KLAM A TH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE END OF HONOPOLY Additional Briefs Mark. I.. Burns is ring master at the lug IMrns evlebratmn. " M is» Aggie Lee, w ho for the past sev , eral week» has been enjoying a visit with friends in lakeview, returned home ! this week. ’ Mr«. Boyd, accompanied by her daughter, Mamie, left Sunday for Yreka, they will spend their Thanks- ' giving. i • XV, S. Hall, who ia to be associated 1 with C. «1. Ennis in the new barber < shop to l«e opened in the Withrow-Mel- base block, arrived from Spokane this week, accom¡«anted by hia family. Mra. Anna Thomas will leave for Ash land Fridav where she will enter on her duties at the Ashland Normal. II. E. Momier |>a»aed through here this week on hia way from Crater I ake, |>' « here he has been employed as assistai t to Superintendent Arant, to San Fann- cisco. If yon are going io the rifilroad you will have to get up an hour earlier in I order to catch the bout. Thia de pa I tun« at an earlier hour ia due to the condition of the roads, more lime being needed for the stages to make tlu« trip ' and connect with the train. The teachers of this city will tender the visiting teachers a banquet at the , Gem Restaurant this evening. Il is an ticipated that a most pleasant evening . will l>e enjoyed. t * « I « For the first time since it began bust WANTED —Thia office will pay dcm the Bell Telephone Company, ad-! * ► mittedly the greatest trust that ever ' five cents per pound tor old rags. fastened its tenades on the unsuspect They must be clean; linen or cotton tf ing American people, has decided to let preferred. go and enter the fled as a plain business Mrs. E. E. Wise of thia city and her corporation. The very lite of the Bell daughter, Mrs. Charles Graves of Odell • » company has leen based on its claim to left Friday for Phoenix, Arizona, to the exclusive use of telephones using visit Mrs. 11. E. bmith, Mrs. Wise’s batteries. In this contention thev have daughter. They were driven to Biays been sustained by the United States by Frank Ward. Supreme Court. But the Independent A new crew of men have l>een em telephone companies refuses! to recog ployed bv the Mason Construction com nize this ilecision and raised an immense pany and every effort ia being made to defense fund to tight the matter all over rush the work. The barge from the the United States. The Bell people Upper lake will be in the waters of saw that they were up against it and Lake F.wauna this week ami will be im decided to quit fighting along that line. mediately transferred to the scene of They still uiamtaimd that they were operations. The new diedger has not right and all of their contracts provided as yet l>een placed in o|H«ration. but will for the exclusive use of the Beil phone and no connections could be made with soon be and then with tour shifts it is I ex[«ected that the work will progress W. H. Shook, of Dairy, was in the any company using other apparatus. rapidly. city Monday. But many of the coni[>anies using Bell i We want every one in this locality to know of this immense and magnificent line instruments, when they saw the giants Ed Miller and L. W. Copeland of Fort. Mrs. John Welle and Miss Ada Erb lie down for the Independents, refused pawed through the city Friday on their Klamath were visitors at the county ‘ of CHRISTMAS GOODS that we have ordered for them. It will be only a few days to be beund by their contracts, and pro way to Ashland where they went to seat this week. Mr. Copeland came ceeded to make contracts with lines us- attend the funeral of their father who down for the purpose of attending the when every one will be buying Christmas Presents by the wagon load and that is why ingother instruments. That was the accidently shot himself last week. They teachers’ institute. we are telling you now of the big line we will have ready tor you. It's no easy thing beginning of the end. The policy of have the deep sympathy of their many Mrs. Evan Reames entertained the i leasing the phones was abandoned and friends. to buy Christmas Presents and it's a good thing to know in advance of a place where members of the bridge club at her now anyone can purchase a Bell phone K. M. Richardson and lion. II. L. home on Friday afternoon. Bridge was