Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 14, 1907, Image 6

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Smart Simplicity.
White frix'k« nrc always more irener-
allv popular for young girl»’ dreeay
eoatuuies than are gowns of any other
cok>r^-dur1ng the summer at least- and
this year la proviug no exception to the
rule. The colored frocks are very fash-
tenable, but every girl must ¡»oesees
an abundance of fine white frocks if
she wishes to feel herself properly
equipped. The fine white batistes trim­
med with cluny and baby Irish are
worn with girdles and long sashes of
colored ribbon, pale pink, pale blue and
yellow being the most popular. The
frock Illustrated Is of dotted white
8wiss trimmed with bands of cluny
The Japanese Sleeve to Go.
The Japanese
mandarin sleeves
and the abnormal* long armholes will
not last long, although, while prima­
rily designed for the thin woman, they
may be so modified as to suit one of
pleasing plumpness. It does seem as
though Dame Fashion must be lean
and lank, with a jealous antipathy to
curves, as she has for these many
years been exerting all her skill to
create modes best suited to conceal
the defects of flesh less figures, and to
bring out to their best advantage the
rounded curves of slight forms, which,
though slight, are still not thin, yet
these last are few and far between,
for t>“arly every slim woman is thin,
only politeness forbids one to call her
such—to her face. Bad as it is In the
eyes of judges of beauty to be thin, to
be fat is attended not only by defects
quite as distressing as those of the
thin, but also the added misery of find­
ing oneself left out in the cold in the
matter of models for frocks and frills.
To be fat means that one must have
models altered and "adapted” to one’s
too ample lines, whereas the thin wo­
man will find any number of welcome
and beautiful designs, and, while the
latter may conceal her skinniness, fat
cannot be hidden.
Good Tasto For Mourning.
A mourning gown which is in every
respect in the best of taste is here
illustrated. It is of black pongee, trim­
med with dull silk put on as a narrow
ruffled sign on the skirt. The yoke is
entirely of narrow black braid, and
the blouse part of the waist is tucked.
Touches of chiffon are at the neck and
cuffs, a full double ruffle finishing the
latter. The hat. In sailor shape, is of
crape, with double crape border.
The Voguo For Cretonne.
As a decorative feature cretonne is
not as wholly new as some would
have us believe. It was originally ex­
ploited a few years ago, but today ft
Stands In accepted prominence. As a
finish to summer washing dress fab­
rics It Is immensely sympathetic, the
floral pattern -for that purpose being
cut out and worked on to the ground
of the gown, with a light over or chain
stitch. To filet lace also Is an applique
frequently applied, while as a reliev­
ing touch to vest and revere, cretonne
motifs. In some light trailing deslfn, It
comes as a veritable boon.
KI VMATtt TAI .1.5
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­
gon for the County of Klamath.
A. O. U. W.— Linkville
James 11. Burns, Plaintiff,
Lodge No. ilOmeeta in the
A I >. 1'. W ball os vi J !'n,-
Julia E. Burns, rwfendant.
day evening. Visiting Broth­
To Julia E. Burns, the defendant.
er* always welcome. Waller
In the name of the State of Oregon: Lennox. M. W.
J. W. Siemens, Recorder.
You are hereby required to ap|>ear
and answer the complaint filed against
Evangeline Lodge No, 88 Degree of
you in the above entitled suit on or lie-
fore Thursday the 21st dav of Novem­ Honor Lodge meets in the A. <». U. W.
hall every second and fourth Thttradavs
ber, 1907, being the last day of the in the month. Nancy N. White, C.of H.
time preacnl-ed in the order for publi­
Jesse Marple, Recorder.
cation of this summons, and it you fail
so to auswer, for want thereof, the
W. O. \V. Ewanna Camp. No. 799, W.
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the O. W., meets every Tuesday evening
relief demanded in the complaint, to- nt 7:30 o'clock at Sanderson's hull. All
i wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds i neighbors cordially invited.
C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk.
< of matrimony existing lietween plain­
tiff and defendant. Hnd for such other
Notice for Purchase of School Land.* an.l furtl er relief as in equity may l>e
Department of the Interior, United meet and proper. This »umtnons is
served by publication in the “Klamath
States Land Office Lakeview, Oregon,
Republican,** by order of Hon. Henry
Oct. 17, 1907.
