Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 21, 1907, Image 1

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    Ottlclal Newspaper
of Klamath County
Belshazzar Was (liven a Cordial Re­ An Over Production of Laboi Brings
ception by a Crowded House
a Big Slump In the /Tarket
---------------------- "*""7 r
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 34
The last of a series of siMCwaaful musi- , The well known rule of aujiply and '
cal events was staged in the Houston demand »»» never mors forcibly demon­
opera bouse Monday and Tueaday even­ strated as it has been during the past
ings, when the opera Belshazzar waa four weeks. Four weeks ago it was al .
presented to a crowded house. It prob­ most hn possible to get men to work even ,
ably ranks second witli that of Queen at top notch ¡»rices. The demand was
Esther, which seems to have made a greater than the supply. Now it ia |
lasting impression on tbe jiublic. Never­ different. During th« past four weeks
theless so cordially was it received by I tens ol thousands of men all over the
tiie immense audience it would be a 1 country have been laid off. They pour- (
hard matter to decide wherein the dif- j ed into the large cities expecting, as of
old, t<> lie immediately employed at the corner of Ninth and Washington streets.
probabilities ar« there will be several fere nee.
But ---------
when —
reached 1 Several petitions asking for street lights
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt was again the old
— wages.
— ----
Huson States That
The Indications Are That
favorite with the audience. Though I there they found that thousands of were granted and a sidewalk was ordered
Box Hanufacturers Are
Great Progress Will be Another tiling that may have a con­ suffering from a severe cold, her singing i other workers were tiiere witli the same built on Main street as far east as tiie
1-1-* As
a . tiie
»1.^ days passed the conditions Hot Springs brick.
siderable bearing on the work to lie done was perfect. Hhe looked more beauti- idea.
Turning to Klamath for
Hade Towards Comple­ tier« next year, is tiie readjustment of ful than ever before in her queenly rolies became worse and noon they began to
estiluatee in accordance with present
Future Supply
tion Next Year
culuiitious. Tiie original estimates were her showed that Klamath Falls' night­ Thia did not help matters and today
mail« when labor waa plentiful and did ingale is much admired and loved by her thousand» of men are seeking employ­
A general alarm ol fire early Sunday
ment for |1.7<j per day. If present con­
"Now that tbe many people are look­
not command such high pay. The last audience.
The Board of Engineers will meet In •stlmates are based on tiie high wages
aroused the whole city, an in­ ing on the dark side of things and seetn-
The solo by Miss Mae Worden was
Portland Thursday and will decide on and scarcity of labor. II labor condi­ well received by the audienc. Mies result in a drop toeven a dollar a day, vestigation revealed the conflagration t ing to think that tbe nation is going to
the work tiial ia to lie done on tiie tions revert to tiie original conditions Worden lias a sweet, clear voice that is with no demand whatever. This con­ located in a Chinese laundry in the rear smash, it would not be a bad id«« if
Klamstii Project next year. Consult­ then tiie first estimates umy tai used ; very pleasing. Mrs. Jessie Brock Mor­ dition of affaire must necessarily result of Melton A Sullivan's saloon. The some of thedl would stop and think ol
ing Engineer Handera, who has l>e«ri if, on the other lmnd, the conditions gan was another favorite witli the aud­ in much suffering and more or lees flames spread with great rapidity, and the good things of life and especially
here for several months for the purj»>»s prevailing last year are in force next ience, although the part jiortrayed was crime, lor undoubtedly the great army ' by the time the water was turned on some of the bright prospects in store for
of going over th« plana and specifica­ spring, then the new estimates will lie not well suited to her talents. Miss, of idle men has among it desperate the entire building was enveloped and this city and county,” said W. O.
tions, and Project Engineer Murphy, u cd as a basic.
