I ——— KENO DAIRY Kt-uo in situated in tint boutliern part o( Kliunnth County, on tin- Klamath river, at the terminus ol navigation. Two nteami-r» land hern ; mall, expr«»« and p«»»«ug«r» ara truii«(errml from the »luge to the boat at thia |>oiiit. Adjoining Keno on the went la a largo bolt <>l limlier, and on th« east la a large body ol marali land*. Near Kono, on the river, la I miner*«« water power. Twl«- phono connection» with all pa ria of the country. Ilaa a good »cliool, two »tore« mid two anw nil- I Mi«s Nellie l*oton ia ut the Fall", un­ der the care ol a doctor. Ia»t week while Harry Wall was hauling poles lie bad hia teuiu hitched to the end ol the wagon tongue. Ho wuh walking while driving hia team. In paaaing a rmall tree In- attempted to change the lines to the other hand when th« wagon slid down and caught hia nrm between the pole» and the tree. It waa llrnily held I hole until the tree was cut down by aonio ol other parties who were with him. Ilia arm was broken in i three places lie ia now al the hulls for , medical attention and al last accounts wax getting along us well as could lie e>|iectod. Ix«l Friday • William Slone and Penny Edw ards were married at Klamath Falls, R«v. J. B. Griffith oflb'iatiiig. hi the evening they returned to Keno w livre they were tendered a dance mid supper at the hotel. Tli-y were pre­ sented with a large nil in her ol lieautiful presents. They hale now taken up their alsxle on a ranch w hich he bought down the river. Their many friends wish them a happy life. Mr. Mono was the aneecselul hardware mi-rchant at Keno. of the many ' Articles ami Prices carried by Dairy in pleasantly situated on th« west aido (d t otma Valley, Hearth« center of Klitmnth (’-unity. It hit« two good general atoms with enter­ prising, up-to-date dealers who enjoy a largo trad« from surrounding val­ leys ; a hotel mid feud Irani, and a school house. It is surrounded by a rich farming community with which it is connected by a farmers' tele­ phone lino and also a long diet mice line. Is on th« stage line, twenty miles oust of Klamath Fulls. A contract Ims been entered Into be­ tween'I. iskov Brothers mid John l.ipton, whereby the former will feed the latter's cattle this winter. John Hiberts and family now occupy a ranch in Pine flat, having moved there within the week. Mrs. A. L. Mitchell is mourning the Io»» ol a tine lot of cabbag«, stolen while she was away securing a cutler with which to work it into saner kraut. One satisfaction about it is llmt they stole it la-fore the cutter was brought into use. John Schmor has returned from hia visit to Merrill and is now busy with his winter's supply of wooJ. Bill Vlirman in now a full fledged resident of Dairy, having purchased a house and lol in this town. Rev. Conkling preached in th« Kvno try and make life pleasant for him dur­ hall Inst Sunday, but owing to the short ing Ins affliction. notice there was but a small audience. Alls-rt Burgdorf is busy gathering in his stock. Thawing Dynamite. this John W. Stubble is reported to l-e very sick and in need of nursing, Some of the charitable on«» ouglil to remem- ls-r the biblical injunction, "Visit the sick.” It is reported that one of the neigh- Imring school districts will la- short a teacher one of these days, as, Dame Rumor says, the incumbent will be led to the matrimonial altar very simiii . as Mrs. Burgdorf, of Pine Flat, visited relatives and friends in Langell Valley last Sunday. Two fine stallions were seen in this valley this week. They were in charge of Mr. Maxie, who ia trying to organize a company for their purchase. He is asking $3200 each for them. We are glad to report that John Cox, who was stricken with blindness re­ cently, is improving and the indications $100 Reward, $100 are that lie will fully regain bis eye Ths readers uf this |>a|ier will plrued tn sight again. learn that there I. at least one ilres.led illwase that sclsm-e ran < ur» In all Ils list« anil that A movement is under way, backed by lat alarrb 'Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only pos- lllveciirenow'knewn tothe medical trslernlly some of the most solid business men of Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re­ thia community, to erect and maintain quires eonalltullonal treatment. Hall's Ca­ tarrh Cure is taken Internally, a. tlng