Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 24, 1907, Image 8

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    I U-.
Rubber good* ol every description at
K K K Store.
Receiver Snyder of the Lakeview
land office was in the city thia week on
his way to Portland.
1 Pay the Freight
; g . heitkemper , jr .
Republican Block
- - Klamath Falls, Ore
< HBKcnys <
Fine Line of Fresh Candies
! I
Latest Novelties in Toys
!; All the latest Newspapers and ¡!
complete line of PIPES to select from
' [
Long Lake
Lumber Co.
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
All Kinds of Mouldings,
Band sawing and Turning,
All kinds of Finishing Lum­
ber now on hand.
Large assortment of Doors
and Windows made up and
ready for immediate de­
Can furnish an order on the
grounds for any sized build-
ing within twenty-four
Large stock of Flooring in
three grades.
W. O. HUSON, - Manager
t A Well Fenced Farm
Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? 4*
The’difference in cost of a good fence and *$■
a poor one is so small that it pays to buy ▼
a good one. I will have
* * A A
: * GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man *
Carload of Ell wood Fences
About May 1st. It costs nothing to examine them, but if fi
you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. jX
Everything that the farmer needs, I have.
it 4444 4* 44 44 4« 4* 414* 4« 4« 4» 414144414* 44 44 44 4* 4144#
allen hloan
MUbll uLlill^
E withrow
Maps, Plans. Blue Prints, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc.
Surveying and Irrigation Engineers
K K K Store.
Mrs. l*aniol Cronemiller returned
this week from a visit with her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Jay Beach, of Sau Francisco,
and will make her home with her son,
F. P. Cronemiller, publisher of the
Indies' coati, latest style* now in K Herald.
K K Store.
Blankets and quilts—K K K Store, t
See Ady for marsh lands.
Swell Hue men's Lail suits and over­
Judge Brower left today for Sprague coats now in at K K K Store.
nver.^expecting to be gone for about »
Herb Baldwin this week received in
the course ol business a 111) National
A special selected shipment of the bank note issued at Haului, Hawaii.
celebrated Acorn Brand men’s clothing
This is the first instance where national
just arrived at the Boston Store.
bank money has been received from any
Duck blanket lined and mackinaw of Uncle Sam’s insular possessions.
pant* K K K Store.
The swellest line of dress goods ever
Frank Grohs of the Rimrock ranch seen in Klamath Fall*, fresh from New
was in the city to take in the fair.
York at the Boeton Store.
9-29 t i
Swell line ladies’ walking skirts K K
W. F. Arant and wife was down from
K Store.
Crater Lake to take in the fair. He
Shoes for every member of the family states that the weather at the lake is
delightful rnd the opportunities for see­
at K K K Store.
ing this great natural wonder unsur­
The dance given by C. T. Oliver was passed.
a grand success, over 300 tickets being
Watch the bargain counter at K K K
sold. Engineer Hubbard of the Recla­
mation Service was awarded the prise
I rubber and duck coat* K K K Store. *
Men’s sweaters, sweater coats, neck
One of the interesting sight* to be
sweaters, cardegan jackets, silk and
seen here during the fair was the ex­
wool underwear at K K K Store.
Men’s cravenette rain coats |5 to |20 hibit of the Kiser Photo company of
K K K Store.
where be went on legal bu*iness.
Tlx- Klamath Wholesale Liquor House
Do you want a choice timber claim ’or I received its first consignment of liquor*
homestead? If so call at my office at Friday, and it was a sight that will not
once. Mark L. Burn*
soon las forgotten by those who saw it.
Among the visitors from Bonanza. Immense freight wagon*, hauled by 22
_ .....
during the
fair were----- well if a lint! teams, pulled up in front of the estab-
was published it would contain most of lishment and unloaded. It wa* a spec-
the population of that growing section, . tacular affair and one that will not lie
and the lack of space prevents such a j seen in this city for many a day, if ever
pleasant piece of work................................. i again.
‘‘Every drop pure,” is what can b«J Dv
.1... I 1...»
Do you know that I have all kinds
said of Continental whiskey, Water | of property for sale at a bargain. . Mark
Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F.' L.
' Burns,
‘‘ Falls, Oregon.
V. Rye. Sold by C. I>. Willson.
I FOR SALE—240 acres of land seven
C. F. Stone this week added another i miles lielow' Keno on the river. One
decision to hie already long string, when million live hundred thousand feet of
the case of S. ft. King vs. Fimina C. timber on the place. Good range. En­
Sloggy for land* near Fort Klamath wa* quire of Jack Connolly, Keno, Oregon,
decided in favor of the former, hie client. or come to ranch and take a look
Do not buy blended whiskey. When around.
you want pure whiskey see that it is
F. C. Eldred, who ha* been an em­
put up under the government’s "bonded
ploye of th«- Linkville Saddlery company
warehouse stamp,” a* is the Continen­
for sometime, has resigned and intend*
tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ engaging in the same business in Bo­
mandie rye and F. F. V. rye. Sold by nanza. He has given a contract for the
C. D. Willson.
erection of a brick building in that
Chat is Ulbv Che
Bave Been Placed In So many Bornes.
Cbev Sell Cbemselves.
The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the
Beautiful Nickel Finish
and the
High Class Workmanship
Embodied in all the good features of this range
is the
Economy of Fuel
Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range
Than A Malable Top
National and Niagara
Roberts & Hanks
Phone, 173
Emma Block
Our responsihil
ity ends when
you a re satisfied
Just Arrived
I tcrlasllng and Ihr most
Comfortable Spring made
Try Us lor Quality and Prices
Klamath Tails
Furniture Rouse
Successor to H. fl Boiler
The largest building and
the largest stock
The only grocery in Klamath Falls town, and as soon as it is finished he
that cute hams to suit customers.7A. L. will stock it with a full line of saddlery |
Brown, Melhase Block.
