Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 10, 1907, Image 1

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Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Important Activa to Induce final Touches Being Put on Exhibits
For the Fair
Further Enrolling of Land
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 23
One week from today will occur the
The regular meeting of the Board of
of the Klamath County Fair,
Directors of the Water Users was held
last Saturday, and in many rtsapects it I ! and if the plans that are being made
was the most important of any aiuce { mature along the lines mapped out by '
ths organisation of the a«M«KiaUua. Ba- . the residents of Fort Klamath, Bonanza
gnrer« Murphy and Sander« were pres­ and Merrill It will I m one of the greatest
ent and a general discussion of the con­ lairs in the history of the county. Each
dition of the project was indulged in. section is to compete for the honor of I
The question of work to be done next le-ing the leader. Fort Klamath has
year was brought up, but no definite . befen making a still hunt, as it were, '
and report« that drift down from there
statement waa made.
It was decided by the Ixmrd to »u» indicate that that section will be on
¡•e«i«l for ninety days the enrolling I sm * band in full force with a collection of itself. Altout dark, a large numlMr of
To thia he readily assented, atating that
of sixty five cents per acre. The pur- not only grainsand grasses, but vege­ cold-ridden ¡»copie who had driven con­
while be was disposed to step down and
poae of this auspeMioa is to make it an tables khat will lie phenominaI not alone tinually for about 48 hours, al break­
out at once, he would do nothing that
inducement for some of the land owners for thig county, but for the state. This neck spe«xi, in order to obtain favorable
would in the slightest hamper the work
of the Upper Project to sign up with news was carried to Merrill and Bo­ position in the line, took their places
of the asrociation or interfere with the
the association. The original fee waa nanza, but neither seemed to be at all there. Home were destitute of over­
progress of the reclamation work.
ten cents per acre and that is what will , ! worried. They claim they have the coats, and were ex|x>sed fully unpro­
Claude Chastain was elected as eue-
lx* charged during the next ninety days prize stuff in their neighborhood and tected to the cold wind that swept up
ceaaor to Mr. Applegate. Mr. Chastain
In order to cinch the commence inent ! that they will leave all comers away in the hallway.
ia too well known throughout the coun-
of work on the Upper Project next year the rear.
Finally a plan was adopted which has
ty to need any introduction to the read­
The bronco busting feature of the been spproved by Commissioner Bal­
it will I m necessary to secure fifteen per
ers of the Republican. He is s young
cent more land signed up with the asso­ program is arousing a great deal of at­ linger, and the local land officials
Frank Ira White is hard at work
Wonders will never cease!
When man of exceptional ability, lie has hail ciation. This matter waa gone over tention. That it will be one of the agreed, unofficially, to assist in main­
this time promoting another ex­
the sky wsrrlvaresl and not the least
tbofuughly by the directors and repre­ must interesting performance ever taining order. The plan is for all ap­
Sign uf trouble anywhere In sight, have to do. For years be was 'an em­ sentative ol the Upper Project, and it pulled off here ie certain, and there are plicants to register as they appear in cursion of the Portland business men to
when the Upper and lower projects ploye of the Klamath County Imuk, en­ ia pretty generally understocxl that suf­ going to be some mighty interesting line, and when night comes to rest, re­ this city. This is the second Portland
excursion for which he is responsible.
were busily engaged In singing paeans
This entire section is being turning the next morning to answer to
ficient land will I m »igntxi up to bring times.
over the glad tidings tlyit the Clear mg to the position of assistant cashier, the percentage up to the required scoured for the worst outlaws among the a roll call. All attempts at usurping The results accruing from the firstone
are still felt, and if the one he is now
I>ke dam would I m , commenced next At present he ia employed by the Mo- amount. It ia the intention of sev­ broncos, and several men are willing to places in line will be opposed by the
engineering will be as productive of
year, there came a clap ol thun.lsr from
eral of the enterprising
residents back their steed with plenty of money, land Office officials, and it is believed good as that one was, Mr. White will
the room in which the Board of Direc­ liookkeeper. He i. well qualified to of that section ol the county to purchase ft has gotten to the point that the big that all will be well in the end.
