Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 14, 1907, Image 1

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,t KliiMth County
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NOVEMBER 14, 1907
rates go up
icrcase Necessary by
Absence of Profits
Belshazzar Will be the
Greatest of Them All
be Properties arc For Sale
-Can be Purchased
Below Cost
The Scenic Effects Will be
Startling and the
Chorus Superb
3. The Flag III th« I'niled Males.
l«ing th« largest potato in the state ot
'I The Boston Tea Party.
<>regon, it not on the Coast, ft ia on
♦ The I r. a«>n <4 Beiii-di, l Arnold,
exhibition in the offices of the cotn|>any
Th« essays ate limited to three thou
Hcd I p In 'he failure of the Big Drop During the Last Ten Day» •nd ready to meet all comers, particu­
S40.I Words
h, must tie written In
larly those from other sections of the
Guarantee Trust Co.
In the Workingman'« Wage«.
the atndanta own hand writing on one
•id« only of the paper, and act ompanled
John Willard was arrt-«U-d yesterday
Mate Treasurer Heel ia up against«
One ol the results <4 the financial
by a < erttAcata of the writer • teacher,
by Marshal lx»w, charged with stealing
stating that the writer ia a pupil Ina
chickens belonging to F rank Armstrong.
designated da»«, and that the teacher well known skill to help him out of. He place In the wages paid the laborer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fitch of Merrill
ladleves the essay p, la the pupil's own <li-|4>sitrd with the Title Guarani«« A Ten days ago it waa almost imtxiaaibl«
unaided «oik. Th« «aaaya must I* Trust cnmjraiiy »4 Portland »Tffr.nt«) of to get men at $'! a <lay. Now it ia )«»»■ were in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. E. II. DnFault went to Fort I
signed by I)»« writer, giving also bi« or state school funds. To protect the «ible to go into any uf the large cities on
had the-i- »■ < tiled byoulv lb*1*,- the cuant and employ from five to ten Klamath Wednesday to attend the laut
her |>o»t>>ffiv« address. They should 1» state
Now the bank t>«s failed ami thousand men who are glad of the op- »ad rites over her sister, Mr». John
|or««rdrd Io Mr. It. I. Eckrraoa, t hair­ 0t<).
man *4 t ommittee, Room b, Washing when the facts name to light there wa.i a (Hirtunity to go to work for $2. and are Cole.
l<iii Building, I'oftlaml, Oregon, ami demand that the state treasurer ronign, not [»articular whether it ia eight or ten
F. O. Brown, a recent arrival from
■hoilld trail, their destination not later but lie has Indicated his intention of hour» either. As a result many of the Nevada, has accepted a fH-rrnanent po­
liangmg onto his office like grim death Big i-ontrai tore are laying off the men sition with Ky Taylor.
than March 31, i'.sut,
!n awarding three prizes the commit* to a Kinagamblan. T here is some talk now in their employ, on the pretext
H. P. Hoey, con a traction engineer of
ter will I«- governed by consideration of: "I criminal prosecution, but thia will that it ia imj>o»»ible to get the money to the C. N. E., is in the city.
ii'd assume serious proportions until l>ay the wage» with. A few days follow­
1. Originality.
alter the flurry in financial circles ia ing thia action employment agencies re­
The Medford Tribune ata'es the Rev.
3. Accuracy id Statement.
' over.
ceive instructions to send aeveral hun­ W. F. Shields, who is well known in
3. Manner of treatment.
The reason for the demand for his dred men at the reduce«! wage« now thia city, was married in Chicago on
4. Orthography, ftyolaa A Punctua­ resignation is base.) on two propositions.
l«ing offered and accepted. Contract­ October 31 to Miss Emma Lois Leard.
