Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 24, 1907, Image 7

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    444444144444444 444
| The College Hero.
»¿«FW J-z«44444444444444444444
’ Locomotive No. 8. |
n.4'/44444444444$444<4444444 444444^444?
Expressing the Baby. |
»444444444444444444444444444444444444. t
|t'<>l>yrtght. 1W, by Homer Hpragua.)
(Original )
I Original J
Whether Tom Trotter wan n huccc
Tonv Drayton, locomotive engineer,
During tin. 11 Incus of Mrs. Dolittle,
or uot In college de|M<nds upon what lost bls sweetheart by death. From Wife of Dan Dolittle, carpenter, her
■ uccohh Is, Tom wuh the poorest stu­ thut day Tom wus marked for melan baby win in cure of her sister In itose-
dent and the best fellow at th<* uni­ choly, but when h>* seemed to have field, fifty mllea away. At the moth­
versity. He would have linen popular transferred bls affections to his engine •r*a recovery. the father having a
unywny, but the* fact that he carried Ills friends bad hopes for him.
job in ItoscfleM und not wiidilng to
For two months No. R nnd her ongi ■pend the time hliusclf on the Journey
bls college to victory on numerous oc­
casions on the gridiron CAcIted an eh . m*er hnd tin* ls*at of luck. Then camo back. It occurred to him to send the
tliiiHlasm which. Iiad he lived among un accident by which they were child home tinder cure of the baggage­
the ancient Greeks or Bomans, would ' thrown Into the ditch No 8 was pret­ man of the train, whom lie knew well
ty well amushed, und Tom Drayton bad
have Insured bls worship as a g'*!
lie found a little c hest that would de
i lb c and a leg broken. The first In very veil for a traveling <-rlb. f U m b I m -
Tom Mood nix feet two In his stock
Ing**, was of gigantic frame and Iron i:t*Ly ho nr*di* after the surgeons bud ter lined It with blankets, put a feather
muscle. I'oHslbly Ice might have* b-.iru
fixed him up and It'* bad regulm*! con- pillow In tin bol'ont and when all was
cd Homc ihllig from tils boule-c bid II" • clou iio * ih wns after bls pet, IL* said ready depotdt.Ml the child. Dan pul on
spent any time over them, but how nothing of his own hurts. They did not a t ig ns a precaution In cn >• the con­
win li<* to |H*ml l!ini* over his Imokn count. There huh n week or so In tents fell Into other bund>. than the
when lie was obliged to l-c* liead and which tine master mechanic did not baggageman, addressing the. elicit to
"Mrs. Daniel Dolittle, Blrkvllle. This
front or ec i v iitlilctle club at tie* Uni­
versity? \ml tm" was tn* Io I m * drop I >w whether to scud No. 8 to tho Side Up With Cunt. Gia-
ped ul f.illure to pit*. ■ Ills oxamlmitloll c scr ip heap or tin* re|Mtlr »hope. They no prevarication In mar
when he* was iicH'dcul to run tie* college did not b ll this to Tom, but be* seemed for the* baby’s bottle wu
and a
athletic i mid was comdantly adverti .- t<> realize the crisis. and lie fretted mi l for use. There were n Hi
Illg tile college by the fainoiis vb torb I worried until the* doctors wore* mysti­ staple to hold the lid
he wmi for It? The truth Is that tin* fied. Then word wns brought one closed, but It was not Hit»
faculty, realizing tin* Importanrs* of morning by th'* fireman that "sweet lid should be closed. Jus
keeping lilm alluiit on the utilvvrslty Iwart" nils to I m * repaired mid made ns time the father carried his baby to the
ktutlon und turned It over to the bug
curriculum, clld more worrying about
goocl ns new, mid within nn hour th«* gageman, who received It willingly, set
how to pull him through hl» exam«
than tic* did ii I mhii pulling through them diM'torc saw such n cluing** In tin* big It on n trunk and put the nipple on
the bottle into the youngster's mouth.
himself. \ Piiliirc to »In mi Important num that they wore mystified again.
No. 8 mid Tom were put back on the
An hour lut.-r Dan Dolittle saw nn
game* would till him w ith iles|Mindrncy,
A failure at examination m-ver (roti old run. nnd for the next tlirci* years "extra" announcing that a bridge had
tiled him at all
they were lii 4 wny public* c bumeters. br'«' n under the train on which In*
"Howsoever tln'»e things be," as the , Not mi accident of any sort happened h.nl sent Ills baby and let tl><- first two
poet Hays, by lnM>k or by crook Tom 1 them. Other locomotives were ditched, cars Into the* river. He run to the sta­
was dragged nhmg till In* came to Ilin caught in collision or beeanu* victims tion and, getting on a relief train, went
to the seelie of the accident Th<- bag
graduation examinations. Tie* words
to spread mils. Other engineers wore* gage- cur waa partly Immersed, the bug
"by hook or by crook" may I m * taken i >
literally, for he made no pretense to killed or discharged or maimed for life gage nt an had been killed or drowned,
walking a straight nnd narrow path nt i No matter for snow or ruin or fog or aud there wus no sign of the baby.
