9 4 Shake In A Bottle FROH OUR EXCHANGES Now 1» the time when the doctor get» bu»y, and the patent medicine manu­ facturer» reap the harvest, ttnleaa great care 1» taken to keep the feat dry anil warm. Thia ia the advice of an old em­ inent authority, who »ay» that Rheums- turn and Kidney trouble weather i» here, and also toll« what to do In case of an attack. (let from any good prescription phar­ macy one half ounce Fluid Extract l»an- ilelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three oancM Compound Syrup Sar»pa- rilla. Mix by «baking in a lartlle and take a spoonful after meal» and at l>e A 10c box daughter, Mi»« Edna, came down from Balls, Rubber 44 “ B«»e ........................ “ irons................... ......... 5 A 10c hooka....... 10c Shovel», stove.... the Fall» Bunday. Mr. and Mr». Hous­ .... 10 A 15c Curry combs................... ............ 5 to 20c Ne«t egg»............. 34c Bitters, flour.......... 15c ton returned next day while Mi»« Edna Basket», Fancy Shopping “ Ircfl.in.................. Curtain rods, bra*» ........ 10 to 25c Nipple», white and black......... 2%e Sieves, meal.......... ----- 15c will visit fur a time with her friend, Cuspidor»........................ ........ 10 to 25c Notions, everything in the line “ Waste paper.... Skimmer», milk .. Mi«» Hazel Burris. .... 5c Beads, Gohl, Hiller, Seed Cutlery, pocket............. ... 5 to 25c each Novelties, everything in the line Bkirt hangers . ... ___ 5 A 10c Henry Wallace und wife u( Banta Balia, t .- h •• table.................... 5 to 12Ltc each Nursing bottle.............................. 5 A 10« Moap, laundry............. . .. .... •’•for 25c Maria, Cal., were met in Merrill Wed- 44 •• << Belta, l-adiex and men«... Cutter, doughnut, etc... ..... 2^0 each toilet............... . toy............ 5e . ... 5 A lOe n<-a his private secretary, 44 smoked and blue. 15 to 25c ......... 2 ' i to 15c Pails, dairy........... " «oup.................. Figg beaters .......................... ... . 15 A 25c (¡lover is a young attorney, formerly a »4 44 “ riding bows 25c ___ 10 to 25c Enameled ware..................... “ gi«»» fruit.......... chamtier.. ----- Mt 44 l>alry i» pleasantly »itualed on the »tudent at Willamette University, and 44 cases..................... 5 to 15c Boxes, jewel................... Eye glasses............................ ____ 10 to 25c galvanized > • • ■ -- • 25c weit »ide of lonna Valley, near the secretary to Mr. Hawley while the lat­ 4 4 44 5 to 15c ____........... 25c collar............ “ “ gold plated... tin............. .... 10 to 25c Sponge« ............................ center of Klamath County. Il baa I ter was president of the institution. It Spoon», kitchen.............. 5c ____ 10 to 20c glove............. Eye shades............................ toy........... .... 5 A 10c two gi»»l general »torr» with enter­ Congressman Hawley ami family will 44 4 • retinued tea. .. ____ 10 to 25c I'aint, gold•*••... 10c doa Faucets................................... handkerchief .... 10c bot prising, Up-to-date dealer» who enjoy leave for W «"liington today. 44 44 44 ____ 5 A 10c Flue sto|>«................................ ** table 20c do« match............ 5 A toy............. .... 5 to 25c a large trade from surrounding val­ << tt ____ 5 to 2 ’ >c Frame», photo.*. ................... solid nickel... 7% to 8)4« each Ray Hatch well, the telegraph opera­ 5 A pencil........... Pans, bread........... .... 10 to 25c ley»; a hotel ami f<*ed barn, ami a 44 ____ 5 A 10c 41 44 dairy..................... Funnels.................................. plated, lowest price tor, ha» accepted a posiliun with the tobacco......... 15 A .... 