1.. Benson, Judge of the Circuit Court
Notice is hereby given that the State
the County of Klamath, dated the
of Oregon has, under the provisions of
8th day of Octol>er, 1907, which said
the Act of Congress of August 14, 1848,
order require* that this summons lie
and the Acts supplemental and amenda­
publislwd once a week for six succes­
tory thereof, made application for the
sive weeks from the 10th day of October,
described unappropriated,
1907, said day being the first day of
non-mineral, surveyed public land as
publication of said summons.
indemnity for losses to its grant for com­
mon school purposes, to-w it:
Attorney for Plaintiff.
List No. 233, for the nv'4swI4.Sec.
34, se'4swl4. Sec. 32, uw's.nwl4, Sec.
Notice for Publication.
33, T. 328., R. 7l4 E., W. M.
Land office, Lakeview, oregou.
Any and all persons claiming adverslv
the al»ove described lands are requested sent. 27. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
to file their said claims in this office on with
the provisions of the act of Congress ol
or before the 14th. dav of December, June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands iu the Slates of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
J. N. Watson, Register.
to all the Public Land Slates by act
The above notice will l»e published in exteuded
of August 4. 181*2, Rosa E. Hager, of Dodge
the Klamath County Republican, a Center. County of IKidge. State of Minne­
weekly newspa[>er printed and pub­ sota. Las this day filed in this oltiee her
lished at Klamath Falls, Oregon, for sworn statement No. 3788, for tbe purchase of
Lota 3.6.10 and 11 i BM M
. ta Tp
five successive weeks liefore the 14th the
No. 39 8 . R No. S. E W M. and will offer proof
day of December, 1907.
to show that the land sought la more
10-31-11-28 J. N. Watson, Register.
valuable for its timber or stone than lor
Notice for Publication
I. O. O. F.— Klamath
Lodge No. 137 meet*
every Wednesday even­
ing m the A. O.' U. W.
hall. C. B. Clemleiiniiig,
N. <1. Geo, I . Hum­
phrey, Sqpietary.
r Pure Milk Pure Cream
Pure Butter
Delivered Daily from the Altamont
Dairy. Wholesale and Retail.
Every Detail of Our Dairy is Sanitary, insuring
the Purity and Haalthfulnemiof Our Products.
CHAS. B. won DBS
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Capital Slock $100,000
Op<n for buunvu «very day in Ihr year exerpting Sunday sand l«gal holidays.
Open Saturday* until 7i 30 p. n>.
O. E. S —Aloha Chapter No.61, meets
in the Masonic hall every second and
fourth Tuesday evening* in each mentii.
Christine Murdoch, W. M, Jennie E.
Rvaiuea, Secretary.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit*
4. M. WORDBX. Cathltr
AL rr/f. W/iL/l4S2f. fo sharg* a/ae< fog* </«p(
, F.weuna Encampment No. 4tl, f.O.O.F.
Encampment meets liiat ami third
Fridays of each month in the A. I*. U.
M . hall. C. C. Brower, C. I*.
Geo. !.. Hutuphrey, Scribe.
K. of 1‘.—Klamath Lodge No. 9n I
meets in Sanderson's hall every Mon- ,
day el. 1, . ..
r„ , ! r„uili . , . I ■. ( .
John Y. Tipton, K. oí R. and S.
General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work
Livery and Feed Stable
Both Saddle and Driving Horses
W. ot A.—Ixxlge meets in the
A. O. U. IV. hall every first and third
Wednesday in the month.
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
W. B. Meluughlin, Consul
claim to said laud before tbe clerk of
W. A. l’helpii, Clerk.
Klamath County at hi* office at Klatuaib
Falls. Oregou >>u Tuesday, the 10th day of
United State* Land Office, Lakeview. Oregon December. 1907.
She names as witnesses:
Oct. 25. 1907.
Walter Anderson. Roy Anderson. James
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act oi emigres* of Whitcomb and Clarence Hager all of Forest,
June 3,1873. entitled "An act for the sale of . Oregon.
timber land* in the Stale* of Call lorn ia. Ore­
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as above described lauds are requested to file
extended to all the Public Land State* by act tbelr claims In tbts office on or before said
of August 4, 1892, Hayden J, Lock wood, of 10th day of December, 1907.
Klamath Fall* county of Klamath. State
J. N. WATSON. Register.
of Oregon, has this day filed in tbi*
otfice bi* »worn statement No. 3*11, for
Notice for Publication
the purchase of the e*1nwt4 and w’.neJi of
United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­
Section No. 29, tn Township No. 38 a. Range No.