directly a large and mistem caravansary in this upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the city. There is great need for such an system, thereby dlslroylng the foundation of establishment and the investment would the dieease, and giving the patient strength by undoubtedly Ire a paying one. At the building up the ixiuslllutlon and assisting na lure In Ils work. The proprietors have so . present time it is a difficult matter to much faith In Its curative powers that they secure rooms in this city. The Riche­ offer one hundred dollars for any case that It lieu has lieen forced to rent the lodging tails to cure, Send for testimonials. rooms over the Whitnev store, and the Address, F. J. CH It MN V A CO.. Toledo. O. Riverside ia taxed to its capacity.— Hold by all druggists, 7A0. Record. Take Hall's Family PI Ila for constipation CHRISTMAS CAKES We make the best Cakes, Pies, Bread, etc. out of the very best flour. Everything is neat and clean in our baking department and open to your inspection. Van Riper Bros, handle our bread and will deliver it to your door if you will mention it to them.«^^__. CITY BAKERY Preferred Stock Canned Goods Ar« P««k«4 WU mtw U m B m S er«VB That is the secret of their exquisite Flavor. Preferred Stock Pineapple, for instance, is grown, ripened and canned all under the sunny skies of Hawaii. Pineapples brought to thia country and then canned must be picked before fully ripe or they won't keep—and the Savor is flat. Hawaiian Pineapple is the best grown. Every morning, the ones ripened to their "spicy best" are gathered, taken into the can­ nery, close at hand, peeled and cored by special cutters operated by bright, tidy Hawaiian girls. All the tough, fibrous center is re­ moved, and the sun-gold slices from the best part of the pineapple are then packed into Preferred Stock cans. Tty PREFERRED STOCK Pinra//‘/r—a rya! Jtntrt—rta.fy to irri’t ALOIS * LlWtS. Wholesale Orooere, PORT LAUD, ORBGOH. V. B. A. N oth “N o »«liter 1» on can» containinf Preferred Stork Pineapple. MAIN STREET, OPP. COURT HOUSE Nothing Cheap But the Price Mail Orders Solicited WE SAVE YOU 25 TO 75 PER CENT Many of the cattlemen In thia section f, J. I.. Padgett Is remodeling hia burn are hard at work gathering in their and building u large drive way. range cattle preparatory to feeding Conrad Madison has returner! from them for the winter. tbs liospita!. He has a glass eye fltteil Char'.es bherman. Mr., while engaged eo neatly that it would take an expert in painting the new school building fell to tell which is the good eye. He ia and broke his right arm and sustained feeling all right, and has mad« one trip several severe bruises. His many friends on the steamer Canby. extend to him their sympathy and will Tuesday morning, George Olson, who was engaged in digging a well, placed two sticks ol dynamite in the oven ol the large kitchen range of the Keno hotel, for the pur|>o»e of thawing the r-aplosivc. Without warning there was a terrible explosion, tearing the stove to pieces, blowing out the side of the kitchen, breaking every window in the hotel and most of the dishes. In the kitchen at the time were < i|-ori and Mt»» llachel Jones. <>lson, who was stand­ ing dose to the »tow had Ins trousers aliniwt lorn to pieces, the top <■( Ids hat blown off and was slightly burned alioiit the bend. flow lie escap*l instant • lenth is a mystery. Miss Jones' dress was »At on tire and she was severely scalded about tin* chest with hot coffee. Mr Dyer, who was eating breakfast nt the time, rushed to the scene of th« ex- plosion and quickly estinguiahei| the llaiues in the girl's clothing. DUFFY'S 5, io, 15 s 25c STORE Nothing over 25c Mr. Kinney has di»,xx«d of his thresher, mid it looks as if some of the farmers in this vicinity are fearful that they will not I m able to gut their wheul threshed. It would not I m a bad idea to have a threshing bee, and see some of our young bucks swing a llail. Orin Mi'Cumlrer went to Bly week on private btisiners. ONLY A FEW I Albums, Hcrsp.................. .... 10 to 25c *• photo 26c " Autograph........ .... 10 to 25c ** Boat Card............. .... 15 to 25.: 25c Apron», Cari>entera.......... .... Ball», Rubber ..... .... 5 A 10c “ Ba»»- .......................... .... 5 to 25c Baskets, Fancy Shopping .... 