CRATER LAKI NATIONAL FARS ( a.’_______ Klamath Co Soon be Here 1 year will thousands . A/.iVtwT iV'tS PER ACRI ituizr LAMI WHEN COMING TO KLAMATH FALLS BE SURE AND MAKE MY OFFICE YOUR HEADQUARTERS, is I ¡¡.i\ • ... . , glad to furnish it to you free of clrarge. PLUNGERS AND BOOKIES. Previous F«w of Either Survive Many Financial Gales. nna«-r tnelr 'marge aa have the really observant men who make a bnalnew of betting if anything the oplnioo of the dispassionate handicapper or «to il ent of form Is more desirable The majority of horse owners get financial Indigestion from betting on their own horse* la the last twenty years there baa been only one man who is known to have been successful at beating tin race track game to a conspicuous de gree. says the Broadway Magazine Ths Great Assouan Dam. That was George E. Smith, better Sir William Garston has recommend known as Pittsburg Phil. ed that the great dam at Assouan. He wus 4 genius, an«i Egypt, be raised nearly twenty-three rare. feet, which would more than double He [«aid for his success with his life, the present water supply. The dam He got so that he was a monomaniac now supplies about a quarter of the He thought, talked and had interest water which eventually will be needed only in racing, The passion consumed In Egypt. With the proposed enlarge him. ment about 000.000 acres of land would Nearly all the men who were promi be brought under cultivation. The nent as big bettors on the turf have change would coat about 97.500,000 fallen by the wayside, Michael F. Since the establishment of the Assou Dwyer, wh«xu- wagers were coloqpa). an reservoir the sale value of lands went broke. suff«-red complete physical already provide«! with perennial irri collapse and was a wreck gation has Increase«! by about 9122,- few years of his life. 500,000, and this figure, when canals Riley Grannan. whose pyrotechnic now under «-«instruction are completed, rise made him a national figure, ha»* will be in'-re.ised to approximately been lucky enough of recent years to n (OuOOQ not In aAHtfaa t» this th«- get occasional employm«-nt as a book cotton crop, which last year amounted maker’s clerk Joe Yeager, who thought to 91-iO,000,000, baa been assured. nothing of tx-ttlng >5.000 to a race, last«*«] one season. His Good Fortuna Fatal. Of the crop of plungers that followed It is possible to livelong in melancholy this quartet not one is known to be ahead of the game. Davy Johnson, and to die swiftly from joy. So It haw who was the biggest liettor last year, proved with a Paris carpenter named has gone broke more times than it is Cermet. He hud worked for years In plea-ant to recall, and ho finished the a chronic stnte of melancholy, nggra aeason with very little money despite vated by want of money, and all the the fact that in Roseben he has bad circumstances seemed to j>olnt to a one of the most remarkable horses the long continuance of this condition of things when suddenly and quite out world has ever seen. The bettor thinks the bookmaker has side the r>oor fellow’s cxix-ctatfons the best end of it. He has, yet corn there <aiae to him the news that hk paratlvely few of the bookmakers was the [xstsr-ssor by »sequent of weather the financial storms incident 910,000. Cermet almost went frantic with delight. His nerves stood the 1o the game. Of 100 who weighed in at the Is-gin recurrence of thrills all day, but In nlng of last season less than fifteen the evening he got among the Ixing were doing business at tbe end of the chain[m cafes and was relating bls racing year. One of the most expert lack for about the twentieth time when enced lxx>kmakers in America, Eddie he fell dead Txmdon Globe. Burke, hist six bank rolls in one season Ths Natjn of Shopkeepers. The bank roil, in the parlance of the Napoleon must have been right after ring, is the capital stock of tbe book all. We are a nation of shop keepers. maker. The public- hears much of tbe win ! There la nothing In the shop we are Dings made by the bookmakers, but not ready to sell at a price. We would tbe losses are announced rarely. One no doubt sell the great seal If we of tbe things th«- public docs not appre could get n g'Mxl enough offer from ciate is that many of tbe isxykmakers Pierpont Morgan. Shakespeare folios, are only managers or partners in the first editions of Walton, the [«ortrnlts books they make. Wall street men, of Peynolda, of Romney these and saloon kee|>ers, busiueM men uml poli any other national heirlooms, only ticians frequent!..- subscribe to tbe given a fat enough offer we are happy bank roil of bookmakers, and occasion to part with to any foreign nation that ally a woman is the backer of a book baa the taste and money to buy them. We can put them up as coolly as maker The bettor also thinks that the horse Charles Surface did hla forbears. Ix>n- owuer has superior opportunities for don Saturday Review. beating tbe racing game. This time be I is wrong. Few horse owners get rich. I Most of them die poor. , Buy Lots in Hills’Additio FOR A LOT 50x120 FEET better investment in the city? You at paying the present value price and will thus secure the benefit of the increase RA WHITE