FACTS IN FEW LINES Not ke for i>ur«ha«e «»f School land.« lfepartinent of the Interior, United I State« ljind Office Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1907. Notii*e ia hereby given that the State of Oregon has, under the provision« of the Act of Congreaa of August 14, 1848, and the Acte supplemental and amenda­ tory thereof, uiade application for the following described unappropriated, non-mineral, surveyed public land as indemnity for losses to it» grant for com­ mon school purjxyses, to-wit: List No. 23.8, for the nel4swl4, Sec. 34, se^asw1«. S« k *. 32. nw^nw^, Sec. S3, r. tt B. .■ s I... W. M. Any and all persona claiming adveraly th«1 above descrilxxi lands are requested to file their said claims in thia office on or before the 14th. day of December, 1V07. .1. N. Watson, Register. The above notice will be published in lite Klamath County Republican, a weekly new«pa|>er printed and pub­ lished at Klamath Falls, Oregon, for five successive weeks before the 14tli day of December, 1907. 10-31-11-28 .1. X. Watson, Register. I sun MONS 5OCIFTIIS OF CHRISTMAS CAKES KI .A .HATH FAI.L5 In the Circuit Court ot the State of Ore­ gon for tho County of Klamath. A. O. U. W.—Linkeille Jam«1« B. Burns, Plaintiff, l.odg«1 No. lit) meets in the va A. O. U. W. bull every Tues­ Julia E. Burns, Defendant. day evening. Visiting Broth­ To Julia E. Burns, the defendant. ers always welcome. Walter tn th«1 name of the State of Oregon : Lennox, M. W. J. W. Siemens, Recorder. You are hereby requirtsi to apiM-ar and answer the «.■oniplaint flltsl against Evangeline Lodge No. 88 Degree of you in the above entitled suit on or be­ fore Thunklav the 21»t dav of Novem­ Honor laslgo meets in the A. t>. U. W. hall every second and fourth Thursdays ber, 19v7, being the last day of the in the month. Nancv N. White,C. ol H. time pre*«:ril>ed in the order for publi­ Jesse Marple, Recorder. cation of this summons, .nd if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the W O. W. E««nnx I’zmp. No. 7'8» W. plaiuliff will apply to Hie Court lor the O. W„ meets every Tuesday evenin relief «leinandtHl in th«> complaint, to­ at 7:30o'clock at Saujeraon'a hall. A wn: For a decree dissolving the bonds neighborscordially invile«!. C. K. llrandenburK. Clerk. of matrimony existing lietw«*en plain­ tiff and defendant, ami for such other ami fiirtl er relief ns in «*<|Uity may lx1 meet and proper. This summons is served by publication ill tho "Klamath Republican,” by onler of Hon. Henry I.. Benson, Judge of th«1 Circuit Court for th«1 County of Klamath, datixl tin1 8th «lav of October, 1907, which said T. ' '•'*'«l'‘erN.i.tH, m«-«t» order requires that this summons la* i publish« d once a week for six siicees- m tin1 Masonic hxll evury svimi ami Ionstli Im-sihiv I'vi-iiiiigx in each month. sive weeks from th«1 10th «lav of t'etolxT, I liruiine Murl.wh, VV. M. Jennie E. 1907, said day living th«1 first day of Realm*.«, ."•«•» r«* tar «. I I publication of said summons. J.C. Rl’TENIC, 10-10-11-21 Attorney for Plaintiff. Great Britain own, morn land In North America than th«1 United Stat«1,. The Icefields of Grevnlami. Hires oi& are estimate«! to l>e a mil«1 and a half thirl Johannesburg. In the TrmwvaaJ. has a prosperous American elute and tw, Aaak.v Las« ba 11 nine,. The 10 d«M1tors couldn't tiud a scratch «>u either Ix'ar or lutby. While C. L. l>erby of Ludlow, VL, was plowing recently Ids wife picket! up from the dirt thrown out by the plow a British copper win of the issue of 1747. just 1® years old. Teddy Scboappler at his hotel in the Bronx. New York, recently held n raf­ fle for a tombstone, th«> winner to have his name, date of birth and death en­ Notice for Publication. graved on it fre«1 of charge. Depariment ot tbe Interior, land Office at After a stillneea of mor«1 than a year, Lakeview Oregon, Nov. 6, 1907. due to a broken roi»e. the curfew bell« Notice is hereby given that Theodore 1 Sev- In a Plainville (Qonn.) mill are ringing more of Klamath Falls, Oregon, has filed again. This ancient custom has t>eeB notice of his intention to make final commuta­ Notice for Publication. observed m the towu for a half cen­ tion proof in su|»j»ori of bt» claim, vis: Hoinv- stead Entry No :W01. made May 2, 1906, for the United State» Laud office, Lakeview, Oregon, tury. Loti. Sec. I. fp. 87 S. R. 10 K . W. M . and that Sept. 27. 