5 to 20c »chool house It ia surrounded try a tt ____ 10 to 25«: it File» ................... ................... Spring balances, bra»»........ 15 to 25c Postal Company in the otlice at Beattie, worh . cake....................... .... 5 to 15c ____ 15 to 25«^ 44 rich farming community with which ami leaves lid« evening for the Puget Glassware, creamer»............. Sprinkling cans.................... 15 A 25c Boxed paper»............. .. ISA 25c dish........................ tt .... 20 A 25c ___ 15 to 25c sugars ..................... it 1» connected by a farmer»' tele­ 44 “ •• toy........... 10e Bouinl metro|*olis, l<> enter u|>on bit Brackets, shelf and lamp .. 5 to 25c dripping............... ___ 15 to 25c .... 10 to 25c butters ................... phone line and also a long distance duties. <1 it 15 A 25c ____ 10 to 20c »pooners................. Mr». Batchwell will Join him Brooms, toy....................... .. 10 to 20c dust........................ .... 10 A 15c Squares, carpenters............. tt line. 1» on the Mage line, twenty ... 5c rt for 25c <4 tumblers................. 5 to 10c I later. " whisk.................... .. 10 to 25c frying.................... .... 10 to 25c Stationery, ink tablets ... tt ... 5c 6 fur 25c 44 mil«» east <>f Klamath Falla. “ jelly........ 4* pencil tablets................. 5c .. 5 to 25c Brushes, paint................... tt muffin .................... .... 10 to 25c •• engraved 8hc tt 41 tt boxed papers............... 10 to 25c tt artist«................. .. 5 A 10c pudding................. 7 and 8 in. frnit I xjw I s 15 to 20c .... 10 to 15c it tt tt The |>eoplo of Dairy were denied n pens, pencils, etc 25c '• Hl. " .. 15 to 25c cloth................... sauce...................... .... 10 to 25c KENO tt 4 4 15 to 25c dance thia week bv the offlclouene»» of ay nip pitcher ........... tt tt penholders................... 2% to 5c .. 15 to 25c hair..'................. patty ....................... ... 3 for 5c 4* gal water pitcher, 15 to 25c tt tt County Superintendent Wight butting in , XXXX envelopes 5 in, Keno I» aituateil in the Bouthern horse................... .. IStoffe tt Paper, writing tablet. .. ...2S to 10c and 5 in. sauce and endeavoring to stop contractor Nel- ' part of Klamath County, on the tt 44 6 in and in.......... 5c .. 5 to I '*<■ shaving ....... '... crepe............... 4 1-fic disf.es................. .... 7'gc roll tt • 4 ■on from using the school house for that « 4 XXXX envelopes 10 in 10c pkg 5 to 12Sc peppier and salts Klamath river, al the terminus of whitewash......... .. 10 t I toilet ............... ..~ 5 A 10c • 4 it pur|M«M<. It it l>a«l not been for the | navigation. Tvto steamers lami here; it cake stands »lands ....... ............... 15 to 25c composition and memo, .. 5 A 10c nail...................... napkin........... . .... 20c 100 4» everything lowest prices It heavy rain Friday altern«»>n and even- 1 mail, ex pre»» ami passengers are it books................................ 5 4 10c scrub..................... . 10 A 15c (¡lover canvas........................ 10 to 25c weights........... .... 5 to 20 3 44 log there wouhl have Iteen a dance any-1 tramlerrcd from tire »tage to the it • » novelties and notions .. 15 to 25c ( Qalvanized wash pans........... ■hoe.............. . . . . decorations... 15c . .5 to 25c doz 44 way, although the attendant-« might not ’ boat at tilin ¡oint. Adjoining Keno I. tt everything in thia line dippers ............... 10 to 25c stove.................... .. 10 A 15c novelties t< as large na if it had not l>een so unite« -1 on the west ia a large ladt of timln-r, 25c Paste, library tubes stock buckets........ 41 ... 25c . 