Official Newspaper of Klamath County VOL. XII. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 19, 1907 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Council Meeting Special Term Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. 38 I REPORT IS INCOMPLETE The ext*ctee purchase*! ut advocates of the new system point out l*fure last fiovernor Chsml*rlain let Mark L. Burns et al vs. Eugene L. the City bakery or the Home bakery, al ' to the great risk that is run in case of penditures of the Com Suit — Read This and either of which place you will be sure to tiro at night, and this argument is hav- t slip in g couple of days that were not Hopkins et al, sail in equity. holidays. He said nothing about it, and i ing the eff"Ct of converting many who Done at chambers at Klamath Falls, get something that will satisfy you mittee Then Buy Van lti|*r Brothers have given «[«rial ( were at first opposed to the installation as a resu1. he turned things upsidedown Oregon, this 16tl> day of December, A. attention to their holiday supply of i of tiie system. The company that is I in the courts throughout the Htate. As D. 1907. 1 a consequence instead of going ahead Since the publication of the report of HENRY L. BENSON, Xmas Is almost here, and every man, groceries and a visit to their «tore will presenting the proposition is willing to with the regular term of court Monday the committee having in charge the ex- wait three years for its [my, and many convince you that you made no mistake Circuit Judge. woman and child is busy searching i penditures of the Foarth of July cele- contend that the present disarrange- morning, Judge Benson had to call a their mind iu the hopes ol finding lo­ Un first calling on them for prices am! special term for the trial of all cases filed bration, as it appeared in last week’s ' merit of the city's finances will have goods. Everything that is needed in Railroad Work cated m Miiue ubacure corner an appro­ with the clerk up to noon Monday. The I issue of the Republican, many qaes- t*en overcome before the warrants are Xmas pudding and pie and to »tuff and priate gift for a relative or friend. It ' tions have been asked relative to sev­ mix-up wss not as serious as at first 1 due would rwiii that most of their trouble garnish tiie turkey will I* found there As stated in the Republican some two thought probable and like the banking eral features contained therein. In and, as you may know, will 1« strictly Councilmen Muston, Schallock and is unnecessary, for the reason that ths month« ago, the cut leading out of the j order to place the matter in concrete business legal matters will travel the first class. Still« opfsmed the installation, giving as columns of the Republican contain Will Humphrey ami Wallace Baldwin their reason the financial condition and usual course without very much addi­ Hot Springs addition is to be made this 1 form and thus get it before the mem­ enough suggestions to meet the wishes winter, work thereon starting this week. bers of the committee making the re­ of the most exacting. All Dial is neces­ •re this year carrying a full line of bar- the inadequacy of the water supply tional trouble. Following is the order isvued by Judge At the time the Republican made the port in a manner that will admit of their sary Is to go over the advertising pre­ i lies«, «addles, whips, robes and such ; throughout the city, with the exception announcement it was ex peeled that the clearing up the question concisely, the Benson: sented this week and reac h a conclusion. articles, and a selection from their stock of Main street. i work would be begun within a short Republican respectfully submits to must give satisfaction to the ¡*r«on re ­ Tlien il you find difficulty after read, In the circuit court of the state of The council proceedings uf Nuvember time, but this was impossible owing to Mark L. Burns, president, and L. Alva iug the advertising, visit the stores that ceiving the gift. IK and Jtecember 3 were, by resolution, Oregon for Klamath county. It is Die fact that the permission of the Rec­ Lewis, secretary, of the committee, the Tlien we have Baldwin, Burn and ratified. This was done to overcome hereby ordered that a special term of have up[*aled to you. Among the lamation Service and the Secretary of following list of questions, the answers Rolwrta A Hanks — the hardware men — thia court be held at the court house in many advertisers attention might I* any question uf the legality uf certain the Interior bad to be secured to change to which will be given space in the col­ called, in the jewelry line, to Heitkrmp wnere you find all the things for the 1 acts performed during the legal holi- Klamath Falls. Klamath county, Ore­ the present course of the Government umns of this paper: gon, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m., on home, the hunter, the mechanic, the er’s and Winter’s. Mr. Heitketu|mr has ' days. Will you please publish an itemized the 6th day of