5 to 25c " Indian.................. .... 15 to 25c 25c Wa«te paper... Il« ads, fluid, Silver, See-! .... 5<: a box 10 to "• Bella, Tea............................ Bull«, I jh I iuh and men«... .... 15 to 25c 20c Buekel«, Bear!, etc ___ Books, composition....... .... 5 A 10c " counter..................... .... 5 to 25c " blank......................... .... 5 to 25c . 10 to 25c •* pocket ................ " bill........................ ... .... 15 to 25c *• toy, linen................ .... 5 to 15c “ toy, all kind»........ .... 5 to 25c “ memorandum..... ....2‘j to 2Oc 10c “ time......................... ... Bowls, mixing...................... .... 15 to25c 10 to 20c “ giass fruit............... .... 5 to 25c Box«», jewel.......................... .... 10 to 25c 25c " collar........................ • a «1 ..... Cuffs, linen...................... .......... 15 A 25c " holder«................ .......... 5<- Cup« and mug»................ .......... 5 to 25c ** and sBueera............ ........... HL, to 25c and «aucer», toy .. .......... 2 to 10c Curlers, kid...................... ........ 5 A 10c doz “ iron«...................... .......... 5 a M b Curry comix.................... .......... 5 to 20c Curtain rod», bra»» .......... 10 to 25c Cuspidor».......................... .......... 10 to 25c Cutlery, |«»cket................ ...5 to 25c each ** table Cutter, doughnut, etc... .......... 2'tc each Canisters, Coffee . ... .......... 15 to 20c Decorations, all kind»... ... 1 to 25c each Dice .............................. .. ......... Ito 5c Dictionary, jiocket.......... .......... 16c IS fr» 95^ Doll«.................................. .......... 1 to 25c ** cabs ......................... .......... 25c ** »bawl»...................... .......... 10 A 15c “ beads........................ .......... 5 to 25c Dusters, feather, etc .. . ............. 20 A 25c Egg beaters........... ............ .......... 2 ' Í to 1.5c Enameled w are................ .......... 10 to 25c Eye glasses........................ ............ 10 to 25c " “ gold plated .......... 25c Eye »hade«........................ .......... 10 to 20c “ handkerchief.......... .... 15 to 25c Faucets...................... ,... .......... 10 to 25c .......... 5 A 10c .... 5 A 10c Flue «top».................... " match............. .. " pencil....................... .... 5 A 10c Frame», photo.... ........ .......... 5 to 25c “ tobacco..................... .... 15 A 25c File«.................................... . .......... 10 to 25c ** work........................ .... Boxed papers ...................... .... ISA 25c Glassware, creamers.................. 15 to 25c “ sugars................ ... 15 to 25c Bracket», »helf and lamp . .... 5 to 25c " butters.............. ........... 15 to 25c Brooms, toy.......................... .... 10 to 20c “ tumblers.......... .... 5c fl for 25c ** whisk........................ .... 10 to 25c “ " jelly. 5c 6 for 25c Brushes, paint.................... .... 5 \o 'J’»: " *' engraved.. 8*-*c " artists...................... .... 5 A 10c " 7 and H in. fruit liowls 15 to 20c " doth......................... ... Uto » in. “ 25c avrup pitcher............ 15 to 25c ** hair........................... .... Uto M b gal water pitcher 15 to 25c ** liorse......................... .... Uto M r “ 4‘4 and 5 in. »ance ** »having.................... .... Sto disi.es .............. .......... J 1-flc " win tew ash........ .. ... WtoMa " pepper and salt ».... 5 to 12*jC " cake stands.................15 to 25c " nail............................ .... 5 A 10c “ everything low« •st prices '• ecrub ...................... .... 10 A 15c •• »hoe............. .............. .... 15 to 25c Gioves, canvas ................ ........ 10 to 25c 15c Galvanized wash pans.. .......... ** dippers .. ........ 10 to 25c •• tooth......................... .... 5 to 20c stock bucket» .......... 25c oil CAHB ... . . .. 2»5c Bucket», tin........................ .... 10 to 25c ** chamber paili» .... 25c Button», collar, gold plate. ....2t, A 5c »t.......................... .... lc each 25c " cases ........................ .... 10 to 20c Hand bags.......................... .......... Hangers, pants, coat» skirt.... 5 A 10c Carving »eta ........................ 25c Hardware notions.......... ........... just right Card holder», wire.............. .. U to M b Harmonicas....................... .......... 