Dan worked nil the afternoon mov­
his axainliuitloUH, and be one* actually * darkness, the pair could be counted on.
ing trunks and hunting for bls child's
ums | u wire liisik on which he hud I However. Iron and steel will not ul
strung n lot of s|H*ctnl problems. These ways Inst. Indeed, they grow old fast body without avail. While he was at
be could pull up Into htu »lecvi* by a er than flesh nnd blood. There came a work his wife, who knew the baby
string nt a moment's notice. But now day when No. h begun to limp and was on the wrecked train, arrived, and
Tom's "fliinlu" stared him In the face, complain. For three mouths Tom tin­ he was obliged to announce to her that
the chl!<! I.nd doubtless been thrown
not only him, but tin* faculty nnd ev
kered aud patched uud concealed her out of the car door, which was o|«en at
cry man lu college.
As the esnmlnatlona were coming on. ! condition, but this could not go on for the time of the accident, and burled un
there enmr also n champion men» of |
base Im 11 with the t'uivvralty of Y. Ev- I aud speed and Io be tukeu with queer tom of the river. The poor woman
erybody knew that Tom must ls*«r the •pells, nnd one day the master me­ waa hysterical. Dan l*gged her to go
whole weight of the gnme himself. chanic overhauled her and pursed hla home, but she would not till she knew
One acclileiil after another hud hap­ llfcs und turned bis back on the* engi­ something of the manner of her baby's ♦
death. Ko be let her stay till the
pened to deprive the team of good neer.
wreck had been removed, but ns there
men, to I m * replaced by Inferior ones.
"What is H?’ asked Totu lu ansiona
were still no Indications of what had
When the game came off. Tom was
Isw-onie of the child husband and wife
there In all his glory. Stimulated by
"Hhe han lived her day as a paaaen* went to their desolate home broken
the work Is-fore him, tie ■urpasaed any­
thing be hnd ever done on any field. g<*r engine, She may last for another hearted.
▲ month passed witbout any develop­
He would nend the tmll far up Into the year on freight, You will have to
ments as to whether the baby had l>een
sky. then keep on running as long"hn change to No. 17 after thia run "
there were runs to make. When the
Big T<>tu walked away without an­ crushed or drowned. This uncertainty
game wan I)ul.bed. with n entailing de­ other word nnd sat down In the* dark­ worked upon the mother's mind, and
feat t<> the enemy, Tom was carried est comer of the roundhoune nnd there was no comfort for bar. Had
tn triumph on the shoulders of the brooded. If some one had told him her child died In Its tied she would
doubtless have recovered from the
team to hln room, where lu* held a re­
that on the morrow lie must divorce atxs-k In time. But she brcssled over
ception for the Tent of the day.
The next wonting "Linden inw an­ or abandon n wife lie could not bnve the |s»or little thing's horrible taking
other nigh«" Tom was sit ling In an taken It worse. After two or three --ft till Dan tiegan to fear that lie would
examination room. Hr bad been struck hours he walked about, but men left I have to scud her to n sanitarium.
One morning there was a heavy rat­
by a bull the day Is-fore mt the fore­ him to himself. The report bud gone
head nnd tn milking n sliding run bad out, mid they were sorry for him. Ills tle of wagon wheels on the street lie-
rubbed the nkltt off his leg. No record run teas to begin al o'clock thut eveu- fore the d<s>r and a sharp ring at th.*
was mndo of these mishaps nt the Ing. mid tin* went her promised n wild bell. ’Mr». I*»»little answered the call,
time, nnd a few students (t nil tors to night. Some said that he would wan­ and nn express wagon driver handed
college glory) hinted that they had der away and not lie there to take tils her n book nnd a js-ncll to sign for a
ucver iMTiirreil. He this as ft may, train out. but they were mistaken, lie package. Kile signed wonderingly, and
Tom's head was Isnind up with a cloth, wus on time, nnd to nil outsiders he the man delivered an oblong I m » x . on
nnd n pnlr of cruti lies repo-ed In the suppressed tils feelings To his Are- It was a tag with the address; "Mrs.
scut next l<> him. Behind n tnblo on n man be said In a volet* hardly nlsive u DattlCl J'ollttle, Illrkvilh*. Tills Side I'p
With «'are. Glass." Mrs. Dolittle nn
rabed dnls sat a prufv***<i>r. livery oc­ whisper:
cupation Ims Its di*<ngreeahlo features,
"Ben. the sweetheart has got to go. h<-<>l.od the lid und opened It.
