Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 21, 1907, Image 4

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E. J. MURRAY, Editor
One week from next Monday Congress ■
will mM and then will begin the great'
quadrennial gabfest of the statesmen
of both parties. Speeches on all sorts of
p.ihiect« will he made for distribution
through the mails during the next presi­
dential election, and these will te
trans|>otte«i at Unde Sam's expense.
All of the prominent candidates for tl e
Republican presidential nomination will
be in Washington, with the exception
of Governor Huglies. He will be con­
spicuous by his al»sence. Heretofoie
the national capital has been the mec«a
for all aspirants, but Hughes is going to
break another of the time honored rules
and remain awav. He will stay tn New
York state and look after the interests
of the people. In the meantime he is
gaining strength through the country
and every day brings the nomination
nearer to him. The followers of Taft
hope to make his return from his trip
around the world a triumphal event and
once again bring their idol before the i
limelight, but it is safe to say that this
effort, like all that have proceeded will
fail to rally the fast dying strength of
the big man from Ohio.
A Cabby Stung.
Foreigners often fall a prey to the
unscrupulous wiles of the British cabby,
who basely takes advantage of the
stranger's want of familiarity with
English idiom, coinage and locality.
We have heard of the Intelligent for­
eigner being driven about six statute
miles in a journey from London bridge
to Charing Cross. That cabby got the
best of the tranaactiou. but a recent
attempt to impose upon foreign cre­
dulity was frustrated cleverly by a son
of Gaul. wbo<e taste for Joking led him
to try to bambooale a cabby into at-
tempting It with him. He demnude«!
In exceedingly broken English to be
driven to a certain place, the fare to
which was exactly a shilling. It may­
be rvmnrketl that he really could speak
English as well as he could his moth­
er tongue. On arriving at his destina­
tion be asked, still in a struggling fash­
“'Ow mooch 'ave I to pay?”
“Five shillings," promptly responded
the cabby.
“And 'ow mooch is 5 shillings?"
queried the traveler, taking out three
>alf crowns and laying them across his
"Them three's right." said the cabby,
pointing to the coins.
“Oh!" said the Frenchman. Then,
dropping his assumed imperfect ac­
Additional Briefs
with the vernacular. "Well,
I quaintance
here's a bob for you.” he said aud de­
WANTED — This office will pay parted. leaving his erstwhile Jehu
five cents per pound tor old rags. standing with a perplexed expression
on his face which took some time to
They must be clean; linen or cotton disappear.—London Tit-Bits.
•quaes Tils« Like Painter«' Palette«
Used For Breakfast Plate«-
For breakfast. Instead of plates, long
tiles are made In Germany, something
like a painter's palette made square.
Instead of a thumb hole there Is only
a small bole tn the middle of one end
to hang this tile on a hook or peg.
These tiles are thick and glazed with
white, like any stoneware. One seeu
was blue and white, and ouo red in
pretty flowing designs.
They are used for bread and butter
served with a cup of coffee. Doubtless
tn Germany they are taken to the gar­
den on bright mornings. Here they are
used as curios. It Is said that old gen­
tlemen used to them would feel quite
"put out" If given a round plate lustead
of this tile, with a good piece of butter
on It. and a couple of fresh rolls for
breakfast daily.
German ways of setting the table are
at variance with those of other coun­
tries. The knives for dluner parties
are arranged out at an angle Into the
middle of the table KuivaeStitd forks
an' laid obliquely to the plate with the
tips touching it. Finger bowls have
spoons In them by which to dip the
water over the fingers. This Idea is
not out of the way.
Quite gaudy glassware for wlue la
shown, purple, blue, orange and yellow,
with decanters to match.
A bunch of violets Is on every plate
at the beginning of a formal dluner
A Vienna Specialist's Id««« on Thi«
Fascinating Subject.
The old fashioned definition of
beauty sleep was the sleep that la
taken before midnight, Beauty sleep
is the sleep a woman _ gets after she
has slept seven hours and I «fore she
has slept nine, says a Viennese spe
A woman needs all of seven hours
sleep for the bulldlug up of her « vh
tern. Then she needs two hours more
for the recuperatlou of her body, and
the extra two hours will restore her
complexion, make her eyes bright, take
the wrinkles out of her face and keep
her form elastic.
The woman who wants to derive the
fullest benefit from her beauty sleep
will compose het mind before sinking
She will think
off into slumber,
pleasant thoughts, Worrying makes
furrows in the brow aud sets line«
around the mouth. A little light in a
tiedroom Is a good thing for some peo­
ple, for ft will act cheerfully upon the
nerves and drive away nightmare.
