COINS THAT ARE BASE Metals and Used Methods In Making Counterfeits. HOW THEY MAY BE DETECTED Spurious Com» Cannot Stand th» Throo T»»ts of Weight. Di a motor and Thiekr»o»o—Gold Piocos That Sweated. Plugged or Filled. 9 Ar» BRILLIANT OSTENOE Star Stintillation. Much of the twauty of the »tarn ui and im IH ii shaped chairs Even at night tbe chair* win put a »top to the »clntUlaAon of the be there, for with tbe light* from th* Star». That unsteedIneM of tbelr light la one of the chief obstacles be has to . buildings and tbe lighthouse It is al­ overcome In studying them with the most turued Into day This llgbtbou«« Relntlllatlon ha* geuerally Is quite a curiosity It date* t>ack to tehweope 1771. and now tu Its rebuilt aud iihm F been regarded a» due only to »lliiht >li<-(te But mused state It throws a gleam over diaturtiancc» In the atiuoapbei that a* recent observations have < •h«Mn --------------- i the country for forty five mile* round. red »tars scintillate le«a than while W» are fond of referring to Broad ones It has been suggested that the «ray, New York city, as an «-specially cosmopolitan street, but. If you wilt cause« for sow« of the essential dif­ I »erm It the expression. It Is not tn any ference« In the scintillation« of differ­ way “in It" with the proiueuade at t>s- ent stars may tw In the star* them aelvc». There 1« no doubt, however, teude. All rountric* are represented, that the main cause of scintillation de- and every representative la In bl* Sun­ pend« upon the condition of Hie air — day best On a aunuy afternoon In th* Minneapolis Journal. •»«•on the boulevards of Faris are uot more brtlllaut than thia far famed Mi» ChMrful Invitation. avenue Although Johnnie's and Willi«'* Here tb« German .rilcer I* not In uni­ form. but In th« full glory of bis spot­ mothers are warm friend«, tb<>«v boy» less whit« flannel«, bls many rolored »re always lighting each other After wide silk belt and his imitation i»an- a rw-ent battle the victorious Johnnie was urged by hl« mother to go and am* bat. Abd a» he pasae* a group of attractive ladle* bi* waxed mustache make friends with bls fallen foe Sh« even offered to give him a |>arty If b« will grow »tiffer In It* upward twirls. and bl* walking stick will cut the air would go over and Invite Willie to even more jauntily than before. If come to that feethlty. After much bls monocle be «sspeclaliy cleverly han­ urging Jobnule promised to do as bis dled and hl* face show an unusual mother wished. So the party cam« number of tbe much covet««! »a!>er off at the appointed time and was vk> But scare, be may l«e reward««! with a mur­ lentiy enjoyed by all present. Willie did not COUle. mured "Reltxender Kelt" "Now. Johnnie, you did Invite him?” Tbe tall, black (warded Kussian will asked Jobnule'» mother walk somberly along and show no emo- ••Ye«. I did: Yes. ma'am. 1 invited tlon or interest In auytblng. but you may be sure that very little will e*c»iw him- answered Johnnie. "I Invited hl* notice, and at the casino when the him. ’ be added refiectively. "and I play la high you will always find him dared him to come."—Harper'» W»ek- tn -lose attendance.—Chari«» F. Peter* ty. The most dangerous counterfeits are struck from a die and are usually imi­ tation» of gtdd coin« Mohla of vari­ ous kinds are extensively used, but counterfeits so made are inferior to those made with a die. In counterfeits piade from a mold lettering, milling and reeding are usu­ ally poor and weight defective. Tbe coins lack tbe sharp and clear cut ap­ pearance of genuine coin. Moot coun­ terfeit silver coin» in circulation are made from molds, as It Is an inexpen­ sive form of counterfeiting Some fall specimens bave been produced in this way. but usually they are much lighter than tbe genuine and If of required weight differ in diameter or thickness. Various metals are used by counter­ feiters. principally platinum, silver, copper, brass, antimony, aluminium, cine, type metal, lead and tbelr nu­ merous com IKK. it