Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 28, 1907, Image 3

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    The Sale at the BOSTON STORE
will continue until everything is sold
Voting In ths Senate.
We are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and
Repair Work of all kinds
done promptly.
We guarantee ull our work to
be firs\ class and at Satisfactory Prices.
JI Few
Words Concerning
ID it ever occur to you that nine men
out of every ten judged your stand­
ing in the commercial world by the
sationery you used?
Such is a fact.
you use cheap, shoddy printing, such as
many printing offices give you, devoid of
merit, then your correspondents will put
you down as a has-been and irresponsible.
GOOD PRINTING has been our motto for
years and in quality we refuse 40’ be ex­
And our prices are right.
One Grade-Chat the Best
Try us with your next order.
We have the
latest styles of type and competent men to
execute the work in the latest approved style.
Phone 31
Th» Woman'* Order Startlad the High
Priced Fleriet.
A woman went Into a fashionable
New York florist'* «lore one <lay to buy
aouie How era for a sweet glri gradu­
“I wnut to tfet Rome Hower* for a
young lady who la to graduate tomor­
row," ahe said. "What have you?"
"How would aome American Beau-
tlea do?" naked the florist.
"What are they worth?’
"The lamt are |7 n dozen."
The woman thought a moment
“Have you none cheaper?' ahe naked.
"Yea." »aid tile florist, "we have
some with short ateina for 63 and 11"
Rhe looked nt the carnation» "How
much am those?" »he naked
"Wo hnve them for 50 cents a dozen
and 75 cents n dozen "
"Would carnations do for a graduat­
ing present?"
"Yes. Indeed ••
"Will you tie them up with ribbon?"
Jefferson's Manual nays I. When the
yea« and uayn are ordered, the names
of seuators shall lie called alphabet
Ically, and each senator shall without
‘ielay declare his assent or dissent to
the question, unless excused by the
senate, and no senator shall Is- |>ermlt-
ted to vote after the division shall
have been announced by the f>reaidlng
officer. but may. for sufficient reasons,
with unanimous consent, change or
withdraw his vote. No motion to sus-
fiend this rule shall la* in order, nor :
shall the presiding officer entertain
any request to sus|a.n<l It by unani­
mous request (ow-tion 41). 2 When a
senator declines to vote on call of bls
name ho shall be required to assign
l.ls reasons therefor, and, having as­
signed them, the presiding officer shall
submit the question to the senate
"Hhall the senator, for the reasons as ,
signed by him. be excused from vot­
ing?" which shall tie decided without
debate, nnd these proceedings shall lA
held after the roll call nnd before the
result Is announced, nnd any further
proceeding* In reference thereto shall '
tie after such announcement (sections
17 and 16).
“Will you inis the colors?”
"Ye., "
"Well," said the wotnun after a mo­
ment's lienltatlon, "you may give me a
A Fiery Sp»»ch.
red one and a white one."
William O'Brien In hl* “Recollec­
The florist gaspad. "Shall I put them
lit separate boxes?” he asked. — Ex-| tions” gives thia picture of Timothy
Healy's first appearance in parliament:
"A quarter of an hour after he took bls i
seat as member for Wexford be started
Walk a Crack?
Most men cannot walk lu n straight up to make hl* maiden sjieecb—tiny of
line with their eye* open, and none frame, sardonic of visage, his hand* tn
ever lived that could do so with his bls breeches pockets, as coolly Insolent
eyes shut. Try IL It la uu aged say­ as a Parisian gamin, ns entirely de­
ing that a man follows hl* nose, and 1 testable as a small Diogenes. peering
there never was a nose since Adam l over the riins of bls plncenez as from
that stood straight lu front of n face. his tub, through bilious eyes over bls
All of us are aiHicted with either »In- contemptible audience—and horrified
Istrutorslon or dextrotorsion that is. In the house of commons with the follow­
walking we veer either to the left or ing exordium: 'Mr. Speaker. If the
to the right. It cannot be helped. Set noble marquis (Hartington) thinks be'
up two posts on the lawu and l>et a la going to bully us with his high and
million that no man or woman In the mighty Cavendish ways, all I can tell
crowd can walk from one to the other him la be will And himself knocked Into
without anfractuoslty. There's a swell a cocked hat In a Jiffy, and we will
word for you. Aufractuoslty—that’s have to pnt him to the necessity of wip­
where you get a wiggle on—walk wab­ ing the blood of all the t'avendlsbea
from his noble nose a good many times
bly.—Bangor (Me.) News.
before he disposes of us.' ”
A Psddlsr of Chestnuts.
A singular dream Is related In a well
known British magazine. A woman
suffering from anxiety caused by re­
duced circumstance* dreamed that she
went to church. "The people began to
go out one by Wne. I looked around
and Inquired why they were leaving
the church They said: To look for the
magic bird In the churchyard. You
will always have luck if you find It.' I
thought 1 would try to find IL went
out and swept away the fallen leaves
and found a speckled thrush, and as
soon as I took It up It dropped £1 in
my hand. The next morning I went
Into our back garden and there among
the fallen leave* was the speckled
thrush, which had just been killed by
a cat. It wa« yet wann. I said, 'Here
is the magic bird, and the money I
know will come by post.' The hope
was justified, for £1 came in the morn-,
Ing and a check from a friend In the
evening "
A Naval Ceremony That Is Not Whs*
It Used to Bs.
A Poor Compliment.