First, lb« law provide» that the state ors juttify their course by Mating that Miss Leard was the boyhood sweet-
These prises are offered to cttcotirag« s< bool I'liels are not tu be liepisited in a when the lalxjimg men had a cinch on j heart of Mr. Shields. A lover's quarrel
lot» <>f <»ur country ami th« study ot its liank. Sees,nd, that inasmui'li as th« i
them they uae«l it to the limit; now that separated them, Mr. Shields afterward«
stat* treasurer is not compelled to ac­ the contractor baa a chance to play half­ marrying. This venture proved an un­
B y R bv . G. T. Paarr,
fl, Midway Telrpbon« an I Tel«*
count lor the state funds until he turns way even, they are going to take ad­ fortunate one, resulting in a divorce.
,gk eompony thl« weoil aent out no
Inasmuch »• the rules of the Presbyter-' In the year 685 B. C. Nebuchadnezzar
State Bar
them over Io his successor, the state vantage of it.
na to all ot 11« sul*rrilwra in thia city
< annot | roeved against his liondsmen
At a reauit ot this condition of affairs ian church do not approve of divorced came to the throne of Babylon and
L^»t. twgmmng lfcc«*rmt«’l I, !.«>., thev
until that time, for it cannot claim a it may not be surprising to hear that ministers marrying during the life time i under bis wise and energetic sway Baby­
TtffiLi .or,rase the < liargw for telephone
The Oregon Htatr Bar Atnnciation will shortage, since it ia not officially known work has l>een suspended un the Cali­ of the former wife, it may result in the lon reach«-.! the height of its glory and
Lrswe »• follows
Jt«-»|.|rn<e |4.o|>es. h<4<l its sesentwnlh annua) meeting in that there will be one until the account­ fornia Northeastern anJ that all of the matter being brought before the Preaby- J power. Its boundaries were pushed
jgrty hues. tr»o> It to 11.80; office Portland, November tntii and 20th. ft ing is made.
men have l*en laid off. Neither will it tery, provided the congregation of i west and south to Egypt and all western
Is tha .tesire <4 th« committee that the
l«”X !!••••• tr« m |1.50 to
Treasurer Ft'-el emphatically denies occasion any great surprise if a few days which Mr. Shield- is pastors de«ires to Asia made tributary. The frequent
1 conspiring of Judah and Egypt, in at-
jftnte lines $2 80. The company at), rm i s .4 the state la- generally repre- that lie was influonco»! by ulterior mo­ later the infurmatiun is furthcoming take such action.
A wry frank statement to It« arnted at this meeting ami to that end tives in making such large deposita with that the money market has loosened up
Sam Summers returned Monday from j ' tempts to throw off Babylonian dom­
LbKtiGrs. Il giver as th« reaaon 1 I Lave arranged that the cirrtiil court <4 (lhcTit.e Guaranty A Trust company, enough to warrant the resumption of a trip to Portland. Mrs. Sammers re­ inance. finally compelled Nebuchad­
L»ia. ,ia»r ill rates th« tart that not Multnomah county ami the federal and when asked why be deposited near­ work on a small scale, which will be in­ mained in Portland, where she is under nezzar to capture and destroy Jerusalem
and carry away its inhabitants as capt­
L~ ii.r company began operations m court shall take a recess those two dais ly 1400,000 in one institution while he creased as rapidly as circumstance* will the care of physicians.
ives. Among these captives were
lb» city has ll mad« a proAl. One <.| With the same en>1 in view an excursion had only about one half that amount permit. Tbe«e "circumstance»’’ »imply
John C. Hill, president of the Hol­ Daniel and his three companions, who
h.am reasons lor tills lathe la. I that rate <>t one an<l une third times the r<-g iltpoailed in the other thirty-two slate mean how lung it w ill take * to hire
comb Realty company, accompanied by soon l«came noted for their wisdom,
;t ba« C'caiiy Inc rawe r I the plant. n< ular single trip fare has been arranged le;«»siVines, he replied that he did not enough men.