10 E W M, and will offer proof to abow that the gon. September 27,19F
Notice is bereby given that ln compliance
land sought is more valuable for it* timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose*, and to w ith tbe provisions ol the act of Congress of
establish bis claim to said land before the June 3 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale ol
Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at bls timber land* in tbe .«tales ol California. Ore­
office at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Fri­ gou, Nevada, and W ashington Territory." as
exteuded to all the Public Land State* by act
day, the 10th day of January 1908.
ol August 4,1892. Ozra L. Brown, ol Klamath
He names as witnesses-.
B. 8. Grigsby, Geo. Weber, W. H. W,-bb and Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
has filed In this office bls sworn statement
W. O. Webb, al! of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the No. 3774. for tbe purchase of tbe nw'4se‘t See.
above-described lands are requested to fiie ! No. 19, in Tp. No 38 8. K. No. 10, E. W M.
their Claims in this office on or before said and will offer proof to abow that tbe
land sought 1» more valuable for Its timber or
10th day of January, lwe.
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to
J. N. WATSON. Register.
10 31-1-2
establish bis claim to said land before tbe
Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at bls
office al Klamath Fails, Oregou. on Monday,
the 9tb day ol December. 19U7.
Notice For Publication.
He names as witnesses:
United States Land office, Lakeview, Ore­
Wm. Snow, C. N. Snow, W. O. Webb and B. 8.
gon, Oct. 19,1907.
Grigsby, all of Klamath rails, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
Auy and all persons claiming adversely tbe
with the provisions of the act of Congress of j above-described lauds are requested to file
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ol their claims in this office ou or before said 9tb
timber lands in the States of California, Ore-1 day of Dec., 191/7.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as | 10-3—12-5
J. N. WATSON. Register.
extended to all the Public Land State* by act j
of August 4, 1892, William Lashua ofI
Notice for Publication
Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
United States Laud Office, Lakeview, Ore­
sworn statement No. 3306, for tbe purchase of gon, Sept. 27,1907.
the nl4ne'q o( Sec. vo- *•
ln TP-
Notice 1» bereby given that In compliance
No. 41 8. R No. 6, E W M, and will 1 with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
offer proof to show that tbe land sought is June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for timber lands in tbe States of California, Ore­
agricultural purposes, and to establish hl* gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
claim to said land before the Clerk of Klamath extended to all the Public Laud States by act
county, Oregon, at bis office at Klamath of August 4, 1892, Della Mae Harlow, of Klam­
Falls, Oregon, on Friday tbe 20th day of ath Falla, county of Klamath. Staleol Oregon,
December, 1907.
has this day filed in this office her sworn
He names as witnesses:
statement No. 3799, for tbe purchase of the ne!4
J. T. Johnston, Minto Estes, W. Seehorn and seJ4 Sec. No. 23, and nw^tw!4 of 8e5. No. 24,
Ben Milton all of Klamath Falls. Oregon.
in Tp. No. SI 8, R No. 9 E W m, and will offer
Any and all persons claiming adversely the proof to »bow that tbe land Sought Is more
above-described lands are requested to file valuable for it* timber or stone than for agri­
their claim* In this office on or before said 20th cultural purposes, and to establish her claim
day of December, 1907.
to said land before the clerk of Klamath
J. N. WATSON, Register.
county, Oregon, at bls office at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Wednesday tbe 11th day of De­
cember. 1907.
Notice for Publication
She names a* witnesses:
R. E. Dunlap, Mark L. Burns, Jesse C.
Department of tbe Interior, Land Office at
Craven and C. W. Harlow, all of Klamath
Lakeview.Oregon, October 15, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that James K. Bal­ Falls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
lard of Klamath Falls, Oregon, has filed
notice of his Intention to make final Five above-described lands are requested to file
year proof In support of hisclalm, viz: Home their claims in this office on or before said
stead Entry No. 2397 made June 17. 1901, for 11th day of Dec., 1907.
J. N. WATSON. Register.
the ne«4 of Sec. 4. Tp. 40 8, R. 9 E. W. M.. and
that said proof will be made before tbe Clerk
of Klamath County, Ore., at his office at )
Notice for Publication
Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 29th day of No­
vember, 1907.
