J Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH VOL. XII. REPUBLICAN Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER J2, 1907 COMMITTEE GIVES REPORT TULE LAKE DAIRY NO. 37 FIRE ALARH SYSTEM NEXT Dr. W. W. Ramsey and witeof I>w Possibly you may fevl a littl* interest in this portion of the county and find Angeles, who have been visiting Mrs. Ramsey's parsnis, Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. room in your pa|ier for a few items. Tooker, who reside near Dairy, will re­ Although within a few miles of Tule Lake, we have heard nothing of the turn to their home this week. They “terrific roar which can I m « heard lor have baa a delightful time, and it is cer­ « I mile« with which the water is sinking tain that the Doctor wHI return to his home with glowing account« of the' r* ¿t g_____ . « x x> z-v 1 from the lake," as the Merrill Record greatneaa of this county, Mpeciaily aa a HrOpOSltlOÎl SUblTIltteO IO tOC COllH extra of December 3 states, and from hunter’s paradise. our point o| view, so lur as lire eye can Bill Wood has returned to Dairy from discern, the water is ail there. Bly, where he was engaged in the saloon Walter Ritter visited the county seat business. i during the week to offer final proof on Theodore Flackua is building an addi­ bis homestead. tion to ids home. Chas. Pickett was in Klamath Falls a - - „ BORN—At Dairy, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. couple of days thia week, returning own money, and men who will, after home on Thursday. He took down a C Anderson, a son, weight 11 pounds. Birthday Party Suggest Improvements We believe that this wins the prize for Places It Among List of their labors are completed, give to the brad of grain and some dressed bogs. I public a statement of recelfRs and ex­ Dairy. The home of E. G. Wilson, corner of I on Present Equipment Delinquents When the penditure« without being forced to do so. The Sand Hollow school is again in W. P. Sedge has posted a notice that Klamath and Ninth Streets, was the session, alter a week's vacation for the Until City Gets Within scene of a gathering of merry young Report Should Show To the citizens and business men of Teacher's Institute and Thanksgiving from and after January 1 he will close people on last Friday evening, Decem­ Klamath Falla: flay. The teacher, Miss Sauber, waa his place of business on Sunday. You Legal Limit ot Indebt­ We your committee appointed for the delayed in her return, but waa on hand see we are gelling ready for the great ber 6, when the Misses Goldie Barnes That Subscription Was and Nina Wilson celebrated their birth ­ purpose of celebrating the 4th of July, Tuesday morning. increase in population that we expect edness day anniversaries together. Their rea­ 1907, respectfully make the following Paid next year. Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Clendenning and son for thus giving the party together report of money received ar.d paid and T. R. Patterson is replacing al) of the being the fact that their birthdays came balance remaining on hand Dec. 7, 1907: family, ot Klamath Falls, visitor! for bars on his place with gates. A special meeting of the city council several days in the early part of the After five months of inocuous desue­ in the same week of the same month waa held Monday evening for the pur­ UHT or BUBHCKIHKRB. week, at the home of Frank Jobs. John Liskey is building a new fence with a year’s difference of time. Tboss pose of listening to a proposition bear­ tude the Republican finally woke up the K. Sugarman ......................... 25 00 committe that b«ta of the county, judging by the in­ San Francisco, having disposed of his line, Vernie Houston, Guy Cronemiller, president, Mark I.. Burns, sought to Mcisa A Armand ........... To the Honorable, th« Mayor and Coun­ 10 00 terest manifested by new comers to the personal effects to A. L. Michael and Lynn Cronemiller, Ralph Winecoop, place Uris paf«er io an erroneous posi­ J S Esby 10 00 cil. City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, country, seven families having located Bill Newbert. tion. Mr. Nickerson. li. E. Hanaberry 5 00 Dear Sirs: We hereby propose and tn this vicinity in the past few months, In the first place It should have l»-cn Brannan A Bagley .................. The table tor refreshments, which con­ agree to furnish after your acceptance of 10 00 and “more coming,” so report says. unnecessary for anyone to call on the Fred L. Houston........................ KENO sisted of ice cream and cake, was laid thia proposition, and tbe proper execu­ 25 (JO R sncmbu . •ommiltee for an accounting. Il should Shivs Bros. A Co. at the Barnes home next door. In the tion and approval of the accompanying 25 00 have been made immediately lollow- C. H. Withrow center of the long snowy cloto stood the contract, the following apparatus and 5 00 A lew days ago Conrad Madison's In the eecond Van Ri|>er Bros. ing the celebratioo. Still We Grow Mc- equipment: II (M glass eye was broken and it gave him a birthday cake, which Grandma place, when It was aaked to give an ac- I Neil Campbell ............. ............ Dowal had made and Mrs. Sarter bad No. 2 tower bell striker.. I 375 00 great deal of pain until he got all of the CO'inting, it should have done *o with- assisted in decoratings© beautifully with Five fire alarm boxes... 835 00 To the pessimist tlie increase in school glass rewioved. out exhibiting the animosity and *w sixteen colored candles, green leaves 2 Star transmission l«oz ... 115 00 population is a hard nut to crack. You rnony manifested toward* thia paper ('rede Captain Reader has built a fine wood­ and red roses, making a very pleasing Fifteen character wheels 1 37 50 have heard him going around telling and it« publisher. Keeking to evade F. M Privet 1 effect. The other cakes and the cream Indicator with gong. . . 200 00 how the population of this citv is on the house. the point al Irene, an attempt waa American Hotvl /. so down grade and was hard at work when While Harry Wall was loading tele­ were excellent. About 12 o’clock the J All of which are to be of standard and made to direct public opinion and at­ M. W Espy 15 along came P. I- Fountain with the in­ graph poles onto the barge it sprung a young people departed, voting tbe party . first class make, ahipment to be made tention in a different direction by a a|>er by plac­ H. Rogers < ki ployed oa the canal who, after the work rick for the past month, is now slowly . ................... Terms of payment to be by Citv war- Alex Martin and Carlisle and Vincent ing its name among the delinquents, J. W. Hawxhurat 5 00 closed down left with their families for improving. rant on tbe general fund, delivered Vaden were this week selected as rep- and then adding a jmscript that "It is Schallock A Daggett 25 00 other places and it was supposed that within ten days after delivery and ac­ Mr. Cradic went to the Falls last Bat- 1 reeentatives of the Klamath County presumed that advertbiiig should offset 0. W Biehn 65 00 this would have some effect on tire ceptance of apparatus and «squipment. urday to make final proof on his home- High school in the Debating League, this, although no agreement to Uiat , Geo. K. Hum............ 10 00 school population. But it is not so. The complete equipment suggested by stead, fjgu Gordan, Albert bhur and and will represent that institution at effect waa made." Ibies it not seem E. H. DuFault 10 00 According to Me. Fountain’s figuere Mr. Tolls would cost (1988.50, but by others went at* witnesses. M«rdford on January 10th. Perry De­ strange that three two gentlemen credit H. Boivin 5 00 there are in this city 601 children ai i tbe elimination of part of it, which (This letter was received too late for Lap was selected as a substitute. the Express with having paid ite sub­ Stills Co. 15 00 echoed age, wbkdi is an increase over I would in no material manner impair Monday evening the “tryout" for the publication last week.) scription with ailvrrtiaiiig and not ac­ E. A. Dunham 15 00 last year of 56. * selection of cm nd elates was held, when I tbe usefulness of tbe system and which cord the same credit to Hie Republican, H. N. Mitehell 15 00 the question "Was the San Francisco 1 would be installed later, the coat conld when lhe contract lor thia publicity waa J. V. Houston 50 00 Fourth of July Money Federal Appointments School Board justified in excluding . be reduced to that indicated in hi« made at the aanie time, Mr. Burna act i C. D. Willson 50 00 Japanese students from the schools 1 memorandum. ing tor the comaltiee, Mr. Wagner lor Klamath Republican ....... 