Do not allow yourself to be awak­
ened In the morning If you mean to get
beauty sleep, or if you must lie aroused
let It be ever so gently, Do not wake
up with a start, with an alarm clock
or in consequence of a bell ringing,
for any of these sounds will jar the
nerves and destroy some of the good
the sleep has done you.
Rules For Right Eating.
Miss Edna Houston, who has been in
The rules for eating, which ought to
Merrill visiting Miss Hazel Burris, re­
be a part of every child's A B C’s.
turned home this week.
are few and simple, though neglected
Mrs.C. H. Underwood returned this by half of the adult population.
week from a two month’s visit with her
Expressed In don'ts. they are:
Don't eat !n a hurry; don't eat when
parents in Albany.
tired; don’t forget to chew well; don't
G. W. White, president of the First drink much with meals—do it before—
National Bank, who for the past ten don't eat all one kind of food; don't
days has been at his tarm near Midlai d take much cold food at one time.
Most of us live as If unconscious
superintending the erection of a flr.e
residence, returned home Tuesday that there are such things as laws of
health whose violation brings pain and
sickness. The stomach will bear as
An alarm of fire summoned the de­ much abuse and neglect as any organ
partment to the Gem Restaurant Mon­ of the body, perhaps more than most
day evening, where it was found that of them. But when It rebels there Is
the trouble was due to soot burning in a usually one more cross dyspeptic In­
flicted on society and destined to spend
flue. No damage was done.
the rest of his days alternating be­
The attention of the readers of the tween a diet of soft eggs and toast and
Republican is called to the financial sundry excursions into mince pies, pork
She Deceived Ibsen.
statement of the First National Bank. and cabbage and other things that he
Henrik Ibsen upheld the
It speaks for itself, and truly may it
superiority of women in his dramas,
claim as good, if not better, showing —Charles II. Cochrane in Metropolitan
but in real life he considered them in­
than any bank in the state.
ferior to men In many lines of useful­
ness generally classed as feminine. For
In this issue of the Republican ap-1 I
He Hung on to th« Record.
A fish story I heard while camping example, his friend, .John Paulsen,
pears the advertisement of the Belmont
an old man who had little re­ in the London Times says that one of
Feed Stables, and it would be a good
Ibsen's maxims was this: “No woman
thing for the readers of this paper to gard for the truth. Two young men can write a cookery book, and no worn
look it over. There is something in it
house and outgeneral him by telling an can sew n button on fast.”
that will interest you.
He lived up to the latter part of his
the biggest lie to the old man, who
E. A. Dunham returned the first of held the record. After being at the dictum. When he detected a loose but­
ton on any of his garments he retreat­
the week from a brief visit to the Rogue old man's house some time one of them ed to his own den, locked himself In
River valley.
heard about the big fire. He said ha and with elaborate preparations sew
The legal holidays make it impossible bad not and asked them where it was. f ed the button on. He took as much
for Circuit Judge rl. L. Benson to trans­ The young man told him a gasoline pains with the work as be would with
the final copy of one of his plays.
act court business and be is consequent­ launch had exploded on the river and
Then be used to brag about the per­
ly enjoying a vacation which be is
man sat quiet for a moment, then turn­ formatice, saying that he would not
spending in Portland and Salem.
ed to bis wife and said, "Mother, I told I put trust In a button sewed on by any
woman, not even by his wife, Hla
E. W. Gowan, who has had charge of you something terrible had happened wife used to laugh. She confided to
up the river today when I caught that
the railroad work being done by the
catfish with his fins all burned off.”— Paulsen that she secretly resewed all
Mason Construction company, has re­ Chicago Tribune.
the buttons that the poet had sewed—
sewed them as only a woman can, she
signed bis position and Archie Mason,
said. He always forgot to fasten the
who arived here from Portland Monday,
How 8he Helped.
thread. “But don't undeceive him,”
is now superintending the work.
A servant girl who hail been through
the faithful wife added appealingly.
the mill before was being croea ex­ “It makes him so happy to think that
Within the past ten days there have amined the morning after her new
be does It”
been about 1500 customers in Mr. engagement. Said her mistress:
Duffy’s Notion Store, all of whom were
“And did your last mistress assist
A 8ummer Dish For Winter Timo.
beard to make the remark, “I saw your you In cooking, Maggie?"
Fried tomatoes are a luxury that
“Weel, aye, in a way she did," ad­ comparatively few housewives can af­
-ad in the Republican.”
mitted Maggie.
ford to serve during the winter months,
Mrs. A.L. Evans will remove to San
“How did she do it, now?" asked her yet If they will follow this old Mary­
Diego, Cal. Have fa few household ar­ mistress.
land recipe this dish may be enjoyed
“By stoppin’ oot o’ the kitchen, on the coldest days of the year as easi­
ticles to dispose of ; also sewing machine.