Josephine Hammond surprised her (character who, wbipjied on by the 1 the flames were licking the rear ot the I Huson, manager of the Long Lake
went to Portland tills week fur the pur­
Before it will be possible to secure an many friends by the marked improve- i bitter lash oi hunger, will not hesitate saloon building. The tire boys worked Lumber company of this city.
pose <>f satiating in the reaching of a official statement as to the amount ..I merit in her singing over tier former at employing unlawful means to satisfy 1 with a vim and it was not long befoie
"When I was in San Francisco re­
they had it under control. Fortunately cently I waa discussing tbe manufacture
work to tie done here next year it will lie ajqiearance and was the recipient of : their appetites,
The meeting of tiie Board ia a mere necessary to await the approval by tiie hearty congratulations on her success. | I This condition is pretty generally for that portion of the city an almost , of boxes with one of tbe best known au-
formality, provided tiie usual course is Keeretary of the Interior ol the plans
Owing to tiie illness of W. H. Mason understood among the employes on tbe perfect calm prevailed, thus aiding in ■ thoritiea on this subject that there ia on
followed in such matters. This course passed upon by the Board of Engineers he was unable to appear in the role of government work here, and out of the the confining of the flames to the one the Coast. He was very frank in his
provides for tiie approval of tiie plans and forwarded to Washington for review. Belshazzar, and his place was taken by hundreds of men employed not one ie building.
. statement and I was somewhat sur­
The origin of the fire is a mystery. prised when he told me tbe California
of tiie Project Engineer where they This will likely consume several weeks. T. W. Zimmerman. He bail but a day 1 quitting and it is not likely that they
com« within tiie funds set aside for the
to master the part, and he acquitted ( will until the work here is finished, for ' The Chinamen claim that the building Fruit Canners Association usel last
project under consideration. In tins
iiimselfjuaginficetilly. Had tbe audience . few waul to face the hardships of the was not occupied at the time, and indi­ j year over 17,000,000 feet of lumber in
Exhibit At Chicago
cat« not only tiie Project Engineer bnt
, not known that he was the understudy ' approaching winter out ol work and the cations are that the fire started in two the manufacture of boxes. He said that
also one of tiie Board ol Consulting
of a day, it would not have guessed it, ' likliliood of their securing any. Already places at the same time. The matter is , the people of this section do not know
Klamstii County is to have an exhibit
what they have here, so far as the box
Engineers prepared tiie plans and
( but the knowledge only added to its aj>- ure the scenes of ‘93 living enacted, , being investigated.
at the International I* lock Show, to tie
One of the lessons learned at this fire industry is concerned.
According to
specifications that will lie gone over in
prcciation. Bjrge Mason, as Daniel, when the unemployed would take
held in Chicago Iteginning November 27.
Portland this week, Tilia wotk Ima
was admirable and was always the in­ possession of a freight train and travel that will lie of advantage in the future this authority this is about the only
General Passenger Agent Fee of the
(■radically been in the banda of Engi
spiration for applause whenever lie made from one section of tiie country to an- ie the danger arising from outsiders in­ section in the United .States that has
Southern Pacific mad« a s|M*cial request
{other begging for wotk. I^st week terfering with tbe firemen and shouting marketable lumber for the manufacture
near Handera, Mr Murphy having Ina
( his appearance.
hands full in running the affairs of the that thia county be represented by an
The cymbal drill by tiie pages and the several hundred men boarded a Bouth- orders. The program in the future will of boxes. That is in large quantities.
Project. 11«, however, was always in exhibit, offering to tran«|><>rt the same wand drill by the young Babylonian : ern Pacific train out of Portland and ' lie to listen to the orders of but one That this fact is well known to tiie peo­
consultation with Mr. Handers, ami the free. Judge Baldwin immediately got maidens were features of tiie perform­ trawled south. They were unmolested man. and when outsiders interfere they ple who are interested in this industry
plana and specifications submitted will busy anil prepared for shipment saaiples ance that gave much |>leasure to the ' by tiie railroad, for the officials realise are to be promptly squelched with ie evidenced by the fact that they have
of grama and grasses and such fruit and
have the approval ot Imth gentlemen.
audience. Asa whole tiie jierformance tiie desjierate straits to which the men water, as was done to one Sunday had representatives here for the purpose
vegetables aw he could sei'ure on short
Wiien Engineer Handers was seen by a
| was an unqualified success. To those are put. Their mission south will night. This remedy will have to be ot looking over tbe field and seeing
notice. Thee«- were forwarded Monday
representative of tins paper ami asked
. who ;>artici|*ab*d, from the pages to probably prove a failure for the same adopted at but one or two fires, when where beet to locate factories and pur­
tbe public will learn to just look and chase timber.
for an expression ol opinion on what
' Belshazzar and hie queen, tiie public is i condition exists there as in tiie north.