1907. A Kaffir iu Cape Colony l>onght an «aid Notice i» hereby given that in Compliance proof will be made before the clerk of American broom some months ago Klamath county. Ore., at his office at Klamath with the provisions of the act of ('ongrv>> ot ! and, noticing some seeds in the straws, Fail», Oregon, on the A)ih day of December, June 3,1878, eulitled “An act fur tne »aloof planted them. He now has a fine field 1907. timber land« in the State« of California, ore« of broom straw growing and may have He names the following witnesses to prove gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," a* his continuous residence upon, and cultiva extended to all the Public Land State* by act found«*! an important industry. ot August 4, 1892. Rosa E. Hager, ot Dodge One Bowdolhham (Me.) residence has tion of, the land, vis: G. E Bensinger, E. H. Monaghan, « llliam (’enter. County ot Dodge. State nt Minne­ an unusual night watchman. It is a and John Kenney all of Klamath sota, has this day filed In this office her fat woodchuck that guards the prop­ Lashua Falls, Oregon. sworn statement No. 3788, for the purchase ot erty carefully from cats and dogs. 11-14—12-19 J. N. Watson, Register. the Lots 8, 6. 10 and 11 of Sec. No, 20. in Tp Every evening he nwius over the No. 39 8., R No. 6. E W M, and will offer proof groumls aud disappears at sunrise. to show that the land »ought is more A schoolteacher in England noticed valuable for its timber or »tone than for Notice for Publication agricultural purpose«. and to e»iabli«b hvr that it always rained when the in­ spector happened to call ou her. One United Stales Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon claim to »aid land before the clerk of Klamath County at his office at Klamath day she mentioned it to the inspector Oct 25. 1907. as a curious fact and received the an­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance Falls, Oregon *»u lueaday, the 10th day ot December. 1907. swer, "That's because I piay golf OU with the provision» of the act of Congress of She names a» witnesses: June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the sale of fine days.” Waller Anderson, Roy Anderson. James One of the Ohio girls who recently timber lands in the States of California. Ore­ Whitcomb and Clarence Hager all of Forest, gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as visited London aroused the ire of some Oregon. extended to all the Public Land States by act Any and all persons claiming adversely the of the editors by remarking that Lon­ of August 4, 1892, Hayden J. Lockwood, of don was the biggest she had seen "on Klamath Falls county of Klamath, State above described lands are requested to file this side of the ocean.” The Globe of Oregon, has thzs day filed in tbit their claims in this office on or before said acornfuily asks whether "Onehorse- office his sworn statement No. 3*»ll, for loth day of December, 1907. 104-13-6 J. N. WATSON. Register. villc, Mich.," is bigger. the purchase of the and w^ne1^ of Up to this time the diameter of the Section No. 29, in Township No. 38 s. Range No. Notice for Publication globe has not been arrived at within 10 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore- a thousan«! feet, but Nikola Tesla says land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ' gon. September 27,1907. that his system of wireless telegraphy establish his claim to «aid land before the Notice is hereby given that in compliance will lie the means of reducing this Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his margin of error to witbin fifty feet or office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Fri­ w ith the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of less. day, the 10th day of January 1908. timber lauds in the Mates of California. Ore­ He names as witnesses: The dreaded nun butterfly Is nppear- gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," as Ing everywhere In Bobemia. threaten- *■11. 