5 to 20c tooth..................... •••••■•■• 5c Steroscopes, good.... it 25c oil can«................. ■arily interferred with. ** views, good .. . ..2l¿c each and on the ea»t i» a large laaly ol .. 10 to 25c tt Buckets, tin..................... Pens, steel ............... . ............... 5c doz chamber pails.... 25c 25c mar»h lamia. Near Keno, on the Button», collar, gold plat ,.2'tA 5c < lames, all kinds................... “ holders........... ................. 2*4 A 5c Stoves, alcohol........... 5 to 25c A large numlier of farmer» are happy- <4 44 river, it immense water |ajwer. Tele ­ cover lifters 10c 5c ln»< les, curk ...................... ,. 5 A 10c doz bachelor Pencils, lead............. ..........3 for 5c to 5c over the factllial their grain w a» threshed tt phone connection» with fell part» of 15c 44 “ hair................. .. 44 pokers ......... ... 5 A 10c cuff........ 10 to 25c pair coppying.... «luring the |*a«t week, although it I the country. Ila» a good school, two ............. 5c 4 I 10c Glass cutters ..................... »t polish........... 5c Candela, Christmas... «..ISA 10c doz Japanese goods................... right prices boxes........... rained nearly every «lay. The Kinney »tore» and two »aw mill». .............. 5. A 10c It it shovels ........ ... 10 A 15c .... 5c rt for 25c “ »ticks ............... . 25c holders.......... au«l Wallis-Niclihl» machine» have l»-«n Jars, butte r........................ ............. 5 A 10c milk........ ... 10 A 1.5c 25c Periumery ............ “ cracker........................ Canes, walking »lick» . ......... St . doing gixxl work. ........... 5 to 25c bot Strainers, Bam Pool is building a new house. 44 gravy and soup.... ... 5 to 15c 5 A 10c Hammers, tack ................... Can openers ................. .......... 5 to 15c Pitchers, cream .. .............. 10 . to 25c at tt Charles E. Drew has returned from J.I.. Padgett i« refitting hia barn, pre­ Caps, «bop...................... ....................... 5c 15 A 20c good................. tea and coffee........ 5c “ «yrup............. ................15. to 25c • t 25c his trip to I akeview, where he went to paring for winter. I>est................... String tags.......................... ... 5c 100 " heavy wool........ ......... ........... 25c tt “ water, 4 gal ............. 25c handles.......... 10c deliver some fruit trees. tt “ shipping........ ... 10c 10O Mr». Thomas McCormack has sup­ Cards, playing............... .......... 10 to 20c Handkerchiefs..................... 2S, 5, to 25c Pictures................. . ............. 5. to 25c tt 44 44 violin ....................... ... 5 A 10c 10c ......... .... 5 to 10c Handles, Mrs. Pott»........ birthday... plied herself with a new steel range. nails... ............. 2*4 to 5c it ** hammer................ 10c It tt Ye Kin Fish guitar..................... ... 5 A 10c Now look out for Romething g-xal to eat. Christmas . .......... 1 to 10c wire... ............. 5c 75 ft rt 5c ** plate.................... .... tt mandolin............... .. 5 A 10c New Years ...... ItolOc Hand bags...................... .. 10c doz to 5c each 25c Pins, beauty Blackey Hitchcock ia hauling lumber it tt 44 banjo....................... ... 5 A 10c post ... ?. ..... lc each 10c .. 5 A belt ............................ Hangers, |>ants. coat,(skirt .. 15 A 25c Through a blunder of Ilia laat lexisla- to Dorris. it it Strops, razor....................... ... 10 A 20c . .juat right Hardware notions ............... cases.......... .......... 19 to 20c blanket...................... 5c ture there i« only one county in the 5 to 25c tt Suspenders, boys ............. .. 10 A 15c Mr. Gowen ia getting some large Carving set« ....... .......... 