United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore­
He names tbe following witnesses to prove gon, Sept. 27,1907.
bls continuous residence upon, and cultiva­
Notice is bereby given that In compliance
tion of, tbe land, viz:
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
Tbos. Martin. Chas. Ayer, W. N. Wilson and June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for tbe sale of
C. D. Wilson all of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
timber lands In the State* of California, Ore­
J. N. Watson,
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” a*
extended to all the Public Land States by set
ol August 4, 1892, Sarah A. Mulkey, of Klamath
Falls.county of Klamath,State of Oregon, has
Notice for Publication
this day filed in this office her sworn state­
ment No. 3793, for tbe purchase of
Department of the fnterlor. Land Office at '
Lakeview, Oregon, October 15.1907.
of Sec. No. 17, in Tp. No. 38 8, R
Notice is hereby given that Edward Miller of No. 10 E W M, aud will offer proof to show that
Fort Klamath, Ore., has filed notice of his in­
tbe land sought is mure valuable for its tim­
tention to make final Five year proof in sup­ ber or stone than for agricaltural purposes,
port of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No and to establish her claim to said land before
2616 made April 28. 1902, for the *H»W!4 and the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at hl*
nj^sw'q Her. 33, Tp. 32 8. R.7«4 E. W. M., and office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Tues­
that said proof will be made before the Clerk day, the loth day of December. 1907.
of Klamath County, Ore., at bls office at Klam­
She names as witnesses:
ath Falls., Oregon, on tbe 5th day of Decem­ Charles Moiander, J.C. cravens, Hamilton
ber, 1907.
Mulkey and R. E. Duulap, all ul Klamath
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
Falls, Oregou.
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva­
Any arid all persons claiming adversely the
tion of, the land, viz:
J.C. Weiss. Asa Fordyce, Edward Leever and ' abcse-'lescrlb-d lands are requested to file
their cialrns In thi* office on or before said
H. B. Loosley all of Fort Klamath, Oregon.
10-24 11-28
J. N. WATSON, loti. 1») ol De,:., fsu7.
J.N. WAl^ON. Registik. j
Register. I 10-3 -12-5
lltnu MBI.HAM
Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. 104
I. <1.0. F. meet* in the A. <>. U. W. t
hall every first and third Wednes«lay»
in tiie month. Mary E. Fish, N. G.
Lorinda M. dauber, Secretary.
B ar
Win«» and Liquor«
of Choice Vintage
Forester* of America—Ewanna Cantp,
No. t>l, meets in the A. O. U. W. hali
every second and fourth Friday* in the
C. D. Willson, C. R.
E. E. Jamison, Hee. Sec.
Kry West, Albi
1 in|M>rtrd Cigar«
Cold Steel, Castle Rock, Shasta. Free Delivery
Family Trade a Specialty
Sold in lots of one dozen up to one case
Women ot Woodcraft, Ewauna Circle
No. »117. meets eyerv second and fourth
Friday in banderaon’a hall.
Mrs. Dollie Virgil,G. N.
Fraternal Order of Eagle* meet*
every Monday evening at 8 o’clock in i
A. O. U. W. Hall. Henry Roivin, W.
P. Otto Heidrich, Sec.
W. If. D vlanky , Manager
S tewait A L yon *, Prop'»
Klamath Lake Railroad
in connection with the
Holder of Idcenae'No 29.
Hclntire Transportation Co.
and the
Uettrinary Surgeon
Ore. and Cal. Transportation Co.
Office in Exchange Barn
Phone fiOl
The only through line for freight and pas­
sengers between the Southern Pacific and
the Klamath country. Quickest servico
and Lowest Rates. Tell your troubles by
Phone or Letter to
E. T. ABBOTT, Gen. Mgr,
Thrall, Cal.
Office over Klamath County Bank
or to MclNTIRE TRA.S'S. CO. at Klamath Fall» or Pokegama
•jOOOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000^
Every drop
Of Old Continental Whiskey
Water Mill Whiskey
Normandie Rye
F. F. K Rye
is as pure as Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries>the guarantee o( abso­
lute purity.
Office In American Bank A Trust Com­
pany’s Building
All kinds of engineering and draughting
is the word that tolls tho story, and when tho
government places its 0. K. on whiskey you may
•»e sure it is pure.
Sold by
Wlthrow-Melhase Building
Wholesale and Retail Dealer £
Kiamaih Falis, Oregon