a Mr. Wel>ster of Buffalo, N. Y., arrived
imitating ll»« throwing out. at an atm»- with the officials <4 the houthern Pacific know that it hwl accumulated so rapid­
That there will be little difficulty in here thia week from Oakland. They far surpassing even the Chaldeans and
astrologers of the East.
kta l<<ss, tl»e original plant ami 11 m » la- rompnuy. This rate applies to all at­ ly, and that when he discovered that securing *11 the men necessary is cer­
were met at Bray by George C. Hill, sec­
Nebuchadnezzar ruled 43 years azd
iMilallun ol a new one. mad« n«re««ary torneys attending the meeting. Includ­ the deposit bail teachcl such a high tain, for the cities are full of men now. retary and manager of the company.
was succeeded by Evil-Merodach, who
M ib» large taerwaae m th« number ul ing their families. provkM fifty *<0 figure he liegan making arrangements They have spent all of their accumulated
Mr. Best, brother of Dr. J. A. Best, of 1 rule«) two rears. After him came Nerig-
first class single trip tickets are sold tu withdraw a large portion of it. and capital, and it is only a question of
| Tlx* licrvase m the nutnlrrr “I phot»«« from points on the rail roods iu the state. had «o null tied the l>ank. Inasmuch as hour» before they are reduced to the Pendleton, was seriously injured this iliesar, who reigned four years. The
The mornings <4 the two days will 1» the lamk had only |9,000 in cash to point of actual want. When thia point week in a runaway. The accident oc­ next to occupy the throne was Nabon-
km«ut, an might 1» supt»««d. ii.rreased
ds profits in a like ratio with the »■hl» I devoted to the busine«» ot the associ­ meet demands at the time the governor is reached it does not take the average curred near the He«t ranch on Lost river. idua, who ruled 17 years. Nabonidus
Tha telephone buslneaa is , ation, election of memlwrs, election ol declared the legal holiday, it is difficult man long to decide tu accept the first Dr. Patterson was summoned from Mer­ was more of a student than a warrior
from any other, busioese m«i officers h>r the ensuing year, etc. The to see how the state treasurer could offer of work, and it is not improbable rill to attend the injured man, and late and spent hia time in historical re­
ntsner. since an increase in |Mltot»agr atta in»-n session« will 1* drvotr«l to have secured a very large amount of tu »ec thousands of them hire out at a reports are to the effect that be is im­ search. During the last three years of
Nabonidus’ reign, 541-538 B. C., hia son,
proving rapidly..
Anas not bring a curr«ap>n«lit*g inctra«« addrrwses fr»m prominent memle-rs of money from tfie defunct institution.
wage lea» than $2.
Belshazzar, occupied the throne in
» profits
it is thia fact tlial has the bar of this state and of Washington
This condition may have a very im-
W. D. Ball and wife left last Tuesday
Babylon that Nabonidus might be free
ssrtxl such a hardship on the local and among the number that may le an-
portant bearing on the reclamation for Arroyo Grande via Bray. They were
37-10 Case
for other pursuits. This ia the Belshaz-
|M»pany ami force I ll to raise the rates
work in this county, A« soon a» lie accompanied by J. H. Sims and wife
i zar who made the Great Feast and to
Easterday, lax comtuiaeioner of the
k* phone ss rvlc«
change came in the labor market the and daughter, who go to their winter
whom appeared the writing on the
In its circular the company give» state <4 Washington, Hon. C. B. Altch-
The following letter was received this Service announced that they would no home at Woodland, Cal. Mr. .-ims says I wall. The picture drawn of this ban-
longer Lire men for $3. and that tho«e he left his camping outfit hi"e'*wiui«
»any reasons. ssule I torn thia, why it 1»
and will surely
week by Attorney C. F. .-tone.
