Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 21, 1907, Image 2

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Steggarad th« Interviawar.
It was announced at 20 Broadway
that William Rockefeller, treasurer of
the oil trust aud ¡sxweasor of a re-
Flaw« Inland In a Gr«ak Island and
Than Disappear«.
Were Pentiua Pilate's Scotch Guards
at th« Maty Sopulcharf
One of the most curious phenomena
cf geography ts found on the southern
coast of the Island of Cephalonla, uear
Greece, it Is a stream of salt water
which for an unknown period has left
the almost tide I ess sea and flowed In
land with considerable volume.
The sea enters the land at four
points where the coast Is practically on
a level with the salt water surface.
The four Initial streams unite to form
the little river that flows Inland In a
broken rocky channel until ft Anally
disappears in the limestone rock and
sinks Into the earth.
This inland flow has continued al-
must certainly for several centuries.
It ts far too great for removal by evap­
oration. chemical combination or even
physical absorption by ¡»ores or cav­
erns in the rocks. What becomes of
the water that Is constantly flowing
Inland and disappears Anally In the
fissures that have ojtened in the lime­
stone ?
The question has been the subject of
much study, but no conclusive answer
has been given. It Is probable that
there is an underground chnnnel which
carries the water back Into the sea at
no great depth below the surface. The
constant influx of salt water at Cepha­
lonla Is duplicated as far as is known
at no other point of the world.—New
York Sun.
While In a company chiefly com­
posed of Englishmen an<l Scotchmen
puted fortune of «»0,000.000, was
last evening the conversation drifted
•Mown and out.”
I into military matters, atul one of tbe
This apparently sensational news
Scotchmen declured, aud bls statemeut
was made pulJic by George Washing
was borne out by his comimtrlots pres­
ton Jackson, one of Mr. Rockefeller's
ent, tbst the first regiment ever form­
persona. representatives. It was made
ed in the British army, the Iff rut Royal
public lu this way:
Scots, supplied the guard for the tomb
An American representative called to
of Jesus Christ after the crucifixion.
■ee the oil magnate for the purpose of
It ap|M>ars that the Romans carried off
■Ubstantlntlng au Interview which, ac­
a number of wild, warlike highlanders
cording to the ticker tape, he had
given out in regard to the financial
as prisoners after their conquest of
Britain, and these men and their de­
situation. Mr. Rockefeller was quoted
as saying that better times were com­
scendants became soldiers of the Ro-,
ing and that the railroads were over­
tuan empire, and as such they guarded
whelmed with freight they could not
the tomb. This Scottish company, for
It only consisted of a hundred men
As the reporter entered a dark com
under a centurion, was kept distinct
pJexioned but extremely courteous rep­
from the Roman army proper. At the
resentative of the “system" emerged
time of the crucifixion they were called
from behind a desk and said:
Pontius Pilate's Scotch guards, ami
“Lookin' tub see M assail Rockefeller,
their descendants were the uueleua of
I reckon? Wall. sub. Massa b Rocke­
the First Royal Scots in later years.
feller is down and out."
The archives of this regiment at the
"Down and out!” exclaimed the re (
headquarters at Glcncorse, Scotland,
porter, staggered by the thought of a
are stated to bear this out. I had
tremendous “beat” announcing to the
heard this some years ago. my Inform­
ant now being a well known Scotch
officer high In the ranks of the British
army, and now that this strange tale
is corroliorated by several others of his
countrymen, one of whom Is an officer
la a well known highland regiment, 1
i am anxious to know If the strange tale
SPORTS AND THE SPHERE. can be borne out in fact. Perhaps you
or one of your readers could oblige
The Basic Pursuit In Most Games la me with the confirmation or otherwise
of this statement.—F. S. K.. Brooklyn,
to Drive a Ball.
Some day there will arise a patient in New York Times.
investigator who will work out this I
Jollying Versus Guying.
problem. Why are most sports but the
"Queer how a man will langh If you
variants of one object, the propulsion
say you've just !>een ’Jolly-lug' him and
of a sphere?