Minister (on return from holiday)—
Well, Daniel, my good man, nnd how
have things been going on in my ab­
sence? . Daniel—'Deed, sir, a’ things
been gauu on brnwly. They say that
you meenlatcrs when ye gang free
hame aye tnk' guld enre to send waur
men than youreelfs to till the pooplt.
But ye never dae that, alrt— Punch.
E. R. RF.AMEH, Vice-President
LESLIE ROGERS, Asst. Cashier
ALEX MARTIN, President
ALEX MARLIN, Jr.. Cashier
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
JUNE 2V, 1907.
Ixrana and Discounts...................................................................................... I 314,962.76
Bonds and Kecurities...................................................................................... . 60,564.86
Real Estate,’Buildings and Fixtures.................................... ,......................
Cash and Bight Exchange................................................................................ 248,091.93
>643,800. IS
Capital Stock, fully paid ............................................................................. | 100.000.00
Surplus and Profita..........................................................................................
Due other Banks.........................................................................................
I. Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledgexnd believe
A lkx M astix , J b ., Cashier.
fcubecribed and sworn to before me tLia 8tb day of July, 1907.
A. M. W obdbx ,
Notary Public for Oregon.
F'lrsit Class
of all kinds
of Prices
Laundry Trays
pwo ve yes
H. BOIVIN, the Plumber, Agent,
VLuu:ì Falla. Cjra,oa
A Singular Dream.
One summer a well known senator
went back to hl* birthplace and of
course made a sjieecli to the friends of
bls childhood.
“How well I remcmlrer these old
fidutllar acenes!" be said. “Here Is the
house where I was born. Here Is the
old well and there the gunleu patch.
Yonder nre the woods, and there Is the
meadow. Along the meadow Is the
row of stately tree« where I picked
cbestuuts when I was a mere lad”—
"Yeo." broke In an old neighbor, who
seemed to be a bit bored, "and you
have tieen peddling them ever since."
Whereupon the meeting closed.—Sat­
urday Evening Poet.
In the old navy, when United States
■hips were actually ships with yards,
the boa'n'a mate's cull, "All bands
cheer ship!” was followed by a muck
more picturesque ceremony than is
possible now. when the vessels of the
uavy are fitted with but a single yard
and that only used for signaling. At
the word of command "Man the
yards!” there was an amount of aero­
batic scurrying on the main deck* of
the old aldp» that was calculated to
make the ship visitor hold his breath,
the thing looked so dangerous. The
men forward In bluejacket uniform
would fairly leap up the rope ladders,
and almost by the time the echoes of
the command had died away every
ynrtl on each mast would support
«cores of men nnd boys, all standing
erect, most of them only held up by
the crossed arms of the men beside
them. This representation of n cross
was hold by all of the men, nnd It
was their business to stand thus with
absolute statuesqueness.
Then the
command “Cheer ship!” would he
bawled out on deck by the chief boa'n’s
mate, nnd there would be a yell from
cathead to mlxxen that couldn't help
but wnrm the blood of everybody with­
in hearing of It.
When the men
manned the yards with all sail except
topsails nnd stunsails set, such a pic­
ture was renlly beautiful, the men's
uniforms of blue standing out In anp-
phlre-llko contrast to the cameo whlte-
iiohs of the shrouds. This was a cere­
mony on all formal occnslons, such as
the visit nlsvnrd the old ships of dis­
tinguished men.
And "Man the
ynrds!" mid “Cheer ship!” were com­
mand» always given when one of the
old clippers of the United States nnvy
whs either departing for or arriving
from n foreign station.
The Unexpected.
A curious story is that of the late 1
Colonel Harry McCalmont of the Brit­
ish army. He was a poor man when
be went to the reading of his uncle's
will, hoping that perhaps the departed
might have remembered him to the
extent of an old watch. True enough,
the lawyer read out the words, "To
my nephew, Harry McCalmont. I leave
my watch and chain.” Th" k Tatee ■
was satisfied, and, leaning back, he
drowsed, lulled by the monotonous
tones of the lawyer as he read through
the long Instrument. At the dose be
arose to go. "I congratulate you.” said
the solicitor. “I don't know why you
should." said the other. "You arc
residuary legatee.” remarked the law­
yer. "You will have £4,000 annually
for th" first live years from this date,
and afterward you will inherit sotn»'
Unlearned, but Wise.
"I'm after justice rather than law,”
said Joliu Dudley, who for twenty-one
years, from 1770 to 1791. was one of
the most popular Judges of New Hamp­
shire. He was unlearned in the Inw,
and bls education was so defective that
he could not write live consecutive sen­
tences lu correct English, yet so ac­
ceptably did he discharge his Judicial
duties that Chief Justice Parsons of
Massachusetts, one of the most learned
of lawyers, said of him. “We may smile
at tits Inw and ridicule his language,
yet Dudley, take him all in all, was the
greatest and best Judge I ever knew in
New Hampshire."
The Strain of the Glass Houses.
•'The sou of a glassblower Is rarely
found In the same employment.” said
a speaker at a child labor conference.
“I would rather send my boys straight
to hell than a^nd them by wny of the
glass house," jtie glassblower is quoted
as saying. It appears that the charac­
ter of the men is greatly affected by the
extreme heat and consequent physical
«train of the glass houses.
City Meat Market
W +
wwwwP 'P
Lakeside Inn,
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
Opposite Van Riper Bros.
Phone ^96
We deliver to any part of the Citv-^^^^
Phone orders given careful and prompt attention.
We cut hams to accommodate customers5