U^iui<|oHi"‘lr“*ni,thtpi*e' With *H the
f.n»'l tu ask its jell rotis to pay more, <4 Ors^in and H<m. Oliver P. Morton,
who had been employed at that figure be back next summer, wl.... ......... .........
lakeview . Ore., Nov. 7, 1W7.
color of dissolute extravagant riot, of
would remain ill the employ of the gov­ threw a far away look into bis eyes and
tad frankly stat« that it la reaiy ami 1'olted HlatM reclamation attorney.
C. F. Hone.
luxurious passion and growing madness,
ernment only so long as they gave per- raid, *‘So'm I.”—Record.
villmg to sell its property to anyone
Ih-ar fir:
of ruinous bewilderment, terror and
»bo aishestu buy at a priceIwlow what illnner at the Commercial Club, Port­
Bv letter “R,” October 14, 1MF7, the 1 feci »atndaction. These men are as
Orders were received this week by death. The scene opens w ith a crash-
Mi p. m. November 20th.
it has coat to install it. This city has land, at
Hon. Commissioner of the General familiar as anyone else bow the land Chief Engineer Griffith directing that i ' ing overture, “Belshazzar the king
)etlia|* more plmin-a par capita Ilian
laud Office trauiuiitted the decision of i lay» un the outside, and they are not be pay off and discharge his force and i i made a great feast to a thousand of hi«
■net-any other town in tise LniUwl
the ||<>n. secretary of the Interior of seeking an opportunity to lc»e their job. discontinue the work on the survey for j lords and drank wine before the thous­
Male», aiauy cities <4 from eight to ten
, Auguxt ID, W07, in the above entitled In addition it ia not at all unlikely that the Oregon Eastern. These orders are ands.”
thousand having in nee a
caae.and directs this office to order a the Service may take npotlier work this a result of the curtailing of all work in i This feast was celebrated in a palace
Mrs. Alida D«»ia arrived here last hearing to determine ll e respective fall, and while no intimation of such a the State by the Southern Pacific sve-
at phones than Klamath Falla. That
I that waa the wonder of the world, with
course ha« a.« yet come from Engineer t m. It is not likely that the survey
the ibcrvaac in ralrw will result in a re week from Montana on a viaii to her rights of all parties in interest.
its winged statues and spacious halls.
4art,<m <4 tlila nnmlwr ia likely, toil ll m»ther. Mrs Sam Walker. (‘«mrw'Ctcd
He also further directed that such Murphy, it would not be at all surpris­ be again taken up until next spring.
I The walls were rich with images of the
has come to Iw such a household necc-s with this simple statement is a story liaaring or the time for surti hearing ing if i»e announced that he would carry
There is one citizen of Klamath who Chaldeans, painted in vermilion and ex­
Sty that it will nut be long until the old that covers a period ul nearly twenty should comport with the wiwLesof the ou o|»eiati<>iia on the south branch just has felt the effects of the panic, and he ceeding in dyed attire, goodly youth
as long as the weather would [«rniit.
years. Mrs. Davis when but two years several parties in luterest.
»smiler will again lie in use.
is Rov Hamakar. He is marooned awav riding goodly horses, and many frescoed
old we* alduclad by her father and
You are further notified to advise all If the preaent low »cale of wages and OT in Iowa with a pocket full of New pictures on which the eye would gloat.
simr that Huie, until al»»ut sis months ! of your clients that in order to fully pro- the supply of laborers continue until
Committed Suicide
And when the feast was at its height
York drafts and is unable io raise a
ago. Iter moliier found no trace of her. ! tect their interest they should continue next year, it will mean the employment penny on them. The banks of the and revelry unrestrained, when the
Hie was '»ken to the Middle West by t<> comply with the law uanler which »4 • great force here and the completion Middle West are in no hurry to cash , superstitious mind was wrought to al­
of a greater amount of the government
Fort Klamath, Nov. IJ.— This com. l.er father, who always told her that her their n-»cr«l entries were initiated.