Billiards, baseball, polo, golf, sling­ resent It if you declare you are 'guy­
ing. marbles, squash, handball, foot­ ing' him," said a thoughtful looking
ball, rackets, cricket, hockey, bagatelle, man who had l>een listening to the
tennis, shooting. pelota— the basic pur­ conversation of two young men stand­
suit in each is to drive a ball, the pro­ ing in tbe aisle, “Aud, after all, it's
quite the same thing. But there's
pulsion of a sphere.
Tipcat. shuttlecock and top spinning something In the word ’guy’ we all re-
I believe that word ’Jollying'
are the employment of modifications of sent.
the sphere, and archery is but another wards off many a fit of temper, for
there's something almut it that sounds
method of propulsion.
It is a strange limitation of form, cordial and good naturisi, and It seems
and there must Im a reason Those who as if the man who would flare up at
delve ibto origins may ascribe the being jollied was a very sour minded
whole motive of sports to some long person.
“When I was a young man we talked
armed, hirsute ancestor who first
threw a pebble at a fellow cave dwell- of ’joking' one another, but somehow
that sounds rather flat today. Later
er and found it great fun.
Or it may be poor mortal’s attempt people ’fooled' one another, but there
was too much of a vision of a dunce
world that the powerful financier who to get in a small fashion into the tre­ i
had hitherto conquered all before him mendous scheme of the universe, cap to make that expression very pop­
In the triumphant march of Standard which Is the everlasting movement of ular. ’Guying’ followed, but somehow
the spheres. Or It may be that sports that savored too much of bolding a
Oil was at last “down and out.”
Then, plucking up courage, the news­ are framed In Inevitable obedience to I fellow being up to ridicule. And now
we've graduated to 'jollying.' and I
paper man added: “What do yon some irresistible law of nature.
At any rate the fact is sports are think It’s an indication that the world
mean? Has Mr. Rockefeller resigned
liased on the propulsion of the sphere In general is becoming better natured.”
from Standard Oil?”
“Well, suh, I reckon be don't do dat and some one ought to find a reason —New York Press.
just fob de present." responded the therefor.—New York American.
esnrteous George Washington Jackson.
ne is sufficiently learned that knows
Wych Hazel, Not Witch Haz«l.
“I mean Massab Rockefeller come
■ bow to do well and has power enough
down tub his office today, but he's
| Io refrain from evil.—Cicero.
jest now stepped out. sah.”—New York ginl'-a is not witch hazel, but wycb
hazel. Our plant has no connection
with the magic of the water hunter.
The blackthorn of England, Prunus
Big Tim Lifted th« Lid.
Seven words spoken by Timothy D. spinosa, was the wood used In these
(Big Tim.) Sullivan in the assembly at divinations or whatever -these super­
Albany killed a bill for the passage of stitious practices may be termed. Ila '
which the ways had been well greased zel had a very wide meaning in the
One of Sullivan's colleagues who had olden times, and the elm as well as
opposed the bill at previous sessions, the nut now known as such was hazel.
but was now supporting IL was ex­ One of these elms, now known as Ul-
plaining his change of attitude. “In mus montana, was the favorite wood
previous years,’’ he declared, “I was for making wyches, or provision
unable to support this bill because the I chests, and was therefore known as
alimy trail of the lobby was on It. the wych hazel. In the present day It
These worms of the corridor were of­ Is the wych elm. Our hamamelis re­
fering stocks and bonds for votes for ceived from the early settlers the name
the bill. This year, I thank God, the of wych hazel from the resemblance
bill is in new hands, and no one of the leaves to those of the wych ha­
charges that stocks and tionds are be­ zel or elm of the old world. Language
reformers Imagining that wych should
ing distributed to effect its passage »»
“No, Mr. Speaker,” "Big Tim” iuter- be spelled witch are responsible for the
confusion. Wych hazel is the correct
jected, “this year It’s cash.”
The bill didn't pass__Albany Jour term for our plant.