have a great deal to be proud of. It is
tors of the Water I'sa-ra* association was take up tin- work under Mr. Applegate's one or two of the large tracts, provided purse offered for the worst horse ie play-
Had there tx*en any attempts by out­ particularly fortunate that he is bring­
holding a meeting Saturday evening instruction» and will undoubtedly prove the owners will sell them al a reason-, *. ing »ebond part, the principal desire siders to oust any one from their line
ing the business men of Oregon’s me­
about 10 o’clock. It was caused by the that the confidence of Ilia friendsis well able figure. Assurance have been given securing to lie the entry of a horse that during their night’s absence, it could
tropolis here at the time of the bolding
pa mi ng of a reenlulion removing Irotn
by several of the land owner», however, will get awav with al) of the riders.
not have been successful, as any trans­ of the county fair, for they will then
office a* »eeretary of the aaaociali'»ii
that they would sign up, and enough of' In addition to the competition be- gressor would have been given notice of have an opportunity to see Klamath
Elmer I. Applegate. No charges were
these will do so to make up the fifteen tween Fort Klamath, Bonanza and the situation by virtue of the agreement County as she is, only in a condensed
preferred anti none are of record. All
per cent that is required, an that it will I Merrill and the bronco contests will be existing among the others, and had they . form« The excursionists wifi be con­
of the direcUirs agree that Mr. Apple­
not be aliaolutely necessary to purchase the stock exhibit. J. Frank Adam* is attempted to break the line, trouble vinced that this county is essentially an
gate ia a competent, honest, hard work
coming with a string of prize horses would have been dealt out to them
The regular in<*eting of the council any of the larg<* tracts.
agricultural one and that it is destined
ing secretary, but there are six <’! them waa hel<l Monday night. Councilman
The board evidently saw the lack of | and will probably have some cattle. H. without mercy.
to become the truck garden of the Pa­
that say his removal will )*> conducive Ma »ton in the chair. An ordinance wisdom exercise«! last August when it I E. Willard of the Riverside Dairy is go­
of liaruiony in the administration of the wae introduced and passed under a mum - a|>pointed an auditor to go over the ing to have some of bis prize Jersey
The following from the Oregonian of
affairs of the association. This is the pension of the rules providing for a li­ books oi the R«x:laiiiation Hervioe, for it lierd on exhibition, and other owners of
Sunday, October 6, will prove interest­
only reason given tor the summary re­ cense of 92.50 jier day for merry*p>- rescinded its action.
tine cattle will also have some entries.
moval of ths first secretary of the asso­ rounila. No licence ie to issued for Ices
A resolution was ¡»aw»««*! protesting' Another feature of the stock »how will
There will be a “Portland Day” at the
ciation and a man who is admittedly than five daya and they are not to lie against the leasing of the Clear latke be the entry ol horses, sheep, cattle and House has rented the room in the
the moat efficient secretary of any of operate«! later than 9 p. m. The ordi­ dam site to sheepmen. It Wits stated hogs by those who have these for sale. Brick Store Block formerly occupied as Klamath County Fair, to be held at
the water users* organ I sat ions in exis­ nance alao provided for the licensing that Nils lease is liable to precipitate a It is rebogniaed that no better oppor- a grocery store. Manager Dulaney is Klamath Falls, for which a special ex­
cursion will be run from this city, and
of ihoeting galleries and ¡xx>i tables, range war between the sheep and cattle j • tunity will tie offered to give prosper- hsving it fitted up in magnificient
I live purchaser» a chance to see what is style and when it ia opened for business ior which a low found-trip fare has
The decision to remove Mr. Apple­
the former to ¡my |2 per month and the men, etnee that range has always been
gate was reach«*«! Saturday afternoon, latter 91, and no license to lie iseued tor recognized as the domain of the cattle- on the u»ark«*t anti make a selection there will I m few better than it in the ‘ been - named by the Southern Pacific.
although the movement had been on less than three months.
state. While in Portland Mr. DuUnev Great preparationa are being made for
from among the
e beet.