8. Grigsby, Geo. Weber. W. H. Webb and extended to all the Public Land State» by a< t ing the devastation ot the forests. The W. O. Webb, all of Klamath Falls. Oregon. of August 4, 1892, O«cra L. Brown, of Klamath neighboring woods of Saxony and Sile­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon, above-described lands are requested to file ha» filed in thin office bi» »worn state iue ni sia are also threatened. The ministry their claims in this office on <»r before said No. 8774, for the purchase of the nw‘-4»e‘4 Her. of agriculture has named a commission 10th day of January, 1908. N 1 I F A M No. to investigate. J. N. WATSON, Register. and will offer proof to »bow that the 10-31 — 1 -2 Yale is far less honored in England land sought is more valuable for its limber or than is Harvard. The residence of stone than for agricultural purposes, and to Ellhu Yale at Plas Grano has been establish hi» claim to »aid land before the pulled down, and it is difficult to iden­ Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at bis Notice For Publication. office at Klamath Fails, Oregon, on Monday, tify the site. Yale's tomb, a solid mass the Vth day of December, 1907. of masonry, at the base of Wrexham Cnited States Land office, Lakeview, Ore­ He name« as witnesses: church tower, Is almost his sole visible gon, Oct. 19.1907. Wm. Hnow.C. N .flnow, W.O. Webb and B. H. memorial. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance Grigsby, all of Klamath valla, Oregon. The costliest lot of land in Boston with the provisions ot the act ot Congress of Any and all persons Claiming adversely tbe was taken the other day by the Boston June 3.1876, entitled "An act for the sale of above-described lands are requested to file transit commissioner to provide en­ timber lands in the States of California, Ore­ their claim« in this office ou or before said 9t h I trance and exit for the new Washing­ gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." ar day of Dec., 1907. extended to all the Public Lan«l States by act J. H. WATSON, Register. ton street tunnel. The lot, which con­ of August 4. 1892. William Lashua of 10-3-I2*u" tains 1,955 square feet, is located at Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, State of Winter and Washington streets, and Oregon, has this day filed in this office bis Notice for Publication the price paid was $2o0 per foot. sworn statement No. 3306, for ibe purchase ol Cnited State» Land office. Lakeview, Ore­ Dennis J. Buckley, president of the the n*4ne*4 of Bee. no . 6. in Tp. gon, Sept. 27, 19»7. Kerry Men's P. and B. association, No. 41 8. R No. 6. E W M. and will Notice i> hereby given that In compliance has made the statement that the peo­ offer proof to show that the laud souxht I« with the provisions ot the act ol Congress ot i ple of the famous County of Kerry, more valuable for iu timber or stone than for June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of agricultural purposes, and to establish his Ireland, have decided to officially re­ claim to said land before the Clerk ot Klamath limber lands In tbe States ot California, Ore­ pudiate the title of “kingdom." which county, Oregon, at his office at Klamath gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory," a» extended to all the Public Laud State» by act baa hung to it for 1,726 years. Falla. Oregon, on Friday the 20th day of of August 4. 