Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
e » CITY WASTED -A guod girl <>•’ gener.l IliiRS'—In thi. city. Haturdar, tkto- houaewurki 3 in family. Write *►* ber. It, HMC, to Prut ami Mr« J. phone Mr*. Rea Hurd at Diem • Swan, a aun. Mr. ami Mr». Harry Fell*. with • WASTED By married tuan. a puai- patty oí friend*, eujoyed • rt.lmig trip thin un ranch, in tiaighborhoud of lain- to Clvar Creek till. week. gvll Valiev preferred, Addre*» I’. <» Extra large ablpuieiit >d ladle» , m-’ii - l>ox 10-17 St* • ml children’» underwear ;>i.t arrived I . A. Crance 1» 4<>wn from Fort Klam •I the Ho.tun Mure. * •th tor the lair. For the la-nctll of the new Melb-.llat Ju.t trnvvd- A large at>s k ot heat church, the I «.Ilea Aid Society aillacrve ing atuve*. all kinda ami *i*ee. We can a good lunch III the Kel*ev block, oppo make v<>u price* to amt a Hat pocket •He the American hotel, during til- • ii three day* «>( the lair. book. Virgil A Son. Mi** Lula Straw ia "ti a with lol; KIM t »v r-.ui I — ’ friend, at Medford. Man'll A -dough. See the Home Bakery'* new a.I on Col. <’ v t’ugwwvll and i.vo'. M page 7. Mapleton, t wo well km-wn atlortieV« ot The Me liitirc lr.iu«|-station < .m|si Portland, |»a.m>d through tin» city ny »uctaine 1 the Io»« of a valuable mule Monday on tlivir wav to lak-view. where they g” I" atten-t ■ >-irt. thic week, due to Colic. VYING YOl’R JEWELRY OR HAV- ing your work done at HEITKEM- PER’S * ill surely result in your be ing Mtislied. My stoek of High Grade Jewelry is as tine as can bo procured, ami my work—well, let- my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments. Phonographs, Records. Supplies. Strings. Sheet Music, Etc. A big line to select from. Send for catalogue. B City Prices. ; g . 1 Pay the Freight It will pay you to purvliam- vour tall nieti'a »uila, ladle»' ami children’a coat», everything in the line of lire«» good». •hue* ami rubl>er» al price* to amt your pocketbook at the Boaton More, ♦ - - Klamath Falls, Or e H. E. McKinney returned Friday l to Kelao, Waahington. « jinKenrs « i I i I l I Ladiea* coat*, lateat atylea now K K Store. F ne Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Ttys ; All the latest Newspapers and Magazines i Most complete line of PIPES to select from Long Lake Lumber Co. Manufacturer* of All Kinds of LUMBER Cabinet Work. Sash and Doors. AH Kinds of Mouldings. Band sawing and Turning, Odd-Siied Doors and Windows a Specialty • PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors . and Windows made up and ready for immediate de livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build' ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. O. HUSON, Manager 3 A Well Fenced Farm « a 4 * T 4 Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? The’difference in cost of a good fence and a poor one is so small that it pay« to buy a good one. I will have <£ A Carload of Ellwood Fences 4jf A t- About May 1st. It coat* nothing to examine them, but if you investigate you will be *nrpriM<l how cheap they are. Everything that the farmer need», I have. 4 GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man jg 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* X ALLEN “LOAN Secretary Abstracting ,^,~w .Map*, Plan* Blue Print*, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineers That is /tv The /\ Chat If Ulbv Che NATIONAI CROWN Hav* H««n Placrd In So tr.inv Bom 4 Cbcv Sdl Chemselves. The Wonderful S ucccms ot These Stoves is Excluaive agency at K K K More (or Stet. -ri arid riioruugtit>rv.