This request ia a direct outcome of
listen and stoj> trying to lie a tire chief.
might I* expected here next year he
"That this city ia to be tbe center of
much indebted, not only for a splendid
the work doue al Sacramento, where
the box industry is almost as certain as
said :
i entertainment, but for tbe unselfish de­
tiie Klamath County exhibit attracted
Hason Here
“I would very much like to make a ao much allsMitiou that the tvouthern votion to tbe interests and institutions I
W. C. T. U. Entertained anything in human events can be. The
location for this purpose is ideal, and I
statement for the people of title project, Pacific officials are anxious that Klam­ that prompted the production. Few
feel safe in saying that within two or
but that is manifestly im|s>ssible at this ath make a showing wherever it ie poa- aside from these who actually partici­
On Saturday afternoon, November 9th, i three years there will be located in the
limn. We have the plans and «^teci flea­ ailde to do so. When the reqwest waa pated, realise tiie hardships and work struetion coiujxuy, which firm has the
lions ready to submit to the Board of received, Judge Baldwin telephoned connected with it. Coilecti vefy and in­ ! contract for t>M> California Northeastern the members of the W. C. T. Ü. of city from five to ten of the largest box
Engineers, which meet« in Portland this throughout the county in an effort to dividually they are public >a*nefaclors. grade through tlte marsh lands, arrived Klamath Falls, together with tbe min­ factories in the United States. Do not
isters and their wives and several of be surprised if you see work begun on
Follow lag ie the cast of characters :
week (or the purpose of going over them secure some representative exhibits,
here Monday evening for the purjtose of
their neighbors, were invited by Mrs. O. ' one of them next year, and if it is it
and either approving them or making but lie was rattier unsuccessful, although Belshazzar, King of Babylon...........
jM-rsonally sujierintending the work. ;
A. Stearns to a reception at her home will be the largest one of the kind on
such changes in them as in tlieir judge­ tile su in pies that were aent will make
.............................. T. W. Zimmerman He was accompanied by C. W. Miller,
in West Klamath Falls. A business 1 Coast, if not in the country.
ment seem proper. We have gone over some of lite people of the Middle Vv eat Nitocria, tiie Queen..Mrs. I ton Zumwalt a member of tbe company.
meeting of the union was held first,
“Our company have orders for the en­
the ground very carefully and, by sit up and take notice. It is safe to say i Daniel, U m - Prophet........... Burge Mason
Ever since work was begun on the
adding to ami taking from in various that this county will be the only one io ' Hanan ia)i............................... Geo. T. Pratt coulract it iuia been followed by one de­ after which, in answer to roll call by tire output ot our box factory, and we
sections of tiie project, lielieve we have the state that will have an exhibit there Lord ol Uie Court ....Willis E. Faught lay or another. Now it is Mr. Mason's the Secretary, each member was asked are shipping about two carloads of boxes
a program that will meet with tiie and will attract a great deal of attention Ijidy of the Court.Josephine Hammond 1 intention to remain on the ground until to read something or give a short talk a week. The present financial flurry
hearty approval of the Board as well as from its individuality as well ua from Jewish Maiden..................... Mae Worden everything ie runniug smoothly and on some of the reasons for encourage­ ! does not seem to have affected ths box
the |>«<iplo of thia project. While tiie ita line quality.
i Angel
Mrs. Jessie Brock Morgan four shifts a day are permanently em- ment in the temperance work. The re­ business, for we have been urged to in­
Secretary of tiie interior has not offici­
High Priest of Baal ............. Will 11 urn jdoyed. The second dredger will be sponse to tbe request was quite general crease the shipments if we can possibly
ally apportioned the funds tliat will lie
¡Cyrus, King of Persia. ...Chas. Howard placedin commission at once and with and a spirited discussion followed, par­ do so. This is another indication sf the
ticipated in by all present. Brother scarcity of box material and a forerun­
given to each project next year, lie has
tbeec two it
is exjiected that
Pratt’s talk especially was very interest­ ner of what this city may expect within
done so tentatively and it is ou this ten­
tiie work will be finished in plenty of
Neva Faugl.t
Waive Jacoba
and helpful.
