KL A MA TH RE PL BUCA N' PrlnUd E. J. MURRAY, Editor. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. Rc*'u's‘ Mix tlu* following by shaking well in bottle, and take in tea*|x>oiiful doses ; alter meals and at lawltime: , Huid Extract Dandelion, one h ilt 4* » Big Sale Saturday and Monday ounce«. A local druggist is the author-1 ’ ? ity that these simple, harmless iugred- j • ♦ TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ients can be obtained at nominal cost 4k ■-» from our home druggists. The mixture is «aid to cleanse and When the late Senator Quay tele­ nent throughout the world. It is all ’ ♦ i strengthen the clogged and inactive * graphed Cashier Hopkins of the Peo­ due to his conservative, high-mlmtod, Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Bladdisi- his expression would find its echo in He has been governor for all the j>«»ople, lively overcomes (tain In the back, I many states in the union. It was an rich and poor alike. H«* has not rushed clears the urine of sediment and regu- j old game in Pennsylvania. State tineas into print to tell the people what he lates urination, especially at night, cur­ urers tor years had deposited large sums would do, but be has gone ahead and ing even the worst forms of bladder of the state’s money in the People’s done it. He has brought alxuit reforms weakn^ts. Bank, and these deposits were used by that no other governor has ever been Every man or woman here w ho feels the political bo.-.-es for stock gambling. able to even start, and did it without that the kidneys are not strong or acting It has always lH*en assumed that when up-setting social conditions These are in a healthy manner should mix this Packing; Company. Quay said he would “shake the plum • the things that have made, and are to­ prescription at home and give it a trial, tree,” he meant additional deposits day making. Governor Hughes the lead as it is said to do wonders for many per­ from the state treasury. This practice ing statesman of the country; and why The prospect for establishing a pack­ sons. cost the state of Pennsylvania a great the people are turning to him as the The Scranton. Pa., Times was first to ing house in Merrill to take care of the deal of money, a scandal that drove trusty pilot who can steer our craft from print thia remarkable prescription, in cattle, sheep ami hog« raised in this, Quay to his grave, defeated the Repub­ out of stormy seas into smooth water, October, of 1906, sine«» then all the valley ami vicinity seems about to be lican party and blighted the name of and do it w ithout tearing asunder the leading newspa|>ers of New York, lk>s- realized. many well known men in the state. business fabric of the nation. With The organization of the > Klamath ton, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other Dabbling with state funds is too danger­ Hughes as president, the Roosevelt cities have made many announcements Packing and Commercial Company, | ous a game for one to play, even though policy will be carried on. with this addi­ under' with a capital of $500,000 is well 1 of it to their readers. the stakes are high and the risk an ap­ tion, that it will be controll«*d by a con- days way, ami within the next thirty I parently safe one. j servative mind—a mind that all the in­ will lie accomplished. fluence of high political powers or per­ Filings Still Coming In The promoters oj this enterprise' sonal preferment will not move. It is number such well known citizens as, Iacst week the Title Guarantee A as certain as human events can be that The land office is busy accepting, C. A. Bunting. Frank Grayball and Trust company of. Portland closet! its Hughes will be the nominee of the Re­ filings yet, and little time has yet been Mr. Merrill, who with the assistance door«. Deposited therein were $395,1») publican ;>arty next year, and this found to check up the filings. Appli­ of Mr. O'Brien of Oakland and ('apt. of the school fund, of the state, placed means that he will be the next president cants have been coming in at the rate of Thompson, of San Francisco, Cal., have there by State Treasurer Steel, contrary of the United States. 