odtright. practically everything can be had. It is the intention of the Bell people Benson, who went to Portland last played during the afternoon and deli to enter the field against the manufac week, the former to take in the sights cious refreshments served. The dining Leather Goods. Xmas Stationery, Japanese Vases and Baskets, Imported Noke Friar turers of the Independent phones and and the latter to take in the meeting of room presented a pretty ap]«earai>ce, the ' contest for the business. That it is go the State Bar Association, returned color scheme of yellow and green, sug Ware, Books, Bibles, Albums, Toilet Sets, Fancy Goods, Pyrography Materials and ing to result disastrously to the Inde home Monday evening. At the meeting gestive of the season, being carried out of the legal lights of the state Judge in every detail. The favors were unique pendent fellow is almost certain, for the Outfits, Framed and Unframed Pictures, Perfumes, and many other beautiful things too Bell people have a perfect oiganuation, Benson delivered a witty address on the and created a great deal of merriment , “ Circuit Rider. ” audit was declared by those present to I manufacture a tine instrument and have numerous to mention- millions of dollars to carry on the bat President Mulkey, of the State Nor- , be one of the most delightful and origi-' nal entertainments of the year. tle. It will be a interesting fight and mal School at Ashland, arrived here' It will be only a rew days before onr big Holiday Stock will be displayed—will Iv may result in the reduction of the cost Sunday evening for the purpose of at-' of the telephone away below any price tending theTeacher’s Institute, at which The prodigal had returned. “Fa all over the store, then look out, for it will be so large ami so attractiv • that the store it has heretofore been offered for. he had a prominent place on the pro ther,” he said, “are you going io kill the fatted calf? “ gram. He stated that the reports about will be full of buyers right up to Christmas time. Remember, if you come early you “No,” reapomled the old mat, look-' Wages Reduced bis resigning were purely imaginary, as Ing the youth over carefully; "no, I'll get the first choice. If you wait nntil the last minute, you get what is left. he has no idea of pursuing such a course. let you live. But I’ll put you to work and train some of that fat off."—-Cleve- ] This week the wages paid the labor O. A. Hurst and Frank Sargent, who land Leader. erected the building for the Bank of ers on the Keno canal were reduced to The small l»y bad been very HI, but' |2 a day. This is a cut of fl a day Dorris, returned home this week. They he was on the convalescent list, to the within two weeks. The cause of the re finised the job in sixty-nine days, which family's great Joy, and this is how [ duction is the large number of appli I is a splendid record for the erection of a they knew. When the doctor came in 1 cants for employment, most of whom I I building 20x40. two stories high, two' the other morning, the lad piped up: indicated their willingness to work for I rooms down stairs and five aliove, on ' “Say, I want something to eat. I’m tired of taking nourishment**—Boston |2. It is pretty generally understood which but two men were employed- Herald. by the men now employed that there is R. M. Richardson, who visited the a great plenty of idle men now in the Oregou metropolis during the past week, ■ Sir Charles—Not understand the dif field and they are not willing to add to j states that this is the first time that he , ference between convex and concave? ■ the number. Hence the cut was ac has been there for seventeen years. I will try to explain. Convex is like KLAMATH FALLS, ORE cepted without much complaint. Down Then the Oregonian building and the the outside curve of an umbrella open- ' on the railroads things are worse. There Union Pacific depot were the principal ed. The inside view w ould be con-1 cave. Aline—I see, but how would ■ they are pajing but fl.75, and if a man buildings of the town. Now, however, that be with a parasol ? —Loudon i stops to wink be looses bis job. There everything has changed and he did not1 Punch. is no trouble in filling his place, for recog'iise the city. It is a great city, ■ there are nearly