best /
fool for several «lays. When the Board
a large stock of wines, liquors' i the fair and it is planned to bring to-
That tAe aZt lendaoœ
Iriqaor license» wen- iasuni te Forrest
waa called to order late In the evening
The farmers are about , and cigars, and as soon as these begin ' gether at Klamath Falls the greatest
Berry and George Biehn. Jasper Ben-i
the matter was brought up. Mr. Ap­
. through with their harvest, or that part to arrive they will be placed in the new t , showing of farm, garden and orchard
granted a ,w*rmit to erect a
plegate said «orne rather ¡minted things
! of it that is pressing, and they will quarters and the firm open for business. : products ever displayed by the region
feed barn on Sixth strict, near the
' that gained so many first prizes at the
in very plain English and was not at all
Ti><- horse that was stolen by E. r . | take advantage of the fair for a few Within a few days Mr. Dulaney will go
Martan mill.
backward in expressing his opinion of
1 «lays lay off. The different towns will to San Francisco where he will pur-1 Sacramento Irrigation Congress last
Lights were ordered ¡»laced nt the cor- | Smith, the fellow who forged the
month. There is a premium list for fine
the action taken.
He demanded to
of Guy Merrill to a number of checks, try to get the credit for the biggest chase additional stock. It is his inten- '
know on what grounds lie wae removed nor of Fourth and Oak and Seventh and
attendance on their day and thia will lion to cater to the family trade and stock that makes one look for some sur­
prising »bowings from the different
and asked if there were any charges Plum streets.
Valley. When found it had a halter attract wianv who othe«wise would not special arrangements will be made for
parts of the big county of Southern Ore­
(). H Galea r«*queste«f the city to re­
that be be given an op¡x>rtunity to meet
on, but no »addle, and it is presumed
them. There were none, however, am) move the city jail from its pr«*sent loca­
that he broke loose aad returned to his have their town take second ¡»lace in the
The excursion will be run as a section
all that be heard wae the expression of tion an Third »tr«?et. It is located close
matter of attendance.
old haunts.
tn the telephone office, ami on account
of the regular train leaving Portland,
good will towards him.
Several more checks for the »am*
When seen by a representatiw of this of llie rapid growth of the city is fast be­
Thursday morning, October 17, with
amount, 931.75, have turned up, indi­
The Adame dredger was transferred
coming a nuisance, ft we« referred to
special Pullmans for the excursionist«
¡>a¡>er, Mr. Applegate said:
cating that he made a .good haul while
from the railroad grade to the Moore
who make berth reservations, and will
”Yes it is true that 1 wae removed. the street committee, with power to act lie wus at it. Word was received frutu
Brothers sawmill this week where it did
be via the Klamath Lake Railroad to
] did not resign. The action of the
New Pine Creek slating that a man
a small piece of special work. After it
Pokegam a from the Southern Pacific
Bills amounting to |l«»4«.40 were ap­ answering to the description of Smith the «¡Moing of the timber land near Bly
board was summary and without notice
gets through there it will be taken to
«xmnection at Thrall. It will include a
I was informed that there were no proved and order««! paid.
pess«<<i through there last week, aad before applicants began to line np be­ the reef at the lower end of Lake
' stage ride of 22 miles and a steamboat
charges against me, aside from the in­
Sheriff Obenchain wired officials all
This reef has caused the i trip on Klamath river from Keno to
weatl>er was bitter cold and snow was
definite sta^-ment that my removal
along the line to watch for him.
Navigation company trouble ever since I Klamath Falls.
would I m productive of greater harmony,
In addition to the hve check» report­ falling when they rushed up to the door, the Steamer Klamath was place«! in
' Arriving in Klamath Falls, Friday
and that 1 had
been too loyal
ed last week, three more have made there te remain night and day for thirty service. It is Manager IMvis* intention !
evening the excursionista will have Sat­
to the
Reclamation Hervioe. If it
their appearance, one through the Duffy days. It was a drearv prospect, but it to once and for all wipe out the trouble,
A meeting of the boanl of directors of
urday at the fair, and thereafter will
ie harmony they are after and my
ComjXDy, another through George
and he has made arrangement: for the receive courtesies in the way of »ide-
the Oregon A California Htago company
removal from the office of necretacy will
wu Iteld in thia city Monday, attend«*«! Biehn and a thin! through the Owl Sa­ following from the I-akeview Examiner d-*dgingof anew channel on the east i tripe that will be arrange d for the pur
bring alxiul such a result, well and
by Messrs Davis, Laird aa«i McIntire. loon. The Biehn check only realised ' makes interesting reading, and »hows ' »i - <*f th«* reef and ¡tartly in the tules. ! pose of showing them the splendors of-
good, Irrespective of the action of the
i "'''<>ne
possible to
Much business of important»* to the Smith |10, for that ie all he would ad­ how tinaUy an arrangement was reached
; the valley, where 200,000 acres of land
board I am and will continue to be as
company was transacted. W. R. Davis vance on it, and not that until he was whereby che all-night vigil was avoided bring in inueh heavier loads of freight j are being brought under irrigation by
deeply interested in the welfare uf the
on the Klamath. Following the work
was eltx^e«! manager of the company. secured by a third party.