5 to 25c ** punches.......... .. M b Hatcbete, cheap.............. .......... 5 A 10c 25c Hatchets, good .......... ........ Cane», cigar. ......................... .... Uto M b Holders, candle................ ... .5 A 10c doz “ spectacle.................. .... 5 to 15c " cord ................ ........ 15 A 25c Casters, bed.......................... . .10 to 25c set " Ctlff............... .......... 5 A 10c " holders, pencil.... 5 A 10c Cement................................ .11) A 15c bot 25c photo rack.. .......... Chain», cow.......................... .... 25c tooth pick... .......... 5 A 10c “ halter................ 25c whisk broom .......... 15 A 20c *• locket........................ 25c “ neck ......................... 25c Holidav goods of all kinds at.................................. . 5, 10. 15 A 25c “ watch, g.p......... I.. .... 10 to 25c 25c Hone«, razor.................... .......... Chair seat»............................ .... 10 A 15c 10c " kitchen................ .......... Calk, carpenters.................. .... 3 for 5c Hooke, fish........................ ...10 to 25c 100 Chamber», open ................. 25c Hooks, coat and bat........ .......... 25c doz Crockery, per piece .......... .... 5 to SSo Horns ami trumpets.... .......... 1 to 10c H o BB supporters.............. .......... 5 to 20c Ci.amoil akin»....................... .... 5 to 15c ” all kinds................... .......... 5 to 25c Checker»................................ .... 5c set Jardiniere.......................... .......... 25c Checker board».................... .... 5 to 15c Jewel boxes .................... . r.... 10 A 25c Cheaamen............................... 2V Kettles, preserving tin. „.... 15 to 25c " kettles, preserving gran- Children'» knife and fork »et». 25c 25c ite................................ " toy», all kinds... .... 5 to 25c Kettles' stew.................... .......... 10 to 25c China, decorated ware.... .... 5 to 25c Kites................................... .......... 5 A 10c Knives and forks.............. each 5tol2%c ** decorated cupsand MU* pocket.................... .......... 5 to 25c cera.................................. 25c “ nvteher................ .......... 15 to 25c China noveltie».................. .... 5 to 25c “ bread.................... . .......... 10 to 25c Chriatma» goods.................. .... 5 to 25c “ pairing.................. ........ 5 A 10c “ mincing................. .......... 10 A 15c “ cards..................... .... 1 to 10c " itells...................... .... 10 to 25c laces, shoe, all colors, .. ... 2S A 5c pr. “ tree ornaments.. .... 1 to 25c Lanterns............................. .......... 25c " tree candles.. . .. 5 A 10c doz *• globes................... .......... 10 A 15c Cigars.................................... .... 2 to 5c Lockets, gold plate........ .......... 2.5c 25c '* chains................... .......... •• holders..................... .... 5 to 1Be “ cates ...................... .... 15 to 25c Locks, brass pad................ .......... 15 A 25c “ pad iron.............. . .......... 10 A 15c Clips and flies, paper .... .... 5 to 25c Lunch sets, paper............ . .......... 15 A 25c Coat hangers........................ lamps, night.................... ......... 15 to 25c Coffee mills.......................... 25c 25c " glass .................... .......... " •' toy..................... .... 10 A 15c Machine needles.............. .......... 5c pkg " oil...................................... 5c " pots, tin.................. .... 15 to 25c “ pots, granite.......... 25c Magnets.............................. ......... 2», A 5c " pots, nickle plate.. 25c Marbles.............................. ,.. .5 A 10c pkg " strainers.................. 5c Masks.............. ................... .......... 5 to 20c 10c Matches, 1500.................... .......... Collars linen, men.............. 10c " bexe«...................... .......... 5 to 10c " '* boys................ .... 10c Measures............................ .......... 5 to 25c " dog ......................... .... 10 to 25c Memorandums.................. ........ 5 to 15c “ buttons, g. p.......... .. 2t, A r»c Mirrors................................. .... 5 to 25c “ “ bone........ ... 5c doz Mittens, warm.................. ......... 