1S92, Della Mae Harlow, of Klam­ The Ixmdon Express says the golf December, 1907. i ath Falls, county of Klamath, Stateot Oregon, He names as witnesses: links of the country are fast becoming has this day filed in this office her sworn J. T. Johnston, Minto Estes. W. Seehorn and "vast hairpin cemeteries" and that un­ statement No. 3799, for the purchase of the ne!4 fortunately most of the millions of hair- Ben Milton all of Klamath Falls. Oregon. se% Sec. No. 23. and nw‘4aw>4 of Sei. No 24, Any and all pezaons claiming adversely the plna in them are only half buried, "with in Tp. No. 37 8, R No. » E W m. and will offer above-described lands are requested to file their business ends uppermost,” to the their claims In this office on or before said 20tb proof to show that tbe lan«l sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri­ annoyance and even danger of players. day of December, 1907. cultural purposes, and to establish her claim The volunteer fire department at 10-24—12-19 J. N. WATSON, Register. to said land before tbe clerk of Klamath Rockville Center, N. Y., must have the county, Oregon, at his office at Klamath Falls, reputation of the proverbial messenger Oregon, on Wednesday tbe lltb Hay of De­ I boy. At a recent meeting of the trns- cember, 1907. Notice for Publication tMS of the Tillage it was suggested She names as witnesses: Department of the Interior. Land Office at that when a Are breaks out the mem- R. E. Dunlap, Merk L. Burn», Jesse C. Craven and C. W. Harlow, all of Klamath tiers of the department be notified by Lakeview.Oregon, October 15,1907. Notice Is hereby given that James K Bal­ Falls, Oregon. postal card. lard of Klamath Falls. Oregon, has filed Any and all persons claiming adversely the Tuberculous patients that live and notice of bls Intention to make final Five grow fat are reported by Dr. Gullbaud, year proof in aupportof hiaclalta, viz: Home above-described lands are request««! to file • French physician. He has found a stead Entry No. 2397 made June 17, 1901, for their claims in this office on or before said form of tubenevtoala*that remains In the tbe«e>4 of Sec. 4, Tp. 40 8. R. H. W.M., and lllte day of Dec., 1907. 10-3 -12 5 J. N. WATSON. Register. condition of a local lesion, is usually that said proof will be made before the Clerk associated with an excessive deposit of of Klamath County, Ore., at hla office at Notice for Publication adipose tissue and Is curable. He be­ Klaq>atb Falla, Oregon, on the 29tb day of No­ lieves It arises from Implanting atten­ vember. 1907. United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore- t He name, the following witnesses to prove uated Koch bacilli in so called scrofu­ bls continuous residence upon, and cultiva­ (on, Hept. 27.1907. lous persons Notice Is hereby (Iren that in compliance I tion of, the land, viz: Mrs. John Hays Hammond, the wife with the provisions of the Mt of CoD(ress of ! ! Tbos. Martis.Chaz. Ayer, W. N. Wilson and June >, 1(78, entitled "An act for the sale of of the clever engineer of 8outh Africa, C. D. Wilson all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. timber lands In the States of California, Ore- has a most wonderful bathroom in both 10-24-11-28 J. N. Watson, (on, Nevada, and WMhln(tos Territory,” as Register. her New York and Washington homes. extended to .11 the Public I-*nd States by act The tub is an Immense affair, the shape ol Au(tut 4,18(2, Harsh A. Mulkey, of Ki.m.th of a shell, and when the lights are turn­ Falls, county of Klamsth, State of Oregon, has ed on and the tub Oiled the bottom of Notice for Publication thia day filed In tbleoKc. her sworn state­ I the tub appears to be full of water ment No. (793, lor the purchase Of Department of the Interior, Land Office at lilies, reeds and waving grass The the e'-inw*^ ae*4sw>4 and nwJ^ieK Lakeview, Oregon, October 15.1907. floors and walls are of tinted marble. of dec. No. 17, in Tp. No. S3 8, K Notice i, hereby given that Edward Miller of The New York courts have decided Fort Klamath, Ore., ba. filed notice of hla in­ No. 10 E W M. and will offer proof to abow that i that a huge automobile filled with two tention to make final Five year proof in .up- the land sousht Is more valuable for Its lim­ dozen sightseers lias no more rights in port of hi, claim, via: Homeatead Entry No ber or stone than for a(rlcultural purposes, to establish her claim to said land before the public streets than a pushcart. The 2616 made April 2». 