25 00 The question of a fire alarm system is In connectiim with tbe preparation of of that city?” was debated. The The President sent to the Senate the tbe Express and Mr. Murray forth«* J. G. Pierer 10 00 its report, tbe eommiriee, through its affirmative side ot the question was one that has agitated the people of thia 00 following Oregon nominations: Republican? Maylie Mr. Burns will re- ' Dr. Wm. Martin secretary, L. Alva l^wis, sent out a let-' d«4ended by Misses Rachel Applegate : city for some time, but there seems to Wan. C. Bristol, to be district attovwey mein tier that he wauted a half pagein John Jones ........................ 5 00 ter to delinyoent sabscribers that is and Lillie Arnett and Perry be a radical difference of opinion in re­ the Republican lor five weeks and that K. S. Kitnbell 5 00 for Oregon. somewhat of a curios.lv. It is qaite DeLap and Perry Edwards; the gard to installing it at this time. There Otearltrs W. Moore, to tie regjstor of It was re In sc< I the committee, (or the Marion Pool 5 00 evident that st was net so much to col­ negative by Misses Maud Nail, Ethel , are manv who maintain that the present reason se were running more advertis­ Baldwin A Hughes 10 00 Ute tend office wt The Dalles, < j W. lect in the tueney asst was to take a rap Hawxhurst and Nellie Cogswell and | condition of the city’s finances preclude Ixmis 8. Arnvisin, to be receiver at 10 00 ing than we could find apace lor, and Martin Bros........................ at theeditorof the Republican that the Alex Martin and Vincent and Carlisle even the consideration of such a plan 5 00 The.! >all«*s. consequently hail to liohl lhe commit Roy Hamakar .................. letter was sent out. However, it failed Vwden. Rev. George T. Pratt, Prof. R. until such time as it can be done within 25 00 Y. G. E. Westgate, to be surveyor toe down to four weeks, for which the Klamath Falls Express in its object for the reason that those H. Dunbar and Will H. Mason were the the legal indebtedness limit. Others 30 00 geixvral of < >nsg«n. Republican has reason to feel gratified. C. 1.. Itce OO ............. tisegon poetmasters—Loci«« R. Ter- subscribed (25 to the fund; that it re­ Judge Drake «mail expense. The plan they submit linquents ure not sore at the instigator of heartily approv«sl by those preset.t. 50 2 E. A. Born rys, Rainier: Edwin 8. Abbott, Hearede; bated its bill of 1906 (20, thus virtually , is to have the electric company install the cMtection campaign, but are evraing Henry 8. Stewart, Myrtle Point. making n coiilribulion to the fund for Klamath Realty Co., by P. L. an electric striking attachment which the com notice for («lacing them in a |>o- 50 Fountain 2 Pen y Olmstead, of Baker Otty, to l>e Arant Gets It 1907 ol (45. That it paid its 1907 sub- can be operated from the telephone A sitioa where it would appear to tbe pub ­ 1 00 promottsl in the navy from tLe rank of acription by n half-page advertisement, J. E. Duval . ............. office. This they maintain could be lic that ti»ey were trying to av««id pay ­ 5 (X) lieutenant to that of commander. rnn tour weeks, for which it charged Mont E. Hutchinson V. F. Arant, Superintendent of done, using the present bell, at a com­ ment of their subscription. It is ematgh oo 5 Summer* S. T. (25. Why did not the committee pl y to agree teatrick avert* married at the I iobm * of tbe • I. its affairs on that high plane of equality A. Caste) ' the editor of the Klamatli Republican ' to be expend«*d under the direction of on duty practically all of tbe time. ! bride's mother, Mrs. M. 8. Nelson, 00 so to all, it would have placed the Repub I). B. Campbell r.iesday evening. Rev. J. B. GMttitl>s for a statement of th«* receipts and ex- Mr. Arant. This is the full amount With the carrying out of this program, 25 T. F. McLaughlin V" lican where It be(onged and not give 25 00 ofllciatuig, in the presence of relatives pendituresof tbe Fourth of July cel«Aira- asked for by Mr. Arant, and while it together with tbe temporary alarm sys­ vent to their spleen by misrepresen­ Melton A Sullivan 5 (Ml and few .friends. Miss Goldie Bsu'nes tion, held this year, the committee has will -accomplish a great deal and is much tem, the insurance companies ought to C. P. Mason.......... tation. , 10 00 and Harry Kirkpatrick atteuded the dt*cid«*d to publish an itemized state­ larger than auy former appropriation, listen to tbe appeal that is being made ; Ackley Bros. ........... In concluding this affair, the Repub­ 5 00 bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk­ ment giving Nst of contributors, includ­ it is eo modest when sized up alongside by the people of this city for a reduction lican wishes to call the attention of the . T. G. McHattan I Pantatorium........... 