15 to20 a day since the big rush. Up to advancetl the business so tar along that to the provisions of the law passed by , yesterday noon 425 had made applies-1 within a month every detail will have the last legislature. In addition to fail­ ! tion to tile since Monday morning a been complete»,. BELSHAZZAR ing to comply with the state law he also week ago. Every spare moment in the Already a site for the plant lias been failed to exact adequate security from Concluded from Page 1 office is taken up checking up the tilings. secured near the town on tjie river bank the trank, until after its doors were While definite information as to what ( from Mr. N. S. Merrill, who is taking closed, and since this additional secur­ CAST OF CHARACTERS particular applicants have l>een success­ an active interest in ttie matter.—1 ity was given during the legal holidays Belshazzar. King of Babylon. Will ful is difficult to get at just now, it is Record. the probabilities are the state will not Mason; Nitocris, the Queen, Mrs. D >n certain that a great many locations have be able to hold it. Thus the people of two or more tilings on them, while a few Wedding Anniversary the state are treated to the spectacle of Zumwalt; Daniel, the 1’rophet, Burge parties have clear filings, It will lie' the state treasurer placing in one insti­ Mason; Hananiah, Geo. T. Pratt; some time jet before all parties will tution without sufficient security and Lord of the Court, Willis E. Faught; know how they made it. About twenty-live of the friends of The N’rw Privat* N«*crt»tarv (’•»•irwr «»Í tbi* < contrary to law. $395,000, while he has | Lady of the Court,Josephine Hammond ; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merrill gathered at offer* n l-’niveralty truining to v«>u in <»nr deposited in thirty-two other banks i Jewish Maiden, May Worden; Angel. \ ___ iar. mtilt, it InMiirr* iiiMtin** vol! a birfh « la«« their cosy home Saturday evening, Mrs. Jessie Brock Morgan; High Priest Wages Cut about $200,000. The natural question is biiiin«*»* (Mwition wh«*n vmi have coiM|>ferr uni!- from flrm* the president of the defunct institution . King of Persia, Chas. Howard ; Queen's ina I'cr |l(> > l**r month, than from lhn$s<* ing was most enjoyablv «¡»-nt in games, Notice has l»een posted by the Recla ­ ¡ Fan bearers, Neva Faught, Waive waB surety on the state treasurer’s month. Hut th«”»«* liruit winh bcticr trained guessing contests, and uonversation. An mation Service stating that after No ­ bond to the amount of $25,000? Or was Jacobs; Wise Men, Oscar Wright, oflice awaÍNtantit. ' elaborate ami appetizing supper was n rite lor full information itlHHit thia new it because some of the heaviest borrow­ I Alex Martin, Jr., Will Hum; Daniel's vember loth all wage« would be reduced ; served at eleven o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. iuur$*r, w«*l u* itlwm! th«« other l»«i»lti»’»« ers irom the failed Irank were also on j Companions, Geo. T. Pratt, Roy Walk- to $2.48 per day. 11.is has been ex­ i*nurMHi t^nglit in the !> "• A. Dalzell, T. W. Zimmerman; ures. These wages even are high, and rill, Mr. ami Mrs. Ball, Mr».Wilson,Sr., fluenced either by bad counsellor bad j Double i rio, ..Mrs. Zimmerman, Bess it is not likely that any of the men who Mrs. Ed. Martin, Mr. and Mr*. Purl Boosey, judgment. To the average person ' Holler, Lue Leonard, Maud Nail, have been getting $3 a day will quit, Merrill, Miss Kattenhorn, John Dan Colwell, Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Wilitun, throughout this section there is but one Florence Boorey, Hazel Rolle; Belsbaz- for they will find it practically impossi­ I Henry Parriah.—Record. thing for Mr. Steel to do, and that is to | zar 8 Maidens, Bess Boiler, Martha ble to secure other work at $2. Latest Mrs. admit his error and step down and out. > Taber, Haze, Rolfe, Minnie Barnum, reports from Portland are to the effect City Warrants He will thus enable the state to proceed . Maud Martin. Alta Griffith, Myrta ( ai- that men are begging for work there at once against his bondsmen and col- , * ^r , > Fannie Virgil, \ irgil, Eva Moore, Edna and offering their services as low as $1.75 lect the amount due the state through Elliott, Orpba bchallock, Roxa Strives, a day. Notice is herelÿ- given that there are Edith llutenic, Orva Orutn, Lena Rar­ the failure of the bank. num, Jessie Telford, Agnes