| Hat,, r Beautiful Nickel Finish and the High Class Workmanship Embodied in nil the good features of this ri is the Economy of Fuel Blanket» and quilla—K k k Ke* E. Bold went to Sau Antoni», Tela», thi* week. Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Than A Mutable Top Swell line uirn'l fall »Ulla and over F. H. Mill* returned thi* week from coat* now in at K K K Store. • Silver ladle where he liaa Iieen on Um- Mr Fiah, o( Paaa-lena, who waa here < her buaineaa. for a few day* on buainea». returued See Ady lor rnarah land*. t home Monday. Dr. C. P Manon returned from Tort • WASTED— Poatllon •• oaok and land, after a vigil of aeveral week* dura- houaekeeper on ranch. I'leaae alate , lion. WhUe away lhe iMctor wa* lucky •alary paid Addree* Mr* Jennie Belt, enough to aecurv a very valuable timber Summer Ijike, Lake Co., Oregon 2t* | claim. While brant by the thouaand have A apecial aelected ahipmrnt ot the , been going auuth fur the pawl tew -lay*, celebrated Acorn Brand men'* clothing and muat ot lhe hunter* are »uttering juat arrived at the Boe ton Store. ♦ (rum a "krU'k in lhe neck watching H. V. tiatee arrived here Friday to the flight. look after hia exteneive mtcreeta in thia The awelleel line ot drv»a 1 gvmf. ever city. •wi) m Klamath Falla. fre»h fn-m New »-3B • Duck blanket lined and mackinaw York at the Bueton Store. pant» K K K Store. t Col. W. II. Hol*bir<l, lhe Mg” 'd Peli Hon. H. L. Rcnaon went to Lakeview can Bay. came down from that noted re Monday where he will u|wn the tall •ort Sunday anJ continued auuth Tura- ■lay morning. The Colonel will n<>l term of court. come here again until neat Spring, Swell line ladie«’ walking akirta K K when he will give the tr"'il a run lor K Store. ♦ i their money. Readet* >f lhe Republican are cord tal Watch lhe bargain counter at K k K ly invite«I to make thi* office their a Store. headquarter* dunrg the fair. There Rev. Father Feuai • ill g> to Merrill will be plenty ot writing material al your diapoeal and it will be a convenient Saturday, where lie will .ay maaa >>n Sunday. There will I« no HllliM in place to have your friend» meet you. the Catholic church in this city, a. a Shoee for every member of the family reault. at K K K Store. ♦ Men » matkinaw, leather, • corduroy, Superintendent Wilaon ul the Agency rubl.-r and duck cunta K K K Store. • waa in the city Tueaday. J. D. Horning ami family Irli thia Men'» aw eater», aweater c<«ta, ne- k morning for Medlord, where they «V aweatet*, cardegan jacket*, ailk ami j*ct to remain permanently. wool underwear at K K K More. t A »pan-lai tine ahipmcnt trf ladiee* T. E. smith, of Minnesota, I* viaiting waiata ju»t in at the Buaton Store. y hia brother, J. C. Smith ot thia city. George C. North l* in from Ina home- Men'* cravenette raincoat* 1' to |20 at ad fur auppilea. ♦ K K K Store. The gov An men t aaya that Continen Th-- Weal Side .table* have le-en tal whlakey. Water Mill wtnakry, Nor leaded by R. P. Breiten.tein and John mandie Itye ami F. F. V. It)« u pure Cablcr. for it i* put up under it» .u|«rVMiioti in Sold by C. D. Small tract* of well located lule marab bunde-l war-.heuaea. | land* offered for one week al *3U |«r Willaon. acre. Al«l Adv. •) The Steamer Klamath will make a Clark'* vaudeville »how will hold the »|>ecial trip to Keno lor the pur|«Mi«-4 board* at lhe opera houae during lhe taking down those who desire to meet the escoraioniala. The round trip rate fair. will he 11 .25. On receipt of two cent» in »tamp* I I*o yon know that I have all kind* . will *end deacriptive literature of Klam ath County to any addre-«.