"Mother of heaven!" she exclaimed
nttd the man who wns wrapped In the This I ; her la-t trip before the* coech<*s.
subject he endeavored to engraft Into '1 hey are going to put her on the aud forthwith fainted.
It hapftened that It was uoon. and
others was obliges! nt examinations to freight."
make n spy of himself He kept bis
"But you know she Is getting old." Dan was momentarily expected home
from bls work. How long it was after
eyes on the window Instead of the replhsl the fireman.
stinlents, where they should have liecu,
"But they shan't dlsgrai e and liumlll- the* receipt of the package Indore It*
and Tom kept his eyes on Rome sheet*» ^i!e her. D<> you henr -they shan't do arrived cannot be known, but It was
of paper b-.*iwis*n which some of the
NI k ' h IsM'ti g'ssl and loyal aud true, probably very noon. Then* in the hall
was his wife lying on the floor uncon-
problemk In the list were solved. But 1 I and I won't have It."
Tom found It difficult even with the
"Mnyls* they will change* their minds scions ls-slde the Identical chest In
whh li he bad placed her child before
solutions Is-fore him ti. get them Into tomorrow."
hlso wncxainlnnt ion pn|s*r wit bout copy­
The engineer turned away without sending it homeward, and In It was
ing them figure for figure. No sleight another word and busied himself nbout that child, looking att ruddy ns nn nil
of hand would enable him to do this the departure, nnd promptly on the tumn npialc*. pulling away on a tcottle.
If Dan hadn't lx*en a mnn lie would
without detection. The professor who minute No. S steamed out of the depot
could see the transaction plainly, or ! as proudly ns ever In her'life. There probably have fainted too. As It was.
rather would not gee It nt nil, finally i wns n gale nnd a downpour of rain. he rushed for water, sprinkled it In bis
gave way to cpinlnia of conscience, nnd She liegnn to slip nnd strain und wife's face nnd brought her to. By
getting up from Ills chair walked slow­ wheeze* ere she hnd gone n mite. At this time her senses were ready to re
ly down to Tom's seat, giving bint am­ the* Junction, ten mllvs out. she had i reive the Impression that her baby was
ple time to cover up anything to In­ lost two minutes' time. Tin* fireman alive mid well. She* ^natched It from
criminate him. Tom laid a large square looked at Big Tom and saw him shak­ its traveling crib and hugged it to her
blotter on the "pony." Others were ob­ ing his head mournfully. When the breast, covering It with kisses. Then
servant of wliat was going on, nnd tho signal to go ahead hnd been given, the »be put It back and covered Dan with
kisses. Then she cried n little nnd
professor had no choice but to demand engineer turned aud said:
to s»*e what was under tho blotter.
"Son. I want you to climb over th.* laughed a little, never for a moment
Tom looked embarrassed.
tender on to the platform of the bag wondering how her child could come
"I'd rather not show you that, pro- gag«* car. When 1 check her up you back to her In this strange manner.
fgMor,” ho nnld.
are to cut me loose and brake the train But Dan, spying a note In the chest.
opened It and rend It. It explained
“For what reason?”
to n standstill."
"Heavens, but you can't do that!" matters.
A abort distance below the scene of
Tito students sitting about nnlckered. shouted the fireman.
"Nevertheless I must Insist on see
"But I will do It. Don’t say another the accident lived an Ignorant, stupid
lug It."
word. We have been partners for German couple. Neither of them heard
Tom heaved a great sigh from hia three years and I don't want to hurt of the bridge breaking down, and If
enormous cheat which sounded like tbs you, but by the gods of heaven you they had they would never have con
wind coming from tho cavo of ¿Coins will do ns I order or I will throw you nected It with what followed. The
Gorman waa coming across the river
and lifted the blotter.
from the cab!"
Tbelplcture of a woman In a dccol-
“There will to* nn accident!” gasped In his punt when be saw a floating
lete dress with a wealth of black. the other.
box. The tvater waa smooth, and the
whirlpool hair nnd flaring eyes—only
box sailed along right aide up. The
“Will you go?"
this and nothing more.
The mnn wns dangerous. There was man tis»k It In, pulled out the hook,
"Professor," said Tom in tn injured a light in his eyes no one bad ever raised the lid and saw a baby, it was
tone, "you have com|>elled me to expose aeon Icefore nnd on hla mouth n smile unconscious, and he supposed It dead.
the picture of the girl ( love. I can't gat that was positively wicked. The fire­ Taking It to his hut on the bank, his
up my pnpers without tiring Inspired man crawled over the coal and disap­ wife gave it some warm milk, and It
by an iN'easlonal glance at her, so I peared. A moment later the speed revived. The woman, who was child­
brought her."
of the engine was checked nnd was less, lielleved the Izird had sent her
Tho professor apologised mid retired. freed from the train, and with a wnll- the baby nnd would not give It up.
