate may be getting corrupted.
I do not know, but in spite of natural
suspicions the brandy seems above re­
proach. So does the champague, which
is his next dexterous concoction. As
Tar as I can see it constata merely of
a mixture of cbablia and bock, with
.which a little aerated water la re­
quired. He calis it extra dry. I ad­
mit that is what I should have thought
it under the disguise of tinfoil and u
The doctor shrugs bis shoulders.
"Anybody can print labels and brand
corks.” he declares contemptuously.
"Labels! The average man will drink
anything and enjoy It so long ns It's
labeled with one of the few names he’s
acquainted with—ben une or rudeshelm-
er, for instance. Be Imagines these
are vintages, but they’re only dis
tríete and don't mean more than the
collective expressions beer or whisky.
The thing Is to adapt the liquor to the
label. If you want an illustration of
what I mean, here’s one.”
From the bottles on the shelf he
takes benzoic acid, benzole ether, acet­
ic acid and ether, oenanthic ether and
glycerin, a drop or two of each, and
fills up the glass with the ever indis
pensable alcohol. I raise the colwleae
Hawaii's Show Volcano.
KUauea, the spur of the great Mau­
na Loa, Is a well behaved volcano, as
it can be visited with perfect safety,
even if in eruption—as It Is from time
to time—when exhibitions of activity
are given that are worth traveling
thousands of miles to witness This
vokcano la on the island of Hawaii,
and the shortest possible trip that can
be made to it from Honolulu covers
four days. This allows only half a
day at the volcano, which is much too
abort a time to study the workings of
what la considered one of the world’s
wonders. A week at least should be
given to the trip. The sea voynge Is *
always more or less rough, but the
boats, although small, arc corn for tn
Ne. From Hilo, where the water trip
ends, there is a railroad ride of about
eighteen miles through the big Olaa
sugar plantation. This Is followed by
a stage run of eleven miles over a
rood leading through a perfect fairy­
land of tropical foliage, the highway
being lined on either side with ro»os,
magnolias and fems, which I ist g-ow
to the size of tfes without losing
atty of their delicate Is-rmt’
I! ••lim­
ing by the other route, there Is .
drive of thirty five miles over l:l vu
roads and across the groat flow i lucu
ran Into the sea from Manna Lon M»v
ernt years ago.—Ixatlle'a Weekly.
Choice lots as low as $75.
$1O A
Frank Ward will show you the lots
and help make a selection.
Several thousand acres of the best farm, fruit, garden, orchard and grazing land in Klamath County
at prices that cannot be beat and on favorable terms.
f •
American Bank ami Trust Building, Sixth Street Side.