25c Harmonicas.......................... chatelain ................... .. 10 to 25c atate where |eople cannot tlali for trout hewed timbera hauled to Teters Land- Hatchets, cheap.................. .. 5 A 10c It “ mens ................... ... 15 to 25c .......... 15 to 25c Card holders, wire. clothes ....................... .. 30 for 5c 25c Hatchets, good ............. thia winter, and that ia Douglas. The iug. it ..................... 25e Holders, candle................... 5 A 10c dot " punches .. “ spring............. 5c doz Table cloth, oil................... .. 20c yard repre»entativv from Dougla» county •» ti 15 A 25c cord .................. ......... 15 to 25c Cases, cigar ........... collar» ........................ • .. 10 to 25 : Tablets.................................. .. 2J4 to 10c Mr. Vanonnan is fitting his wagons 44 wanted some »|>ecial privilege« for hi» 5 A 10c cuff ................. It carpet, full count ... 2Sc box ’• spectacle... ......... 5 to 15c emblems, all orders 44 25c Tacks, a» (bough he meant to go south or bailiwick and proceeded to draw a bill holders, pencil 5 A lUc •« tt brasa upholsters. ... ... 10c 100 Casters, bed ........... ... .10 to 25c set 44 hair .. 3-10cdoz 25c photo rack.... embodying what he wanted, ilia do- some other place. tt tt “ for chair set ... 10c 100 44 ...10 A 15c bot Cement................. s A 10c tooth pick ..... bat .. 5A 10c »ire was to fix it ao hi» constituents 44 <4 The Kerns bovs have »old their beef Chains, cow^........ 44 hammers ................. ... 5 A 10c 15 A 20c whisk broom. . 25c lace............................ .. 10 A 25c could angle for trout when no other »ec­ to tho Mitchell firm. 44 44 Tape measures...................... 5c safety......................... .. 5c do« halter........ 25c Holiday gixxls of all kinds 44 tion of the »tile would have that right. rolling....................... tt at.. ............................. 5, 10, 15 A 25c .. 15A 20c Tea kettles, nickled........ 25 locket ... Conrad Madison 1» expected home 25c 44 25c The bill was presented, passed and scarf.......................... Hones, razot................. 5 to 25c “ 44 25c *' tin .................. 44 neck ....... 25c 10c kitchen............. toilet.......................... ... 80 for 5c Tea and coffee potts, tin signed by the governor. Now it tran­ thia week. He ha» been in the hoapital I 44 ... 15 to 25c watch, g. p. 10 to 25c Hooks, fish..................... 10 to 25c 100 Powder, toilet.... .. 10 A 15c “ pot stands................ spire» that so well did the di»tingui»hed in San Francisco and while there had ... 5 to 15c ... 25c doz “ talcum ......... Hooks, coat and hat.... .. 10 A 15c Teething rings................. 10 A 15c Chair seats ..................... one eye taken out. 5c reprenentative do hl» work that Doug­ ... 1 to 10c Pin trays............... Horns and trumpets... .. 5 to 25c Thermometers................. Calk, carpenter» ........... 3 for 5c .. 5 to 25c la» county i» »ewed up a» tight a» ever Now Baton: You will hear of a wed­ ... 5 to 20c Hose supporter»........... “ tortoise shell .. 5 to 20c 9 Thimbles........................... ... 5A 10c Chambers, open............ 25c ... 5 to 25c Pipes...................... “ all kind»............... .. 5 to 25c but the real of the »tate is looee. While ding soon. Thread, linen................... 8«c 5 to 25c Crockery, per piece ... 25c Jardiniere ...................... Plaques .................. .. 10 to 2Tx: the flahermen of Klamath, have no kick 44 carpet... ... 10 A 25c Plates, porcelain.. »H« Chamois skin^............. 5 to 15c Jewel boxes ................. .. 