Klamath Wholesale
Liquor House
Exclusively Wholesale
Complete Stock of WINES, LIQUORS, BEERS,
Family Department
Bar Fixtures, Etc.
Special arrangements will be
made for family trade. All orders
will be delivered free of charge.
A complete line of Bar Fixtures
will always be carried and orders
will be tilled on short notice.
A trial order will prove that we can be of service to you
Klamath Wholesale Liquor House
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Lots In Mills Addition and Mills Second
Addition Are Sure Money makers
Dangerous Golf.
Reckless Railroading.
, Jesse Lewisohn, the financier, told at
a shareholders' meeting In New York a
railroad story:
“America has a good many railroad
accidents,” he began, “but we must
remember that America is an immense
country, with an immense railroad traf­
fic. Our roads, on the whole, are care­
fully and intelligently managed. They
are not managed In the least like a
road I beard a story of the other day.
“It was before the war, and a north­
erner was traveling on a little railway
In New England. Suddenly In an ont
of the way spot the train halted, and
the brakeman leaped out and ran up I
the track. On the brakeman’s return
the tourist said to him:
“ "This is a queer place to stop. There I
is no station here. What's the trouble
“*Oh, nothin' of any cousequenctf
the brakeman answered. 'The signa)
wua agin us, that wuz all. I’ve Jest sot
It right, an’ now we'll go on agin di-
rectly.’ ”
Dividing th« Responsibility.
Early in Baron Huddleston's career
at the bar he shared rooms with aB-
other barrister. Bodkin went one
evening to take tea and wine with the
future baron, and be particularly BO-
tlced the dirty, slovenly appearance
of the clerk who waited upon them
and of whom the host had for the
nonce assumed exclusive possession.
Bodkin strongly advised Huddleston
to insist on a change in the treatment
of the youngster's person and appear­
ance. and said it was scarcely decent
to linve a person In that dingy condi­
tion about him. “I do not much like
to Interfere,” was the reply, "he looks
Ufsin Mr. T. ns his master, anil at the
utmost 1 cannot claim more than half
of him.”
“Tlien.” said Bodkin, "I would at all
events make him wash my half of 11«
face.”—Bench and Par.
One of the rules of the Weston-super«
Mare (England) Golf club reads, “A
ball may be lifted and droppad with
the loss of a stroke when played with­
in the railings surrounding the powder
magazine.'' There appears to be an
element of danger in this kind of golf
which reminds a London writer of a
certain golf course on the West Afri­
can coast where the eighth and ninth
boles are always optional, as several
golfers are said to have been lost
there owing to the proximity of the
jungle, which is known to be a favor­
ite lair of the lion.
Where tha D iff «rance Lay.
“One of bis complaints against his
wife in the divorce salt,” said the law­
yer, “was that she smoked cigarette«.”
“Oh. my goodness! And whenever
he comes to see me,” cried the baehe
lor girl, “I smoke and smoke!”
“Ob, be doesn't mind other women
smoking cigarettes,” declared the law­
yer. “He likes It It Is only bls wife.”
—New York Press.
No single lot higher than $300.
Choice lots as low as $75.
Frank Ward will show you the lots
and help make a selection.
For the Dafan««.
Ma— I hear that you’ve t>een playing
with I>onald Smith agnln. Tommy
Now, I told you— Tommy—Playing
with him! Yon see the black eye he’s
got and yen’ll soon spies* If there was
any playing about it.—Punch.
Several thousand acres of the best farm, fruit, garden, orchard and grazing land in Klamath County
at prices that cannot be beat and on favorable terms.
Always at It.
Mrs. Tease—My husband and I nev
er dispute before the children. We
always send them out when a quarrel
Miss Sharp—Ah, Pve
often wondered why they’re so much
In the street!
seems Imminent.
Pretty Hot.
“Under the equator, gentlemen,” re
marked an extensive traveler, "It Is so
hot that tlie natives have to pu bets
In ire chests to prevent their eying
hard b»Med egi-»*' London Mull
American Bank and Truat Building, Sixth Street Side.