Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1907)
THE HOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY OF OREGON r * HAS MOVED TO ITS NEW QUARTERS IN THE American Bank & Trust Co. Building THE HOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY of OREGON PHONE 513 KLAMATH FALLS products, 75 Genera! farm from any one farm in the Bonanza district 25 00 7« General farm products, For the Klamath Coenty Fair, to be from any one farm in the Merrill district 25 (X) Meld October ryiS-i« Fori Klamath district to com- prise territory north of the south line oi the Klamath DRAFT HORSES Indian Reservation Bonanza district to comprise all Stallions territory east ot Lost River 125 00 Three year old and over Gap. 15 00 Two year old to oo Merrill district to comprise all One year old territory south of the Hen Mares ley ranch and east of Spring 12 50 Beat Mare and suckling colt Lake 7 50 Best two year old and over Klamath Falls, Oregon DOMESTIC ö M Best one year old For the best exhibit of preserved HORSES OF ALL WORK fruits,jellies,etc, cash prizes Stallions will be given. 15 00 Best three year old FANCY WORK. PAINTING, ETC. 10 00 Best oil paiutingof Crater I-ake Best two year old Mares Rest oil painting of other scenery ITITI Best mare and stickling colt 12 50 Best oil painting of flowers •» Best one year old, either sex 7 50 Best watercolor (scenery) Best Brood Mare and Family Handsomest leather postal pillow 25 00 Most artistic burnt work on wood n Any clasp 10 00 Moat artistic burnt work on ai 2nd Prize fabric Jacks CRAVING is the first great IS Beet three year old aiid over 2C (Ml Handsomest embroidered shirt waist 10 IH 13 Best two year old principle of success. It 7 '.I Handsomest hand-made apron 14 Best <>ne year old Handsomest knit shawl 00 10 15 Best jennett creates independence, it gives Handsomest crocheted shawl CATTLE Handsomest piece of titting a young man standing, fills Shorthorn Durham Bulls Handsomest patch work quilt, cot 16 Best three year old and ovar 11 ton him with vigor, it estimates 7 17 Best two year old Handsomest patch work quilt, wol- 7 16 Best one year old len him with the proper energy, Cows Handsomest log cabin quilt 19 Beat three year old and over 12 30 I andscmest silk quilt in fact it brings him the best 4 50 FOR GIRLS UNDER 14 YEARS 20 Bent two year old 5 00 21 Best one year old AGE part of any success—happi Best sample of patching Hereford a—Bulls 15 00 Best sample of darning 22 Best three year old and over ness and contentment. 10 00 Best sample of hand sewing 23 Beit two year old I S (XI Rest sample of hemstitching 24 Best one year old Handsomest sofa pillow Cows 25 Best three year old and over 10 00 Handsomest hand-made handker chief 26 Best two year old 7 50 27 Best one year old 5 00 Beet hand made garment 2 50 Best hemstitching 1 00 Jerseys— Bulls 1 00 28 Best three year old and over 15 00 Best drawn work 2 00 29 Best two year old 7 10 Handsomest center piece 2 (X) 5 (HI Handsomest sofa pillow 30 Best one year old Handsomest lunch cloth 2 00 Cows Best liattenburg work 2 00 si Best three year old and over 10 <» 1 00 32 Best two year old 5 00 Best point lace Best waliachian embroidery 33 Best one year old 5 00 Best sha<low embroidery 34 Best cow and calf 10 00 Beet 1 00,1 • mountmellick embroidery 8WINE Beet zepher work 1 00 35 Best boar of any age or breed 10 (XT Handsomest rappia work 1 00 I G. W. WHITE, President J. W. SIEMENS, Cashier 36 Best sow of any age or breed 5 (XI Handsomest bead work 2 00 37 Best sow and litter . 5 l>) Handsomest hanlanger embroidery 1 00 GEO. T. BALDWIN, Vice-Pres W. A. DELZELL, Asst. Cashier FOR GIRLS UNDER 14 YEARS POULTRY 3« Rest trio Plymouth Rocks 5 CO OF AGE 2 50 Best sample o( patching 3» Beet trio Buff Cochins 1 00 44 *- .... «4 M Beet trio Brown Leghorns 2 00 " darning 1 00 44 44 2 (X» 41 Best trio Rhode Island Rede “ hand sewing 1 00 44 3 00 I • 4 42 Beet trio Bronze Turkeys “ hemstitching 1 00 43 Best trio turkeys, other breeds 2 00 Handsomest sofa pillow 2 00 Handsomest hand made handler* VEGETABLES 2 001 chief 1 00 44 Beet hall bushel red potatoes 45 Beet hall bushel white potatoes 2 00 In the foregoing list of fancy work, 46 Best half bushel, any variety 2 00 paintings, etc., all exhibits must be 2 00 made and owned by the party offering 47 Best 3 cabbage, any variety 46 Best 3 Hubbard aquagh 2 00 tie same. 1 00, ------------------------- 49 Beet squash, any variety so Beet half bu. Mang. W ur. treeta 2 00 The Klamath Rarber Shop has been 51 Beet half bu. Sugar Beets 2 00 purchased by James Swanson, a former 52 Beet half bu. turnips, any var iety 2 00 resident of this city. Capt. Siemens 53 I-argeat and best display vege will now be free to enter upon hie duties tables by any one person 5 00 J as cashier of the new bank. Mr. Swan 54 Celerv, 3 bunches, any variety 3 00 , son will be assisted by Al Kubes. . 