10 to 25c 44 coming, it i» to lie regretted that the basting.. 2Sc 25c dos ... 15 to 25c Kettles, preserving tin “ pie ‘i ... ..7U to 10c Checkers ........................ 5c set 44 Church Services 44 English, all numbers..' open season prevail» throughout the “ kettiee, preserving gran enameled . .. 10 to 15c Checker boards............. 5 to 15c 44 25c ite................. Tinware, all kinds at % price ■late, a» there are many aectiona need­ tin............. . 5c 45c doz 44 25c Kettles* stew.... Chessmen....................... 10 to 25c 5 to 15c woal.......... 50c per 100 Toasters....................... ing protection. However, it nmy result M. B. CHVBCH 44 5 A 10c Kites..................... Children'« knife and fork seta 25c handies. .. .. 5 A 10c Toilet paper............... .5 A 10c roll in bringing to tld» county what it ha»»o each 5 There is always a welcome for you at Pliers, steel................... .. JOA 15c Tooth picks, wood.... ,. 5c box 500 •• toys, «11 kinds........... 5 to 25c Knives and forks long needed, an open »ea»on when the ixjcket... '* “ holders ... 5 A 10c Grace M. E. church in their temporary China, decorated ware............. 5 to 25c Pocket books, all kinds .. 5 to 25c It 15 to 25c butcher.. fish arc fit to eat. T«x[ues.............. ... 15 A 20c Poet cards, Christmas,. .. 1 to 5c al place of worship, one block north of “ decorated cups and sau io to bread.... 44 tt New Years . .. 1 to 5c Towels, cotton............ tt 5, 8K to 15c 5 A 10c pairing .. Public School building. 44 «I cers............................ 25c 4» ‘ local views, bath, linen ... 15 to 25c tt .. lc each Platting Tract I '* mincing ........... 10 A 15c 44 4« 44 China novelties............... .... 5 to 25c comics......... Bunday Services: rings........... .. lc each 5c Lacee, »hoe, all colors, .. 2l# A 5c pr. 44 tt 44 albums........ 1 oilers 10c .. 15 to 25c ................... 25c Puff boxes............... Bible School................................... 10 a. ÎU Christmas goods............. .... 5 to 25c Lanterns....................... .. 10 to 25c Toys of all kind 5 to 25c ** cards................ ,... 1 to 10c ........ 10 A 15c Purses....................... . “ globes.............. i Don J. Zumwalt and M. D. William» Preaching..........................................11 a. tn .. 5 to 25c Toys just S price it bells ................. .... 10 to 25c 25c ........ ........... Lockets, gold plate ... tn Pocket books........... 8 p. I .. 10 to 25c Transfer pictures.. ... .1 to 5c do« of the Klamath County Abstract com­ Preaching........................ Y tt “ chains.............. ................... 25c Rattles, baby....... tree ornaments .... 1 to 25c .. .5 A 10c Lawn tennis, toy 10c pany left for Merrill Tuesday morning, Epworth League....................... 7:15 p. I tn ........ 15 A 25c Locks, brass pad .......... 44 tree candles... . .5 A 10c doz hones........... 25c Traps, mouse......... 5c A hearty welcome to all, where they will Iregin the work of plat­ “ pad iron.......... ........ 10 A 15c Razor 4< “ strops ........... 10c 20c rat ................. Cigars .... 2 to 5c Lunch seta, paper ........ ........ 15 A 25c P. CONKLIN, Pastor 44 ting and rub-dividing the lakeside Reflectors, lamp..., steel, No. O. 15c 25c “ holders............ .... 5 to 15c Imps, night............... ....... 15 to 25c Rivets 4< tract. They were accompanied by two ...................... BAPTIST CHCBCM •* No. 1 .. 10c box 15c “ glass ............. ................... 25c Rubber balls........... " cases ................. .... 15 to 25c 11 “ No. 1H 25c ... 5 A 15c crew» of a»»i»tants. Following the com­ Machine needles .......... Preaching service» next Sunday at 11 Clipsand tiles, paper ........ 