; construction of one of the largest of the
and worn out nature bad an opportun­
Klamath Project as 1 ever was. What­
for Mr. Davie, the dredger goes to
Thia office has Iwen hehi toy Captain
I Government reclamation projects. Thia
ity to rest. The officials of the land
ever I have done has always Itera di­
Teter's landing, where it will do some ' feature is left to the Klamath people
McIntire, president of the company,
otboe are to be congratulated upon this
rected towards the promotion of the in­
work for Ackley Brothers.
This ¡»laces Mr. Davis is full control of
who have distinguished themselves in
mm and charitable course. Under the
terests of the people wlx» will eventssal-
the passenger traffic between thia city
. entertainment of previous excursion
operation <<f such a rule no one can suf­
ly have to pay the coat and even my
Engineer O. R. Zetner and party ara. fer six! it removes the infliction of a
most bitter enemy cannot accuse Ae of and Pokegauia and Itorri».
The ticket office will he removed to engage«! in making the permanent loca­
¡xuriahujeiit that might result seriously
ulterior motives.”
Active support is to be given the ex-
its old quarters in the Navigation <*om- tion of the telephone line from this city tneome whose determination ia stronger
Further than this Mr. Applegate
Morris Wingfield, a well to-do rancher , cursion by the Portland Commercial
pony’s building and will be «oder the to Pelican Bay 1-odge. The reason for than (xmatiution. The Examiner says:
would not go. It wae plain to be seen,
of Warner Valley, Lake county, and ' Club, Chamber of Commerce and Board
control of Manager Autenreith.
making the survey at thia time is to se­
A eeeoe of throbbing metropolitan brother of the Nevads mining million­ ' of Trade, all of which take interest in
however, that notwithstanding the fact
No change has as yet l»een announced cure permission from the government to life ia now being enacted in Lakeview,
that be seems relieved to be out of the
aire, Geo. Wingfield, has been missing I promoting the growth of Oregon dis­
in the matter of transferring the freight make Use location across tlie reserve. on occasion of the preparation for en­
troubles incident to conducting the
since a week ago last Tuesday. On that tricts, although it will not be run as a
at Keno. All such freight as is handled In order to do this it will be necessary
try on Government Lands in the For­ day, Sept. 24th, he left the rodeo party, business
office, he does not feel complimented
men's excursion, strictly
by the stage »Ux*k ia transferred at this to file with the Department of the Inter­
est Reserves, which are to be open««! to which was camped on the east side of speaking. It will be open to all who
over the action taken by the board. And
point, but it is likely that after the ior a plat, showing the cross sections.
that the board acted haatily and ill ad­
entry on October 28th. At unseemiugly Warner Valley, in the evening, to ride Crocure **ckets before reservations are
wharf and warehouse havp been com­ Thia will be done during the winter, and
iken for the number that can be cared
hours on Saturday morning, Sept. 28th, horseback to his home at the John
visedly is quite appsrent. Mr. Apple­
pleted all freight will be placed ab«>ard it is likely that first spring the perma­
at which time all other affairs were rele­ Loftus place, five miles distant, which for comfortably on the trip. It is ex­
gate ia recognised as the ablest secre­
pected that 60 people will be provided
theHteamer Klamath. Wi|h the com­ nent work will be done.
gated to elumberland, certain persona | he bought last year. From thence he
tary of any of the associations. The
pletion of the new channel it will be
It is understood that it has been de­ began to line up before the door» of the
organisation of nearly one-half of the,
waa coming tp Lakeview to visit his
Speaking of the excursion last even-
possible to bring in much heavier car­ cided to follow up Link river and over
local land office, which will not swing wife, who ie very ill, and his newly ■ ing ¥ rank Ira White, of Klamath Falls,
associations ia patterned after hie sys­
to the McCormack place and thence in open to receive them, an«l relieve them |
tem. This association, now in a forma­
born child, says the Herald. His horse,
“Now is a splendid time for Portland
. a direct line to the Lodge.