the near future. W’e are making ar-
tative apportionment tiiat we have
time to adusit of tiie laying of rails as
Tiie following from tiie Portland Jour­
refreshments were served 1 rangements for the enlarging of our
liased our plans.”
nal indicates that we have some warm Oscar Wright
Alex Martin, Jr.
on the long table in the dining : box factory and this will be done during
“Are you in a position to state at this friends in Fortland. Mr. Page is one of
that potut. The worst of the work is
Will Hum
ro. m which just seated 14, the number the coming year. All that ie necessary
time whether or not there will lie any the heavy property owners of this city,
nearly completed, that remaining being
uamsi-’e COMI'ANIONB
I --ent comfortably.
to launch this industry ie the arrival of
work done on the Clear I«kc dam next among his holdings being the Republi­
ol a character tliat will settle rapidly
Geo. T. Pratt
Hoy Walker
• • all went away voting Mrs. Stearns ’ tbe railroad. When it reaches here you
year,” was asked.
can block:
T. W. Zimmerman
' a capita entertainer and feeling glad 1 will see other factories besides ours en­
At Ibis question Mr. Handera smiled.
sooner than any portion of that hereto­
The Klamath Falls chamber of com­
I that we bad gone.
gaged in the manufacture of boxes.”
"No, 1 cannot say anything about tliat, merce has sent to this city a box con­
fore throw« up.
Lixzie Houston
Few have paid any attention to this
or in (act about any other part of the I taining samples of Newtown», Bell- Vera Houston
Tbe contractors farther down are
Hasel Goeller
industry, and it ojiens up a new avenue
Coxey’s Army
liusbing their part of the work witli all
Project. 1 will say, however, that I am flower, Spitsenberg, Baldwin ami North­ Barbara Goeller
for the development of the lumber in­
very much interested in the Up|>er Pro­ ern Spy apples that are among the best
|K>eeible sj>eed and are employing every
ject and ita people, and if work is done ever received here. The colors are un­ Mrs. Zimmerman Mae Worden
I man tliey can use to advantage. The I A Coxey’s army composed of nearly dustry in this county. As Mr. Huson
W. A. I Mizell
on the Clear laike dam next year it will usually gomi and size likewise. The Chas. Howard
indications now are that there will be j 200 men originating at Portland and says, this city ie well located for the
give me much pleasure and satisfaction. chamtier also sent in aomd samples of T. W. Zimmerman
uo suspension of ojierations. The men gathering in numbers as they proceeded capturing of box factories. On the east
now at work realize that it is letter to southward, paeeeil through Redding side of t-ake Ewauna are ideal sites for
As to tiie plans as a whole I may say Peerless potatoes that are of unusually
remain than to face a winter of idleness, Thursday afternoon in undisturbed pos­ factories, for, with tbe completion of the
that I am confident they will give entire good quality. The fruit waa received by Mrs. Zimmerman Bees Boiler
satisfaction to all of the people of both Page A Son of thia city and will tie ex­ Toil latonani
and tiie coneaquence is they are hang­ session of a Southern Pacific freight; work on the Link river rapids it will be
Maud Nail
ing on to tlieir jobs and working harder train. They were on their way to se-1 possible to bring down the lumber from
the Upper and Lower project.”
Hazel Rolfe
hibited in a downtown atore. "Tiie Florence Boorey
the Upper lake, wbil e close at hand will
than ever before.
But as stated in the Republican some samples are grand,” says Fred Page,
cure work, if possible on tbe Western
be the railroad for transportation.
weeks ago, the people of the Upper Pro­ ‘‘and aiiow what can lie produced in a Bese Boiler
Martha Taber
ject may bet their money tiiat the Clear
Minnie Barnum
Hazel Rolfe
No attempt was made bv the railroad ,
City Tax Levy
Ijike dam will go through. Messrs. years ago was not good for any sort of Maud Martin
Alta Griffith
| men to get rid of their big passenger
Benny, Bandera and Murphy are on the fruit. And land there is only about $20 Myrta Carter
Fannie Virgil
j list.
Board ol Engineers that will pass on the an acre.”