5c pkg .... 5 to 25c Rules......................... .... 1 to 10c pletion of their lal>ors at Lakeside they o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Sun- " oil..................... ........ 5c Rulers, steel....... 12 in. 10c, 24 in. 15c Trumpets and horns. 15 A 25c ......... ............ 10c Trunks, toy or doll... .... 5c Magnets....................... ........ 21, A 5c Rings, will proceed to the Adams tract and day school at 10 o'clock and B. Y. P. U. Coat hangers............... gold tilled.... . .5c 0 for 25c ......... 25c Tumblers...................... mills ................. . Coffee 25c Marbles ......................... ,. .5 A 10c pkg perform a little contract. The work at 7:15 p. tn. Everyone Invited. ........ 10 to 25c Tweezers ..................... .... 5c 44 ........ 5 to 20c Sad ironb, toy........ •' toy............... .... 10 A 15c Masks............................ “ . '* handles 10c Vases, silvered ......... wilbeonaume alaiut three week» and ia .... 10 to 25c Matches, 1500 ............... ......... 10c tt pot», tin............... ,... 15 to 25c .... 10 to 25c 5 A 10c “ glass.................. one of the largest contract» ot the kind " hexes............... ........ 5 to 10c Salt and pepper shakers tt pots, granite.... 25c Measures....................... $ioo Rewnrd, |ioo .... 15 to 25c “ colored................ 15 A 25c ....... 5 to 25c Salvers, cake..................... over undertaken in thia county. tt ¡>ota, nickle plate 25c Memorandums........... . ........ 5 to 15c Sauce boats... . ............... . 15 A 2-5c Vaseline...................... 5c The reader« of this ¡»«per will hs pleaMd- to it strainers............. >... scrall toy............... 5c Mirrors......................... .2^e 30c do« 15c Views, stereoscopic... ........ 5 to 25c Saws, le»rn that there 1» al lr«»t one «treaded dlneaae 44 meat.... .... 10 to 25c 25c Vinegar and oil cruits Collars linen, men......... $io Reward .... 10c Mittens, warm............. ........ 10 to 25c that «-leni-e ran «'tire In all It« »tagr« and that 44 kitchen.. 25c ........ 15 to 25c Violins, toy................... “ ’ •• boys ........... 10c Mop stick» .................... ................... 15c la Catarrh "Hall'« Catarrh Cure la the only poe- 4 4 «• - hand.... “ strings............. 10c ......... ........... 25c dog . ’ . . ... 10 to 25c muscilage ..................... • • • • • 44 itiveciire now|known tothe medical fraternity. | «« key hole ................... 25c Wall pockets................. buttons, g. p.. .. 24 A 5c Muffin pans................. ........ 10 to 20c ___ 5 to 20 Will be paid for the return of dark Catarrh hein« » conetllntlonal dlaeaec, re­ << “ bone ... 5c doz Mittens, J. womans n <111141 ....... ........ 15 to 25c Scissors............................ ........ 5 to 25c Wash boards, toy........ 10c ** MlMritXM brown mare, white atrip on face, brand­ quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca­ •• pins, g. n.............. ... 10 to 25c Miseee ........ 15 to 20c Shears.............................. ........ 10 to 25c Waste paper baskets.. ...._____ 25c tarrh Cure is taken Internally, aotln» directly 44 ... 5 to 25c child« .... 5 to 25c ed 7B (connected) on left hip. Return upon the hlo«> Parties from outside] will please make our store your regular hind foot white and some white in face. F., held last evening in A. O. U. W. stopping and loafing place while in town. Plain St. Opp. Courthouse And^BRING THE CHILDREN. hall, the initiatory degree was conferred Address H. G. BUBBEY, KLAMATH FALLS We have a waiting room for ytQi and free hot coffee. on one candidate. ¡0-17 Ot Lorella, Oregon. I. A. DUFFY I 9 • x A t