New York drafts after the way the most intoxication, there apneared that
We ilecite an expvsusioil as to the work ami at a lower Coat than the ixx»st New York banks clung to the deposits mysterious hand w riting mystic symbols
, numiy • *■ ebockad y eater day noon by muther was dead. When about Biteen
ti>» ahtiutin. e met it of the death ot Mrs. an uncle told her that her mother was lime which would In-st suit yuur clients optimistic dreamed of last summer.
I of the western banks when the squeeze upon the walls of the banqueting room.
John Cole, who committed suicide at living «0'1 reside,I aoluewliero on the for such hearing in this case.
came, and consequently Roy was forced Consternation and fear seised the riot­
This office would suggest timt the
tiw home of Mrs. Je«ae Kirk. Mr». Cole Pacific cow"I- She Is-gan a diligent
Additional Briefs
• telegraph to D. V. Kuykendall, re- ers. Then come« Daniel, the wisest of
“•» br.-d <le>i»imlvnt lor a h>ug time and aearch which resulted in the reunion <>l date for hearing, however, be had not
> -ting that he procure and forward by the wise men, interpreting and pro
••» subject io attack» ot acute inelan- mother and daughter in thia city last later that the 20th of Jan<0rv. 1U08, as
-uificient cash to defray the ex- nuuncing doom speedy ami complete.
I it is easier of nevess to thin place than a
cbolU. and It waa during one ol these week.
WANTED - This office will pay pvi.--- ul Mrs. Hamakar and himself»
Mrs. Walker followed every clue dur­ month <>r two later. Please let us have five cents per pound for ofd rags. This Mr. Kuvkend. 11 did, and no doul t
that she swallowed the fatal do«« ol
all *.bc»e years, but without avail. your expreneioli as noon an possible.
They must be clean; linen or cotton in a few days Roy will once more be en­
Hrychnine that caused her death.
Very Respectfully,
prei creed.
Alter taking the drug Mrs. Cole in- About sis bionths ago Mrs. Davis saw
joying the luxury of jingling the coin of
I'lrined Mrs. Kirk ot what she had done, the family name in a Canadian paper
the realm in his pockets.
Isit the latter thought sho was jesting. •nd wrote t<> the man, who proved to Iw
The continuing of the bank holidays
It will In- saen from the above that ■ brook Wednesday morning.
A law moment« ahrtwa.d, however, the her mother's brother. Mrs. Dav»« was
results in tying up the affairs of the
derawd waa taken with severe conv ll- married to a railread man, who w « m
Among the Fort Klamathite« who
killed in an accident • abort time ago. puted territory will once more have an were in the city this week were R. A. city and county. The Board of County
•Ions «nd
in great agony.
' opportunity to defend their rights, i Moon, Louis Brannan, H. L. Scott and Commissi'Hiers are waiting for the sus-
The ilecraiied is survived bv her hl»«- She will remain here for the winter.
Time« who made application to prove W. IL Norton. They brought down a pension of the holiday program and the
bnrnl «nd four children, the oldest of
up at the tiuae the scrip wax accepted! big bunch of cattle for Horace Mitchell. city council is in the same predicament.
•bom i« but live year« ami the youngest
Two Routes
(County Clerk Chastain is wearing hia
arc in a pretty good condition, t»ut those
three months. The funeral will be held
There is going to be a big Thanksgiv­ usual look of resignation an.I his force
•o this town Thursday at 10 o'clock and
ing l>ali at Dorris, and there promises of deputies are watching with wide open
*'ll undoubtedly l>e largely attended,
TIi« two route» t<> the railroad from the land office for new notices, have a to be • good time for all who attend, eves the gradually increasing pile of
w the deceased was very |a>pular among this city are now in full operation. The new date net ami re-publiah Uirtr notice
tine of the attractions for the occasion legal documents that will have to be
• wide circle of friend«.
boat leaves bnro every morning at 4 and once niuiv proceed as if the scrip is a big liairbacue, where those in atten­ disposed of as soon as the regular
Mrs, Cole 1« a half «laterof Mr«. E.ll. o'clock, making connection with the | had not been recognised by the depart- j
dance may eat all barbacued meat they routine of the office is again taken »up.