2 60 patrick are well known in this city and ing thoer wise have paid amt tl«ose w*bo some of the big ones in the general ap­ in the insurance rates. people of thia city to the amount of 2 75 have a hotit of friends who will join ikave not as yet done eo, and as yowr propriation bill it will surely pass. money that was contributed for this Ky Taylor............. 5 00 with the Republican in wishing U«czu .name is down for the sum «if (............ we ' With this money Mr. Arant will begin Empire Club Entertains celebration. Also, to the fact that the . Dr. Parker............., 10 00 many years af happineas and prosperity. will be compelled to publish such fact if on a general plan of improvements that Klamath Co. Bank amount contributed in 190b was greater thi* amount is not .handed to tlie secre­ will be very great in its scope and which, 10 00 by some hundreds of dollars than the Virgil A Son ....... The Inland Empire Club Saturday tary by 4 o'cktok >«. m., Saturday, Des. when completed, will make the Crater 5 DO Levi Broadsword A. D. Miller ............ fund of 1907. What did yon get for it? evening held the first of a serie* of re­ Lake Park one of the notable places of 7, tomorrow) as oopv goes to printer at 10 00 Lake Navigation Co.’.. Did you get a celebration of such a char­ I Klamath 2 50 that hour. You are notified for your the country. This plan includes the ceptions that are to be given this winter. Dr. Merryman.............................. A (ter nearly eight years of suffering, own protection. If there is any cussing | construction of a road around the'rim of The entertainment committee, consist­ acter as the jmliciouH eximnditure of 1 Klamath Stables, Buesing A due to a stroke paralvsis, I.evi Broad­ to l«edone, cuss Murray, as list would the lake, to the principal scenic pojnts ing Messrs. McHatton,Roberts and Dun­ such a large sum of money would war­ Bennett.. . ............... ».......... sword, aged 70 years, died at his home nevor have been published if he had not in the neighborhood, enaction of build­ bar, are certainly deserving of the rant? No. The ¡«ople of thia city and j Rolierts A Hanks........................ Klamath Alistract Co................. in Bouanza Wednesday morning. Mr. atuu'ked 'he committee. county were given a mere makeshift, ¡Geo. ing* and other improvements. This thanks of the club for the splendid work Chastain............................ Broadsword was one of the old timers of where the affair ought to lie one of the C. T. Stone.................................... work of necessity, will extend over they did in making the Saturday even­ Very revpectfully, this county and by his sterling honesty most noted celebrations In the State. 1 First National Bank. ................. more than one year, but it is the begin­ ing “at home’’ snch a success. The L. ALVA LEWIS, Secretary. built up among its citizens a circle of The Republican was given to understand It. M. Boiler ............................. ning that is always hardest to make, decision to hold the reception was W. 8. Worden.............................. friends that will deeply mourn his death, Hint the Celebration was carried through I I Star ! for once Congress commences granting reached but a few days in advance of Drug Store.......................... fie is survived by his wife and two For the Substantial with little funds, and believing that to IT. W. Stephens............................ , the money for improvements it eorvtin- the date on which i was to be held, and children, Walter, one ul the well known tie true gave credit to the committee for i E. R. Reames............................... it entail«*! a great deal of work u the Xmas Gift lues the good work. business men of Bonanza, ami Mrs. its work, hilt when it learns that tbe I Chas. 8. M . .................................. committee. Nevertheless their efforts I I Log Caliin Restaurant ............. Edith McClellan, ot Montague. funds at their disposal reached the I Henry Jensen................................ were crowned with unqualified <