10-24-2t goods.
Captain White, Indian alloting agent,
is now at the Klamath Agency making
the final allotment to the Indians.
This would indicate that the time is not
far datant when the Klamath reserva­
tion will be a thing of the past.
«000 Rolls Choice Wall Papier
House Lining
All at popular prices
Baldwin the Hardware Dealer
Klamath Falls
We break sacks of corn meal, flour,
and everything »nd anything in that
14,275,135 is the amount the fruit
line to suit our customers. A. L. growers of Oregon will receive for their
2t crop for the present year, as estimated
Brown, Melhase Block.
Hello and how do you do. Grand big by Hon. W. K. Newell, President of the
ball at Keno, Nov. 1st, 1907. Music by State Board of Horticulture. In mak­
Krenshaw String Band. Supper at ing hi* estimate Mr. Newell <ioe* not
Hotel Keno. Good music, good *up]>er, deal with fancy prices, nor does he in­
good dance. Corne one, come all; have n clude the fruit that will lie consumed on
good time. Where at? Why at the the farm.
Big Keno Dance, Nov. 1st. Tickets for
The A. O. U. W. lodge this week re­
the dance 11.00.
ceived a fine specimen of mountaian 1
Thé Oregon State Dairy Assodktion g iat to be used during the coming win-1
will hold its annual session in Portland ter. The goat will be fel on alfalfa bay
Thursday and Friday, December 12th for aliout a mouth and by that time the
and 13th instead of the 19th and 20th. boy* will have a few candidates ready
This change assures »«me of the ablest and will give an exhibition that will .
beat even the bronco busting at the fair. I
speakers in the United States.
“There Is Only One Way
Of Judging The Future;
That is By The Past.”
Alva Beals, who has been visiting dif­
The only grocery in Klamath Falls
ferent parts of the United States and I that cuts ham* to suit customer*. A. L.
Canada, returned borne this week.
, Brow in Melhase Block.
Small tracts of well located tule marsh
A special flue shipment of ladies'
lands offered for one week at f20 per waists just in at tlie Boaton Store.
t I
acre. Abel Adv.
Mr*. Eva Bryant has accepted a po*i-1
BORN—In this city, Thursday, Oc­ tion in Mark L. Burns’ real estate office.
tober 24. 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. George
I-ev Neve) Johnson, the uian accused
W. Haviiin, two boys. This is the first of stealing a horse from Henry Jackson ,
pair of twins that the stork ha* left in , the Indian, was bound over to the cir­
this city since the home of Mr. and cuit court Tuesday by Justice of the
Mrs. John Uerling was gladdened by a Peace Nicholas.
like visit.
I Clarence Mitchell, eon of Mrs. George
Mi*» Maud Baldwin went to Merrill North an<l brother ol Mrs. VanSickle, is
today for the purpose of securing view* here visiting relatives and friend*. Mr.
of that section. One
of the collection Mitchell is in the L. S. navy end is now
__ t
Tule ------
lake ---
dis- I i ! vm
on tvrevvwi
|eave op . in/uvucv
from t vi»<$
|le CrUJIiCr
— be — a panorama
*------------ — of the ------
trict from the top of Stukel Mountain. 1 Yorktown which is in harbor at San
On receipt of two cents in stamps I Francisco.
will send descriptive literature of Klam- , The government says that Continen­
ath County to any address.—Mark I.. tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­
Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure ’
it is put up under it* supervision in
Attorney General Crawford wa* in
ware lieuse*. Sold by C. D.
the city daring the week, passing
through here on his way to Lakeview Willson.
Manufacturers of All Kinds of
Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a
WANTED—A good girl (or general
housework; 3 in family.
Write or I
phone Mrs. Rex Bo rd at Olene.
WANTED—lly married man, a JH>*Ì-
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gate* left this
lion on ranch, in neighborhood of Lan-
week for Hillsboro, called there by the
gell Valley preferred, Address P.
P. O.
serious illness of Mr. Gates' mother.
box 252.
10-17 21«
Extra large shipment of ladies', men’s
Take a look at Van Riper Bro*'. new
and children’s underwear just arrived
ad on page 5.
at the Boston Store.
9-20 ♦
Just Arrived—A large stock of heat­
FOR KENT-A six room bouse.
ing stoves, all kind* and rises. We can
V 2tH
make you prices to suit a fiat pocket Mason A Slough.
book. Virgil A Son.
Mr*. F. H. Thompson, who ha* been
It will pay you to purchase your fall visiting relative* in Brownsville, ha* re­
men’s suit*, ladies’ and children's coats, turned to the Falls.
Exclusive agency at K K K Store
everything in the line of drees goods,
»lioesjand rubber* at price* to suit your for Stetson and Thoroughbred Hal*, ♦ ,
pocketbook at the Boeton Store.
Felt boot* ami rubber* of all kind* at
uying your jewelry or hav -
ing your work done at HEITKEM-
PER'S will surely result in your be­
ing satisfied.
My stoek of High Grade
Jewelry is as fine as can be procured, and
my work—well, let my pleased customers
tell you about that.
All work guaranteed absolutely for one
Musical Instruments. Phonographs, Records.
Supplies, Strings, Sheet Music, Etc. A
big line to select from. Send for
City Prices.