two men for every but it will have to come to Klamath' Alcohol has no place, use or purpose ' place. Indications in the labor world County if it wants a climate, is Mr. In the relief of worry, and its so called I use—tn this connection, at any rate- are not very favorable, for men are still Richardson's opinion. la never anything but abuse or misuse, being laid off all over the country, and always dangerous, always productive the prospects for a hard winter for the Church Services The fire laddies had a meeting last of more evil than It relieves and only working man are bright. It is hoped, Monday evening, when two new mem too frequently suicidal. — Canadian however, that the easing up of the bers, Edmund Gowan and Sam'Chappel, Magazine. Elderley—Persevere, my boy, perse- [ money market may have the effect of were initiated. After business the helping a little and thus prevent a fur meeting resolved itself into one of vere! There's only one way to accom There is always a welcome for you at ther decline in the wage ecale; but it is sociability and a royal good time was plish your purpose, and that Is to Grace M. E. church. certain that if conditions do not change i bad by every member. This city ia “stick to It” Youngsley—But suppose ! Services will be held Sunday in the very soon it is going to result in tying much indebted to the firemen for their your purpose is to remove a sheet of new Methodist Church. I up some of the largest industries in the work, and ought to show its apprecia fly paper that you’ve sat down upon Sunday Services: country and then will come the great tion in a substantial way if the oppor accidentally?—Catholic Standard and* Bible School.....................................10 a. m. Times. •» danger to those who have failed to pro tunity ever offers. Preaching........................................ 11 *• in. Glass Feather». vide for the proverbial rainy day. J. Frank Arant and family came A celebrated Irish judge once pal*! Preaching......................................... 8 p. m. down from Crater I.3ke this week and sentence in the following manner. The Epworth League......................... 7:15 p. rn. A hearty welcome to all, Reception BUESING &. CLENDENNING, PROP’S, have taken up their home for the win prisoner was a butler who had been P. CONKLIN, Pastor. ter at the ranch. Mr. Arant states convicted of stealing his master’s Rigs furnished with or without drivers. Feeding our that when he left there were two and wine: “Dead to every claim of natural BAPTIST Cltt’RCII A cordial invitation is extended to all affection, blind to your ow n real Inter one-half feet of snow at the lake. Many ests, you have burst through all the re Preaching services next Sunday at 11 Brother Workmen, thtir families, or' specialty. Grain by the sack. Hay by the bale or ton. valuable improvements have been made straints of religion and morality and o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. tn. Fun friend, to a reception to be given by] this tear and he has many plans laid have for many years been feathering day school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. I’. U. Large corrall for loose horses. Evangeline Lodge, Degree of Honor, ; for execution next year, provided he your own nest with your master’s bot at 7:15 p. m. Everyone invited. No. 88, in the A. O. U. W. Hall, Satur can induce Secretary Garfield to grant tles.”—London Mall. day evening, November 30, 1907. all of hie requests for money. When Phone and Main A Big Man. Committee on Arrangements: While engaged in splitting wool the Secretary was here this year Mr. One of the most literary of the Lon Friday morning, Clyde Griffith hud Mary E. Fish, Arant took special pains to impress on don evening papers once made the fol Nancy N. White, him the necessity for more funds, and it lowing startling announcement: "A misfortun • to chop off a piece of one of Mrs. Fred Melhase. is quite likely that he will bear ids par complete sei of bydruuts ami lire ap- his toes. tial promise in mind ami see that pllances will be arranged, and the stage Is to be fitted with a double as- Brick Work Crater Lake is properly remembered. bestus mid steel fireproof curtain, con * Flues built, plastering and cement Commencing Wednesday train No. 1 trolled by one man. The latter is de work promptly done. Prices reason-' will leave Thrall at 8 o’clock in the signed to be one of the largest In Ixm- Ardimele, a>lla»late, Nonasi and Oomnsrrtal Evocation In »UbrsnchaM, Inrlnding clan able. CHAS. W. THOMAS. morning, instead of 7:30. This will don namely, about eighty feet wide conno« ica. e-lraea, mathsoMtlaa, at»., all m Q tbs m roandwtlon that haa won «rentoat ikiw « B for rour nur Satisfy yourself no longer with a smattering of Leave orders at Gun Stole. Phone land the mail in this city half an hour aud fifty feet deep.”