January, A. D. 1908, 1 canal. The adjustment of thia matter purchased a line of goods that is second Iroys and girls. If a person cannot be Ike Wright filed an application for a list of the expenditures covered by the baa delayed the commencement of the and continuing until the further order to nona in the State. His reputation is ' suited with what is to be found in these I liquor license from January 10. Licenses warrant for (236.39? of said court, for the transaction of ' work until now. establishments, then it is an almost sufficient guarantee to carry with any were granted J. V. Houston and Stewart business in connection with the follow­ What special sports were pulled off The angle at which the railroad crosses article purchased In his establishment fruit less task to try and help you out. ; A Lyon. ing actions-at-law, and suits in equity, the canal is about 70 degrees, and it is on July 3, 4 and 5 and to whom was The Klamath Falls Furniture House, tire cerlainity of its MliabUty, and An ordinance establishing tiie grade to-wit: contended that a bridge constructed on ; this money paid f worth. At Mr. Winter’s store will be in the Keleay Block, has a full line of State V». Albert Fitch, assault. on Main street, between Juniper and What were the incidental expenses such lines would not be safe. The rail­ found a large line ol tine articles. He furniture, l>ed«d opportunity lor the man of tiie has made a S|>ecial effort Io eater to State vs. Goodlow and Norcross. lar- mission to straighten the canal at this for the first and second time. Cross- Were the gate receipts for July i wishes of the fastidious, ami a visit to house to make the heart of his better- wuiks were ordered installed as follows: ceny. point, doing the work at their own ex­ (74.25 or (89 and some cents? bis store will assure you <4 an extensive i hull glad by buying tiiat long promi«eetter place can lie found State vs.Joshua Buckmaster,larceny. dered constructed on the aouth aide of to see the work on the cut being done not published aggregate (50? Included than the Boston store, Bride store and find Mxuetliing or store that answers State vs. Chas Liakey, stealing of I Klamath avenue, between Ninth and this winter, but information comes from in this (50 is there not one contribution i horse. K. K. K. store. These rstabhehnients yunr pur|««e lor Xmas shopping, it ' Center. a reliable source that it is the plan of lor (35 for which no accounting has J. W. Burke, arson. are particularly well equipped lor the you cannot, then we would suggest tiiat State One effect < f the panic was the eeo- the railroad company to fill in all the been made? If so, what was the reason State vs. Albert Marshall, forgery. holiday season alid offer splendid oppor­ you come to thia olhoe, |>ay your sub­ State vs. Fred collins, larceny of a low places now, so that when the work for so doing? tunities lor the shoppers to make a scription for one year in advance and . nominal atrear that seenia suddenly to Why was not the item ‘-Goddess of is crowded during the early spring the varied and satisfactory choice. In the then pay another year in advance fora have Imrst in upon the city council, and horse. State vs. J.J. Hjoardt, larceny. ■ “Wimpy condition of the low lands will Liberty Fund” included in your report? clothing line, neckliee, men's furnish friend. Ho will remember you every as a remit some pointed remarks were State vs. Chas. Hamaker, larceny. made relative to the extravagant man­ not have to 1* contended with. This Were there not in the neighborhood of ings, the K. K. K. stere, tire Portland week in the year. John Doe, killing animals State vs. ner in which certain things were done. accounts for the several parties now at 4,555 votes cast in this contest, which Clothing and Shoe store, the Boston anil The wage rate for city laliorera was re­ the property of another. , work between Mt. Hebron and the Hole at five cents a vote would aggregate the Toggery are up to date and carry the To Lower Tule Lake City of Klamath Falls vs. J. V.Hous­ ! in the Ground. duced Io |2.25 and the practice of plae- Next spring unless ’ (227.75? most Complete lines to lie found outside ! ing guard a over houses containing con ton, appeal from recorder’s court. In the item “Net proceeds received Kime unforaeen obstacle arises, there of a large city. There is ho reason whv State vs. Joseph Coburn, larceny. J. Frank Adaum is making arrange­ tagions iliseases was ordered stiqqs-d un will be men enough placed on the work from other sources.” did you include anyone should send outside of the dly State vs. H.J.Winters, recognizance. • to complete the line from its terminus the admission fee of 25 cents charged all for men’s supplies, fol these stores gi*<* ments to Mart a crew of men at work on 1 leva a specific request therefor was made State va. J. S. Evans, recognizance. | by the Health Officer. Dr. Maston at Mt. Hebron to the Upper Lake in the men who were in the grand stand the greatest