Inquire at Duffy’s Store, oppcourthouse. mem,” was Maggie's retort, and the ly as In the middle of summer, says
mistress gracefully retired.—London the Delineator. To accomplish this
feat, however, the tomatoes must first
Zim Baldwin'returned home Tuesday Answers.
be cooked In the summer, when they
evening after an abaence of several
A Hot Ando.
are plentiful. Select the large, firm
months in Frisco, where he went to
“A knife that cuts butter when It tomatoes and fry them Just as you
take a full course in plumbing.
is hot” (and under no Other clrcum- would If you Intended them for Im­
atauces) we sometimes meet with, and
Ivan Daniels is mourning the loss of a the reason of this is easily explained. mediate service. Then pack them in
fine duck. Recently an excavation was Heat expands metal and in proportion medium sized stone jars while still
hot and pour a rather thick coating of
made under the Light A Water com» to the amount of metal which is heat­ warm lard over them until they hare
pany’a building for the purpose of in­ ed. There is more metal In the breadth been completely covered. When th*
stalling a heating plant. The hole par­ of a blade than in its thickness, and lard has cooled thoroughly cover the
tially filled with water and his^fduck- the former therefore Is expanded Im­ jar* first with a cloth and then rather
ship decided to use it for bathing pur­ mensely more than the latter. In other thickly with paper and let them stand
poses, having sleeping quarters farther words, the wedgelike shape Is length­ Ln a cool, dry place until required.
ened, and the tool becomes “sharp.”
When you desire to serve them re­
under the building, where it was warm
move the slices carefully, relieve them
and comfortable. Everything went
The Qrsater Ach«.
of any superfluous lard and then warm
along all right until some of the boys
“You might think you’ve got such a by drying slightly. They will prove
left a package of vitrol under the build­ heartache," said the woman, “that you every bit as delicious as wbsn freshly
ing. Attracted by the bundle the duck can’t stand It at all. Ton’ll never get fried.
began an investigation. After breaking over It, never In the world! You can’t
To Make Friends.
through the paper and rather liking the stand It another minute without dying
Fight against the feeling of restraint,
flavor of the vitrol he proceeded to fill of It, bat just wait till you get the
up. The rest of the story is brief, for toothache good and hard, then stand reserve, the feeling of shrinking away
by and watch the heartache go way from people, shyness, oversensltivenees
Mr. Duck is now at home in his happy
back and sit down.”—New York Frees. or the feeling of antagonism.
When you greet people with a hand­
Gray mare; weight 1000; branded
J.R. on left shoulder. Liberal reward
pal 1 if retnrned'to’Weat Side’HtablesT"
11-21-12 26
Towne—Look nt that poor blind hep-
gar playing the accordion.
Browne—Yes, I’ve been listening to
him. Pity he isn’t deaf too.—Phllade?-
DhU Press.
If you don’t scale the mountain yon
Ain't view the plain.—Chinese Prjverb.'
shake let your heart run out to yoar
finger tips.
Do not be afraid of giving too much
of yourself to the people you meet.
Do not hold yourself back as though
you are n fra Id you would give some­
thing away that you ought to keep or
that you would any sometbfrig that you
would be sorry for.
Big Sale
Saturday and Monday
Petition for Liquor License
\ i ll
G iucktinu : We the undersigned | h <
tilionere, residents, cilisuns and legal
voters of Pievena Precinct, County and
Male aforesaid, very respectfully peti-
tion and request, that a retail liquor li-1
cense be granted J. W. Dvar to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in
less quantities than one gallon, in the
town of Kano, Pievena Precinct in the
County of Klamath, Mate of Oregon, (or ;
a period of 6 months commencing on
the --------day of January A. !>. 1908,'