10 to 25c " pins, g. p................. .... 10 to 25c Nfop sticks ■•»••• ••••••• .......... 15c Combs, all kinds................ .... 5 to 25c muscilage.......................... .......... 5c Compasses............................. .... 10 to 25c Muffin pans........................ ........ 10 to 20c Corn poppers........................ .... 15 to 25c Mittens, womans.............. ........ 15 to 25c Covers, diab.......................... .... 5 to 15c “ Misses.................... ........ 15 to 20c " pot............................. .... 5 to 10c ’* childs.................... .......... 10 to 15c Cream pitchers.................... .... 10 to 25c " bovs........................ ........ 15 to 25c Crochet hooks...................... Nails, picture.................... ........ 2Ls to 5c Cruets, vinegar and oil.... .... 10 to 25c " brass head............ . ..10c per 100 Crumb tray sets, nickeled ** shoe........................ ........ 5 A 10c 25c Napkins, linen........................... 5 to 12^c •• pa[>er...................... .. . .20c per 1IMI Necklace«, gold plate........ ........ 25c " bead........................ .... 10 to 25c Needles, darning................ ......... •'h- pkg 5c «et " knitting.................. ..... “ machine............. ........ 5c pkg ** packing.......... .. ........ 5c each " sewing .............. ........ 5c pkg " mattre»»................ .... 5c each book»..................... ... . 10c Neat ............................ ........ 3Sc Nipple«, white and black. . ... 2Yfcc Notions, everything in the line Novelties, everything in the line Nursing l«ottle.................... .......... 5 A 10c “ toy............. .......... 6c " “ fittings Nut pick sets, nickeled.. ........ 25c Necktie», men« A bovs.. ........ 10 to 25u Oil cans, galvanized.......... ........ 25c “ •• tin ................ “ *• copper.............. ...........15 to 25c " cloth, table................ ........ 20c yard Ornaments, bair.......................... 5 to 25c “ wall..................... ........ 5 to 25c Over-sleeve»........................ ____ 10 A L5c Pad locks .......... .. .............. ........ 10 to 25c Bails, dairy.......................... ... . 15 A 25c “ cbamlier.............. . ......... 'Ac, “ galvanized............. ........ 2«5c “ tin............................. ........ 10 to 25c toy............................ .... 5 A 10c Baint, gold"".................. ........ 10c bot “ toy............................ .... 5 to 25c Bans, bread.......................... .... 10 to 25c " dairy............................ ____ 5 to 20c " cake.............................. ____ 5 to 15c " di»h.............................. .... 20 A 25c ** dripping...................... .... 10 to 25c “ dust.............................. .... 10 A I5c “ frying............ •........... .... 10 to 25c " muffin.......................... .... 1-ic roll toilet............................ ....... 5 A 10c *’ napkin........................ ........ 20c 100 “ weights........................ .... 5 to 20: " decorations................ .. .5 to 25c doz " novelties Paste, library tube«.......... ........ 5c 5c doz Pens, steel............................ ........ holders........................ ... . 2S A 5c Pencil», lead........................ . .3 lor 5c to 5c " coppving.................... ........ 5c boxes............................ ____ 5 A 10c “ holders................................. 5 A 10c Pitcberk, cream.................. .... 10 to 25c “ svrup............................ ___ II ■ M 25c “ water, ,4 gal............ ........ Pictures..................................------ 5 to 25c *• nails............................ .......... 2l4 to 5c “ wire............................... .... 5c 75 ft Pins, beauty.................. 10c doz to 5c each " l*It.............................. .......... 15 A 25c “ blanket....................... ........ 5c “ chatelain.................... .. . 10 to 25c 1* clothes........................ .......... 30 for 5c “ “ spring................ ..... 5c doz “ collars.......................... .... 10 to 25c “ emblems, all orders ........ 25c " hair.............................. .... 3-10e doz “ hat................................ .... 5 A 10c “ lace .............................. .... 10 A 25c 5c doz •* safetv.......................... ........ “ rolling.......................... .... 15 A 20c “ scarf.............................. ........ 5 to 25c “ toilet............................ .......... SO for 5c Powder, toilet.............................. 10 A 15c " talcum......................... ........ 10 A 15c Pin travs.............................. ........ 5 to 25c “ tortoiseshell.............. ____ 5 to 20c Pipes....................................... .... 5 to 25c Plaques.................................. .... 10 to 25c Plates, porcelain................ .......... 10 to 25c " pie " ................... ....7U to 10c “ enameled ............... .... 10 to 15c “ tin............................ .... 5c 45c doz “ wool......................... .. 50c per 100 “ handles.................... .... 5 A 10c Pliers, steel.......................... ........ 10 A 15c Pocket books, all kinds... .... 5 to 25c Post cards. Christmas,... ........ 1 to 5c “ ** New Years ............ 1 to 5c “ " local views.. ........ lc each “ *' comics.............. ........ lc each .... 15 to 25c Puff boxes............................ .......... 10 to 25c Purses..................................... ........ 5 to 25c Pocket books........................ .... 10 to 25c Rattles, baby...................... ........ 5 A 10c 25c Razor hones............ ........ ........ “ strop» ........................ ........ 20c 25e Rertectors, lamp................ ........ Rivets.................................... ........ 10c box Rubber balls........................ ........ 5 A 15c Rules............................ 12 in. 10c. 24 in. 15c 10c Rulers, steel........................ ........ 25c Rings, gold tilled................ ........ Sad irons, toy ..................... .... 10 to 25c " " handles.......... ........ 10c Salt and pepper shakers.. ........ 5 A 10c Salvers, cake........................ .... 15 A 2F)C Sauce boats........................... .... 15 A 25c Saws, scrall toy.................. . ........ 15c “ meat......................... ........ 25c “ kitchen.................... .... 15 to 25c 25c " hand......................... ........ 25c “ key hole.................. ____ Scissors.................................. .... 5 to 25c Shears.................................... ... 10 to 25c •Screw drivers....................... .... 5 to 25c " hooks and eyes.... . .5 to 15c dos Svtbe stones........................ 10 A 15c each Sewing machine needles.. ........ 5c pkg 10c Shades, lamp...................... . ........ “ eye............................. ____ 15c Shaving mugs...................... .... 10 to 25c " soap, Williams ...,» • • •• 5c Shawl straps........................ . . 10 A 15c Shells, »«a .................................... 5 to 25c " ornamente...................... 10 to 25c Shelf brackets....................... .5 to 15 C pair Shoe laces.................................. 24« 15c do* " polish............................... 10c bot “ " ............................. 5 & 10c box Shovels, stove.............................. 10 A 15c Sitters, flour.................................. 15c Sieves, meal.................................. 15c Skimmers, milk.................................. 5c Skirt Langers................................ 5 A 10c Soap, laundry.................. fl for 25e “ toilet................................. 5 A I He " ........................ 10 A 25c box “ holders............................. 5c “ boxes.............................. 15 A 25c Sock.», men's and boys’............ 5 to 25c ;............................. wool.. 15 A25c Stockings, women's................ 12,4 to 25c • “ “ fleeced.......... 20 A 25c Soldering sets............................ 15 to 25c Spectacles, gold plate................ 25c “ nickeled.......................... 10 to 25c “ steel................................... 10 to 20c “ «moked and blue........... 15 to 25c “ riding bows.......... 25c cases................................. 5 to 15c Sponges.................................... ... 5 to 15c 5c Spoon«, kitchen..................... " retinned tea.............. ... 10c do* " " table........ ... 20c doz “ »olid nickel......... 7‘i to flpj'c each “ plated, lowest price Spring balances, brass........ ... 15 to 25c Sprinkling cans...................... ... 15 A 25c 10c ** “ toy............ Squares, carpenters.............. ... 