I’nFault of this city and a »later of stage» of the O. A C. T. company at inent. At the time the dispute occurred ,
wish with the compliments of the enter­ Judge Benson save he will probably go
Thorn«» Barclay of Klamath Agency.
Fetor* landing am) Keno. The arrival,
to Portland this week, unless there ia a
and departure of the train»at I'okegama publishing notices to offer their proof to (
prosi>ect of the immediate resumption
G. Heitke«ni>er, Jr., has on exhibition of legal affairs, and will there look over
remain the same. At Bray conne«ti<m the County Clerk, aud many followed
Prizes Offered
in the show window tff his jewelry store the situation from first hand. About
1» make with the train for Weed, which
■... —.. — •
leaven the former atalion at 2:30 p. m. sition to go ahead with their suit. Those in the Republican Wack, another speci­ I the only unruffled individual is Sheriff
The following circular explains itself. The train leaves Weed for Bray at 7 who (aileil to do ao had better take ins- men of his work as a photographer. It Obenchain, who says he can iock a man
It ought to I hi of conslderglilo Interest to I a. tn., making connections with the mediate steps to rectify the mistake is an enlarged photograph of s scene on up just as tight now as when there were
made at that time, in order that they Williamson river. It shows stretched
the teachers of thia county. There ia stage al Bray.
In complete sympathy with every
no holidays, and he who.doubts it
J. II. Hughes, who inaugurated the I may be set right before the land office. out on a log Mr. Brandaaburg, w ho was has the privilege of finding uut for him­ detail of this thrilling story, Geo. F.
*>o very good reason ¡why Klamath
visiting Mr. Heitkemper tliia summer,
original stage
muntv ought not to Im represented .original
Root has set it to inutic and arranged it
awm» service
—------- Teters
One of the young men who went to ami strung at his feet is a big catch of self.
•ml Bray», intend» to place a launch on
»ttiong the winners of thcac prises.
in a dramatic cantata. It is easy to a«»e
the dock to witness the arrival of the' the famous Spring creek trout. As a
I he Oregon Hociety of the Buna of llm tha lake and run hla stages to Kcno,
$10 Reward
how this story will lend itself to this
Atnericnn Rovolution offer« prises to thus being in a position to enter ae- bteamer Klamath Sunday evening,|had work of art it is splendid ami as showing i
purpose and what opportunity it will
b'» pupil» of tlm public echool« of th*» lively into com pet it ion with the O. A it narrow escape from drowning. As he the beauties and fish of this noted
The undersigned will pay the above give for a urand chorus.
alighted from the bus he walked off the region it ia one of the finest pictures ever
A chorus composed of Klamath Falls’
^'•te <4 Oregon, for essays on subjtH'ls C. T. company.
rew ard to the person getting up the
! dock into the river. He was seen to exhibited here.
musical talent is now working on
Cf>nnected with our War for Independ­
following animal and notifying him. 1
Henry Baker who occupied I the posi- fall by those on the boat mid it circled
this cantata under the direction of Prof.
1 mil into the river. Willing hands res­
( portar
•'fixes of $20, |lfi, $10 and $5 will l e t.omd,
Martin E. Robinson, and will have it
------ st tl e Lakeside Inn and
cued the unfortunate fellow from the George C. Hill, ot the Holcomb Realty or UOO, branded N on left shoulder, right ready for production November 14th
**ar<|ed (nr t,1H first, second, third and
hind foot whit * ahd some white in face.
hf'trth beat essays written on the follow- public, did at the Insane Asylum in chilly waters, with the loss of his hat company, brought with hiiu an tight
and IWHij
It was grown on the Address
Salem last week. Death w«« due to
blood uuilullW»'-
Washington the Great Leader.