1902, far the s'^nw>4 and and the Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, al hla I machines that stand on the street in nS»w‘4 See. 8», Tp. 32 8. R. 7J4 E. W. M„ and I office at Klamath Falla, Oregon, ou Tues­ wait for a load of passengers most that »aid proof will be made before the Clerk day, the loth «lay of December, 1907. move on at the command of a police­ of Klamath County, Ore., at bia office at Klam­ She names aa wltneases: man and must keep moving. “The ath Falla., Oregon,on the Sth day of Decem­ Charles Moiander, J.C. Cravens, Hamilton 1907. Mulkey and K. E. Dunlap, all ol Klamath streets belong to the people, not to in­ ber, He name, the following witnesses to prove dividuals," said the police magistrate hla continuous reaidence upon, and cultiva­ Falls, Oregon. who announced the above as the law. tion of, the land, via: Any au«l all persons claiming adversely the The manager of a line of "rubber net V J. C. Weiss, Asa Fordyce. Edward Leever and abo.«-described lands are requested to Hie their ciaims In this office on or before said wagons had pre-empted n part of H B Loosley all of Fort Klamath, Oregon 10-24 11 28 i. N. WATSON. 10!.. JS) III IHc., IV07, Broadway to the large advertising it 10-1 -12-4 J.N. W A180N. I'.egisier. i Register. hie business and a saving of rent. make thè lx?st Cakes, Pies, Bread, etc. out ol the very best flour. Everything is neat andclean in our baking department and open to your inspection. Van Riper Bros, handle our bread and will deliver it to your door if you will mention it to tlieni.-^^^ CITY BAKERY Pure Cream Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. ALTAMONT DAIRY PHONE A. F. Jt A. M.—Klamath ■ l.oige No. 77. Meets e«-c«-ii<( ami fourth Momia«« of v.u-h month in th«1 5|.-«v<>ni<- Hull. W. J. Shi ve, W. ,M. M . Bowiloin, Secretary. *• '-rlfl B3 J / W II W/ / HAW I kd’Prftit^dl IN 4 8. H » OHI» \ The American Bank and Trust Co. Capital Sluck Siuo.ouo K of P.—Klamath Lo>lge No. 9,j meet, in Sanderson's hall everv Mon­ day evening. Bert Bamlx-r, ('. C. John Y. Tipton, K. of R. and S. Open for buiinru «very t Woodcraft, Ewauna Circle No. fil., meets every weconii and fourth Friday in Sanderaon’a hall. Mrs. Difillo Virgil, G. N. BALDWIN &. HUGHES Phone456 I raternal Order of Eaglea meets «•very Monday «■veiling at .8 o'clock in A.O. U. W. Hall. Henry Boivin, W. 1*. Otto Heidrich, Sec. Klamath Lake Railroad in connection with the E. WHITLOCK F-i He Inti re Transportation Co UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Holder of License No 20. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Ore. and Cal. Transportation Co. The only through lint* for freight and pas­ sengers between the Southern Pacific and the Klamath country. Quickest service and Lowest Rates. Tell your troubles by Phone or Letter to DR. CHAS. H. DRAKE Ueterinary Surgeon Office in Exchange Barn Phone 601 KLAMATH F ALLH, OREGON E. T. ABBOTT, Gen. Mgr, Thrall, Cal. DR. WM. MARTIN to MclNTIRE TRANS. CO. at Klamath Falla or Pokcgama DENTIST Office over Klamath County Bank C. C. BROWER Every drop .‘ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ROOMS 7 AB, MURDOCK BLDG. Of Old Continental Whiskey Water Hill Whiskey Normandie Rye F. F. V. Rye is as ¡jure as Government inspection can mako it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­ pervision and that carries-the guarantee of abso­ lute purity. DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Office in American Bank A Trust Com­ pany’! Building PHONE 914 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON E. B. HENRY Pure CIVIL BNQINEER and SURVEYOR KLAMATH FALLS All kind* of engineering and draughting is the word that tolls the story, and when the government places its 0. K. on whiskey you may he sure it is pure. Sold by WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST I Wlthrow-Melhase Building C. F. C. D. WILLSON Wholesale and Retail Dealer STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Klamath Falls, Oregon Joti Work . A.t tlæ ReptiljlîeGxi