Marple, The Hicks 1908 Almanac funds in the town treasury for the re- H d »mption of the following warrants i' Florence Boorey, Flora tebives, Maud Now that the financial flurry is prac­ Nail. 1550 1538 1520 i • Is ready for delivery and excels all 1539 i ' tically over and affairs begin to assume 1557 1521 former editions in ireauty and value. i' 1558 a normal aspect, Mr.'Business Interest 1540 1522 What Papa Said. The cover is a beautiful design in colors, 1559 1523 begins to look around to see “who 1541 Tommy was stubborn, and his teach­ the entire book is full of fine half tones, 1500 1524 1542 threw the brick.” He does not have to Klamath Falls, Oregon (• er was having a hard time explaining astronomical engravings anti interesting 0 15Ä1 1525 1543 look very far, and in looking be does a small point in the geography lesson. <• :: 1544 1502 not see Hill, Harriman, Morgan, Rocke-. “Tommy,” teacher began, “you can matter. It contains the Hicks weather 152« <> 1583 (• 1527 1545 feller, Ryan, or any of those terrible learn this if you make up your mind. forecasts complete for the whole year, 1504 154« 1528 plutocrats that were leading this It’s not one bit smart to aig>ear dull. flnely illustrated. The price by mail is * 1547 1565 1529 country to ruin. Not much. But he I know,” she continued coaxingly, ‘ 35 cents, on news stands 30 cents. Word (• 1» 15«« 1548 does see hordes of those self-styled life “that you are just as bright as any and Works, the Rev. Irl R. Hicks’ fine 1530 <> I' boy in the class. Remember, Tommy, 1567 monthly magazine, contains al! his 1549 savers who have been so blatant of late 1531 (' I' weather forecasts from month to month, 1568 1550 about the things these aforesaid pluto­ where there’s a will there’s”— 1532 1' I' "Aw,* broke in Tommy, “I know all together with a vast amount of the beet l.'^9 1551 1533 crats were doing, standing in the atti-1 dat, I do. Me ladder's a lawyer, he is, 1570 1534 1552 tnde of a man who has just thrown an' I've beard him say it lots o' family reading. The price is $1 a year gAVING ¡8 the first great (> and one almanac goes with each sub­ 1571 1553 1535 something. In the gathering are seen times.” (' 1572 1554 some of the “leading” newspapers of ’ “You should not have interrupted subscription. Address Word and Works 1538 principle of success. It I' (' I' 1573 the country, national and state officials, ' me,” reprimanded the teacher, “but I Publishing Co., 2201 Locust Street, St. 1537 1555 (' creates independence, it gives who are seeking notoriety by harangu­ am glad that your father has taught Louie, Missouri. Write for rate on al­ Interest on above warrants ct you the old adage. Can you repeat it manacs in quantities. Agents wanted. Nov. 14,1907. ing against the trusts and wicked corpo­ a young man standing, fills • rations, the ever present calamity how- to me?" Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, thia “Sure,” said Tommy confidently. him with vigor, it estimates I» lew and the “aspiring statesman.” It 14tb day of Nov. 1907. I' “Me fadder says dat where der*s a Church Services (• is a motley gathering, all heroes for J. W. S ikmk . n s , City Treasurer. I' him witli the proper energy, will—der's always a bunch o’ poor re­ <• their country’s sake—until they see the lation».”—Lippincott's. a devilment they have done. Then thev in fact it brings him the best M. K. CHVBCH Brick Work again take up another brick and Cry to Different With Him. <> There is always a welcome for you at I' part of any success—happi« convince Mr. Business Interest and Mr. When Robert Van Wyck was mayor Grace M. E. church. Flues built, plastering and cement I' <> Conservative Citizen that it is all due to of New York he was careful as to his work promptly done. Prices reason­ I' (> ness and contentment. Services will be held Sunday in the the plutocrats. But when they turn to personal habits, especially about the able. CHAR. W. THOMAS. :: (> new Methodist Church. see what they are doing they find that city ball. One day he called on the Leave orders at Gun Store. Phone <• 44 44 4« 4« 4* 4* 4* 4^444* 44 4« 4« 44 I' Sunday Services: these gentlemen are standing shoulder mayor of Dublin at bis hotel. That 10-17 f I» (' to shoulder, pouring out their money by hospitable gentleman desired to set up Bible School........ . 10 a. m. something that would show bls good :: the millions in their endeavor to stop feeling toward the city he was visiting. Preaching........... the tide of frenzy that has seized the Mr. Van Wyck begged to be excused. Preaching........... I' people. On the one hand these “If I should drink,” he explained, “I Epworth League. (' “wicked corporations” are pouring out might not be able to hold my job of' A hearty welcome to all I' their money to save their country ; and mayor. .” 1 “Faith,” was the instant an­ <• P. CONKLIN, Pastor. on the other, the men who are respon­ swer, “if I didn't drink I would be un- i I' I' BAPTIST CHCBi.il sible for the trouble are gathering in all able to bold mine.” (' the money they can in order to save Preaching services next Sunday at 11 (' Ths Only Time. themselves. If thia panic will have the o’clock a. m. and 8 o’clock p. m. Sun­ :: A Scotchman In New Zealand was day school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. P. II. result of opening the eyes of the public Notice for Publication giving a visitor some account of bis to the {sham of these reformers, it will G. Vf. WHITE, President J. W. SIEMENS, Cashier (» experiences during the earthquake at 7:15 p. m. Everypne invited. Pepartment of the Interior, band Offioe at not have been in vain. shock. “I suppose,” remarked the vis­ GEO. T. BALDWIN, Vice-Pree. W. A. DELZELL, Aset. Cashier I' Lakeview, Oreson, Nov. S. 1S07. (I itor, “it was rather a surprise to you Notice la hereby given that Theodore L. Bev- For Sale more of Klamath Falla, Oregon, haa Bled One of the gratifying changes of pub­ to find the crockery jumping off the notice of hla Intention to make final commuta­ lic sentiment that is rapidly taking shelves.” tion proofin aupi>ort of hla claim, viz: Home “ Aye, it was that. But the wife was« place these days is that in favor of Gov­ 640 acres of excellent land, 3% mile. ateed Kntry No. SUM, made May i, ISM. for the mair surprised still. I ’ ve been marit ernor Hughes of New York for the out, one mile from macadam road; 560 Lot 1. Bee. 1. Tp. S7 S, R 10 F.., W. M , and that presidency. Here is a man that until i near thirty years, an’ it's aboot the acres under gravity ditch, laterals all aald proof will be made before the clerk of only trouble in the bouse she hlsna* he was elected governor of New York blame me for.” made; 140 acres under propose«! high- Klamath county. Ore., at hla office at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on the 20th day of December, WE was not known outside of the state;1 line ditch; 250 acres injgrain; 250 acres 1SOT. BUY who until he was made attorney for the , Merciful. in alfalfa; good eight-room house; He names the tallowlng-wltnsaaea to prove T Tor yrm tn ahlp ÎUw Fnrw and Vlldn« tn na than to hla contlnuoua residence upon, and cultiva Insurance Investigation, was not known ! Towne—Txx>k at that poor blind beg­ arge barn ami granary; four wells. arket Report. Hh I ppi ng Taga. and al« mt our outside of the ward in which be lived in 1 gar playing the accordion. Price $53 per acre, one-third cash, tlon of, the land, via : HUNTER8 ’ &TRAPPERS ’GUIDE 0 E Bend g-r, K H. Monajhan, William ’’.’I"*» **«<«*■ H-.1 Ihinr on th. .... written IllurtraUnt nil Snr Aiuni.la All New York City. Today he is known I Browne—Yes, I've been listening tn balance on easy terms. I.aahua and John Kenney all ul Klamath nhoul Trapper. tteornte. D oti ?.. Trap., O.mo law. How «nd whom te trap, nnd Ao bnqomo a him. Pity be Isn ’ t deaf too. — Philadel ­ •Mafol tr.pp.r H , • r«r>la, Znrrrl.««dte Sri«, fi To on, rartmn.r., |l H HI4na tennwl late from one side of the United States to 1 MASON A SLOUGH, Fslls. Oregon „ "I'”S«"'*1' Iteli .n,t Itero, altra, te animala te trap, t’ I» par te«la. SMj- r phia Preus. Holte arot Fur, tu a, au«n> ÀaSarwk Urna., 1».,U SS MUnMpvlla.Mlan. J. N. Wattuu, Register. the other, and is getting quite proud | Exclusive Agents. ' | 1111-14 -1» t I ON MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AND HATS THE BRICK STORE C2 HOLMES BUSINESS Chance For You COLLEGE ? $ C”' Tirsi Crust $ Savings Bank Paid-Up Capital 00 T Í Í Í r * s r r Y a ; J $ $ $ We Invite Your Account and Pay 3 Per Cent on Time Deposits ; HIDES