15 A 25c Stationery, ink taldeta........ ... 5 to 10c “ pencil tablets............. 5c “ boxed papers............ ... 10 to 25c “ pens, pencils, etc penholders......... t... .. 24 to 5c " XXXX envelopes 5 in, 5c fl in and 6l4 in.......... ... “ XXXX envelopes 10 in 10c pkg “ composition and memo. books............................ “ novelties and notions everything in this line 25c Steroecopes. good................... “ views, good.............. . ..24« each 25c Stoves, alcohol........................ 5c “ cover lifters.............. “ pokers......................... ... 5 A 10c " polish.......................... 5c 10 A 15c “ shovels...................... Strainer«, miik...................... ... 10 A 15c “ gravv and soup..... ... 5 to 15c 5c “ tea and coffee............ 5c 100 String tags.............................. ... “ " shipping.......... ... 10c IOO ** violin.......................... ... 5 A 10c “ guitar......................... ... 5 A 10c 5 A 10c " mandolin.................... “ banjo.......................... ... 5 A 10c Strops, razor.......................... ... 10 A 20c Suspenders, boys.................. ... 10 A 15c " mens ........................ ... 15 to 25c Table cloth, oil........................ ... 20c yard Tablets....................................... .. 24 to 10c Tacks, carpet, full count .. ... 24c box " brass upholsters.... ... dOc 100 “ " forchairset. ... hoc 100 *■ hammers.................... ... 5 A 10c 5c Tape measures........................ 25c Tea kettles, nickled.............. 25c “ “ tin Tea and coffee potte. tin... ... 15 to 25c “ pot stands....................... ... 5 to 15c Sc Teething rings......................... Thermometers......................... ... 5 to 25c Thimbles ................................. ... 5 A 10c 84c Thread, linen.......................... 84 c “ carpet.......................... - • “ basting........................ 24c 25c doz “ English, all numbers.. 3>£c Tinware, all kinds at S price Toasters..................................... ..« 5 to 15c Toilet paper............................ .5 A 10c roll Tooth picks, wood................. .. 5c box 500 “ " holders.......... ... 5 A 10c Toques....................................... ... 15 A 20c Towels, cotton......................... 5, 84 to 15« “ bath, linen.............. ... 15 to 25c Sc " rings............................ 10c " tollers 5 to 25c Toys of all kind Tovs just S price Transfer pictures.................. .. 1 to 5c doz 10c Lawn tennis, toy ................ 5c Traps, mouse.......................... 10c “ rat 15c “ steel, No. 0.............. 15c “ No. 1................ 25c “ “ No. 14............ Trumpets and horns. ..... ... 1 to 10c 15 A 25c Trunks, toy or doll........... . Tumblers.................... . ............ . 5c fl for 25c 5c Tweezers.................... .............. Vases, silvered...................... ... 10 to25c “ glass ............................ ... 10 to 25c .. 15 to 25c “ colored.... 5c Vaseline.................................... Views, stereoscopic.................24c -We do« Vinegar and oil cruits.......... ... 10 to 25c 25c Violins, toy.............................. ... 10c “ strings........................ Wall pockets............................ .... 5 to 20 10c Wash boards, tov.......... .. 25c Waste paper baskets............ Watches, toy .................... ... 5 to 25c ** chains................. 10 to 25c 25c “ charms...-.................. Water color paints................ ... 5 to 25c Wire picture............................ .. 5c 75 ft 5c spool “ spool.......................... Wooden bowls...................... ... 15 A 25c Wrenches, pocket.............. ... 10 to 20c “ monkey...................... ... 15 to 25c 1. A. DUFFY C We will carry the most complete line of Holiday Goods ever seen in this county and our I want 10,000 Muskrat. Will pay big cash Prices will be an agreeable surprise to you. j* We solicit MAIL ORDERS and will till for rat lllld Other flirs. 1 have some tine hounds same day received. Parties from outside will please make our store your regular for sale, mid will Ink« furs in payment. BOYS, HERE Hain St. Opp. Courthouse IS YOUR CHANCE. TRY IT! ' stopping and loafing place while in town. And BRING THE CHILDREN. KLAMATH FALLS We have a waiting room for you and free hot coffee. M. GOSNEY, GODDARD, KANSAS