ions. Among tbe most dangerous counter­ feits of gold coin are those of a com­ position of gold, silver and copper They are a low grade gold, and tbe acid test show» they lack tbe flnene*« of standard gold used by tbe United States mint, which is 900 flue, or 21 19 carata. These counterfeits average from 400 to 900 fine. Hatlnnm coun­ terfeits are dangerous, a» the meta! In Bohemian Magazine. Benefit ot Pwrag». used gives required weight, and they Every one may not know what the are heavily gold plated. When they THE INFINITE term "benefit of peerage" Implle» A have been in circulation for a time th»- peer can demand a private audience of plsting wears off. »-specially on the Beyond th» Viaibl» th» Inviaibl«, Be tbe sovereign to represent la» view» oo edg.-s Iyond th» Invisibl» th» Unknown. matters of public welfare. Fur trvaauu Tbe most dangerous counterfeit of In "Victor Hugo's Intellectual Auto or felony be can demand to be tried by «liver coin is made of a composition of blc silken cord Instead of a hempen rvp* are made of brass, struck from a die, comotive drags; tbe burri«-aoe limps; and when heavily plated are fair Imi­ tbe cannon ball 1» a tortoise. Let us Hardly. tations. They lack required weight, bestride a ray of light This Is a Cabman («ittlug in the street amid except in a few instance*. Counterfeits mount 4.000 tlm«»s swifter than the of type metal, lead and other composi­ cannon ball. 4500,01» times swifter tbe ruin* of bis cab and burse. to driv­ tions are much lighter than genuine. than tbe hurricane and 17.000,000 er of the bus which occasioned tbe • •• dis­ Y -i - —! — — Those having required weight are time* »witter than tbe locomotive it aster- _ *»•••• >*•> much too thick. make*, as you know. 70,000 league* a Coastable ito the orator?—Now, now! Genuine coin* of all kinds, for the •econd. You mustn't «-ail him such name« as sake of gain, are tampered with in va- ^tart Light launcbA you from rious ways. These operations are con­ tbe earth to tbe sun in eight minutes, that. Cabman (in frenxy«-H!m wot smash­ fined almost exclusively to gold colas, from tbe sun to Oreanus In four hours, which are sweated, plugged and fiücd. from «»cean-r« to Centaurus In three ed me cab an’ kllkd me '<«** an' left n»o a ’eiplejts cripple! Wot th« — do yer Sweating is removing a portion of year* and eight months, from Cen- expect me to call 'Im a 'uwUu' luuigtdl the gold from surface of coin ”~ tanrus to the pole star In twentv- process does not interfere with ths eight years, from tbe pule star to tbe —London Judy ring. and as the portiou removed is gen­ Milky way lu 1(LM m > year*, from the erally slight tbe coin !» left with a Milky way to tbe nebula uf Canes very fair appearance, weight only be­ Venatlcl In 5,000.000 year»—you bare ing defective Tbe principal method.« not yet taken a step of sweating are the acid bath, filing "Tbe apparition* of tbe universe will the edge* or reeding, tbe operator find­ continue to loom. The unsoundable ing a profit In the small quantities of will remain before you In its entirety gold removed from numerous piece* Beyond tbe visible the invisible, be- The average reduction in value of yond tbe in visible the unknown. coins subjected to these pro»essgs la Everywhere, everywhere, in tbe re- from one-twentieth to one-tenth. nlth. at tbe nadir, in front. I*blnd. Plugging is done by boring boles In above, below, in tbe heights, in tbe the coin, extracting tbe gold and filling depths, looms tbe formidable dark the cavity with a cheaper material. Tbe ness of the Infinite. larger coins—double eagles and eagles "What then, is there back of all (twenty and ten dollar piece*)—are this? Nothing, say you? Nothing? used fur this purpose. The small What! I, a worm of the earth, am surface of tbe plugging material, poKses.M-d of an intelligence, and thl» where It shows on tbe edge of the coin. Immensity is without one? Oh, pardon 1* covered with gold and the reeding us, Abysa of Infinity!" retouched with a file or