55 Cauliflower, any variety 2 - 00 56 W atermelons, s|>ecial prize for MARRIED—In this city, Wednesday- l>est exhibit. October 9, 1907, Miss Lyda K. Turner Laundry Trays 57 Muskmelons, sjtecial prize for beet exhibit •nd Clarence M. Tucker, Rev. J. B. 56 Onions, best display 2 00 I Griffith officiating. The ceremony was 59 Tomatoes—prizes will be given (.performed at the residence of the for tomatoes, corn and other officiating cleigymap. vegetables not mentioned in this list. PREMIUM LIST SPINACH like the g<H>d, old-fime home **greeni”—in fire minute«, made possible anywhere at any time of year, by uung O' Tirsi Crust $ Savings Bank Preferred Stock Canned Goods I m IU Wkm.w 1». B m « Art Anva Preferred Stork Spinach ii grown in New Jeney—because there spinach grow, be.l most tender. There, too, it i. canned, that the spinach for thia high grade brand of canned good, rnay go into the can crop and Ire »It. Consult the Preferred Stock list—71 different kin da, in 9J aiaea. Wh/* Me affttut "/jgi" trJrr SfiMth --FEEFEEEED STOCK —jnm your (irtrtr ameaiiwn. Wk.iw.i.erw.r. roBTLaeD.oaaaoa.v a a 25, Paid-Up Capital signifies the best in BUSINESS COLLEGES BEST 1 RAINING; BEST POSITIONS Enrollment, past year, 843 pupils. Grad uates are all employed. We will place you into a position when competent. KENT) FOR CATALOGUE PORTLAND, OREGON New School Supplies Tablets, Pencils, Pencil Boxes, Etc, M ason ¿S lough ABSTRACTERS A choice 11 iio of Invest- nients flint will nmlco tlio purchaaer money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages Standard** MASON & SLOUGH H. BOIVIN, the Plumber, Agent, KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP We are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. done promptly. Repair Work of all kinds We guarantee all our work to be first class and at Satisfactory Prices. 9 * f BETWEEN AND Tth ON WALNUT FURSsHIDES WE BUY ¡M»t cnnh. 10 to 60 J. more money for you to ahlp lUw Fur* and Hlden to on than to it home. Write for Price Liat, Market Report. Whipping Taint, and atxmt our HUNTERS’&TRAPPERS’GUIDE a*'.*«"»™.» 4’0 pages, leather bound. Heat thinf on the subject ever written Illustrating all Nur Animals All about Trappars* Hecrets. Decor«, Tups, (lama I j » ws ll>>w and whnrn to trap, and to heroin« a sue resafal trai'per It'a a regular Encyclopedia Price, To our ritatomers, |115. Hides tanned into beautiful Robea Our Magnetic Hall ami th-coy at|ra< Is animals to traps. fl 00 per bottle, ShlDVuur lli.lM ..4 rur. «u u> *.d I.l «..b.xprtcw Aadtrwh Bet», ITr.U 8». MlauaavU.. MUii. I FRUITS 60 Best 10 lbs., peaches, any var iety 2 61 Apples, best general display 3 62 Apples, treat 10 lbs. any variety I 63 Apples, treat 20 lbs. four verities 2 til Pears, best 10 lbs. any variety 2 M Plains, beet 10 lbs., any variety 2 Cash prizes will be given for fruit exhibit of merit not men tioned in above list. GRAIN oo (X) (X) (X) 00 (X) 66 Wheat, best variety, 50 lbs. I 2 50 67 Oats, best variety, 50 lbs. s- •> 50 66 Barley, best variety, 50 lbs. 2 50 60 Timothy or red top, best 2 00 sample 70 Wheat in sheaf, beat sam 2 00 ple o (X) 71 Oats in sheaf, best sample o 72 Harley ill sheaf, best sample (X) 73 General farm product, best display from any one farm in Klamath County, not covered by the Fort Klam ath, Merrill and Bonanza districts 21) (X) 74 General farm products, from anyone Farm in the Fort Klamath district 25 00 To Bonanza, Fort Klamath, Merrill, Greeting: THE PORTLAND CLOTHING AND SHOE • STORE extends to yon a most cordial welcome to Klamath Falls to attend the County Fair and compete for the many premiums offered. Those of your citizens who visit the County Seat are cordially invited to make this store your head quarters. where you may meet your friends and enjoy our hospitality. Respectfully Yours, <» :: .00 We Invite Your Account and Pay 3 Per Cent on Time Deposits CHITWOOD DRUG COMPANY <' I' K. Sugarman Prop. The Portland SS S¡tore I I' I' <> <• I' I' I' « » i' :! i • i » < i i » i> <• <> <> <> < • < > « » « » < » i » i •