and that the application (or the gran'«
I ing of said license will 1« made to tie
Hon. Court aforesaid, at their regular
January Sth, 1007, term, and that the
same t«e grante«! will ever pray, etc, etc.1
J. E. New banks
D. J. Jones
Roliert Atcheson
I.. N. Sanderson
D. 1™ Gordon
N. W. Diehl
F. H. Downing
G. G. Kerns
Ioion Anderson
Fam Diehl
8. J. Poole
M. R. Frain
Rod M. Frain
Eugene wpencer
J. Hughes
Chas Marsrow
J. P. Hitchcock
Roy Ftonebraker
J. Brannan
A. 1.. Fornio
C. A. Barneburg
G. If. Orr
C. U. Biddix
F. T. Maxwell
E. 1’. Brady
Ilans Nelson
J. Connolly, Jr.
A. W ise
Conrad Madison
Manon Gordon
B. W. McCormick D. Heavilin
E. H. Coopar
Elsi M. Morgan
J. F. Z.-vo
Chas. Hitchcock
E. H. Gifford
George E. Chase
W. H. Wall
Geo. Heavilin
C. J. McCollum
D. R. Doten
A. D.Gillman
Ira K. Hanson
G. F. Fevits
G. W. Kegg
J. W. Adkins
G. W. Sorrels
C. M. Wilson
John G. Driskell
Olner M. Sly
Chas. Gordon
Falon Allen
W. H. Weeden
John Connelly
Tom Wilson
H. R. Fox
Geo. L. Chase
For Sale
640 acres of excellent land, 3'x miles
out, one mile from macadam road ; 560
acres under gravity ditch, laterals all
made; 140 acres under projioeed high-
line ditch; 250 acres ingrain; 250 acres
in alfalfa; good eight-room house;
arge barn and granary; four wells.
Price |53 per acre, one-third cash,
balance on easy terms.
Exclusive Agents.
$ io Reward
at the close of business Nutember 19, 1907, whkh we believe 1»
as good or better than can be made by any other
Bank in the State of Oregon.
Mn. 7 I «7
The First National Bank
of Klamath Falls, at Klamath Falls, in the State of Oregon, at thacloaa
of business, Nuveintwr IV, 11XJ7.
L ums sad mm »urn» .................
Overdraft«, secured and unsecured .................
U. 8. Bonds to aecure circulation. .....................
Bond«, Securities, etc...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.............
Other real estate owned .....................................
Due from National Banka (not reserve agents)
flue from State Banka and Banker«.................
Due from approved reserve agent«....................
Checks and other cash items.............................
Exchanges for clearing house ........................
Notes of other National Banks.. ....................
Fractional pa tier currency, nickels and cents.. ('••Il ...
L awful M ossy R khkkvk in B ank , viz :
Legal-tender Notea
Redemption fund with U. 8. Tress (li per cent of circulation)
T otal
4»»7 63
10 kMXi 00
22 so? .’»3
3 lirv Of.
(Ho 50
tn< 92
4 «■.'7 81)
.... 006 62
.vs' 00
157 795 77
The undersigned will pay the aliove
reward to the person getting up the
following animal and notifying him. 1
sorrel gelding, five years old, weight 850
or 900, branded N on left shoulder, right
hind foot white and some white in face.
10-17 6t
Lore Ila, Oregon.
Capital slock paid ia..................................
Mrs. E. H. Du Fault returned Monday
from Fort Klamath where she was
called by the death of her sister, Mrs.
John Cole.
S tats or O hkgon ,
County of Klamath.f
I, W. A. Itelzell, Caehier of the above-named bank, <lo solemnly
swear that the strove statement is true to the treat of my knowledge and
W. A. DELZELL, Cashier.
26 ouo (Xi
2 MO 00
327 99
Surplus fund..................................................
Undivided profits, le«« ei|M*n«e« and taxes
National Bank note« outstanding...............
Due to State Banka and Bankers .............
Individual deposits subject to check... .
Demand certificates of depoait..................
J Deposita .,.. I ir» 773 78
T otal ....................................................
157 795 77
and sworn to Irefore me this 20th <tey of November,
J. SCOTT TAYLOR, Notary Public.
C okkkct —Attest:
We publish this statement at thia time in order that the good peo­
ple of Klamath County may know how we stand; especially ao because
some malicious cur has been industriously circulating false statements
of our condition.
We publish similar statements live times a year when called upon
by the Government to do so.
The honor and integrity of the stock holders and men behind thia
Bank is worth more than its capital, and we appreciate the confidence
ami good will of the people in the past and ask for a continuance thereof.
OUR Ixwks are open for inspection at any time.
£r> '.ri ~h-
»*«'•’ ,’*"**î
wrllto« lllusiruteng ull Fur Animala All
Dam«, Traps, (lama I awi How and wharo to trap, aud to haroina •
Î ••£*»««UrKnrycinpelia Prim. U To oar roate>n>era, • I 1A IH4oa Un a ad lobs
bjmatlf il R. Le, Our Magneti.- Rail and Dacoy attract« animals V> Irapa «I 00 por tmttU. Rh'r
HidooaudluidtouartedgotiHgbaslpnoas. A adertili Urvm, OrpL gfe, MlaaaapalU, Mina.