—Glasgow Times. greatest runo an/l woman. W# h«lp Imws whoownnot ****Ir1r,e- nndor care of ma shorthand anil bookkeeping an a business educa A Curious Dialogue. 593. 10-17 f i later every evening. It is quite likely, rno v* Hf 1 F, TODA Y for particular* and catalog fl tion. Business, as it I* carried on today, requires A most bloodthirsty drama was be MBtkv wuwt. ln««r. osraos that if the proper inducements were •- Private Secretaries, those who can think, a* well The Belmont Feed Yard is now tinder offered to Manager Abbott he might be ing performed. The father of the lead as act for their employers. rew management, James B. Moore persuaded to put on a special mail train ing woman came as usual to the stage Notice for Publication door and asked the doorkeeper: We have such a course, which is the latest in lingthe new proprietor. It is Mr. from Thrall to Pokegama, and thus' “Has my daughter gone yet?” Department of the Interior, Land OIBce »1 the way of a Commercial training. Write at ’ «Mire’s intention to make it one of the enable this city to get its mail twelve “No; she is still ou the stage, She Lakeview, Oregon, October 15,1907. once for full information about the Private Secre I iding yards in the county and he in- hours earlier. This is a matter that > will not die for some minutes." Notice 1» hereby glien that Edward Miller ol tary and other Business Courses taught in our ' tes those wishing accommodations to ought to claim the attention of the “Will you be kind enough to toll her Fort Klamath, Ore., baa filed notice of hl» In Day and Night Schools, 1 ring their horses there for a trial and Chamber of Commerce, for as it is now , us soon as she is dead that 1 am wait tention to make final Five year proof In «up port of Ilia claim, vis: Homestead Entry No WRITS TO Dtlk WASHINGTON A TENTH STS . FORTLAND, ORe. ing for her at the theater cafe? ” — Mot Be guarantees perfect satisfaction. the business interests of this county are j Q 'MIS made April 2.1. 1002, fertile »'anw'^ and Horses are boarded by the day, week or suffering from the great delay exper to Per Iliden«. n>i»w!4 Hee. 38, Tp. »2 S. K. 7'-, K. W. M„ and month and are given the most careful ienced in securing its mail from Port that said proof will be made before the clerk The Real Degenerate. Klamath County. Ore., ar hl, olfire a’ Klam attention. He also has a fine lot of I land and San Francisco. Mr. Abbott Tommy—Pa, what Is a degenerate! of livery teams, which he will hire at has always shown himself as being de Mr. Figg— A degenerate is a law«- nth Fall».. Oregon,on tbe.'rth day of Decem ber, reasonable rates. In addition to the sirous of meeting the wishes of the peo breaker who doesn't get rich at It. He nano-» the following witneaiea to prove I want 10,000 Muskrat. Will pay big cash livery and feed business, he has hay and ple of this city when any matter was hl« continiioii« residence upon, mid cultiva lor rat and otlior lurs. 1 have som«* iim* hound* te n of the land, viz : A Difference. grain for sale, also wood, posts and properly presented, and it i« almost fur ..,1 m . mid «ill take fur« in pnnient. HOY.'«, HERE .1 <;. Wet—, A«« Fordyce. Edward leaver and Brown T understand James In a tgr- «hakes. The jard is located opposite certain tl at if the Chamla-r of Com Is Vol k CHANCE. TRY IT! h. u. l...o»n-> aiiui Fort K.amatb, Oregon. ■ the Martin fl ouiing mill. Call and see merce took this matter up with him it netlst ? wun n j. n . watson . him. would have lus caieful attention. | ßmlth No. He Is a cor-nlt-krt. C M. GOSNEY, GODDARD, KANSAS THE BRICK STORE C9 Christmas Goods COME EARLY Star Drug Store ■fT'The Store That Saves You Money." 591 ALBANY Corner 8th Get the Best for Your Money