—Mark L. »f pro,*-rty for «ale at a bargain. Mark L. Burn», Klamath Falla, Oregon. ♦ Burn*, Klamath Fall«, Oreg>>n. '/ Hardin J. Harter died at hi* home In C. I. Roberta »old one ol hi* iota on Tenth atreet to C. G. High, who will i Yreka l*»t week. Hfc was an old pio neer, and wa. one of the prominent . cred a cottage thereon at once. ciiixen« of Hi.kiyou county. He i* aur- I>o yon want a choice timber claim or I vived by in. wife and tour children, one home.tead? If »o rail at my office at of whom i. If. M. Harter, of thi* city, once. Mark. L. Burn* 4 wiio went to Yreka to attend the fun R. Harter returned Sunday evening eral. from Yreka, where he l>a<i been en FOR SALE—240 acre* <>f land »even ing the funeral of bi* father. mile* Iwlow Keno on the river. One “Every drop pure,’’ i» what can l>e million five hundred thAi»aml feet of »aid of Continental whi.key, Water timber on the place. Good range En- ruiir* of Jack lar k fVirinollv li .•■>,. n,,....... Mill wbi.key, Normandie Rye and F. F. <|'iire Connolly, Keno, Oregon, Hold by C. or come 1« r ranch and V. Hye. Sold 0. D. Willson. Willaon. f 4 “”'’h “ '"l ’ take *L“ * a ‘ look '" L around. 7-11-tf The Fruit Grower, one of the beat known farm journal, of the middle Meat ' W. L. Albright ami wife.of Peteraburg publhhed at Ht, Joseph, Mo., ha* an Florida, who have been viaiting their old extended write-up in it* October i»*ue. friend*, Mr. and Mr*. John Kilin, re When Each county ia given attention, and in turned P> their home Sunday, thia reapect Klamath fare* handsomely. became here Mr. Albright thought he That it will Ire productive of much good coul i remain but ten day* but n« w*. »„ I charmed with the beaulie* of thib county i* certain. ' that be «(tended blaaojourn to a month. Do not buy blender] whiskey. When Mr, Albright i* interested in Klamath you want pure whi.key see that ifl» county property. put up tinder the government’« “bonded warehouse «tamp," a* la the Continen- ' WALL PAPER- WALL PAPER WALL PAPER tai whi.key, Mater Mill whi.key, Nor •KAMI Rolla Choice W*U Pa|*r manille rye and F. F, V. rye. Hold by Hou*« Lining C. D. Willson. All at popular price* Major and Mr*. C. E. Worden ami Baldwin the Hardware Dealer Mr. and Mr.. Alex Martin, Jr., went to Klamath Fall* $ Crater Lake Sunday, returning Monday Jam«* Grime. »u.taimd never« injur noon. Thi* i* the first automobile that ha. lieen able to go clear to the rirn of ie* lant Sunday while engaged in unload UJljd’-k* with a full brad of j<*>enger*. ing the launch Lueetta. lie dipped AND NIAGARA STtîlîL RAN'(¡E$ 1 Peter Perry, the well known l.<at . builder, left tor Portland tin. week, where lie ex|-rct. to remain pertua nently . C. A. Telford returned thi* week to Re>t Bluff. Calif., where he I. employed Fell boot, ami rubber, of ali kinda al by the S. P. Co. ♦ K K K Mere. Rubber go-da of every description at J. E. ll-vigr returned Irvin Mvdlutil K K K Store ♦ Monday. heitkemper . jr . Republican Block HORN In thia city, tklolvr I'.’. I’-«’’, to Dr. and Mr*. F. M. White, a aon BRIEFS National and Niagara Roberts & Han Phone. 173 Emma Bk Our responi ity ends w, you arc O stermoor MATTRESS HUHI NOI SIUMtD 4V|| Just Arrivi A Ml IP MF M Leggett Spritti * J-jHIli*"'" î TL j Ttyr CUAHANÎMO g NOT TO MAT OR PACK TLt I «cria.ting sad tka komfortable Sprtag Try Us tor Quality and Prices | Klamath Tails Furniture fio Awcieaaor to R. "1 Hollar E. W. GILLETTE k CO. Make home comfortable by puL QUICK MEAL STEEL W 4 in your kitchen The 1 s/ove made I tlic mo I I ' I II 1 E dealer