By doing so from irksome duty of "standing guard” i
tive state, needed hie services and it ie
saddled and bridle«!, was found Wednes­ people to see the Klamath country, and
upwards of five miles will be saved.
of their interests in line, until the 28th day
io be regretted that the board saw fit to
evening, twenty four hours later, the people down there are determined
of October, thirty days hence. All day in
i the field near home. The coat was to make this fair a notable one for the
act as it has.
A formal statement was drawn up
Saturday the line continued to incr«*ase i wet, the saddle blanket was wet, and variety and magnitude of the display.
There is a list of prizes that will stimu-
The move made by Engineer Murphy,
in length, in spite of the fact that a the
embodying the one charge against Mr.
horse appeared to have been in deep I late the l«xuxl rivalry between different
Applegate, that of lack of harmony, and offering |3 a day for laliorers, produced
blinding snow storm was raging and i water.
communities of the county and will re­
. I —______
was signed by J. G. Stephenson, W. T. the desired result, and they are fiocking
sult in a showing of products of the soil
While attending the Toronto fair a making the temperature anything but
that will astonish stranger».
Anderson, W. C. Dalton, Alex Martin, in here from- all over the Coast, and he few weeks ago Rex Ro rd, of Olene, saw comfortable. Huddled together in the
I "When Klamath County captureil
Jr., D. F. Driscoll and E. R. C. Wil­ has about enough to answer hie pur­ two young White Yorkshire pigs that cold, narrow passage-way extending to
' first prizes at Sacramento for wheat,
Home believed that increasing struck his fancy. He has l>een raising their goal, skxxi those ambitious, pa­
liams. The directors voting against the pose.
oats, forage, garden and farm products,
removal were J. Frank Adams, Jacob the pay to |.'l was unwise, but it will lie this breed for some time, and he tient and persevering Individuals whore
Professor Robinson returned to this and fruits that, coupled with those of
Hueck and O. A. Htearns. Hix direc­ shown that it was the proper thing to thought that the two young pigs would sole thoughts seemt*«! to be of the har­ city Monday evening, and immediately Malheur County, won the trophy, < nr
own residents were made aware of ihi
tors were necessary to effect the result do. When the reporta are made show­ lie a valuable addition. After a thor­ vest they should reap at the end of began preparations for the rehearsals superiority of that diatrict over other
ing the cost of the part of the Kono ough investigation he purchased them thirty days.
for the comic opera that he is to pro­ irrigated' lands.
We want Portland
Whdtf nightfall, wjth its bitter cold, duce here.
When Mr. Applegate informed the canal upon which these men will be em­ and had them shipped to this city by
He is meeting with bis people and people of Western Oregon
board that he would accede to its re­ ployed is made public, it will show that express, ths charges for which wers seised *<b»* g asrl n aiky to ioflta itojnsaal 1 swoceee and it ia certain that be ! generally to know all about it and the
I Southern Pacific ia helping us by mak-
-1" give as satisfactory a performance . iug a most Mvorable rate of |25 lor the
quest, ho was asked if he would remain the coet ie below the figures submitted 106.05. Though but six months old, ravage*upon the shivering aggregation, will
a rather uninviting predicant«** eflkvwd I «•he «fid when he staged the cantata.
1 round trip.”
for a month and instruct his successor.
Directors of the Water Users Asso
ciation Take Summary Action
Business Men of Portland to Pay
This County a Visit
Party Will Arrive Here
October i8 and Will
Have Opportunity to
Take in the County
Claude Chastain Appoint­
ed to Fill the Vacancy
and the Retiring Secre­
tary Will Now Instruct
Council fleeting
A Fine Home
Horse Returned
At the Land Office
A New Channel
W. R. Davis Manager
Surveying Line
Drowned in Swamp
Produces Results
Hror. Robinson Here