Edith Elliott
Eva Moore
The men were commanded by a lead-
The holiday reason did not stop the
The following Thanksgiving proda-
program for next year, and these gentle­
Roxa Shive
Orpha Schallock
wheels of the municipal machinery for ' er and the assurance was given that the mation has been issued by the Cover-
men are all favorable to the Upper Pro­
Edith Rntenic
Orva Orem
last Monday night Mayor Bishop and 1 army was jieaceably inclined. The men nor:
Survey Finished
ject. The jieople of the Upper Project
Ia-na Barnum
Jessie Telford
the councilmeu met and transacted the I were looking for work and were proceed-, "The president has set apart Thur«-
surprised Mr. Ilennv when he visited
Florence Boorey
Agnes Marple
i ing to the point where they thought day, the 28tb day of November, A. D.
business of the city.
that section, and since then he lias l»een
Maud Nail
The railroad survey from Klamath Flora Sbive
The most important matter brought they would bo most likely to find it—in 1907, as a day of thanksgiving and
a friend of the Clear Lake dam. Of Falla to Lakeview was completed Tues­
before the council was the levying of a the construction camps on the Western prayer.
Therefore, I. George E.
course, he has not given public official day noon. The survey intersects the
tax. The mayor aud the councilmen Pacific.—Searchlight.
, Chamberlain, as Governor of the State
utterance to his opinions in the matter, north and south line, running through
were unanimously of the opinion tiiat
of Oregon, do proclaim said day as a
but it comes from a reliable source that Taikeview*, at the southwest edge of
Work on the new building for the i holiday in this State.
there should be no further delay and
he thinks the jieople of the Upper Pro­ town. The survey runs on a straight
Jim Straw has some very finely after some discussion the levy was fixed ! Eldred Comjtany’s store and shop is ' "Let it be properly observed. Thank
ject are all right.
line from the month of Drews creek blanched celery of various sixes and at 10 mills, which will raise approxi­ ' under way, and Mr. Wattenburg, the God for the manifold blessings we en­
As near as can be learned tiie amount canyon, on the west side of Goose Lake prices. Also cabbage for present use mately |8,000. There may be some builder, expects to have it completed joy, and pray Him that we may hate
tliat will lie set aside for tiie Klamath vnlley to Lakeview, a distance of almut and for burying. Also snur kraut in any question as to the legality of the levy, this month. Mr. Eldred is anxious to ' more confidence in our neighbors so
Residence west end of but as an emergency existed and other get into his new quarters where he can ' that the good things we have may con­
The exact distance front quantity.
Project next year will lie about |3o0,000. 20 miles.
cities throughout tiie state have taken i turn out work faster than is jxissible in tinue to abide with ns.
This will be sufficient to nuke a big start Klamath Falls to Lakeview, according bridge; telephone No. 823.
similar action the mayor and the coun- his present temporary place. He is
on the Clear Like dam, continue tiie to tiie survey, is 100 miles and 283 feet.
‘‘Tn the testimony whereof, I have
The horses heretofore in use by the cil feel confident that their action will highly pleased with the big business hereunto subscribed my name and
East Branch canal almost to completion, Mr. Journey, who Ims been in charge of
1 that lias greeted his venture r.r.d greatly caused the great seal of the State of
if it does not comjilete it entirely, ami thia surveying crew, will return over surveying crows on the Oregon Eastern stand.
A large number of bills were allow ed appreciates the
. ■ a v v-
' a. • .a ■" j of
... the
a ■ ■ vT Driscoll
a ■, laa.i, 1, Oregon to be affixed at the capitol in
continue the work on the Keno canal. the route, so we understand, and make have been transferred to the California
. h ... and I Broadsword I stores in .
Northeast ern and will bo employed on and liquor licensee were granted to E. Bradley
' the city of Salem, this 11th day of No-
The prospects now are that there will the route permanent.
Mr. Journey’s crew will go the A beri that road under the direction of Con­ II. DuFault, Geo. Biehn an l A. Cartel. ing all their stock in his line over to ' vember, A. D. 1P07.
bo no trouble in securing all the men
struction Engineer Hoey.
A fire ping wss ordered placed on the him.—Bulletin.
needed to carry on this work and the lake this week.—Examiner.
Amount of Work to be Done Next
Year Under Consideration
Klamath Falls Will be Center of Box
Making Industry
w. o