machine. Tbe average loss in value to coins Effects of Radium. treated in this way is from one-eighth Many precious h tones show a remark to one-sixth. Coins of this kind are able change of color In the presence of very dangerous, as they are perfect radium. In late German experiments in appearance, only tbe edges having a colorlees diamond from Borneo be­ been tampered with. came pale yellow after an exposure of Filling is most commonly done by eight days to impure radium bromide, sawing the coin through from tbe edge deeper yellow In eight days more and or reeding, removing the interior por­ was not wholly restored to Its original tion and replacing it with a cheap met­ coloflessness by bAating to redness. al. Coins of all denominations from The light blue of a sapphire turned to quarter eagle to double eagle are sub­ green In two hours, then to yellow, red­ jected to this process. When platinum dish yellow and after fourteen days to Is used to replace gold extracted the yellowish brown. The color disappear­ coin has satpe weight a* genuine. By ed on heating, a light yellow Invariably this process coins Jose four-fifths of reappearing, however, when the stone their value, as the original surfaces are became cold. The rays did not affect left only of paper thickness. the color of the amethyst, ruby, blue When edge* have been covered with topax or chrysoberyl, but a tourmaline gold and reeding restored the coin bas with a green end became green at any the appearance of being genuine, hav­ other point on which the rays acted. t ing correct six« and weight and a fair ring. Sometimes the covering of gold 8h. Could Swim. on edge* la so thin that filling »-an be "Look beref exclaimed the irate distinctly seen. When other and leas suburbanite as be floundered about tn costly filling than platinum la used the green water and soft mud. "When coin* are of light weight and bave a I bought thia lot didn't I tell you I bad bad ring. If of correct weight they Just been married?" are too thick. “You did. sir." replied the land Another method of filling Is sawing agent boldly. z the coin partly In two, from edge of "Well, do you think this is the prop­ reeding, on one side, leaving a thin er place to bring a bride?” and thick portion. Tbe thin side of "I do, str. Didn’t I bear you cal! the coin Is turned bark and the gold her Tiurkle’ two or three times’"— extracted from center of thicker por­ Chicago News. tion. The cavity 1» filled with base metal and sides pressed luck Into orig­ Several thousand acres The Main Point. inal position and soldered or brazed "Young man, you don't want my together. It Is difficult to give aver­ daughter." age loss to coin* treated in this man­ "Why, sir, I can support her In the ner, as hardly any two seen have the style to which she has i«-en acrua- same amount of gold taken from them. tomed." • For detecting counterfeit coin com­ “But can you support her Io th« pare Impress, size, weight, ring and style of which she has been arr-n»- genera! appearance with genuine coin tomed to read In trashy novel»?"— of same period and coinage. The three Washington Herald. tests of weight, diameter and thick­ ness should lie applied, for It Is al­ It’» better to do something for Home most Impossible for the counterfeiter iody than to do *otnelxMly for »me to comply with these three tests with thing. Try thia today.—Wall Strout out using genuine metal.—Counterfeit Journal. Detector. Aristotle believed that the proper age Courage I* fire Bullying Is sinfk«.- for marriage wns thirty-seven ■«• ra Beacocsfleld. •or a man and eighteen for a woman Lots In Mills Addition and Mills Second Addition Are Sure Money makers t / . No single lot higher than $300. Choice lots as low as $75. SIO A 7VVONTH will show you the lots riiûko a I selection. I of the best farm, fruit, garden orchard antf gra/.t^ »an in Khmatfr County at prices that cannot be beat ai'-l on favorable terms. I a FRANK 1RA WHITE American Bank and Truat Building, Sixth Street Side. / I 9