Ha knew well that the photograph had lng blast from the* whistle she leaped She kept It a month, when her hus­
Isten piircffased from a shop window, forward Into the darkness. Ten miles band, discovering that it waa costing
and beneath It lay a “pony.” But he Mown the line n great tree ha<l blown him a good deni of milk nnd fearing
had done tho lettmf if not the nplrit across the track. She wns running nt they might get Into trouble If they
of hla duty.
fifty miles an hour when she struck kept It, prevailed upon her to send it
That evening there wan a move from It, nnd her big engineer was smiling on according to the* address on the
Uta campus to Tom’s room. A crowd nnd chuckling nnd patting her and tag. So he took It to an express office,
of students having hoard that ho hnd saying:
where the clerk nfter pondering awhile
panned hla final examination the one i "No freight for you and me*, sweet- whether to accept such fragile freight
that wan regarded Impassable went, a heart. This Is the end of our rnllroad concluded to pass It on. especially ns
mighty throng, to do him honor. Tom Ing."
It would be delivered within n couple*
A crush, an explosion, it burst of of hours. It Is probable that nt the
came forth, stood on the chapel nteps,
bowad profoundly and announced that smoko nnd steam nnd flame, nnd then time of the accident the lid closed, the
he would be entered at the next term big Tom nnd his sweetheart were done book slipped Into the staple, the box
wlttPtt. They had lived for each other wns thrown Into the river and floated
for a poatgraduate course.
Tlion there was a roar to drew» and died with each other.
to the German.
?• QU8D.
Help the Editor.
An Oklahoma editor puts forth thia
plea: "My friend, help tls- editor In
bin wide i-yeil search for news. When
your friends come to you, Jf you are
not ashamed of It. tell him-, when your
I wife gives ii tea party. If you will
have recovered from the effects of
the gossip, drop In with the news;
^when ii huhy arrives fill your pockets
with cigars mnl call; if you go to a
party, steal some of tho good things
mid leave ’em with tho Item In our
san< turn. If your wife licks you, come
In mid let us * i* your scars and tender
sympathy through the paper. If your
mother In-law has died, don't ba bash­
ful about It; give In all the common-
(dace uews.
In short, whatever
mnkeH you feel proud, sad. lorn-some
or glud submit it to our twenty-four
carat wisdom and >•-•? our matted Jock
part and stand up on end with grutl-
t ide, which will [xjtir from every pore
with moisture from a dew besprinkle !
earth."—Topeka State-Journal.
ALEX MARTIN. President
Al,EX .MARLI N, Jr.. Cashier
E. K. REAMER, Vice-President
LESLIE KOGERS, Aast. Cashier
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
JUNE 29, 1907.
J cehoiiu em
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I 314.tHi2.70
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Real Estate, Buildings and Fixtures
(.'ash and Night Exchange...................
... I 100,000.00
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledgeand believe
Ai.xx .M aktix , Ju., Cashier.
Fubrcribed and »worn to before n e this 8th day of July, 1997,
[ sxal ]
a . M. W obdcb ,
Notar j Public for Oregon.
F'lrsat Class
1*1 ttiiiliî njr
of fill Idrici»
Lowe *«it
of I’riees
Laundry Trays
li. BOIVIN, the Plumber, Agent,
Klamath Fallt. Oragoa
beaunlvHy tlluSrtled. fnnd »tone*
•ad u U c J m .boot CaUioma
ud all 8 m far W«L
• T***
AH for
• • •
Lakeside Inn
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc
P atents
D esigns
City Meat Market
Anmne «en*!!r.< a rich «nd de-erfpt Ion idm
quietly n»c*rt.nn <>r»r <»pit ¡- ii free whether nn
invention »« prt.bnbiy psleDta?>ie. ( < nimunlc«»
Uou«Mindly < »ntkivntlid. HAhuobOK <•»
»cut free, oldest agency for securing patent«.
Patent« talen through >lunu A Co. receive
tprcwl notua, «MhouC charge. In tbe
A handsomely !11u*fr«f e l weekly. T arve«t cir­
culation < f any »f ientffl ’ Journal. Term«. |3 a
ipir : f *ur nivntba, f L bold by all newsdealer*.
Scientific American
& Co.3S’BrMd"*’ New York
Branca UCBoe, OS F SL. Ws»biu«mn. D. C.
Bring Results
Such is the popular verdict of our
Advertisers. Mr. Business Man, you
will do well to try the Republican
columns, as it is read by practically
everyone in this city. Get in the game