variety to srlct t from ■ml the outlet to Tuie lake. There are to lie State vs. F.C. Collman, recognizance. i on July 4? Standing room was at a . you see what you are buying and get alxmt six men employed and they will stated that these guards were employed State va. John Willard and Dan Mc- time to admit of the passage of Mr. Har- I Without his knowledge or consent, and premium that day and nearly half of carry on <>|>eratiot>«< lor about a month, , riman and his party. When the Wizard what you pay for. i Namary, recognizance. the audience men. It seats in the ; of Wall Street comes next year he will Duffy’s store is an enifioriiini that is after which time, if the results justify 1 it was decided that in future, where State va. l-eon Neville Johnston, re­ 1 be accompanied by his wife ami daugh­ neighborhood of 600 people, and the attracting large crowds ol buyers, for I h * it, the force will I* greatly increased ' these guards were employed without cognizance. has an almost infinitive variety •«< ■ n>l an effort made to practically drain the order of the Health Officer the falls State vs. Ernest Wolford, recogni­ ters and several ladies, and he does not proceeds from this source ought to be ' desire to inflict on them the hardship of around (75. things to select Inun and (or none of the lake. Mr. Adams is working on tlx* 1 would not 1* i*aie able to go right through “with- I Were yon not supposed to turn all manner will do well to see Frank Ira ■Ireams to the south. This matter has other for the maintaining of the quar­ C. H. Withrow vs. I. A. Duffy, ac- oui delay and the overland journey.” attracted so much attention that Mr. antine at the Gillette residence. cash received over to the treasurer and White and Mason A Slough. I ■ tion-at-law. The largest stock of holiday goods Adams’ work will l>e watched with a T i ' s average person this task seems pay all bills by drawing warrants on A. F. Clubine vs. S. E. Martin, writ too i , a one for even the 8. I*, officials him? Why did you not do so? ever brought tn tins city by any drug great deal of interest ami if it proves I of review. State Convention successful will l>e ¡wonouiiced one of the This it is lielieved covers the ground tiriu is to I ms found at the Star diug to carry < :it, but on dissecting the thing F. J. Bowne vs. J. D. Carrel), action- store, where special [tains are being greatest pieces of good fortune that has it will be seen that it is not so difficult. to date, with the exception of one ques­ at-law. taken to show the Xmas shopper the ever visited Klamath County. Il has been a long while since* either ! M. J. Ruggers w. Hugh Rodgers, ac- The road will reach Mt. Hebron within tion that the Republican wishes to ask latest things in Xmas g<«( anyone’s vince the people that it was simply a great deal of interest by the many peo- Fred C. Cullman vs. Carrie A. Coll ­ Xmas Gift scheme conceived in iniquity and : pocket IsMik. | pie who have claims located therein. man, divorce. \ One method of making Xmas presents brought forth in sin, the main object lie- ' May D. Zeverlv vs Charles Every season finds some one article II. Zev The date set for the hearing is January DIAMONDS- As good as money in iug to bamboozle the people hih I help to young people that is growing very 20. which is a little more popular, and this erly, divorce. popular is that of opening for them a the bank, ami tit to adorn the most scheming politicians to hind w lmt they j year Silver Toilet ware is one of the R. C. Short et al vs. Klamath county, bank account. Ain,de opportunity to fastidious. Why then, would you not so anxiously desired. things in [«pillar demand all over the Grand Ball Xmas Night country. do so is offered in this city where we consider them appropriate for wife, The date for the state convention Ims appeal from county court. G. Heitkemper, Jr., has the have four bunking institutions, the First sweetheart, etc. not as yet been set, hut it is more tlmn , Klamatii County Bank vs. P. B. most extensive line of Sterling, mount­ A nice stud or scarf pin for llubby likely that it will follow the primary j Southworth and Alice M. Southworth, Trust A Savings bunk, Khuniith County At Ki no, Wednesday, December 25th, ed and unmounted genuine Ebony, bank, American Hunk A Trust Co. mid would strike him just about right. election < f A| ril. The date for the Re-, suit in equity. given by Kent» Band. A royal good Silver Plated Toilet set*, Manicure sets, the First National bunk. This is n form Heitkemper quality means everything publican national convint^in is June 15; Eva 8. Bryant vs. Theo lor ■ J. Bryant, 'time for all who attend. Tickets in- and brush and comb sets. Ixrok at thut ought to commend itself to the in buying diamonds. the Dem cr.iticJuly 7. divorce. ( eluding supper (2. It them bef< re selecting elsewhere. Where to Get What You Want and Few Suggestions No Mention Made of $227.75 of Goddess of Liberty Fund A GREAI VARIETY IS OFFERED OTHER MATTERS OVERLOOKED