Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 03, 1907, Image 7

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Slumbcrland Visions That Were
Prophetic In Character.
Th. Story of a Breach of Promis. Suit
■nd a Rich Coal Mino Find—A Curl*
out Incidant In th« Car..r of Richard
M«ntfi«ld, tho Actor.
The Anatomy and the Habita of Theta
Peculiar Creature«.
Tim earthworm I m a |M-<ullar crea
It la constructed In negmeota
which may uumlw-r from ho to 100
or even mon«. Near tiu* ni libile la a
hard «pot called Hi» girdle The thir­
ty three Mcgmenta In front of the gir­
dle uro u«ed for purposes of locomo
tlon; they are the puller«, while tlie
segments behind an* the anchor« or
pushers. Grasp the tell end of the
worm nnd drnw lite rest of the txwly
■lowly acro«« the finger. You will find
a peculiar soiixutlon.
The sensation 1« that produced by n
■mall tile. It I« caused by four double
row« of tiny brlNtle« extending th»
whole length of the animal on It« ven­
tral surface. To the Inner end of each
bristle are nttncli<*<l «mali muscles, by
will« h It can I«* pointed cither forward
or backward. Those bristles, there­
fore, not only render the ventru I aur­
face rough, but nl«o «ervo a« very «Irn-
plenppcndagento a an lx t the longitudinal
and circular muscles In locomotion.
Till» «Imple, everyday worm ha« n
mouth, brain«, a pharynx, a crop,
nervous system, a blood circulation. a
gullet, a gizzard, stomach, infest Ines,
reproductive organa. But It hu« no
heart nnd 1« without eyes. It la tooth-
less, but by mean« of tbe pharynx
sucks hi It« food.
It has twice ns
many kidney« a« It haw segments.
Imagine thlw little animal having IfllMl
kidneya, while we get along with two!
Earth worms rarely come out of their
burrows except at night; hence, al­
though they have no eyes, they can
dlatfugulxli light from durkiicie«. They
take in certain unbalances for food nn<l
refuse to take other«, which Indicates
thnt they can taste or «moll, or both.
Try tbo experiment of cutting an
earthworm In two.
Both end« will
wiggle nliout for awhile. Thnt portion
behind the girdle, however, «twin die«.
But the forward end, which ha« the
brain, will often develop new seg­
ment« nnd In time become again a
complete worm.
Ttie earthworm has no Itings, hut
breathe« through It« «kill. Every fish-
ertuun fuudihir with thin fact know«
that tin* worm» he takes with hlui for
bait on a fishing excursion must be
kept moist, otherwise they die. The
cnplllary blood vessel« pass close to
the surface In onler to supply the
blood with oxygen und to excrete the
waste«. If the skin ticcoiiiea dry the
blood lose« n great deal of water by
evaporation, au<! the hardened outer
surface «hut« off the «upply of oxygen
If you wish to get a supply of earth­
worms for a day’s fishing nnd are not
certain In which part of the garden
they are to lx* found, anil If yon do
not wnnt to dig here, there nnd every- j
where nt random, ln«crt a spading
fork Into the ground ami move the
handle to nnd fro a few Inches. If
the worms are there they will pop out
In n panic and try to make their es­
cape on the surface. They either bear
or feel the movement of tbe fork and
flee from the wrnth to come. You may
catch all you want w ithout turning up
a bit of the «oil.—New York I’re»«.
Lay of the Loot Mlnotrol.
Where now la Hilly Hic»? He wan a
j(y to me, and so were the other star«
of the nigger show Billy Birch, David
W iiiu I hi I'I, Backus «nd a «b-llghtful
dozen of their brethren wlw ma<le life
a pleasure to mo forty years ago and
later. Bin'll, Wamtsild an«! Bnekua are
gone years ugo, and with them d»pari-
««1 to return do more forever. 1 nup-
pose, the real nigger show, lb<* genuine
nigger «how, the extravagant nigger
show, tiie «how which to me bad no
!><*er and whose peer hu« not y«*t ar­
rived in my exia-ricucc. We have tbe
grand o|a*ra, aial I have wilnexKeil und
greatly enjoy«-«! the first u< t of every­
thing wbl<-h Waguer creat««l, but L' s
effect on inn has ulways la-en so pow­
erful that one act was i|Ult<* «iillb leiit.
Whenever I have wltii<-xH«-<J two act« i
have gone uway physically exhausted,
«nd whenever I have ventured an en­
tire opera the result bus la-en the next
thing to «Ulclde. But If I could have
Ila- nigger «how bnck again In It« prl«-
tlne purity and |M-rf«*ctlon I should
have but little further use for ojiern.
It seems to me that to the elevated
niltal and the nensltlve spirit the hand
orgun and tho nigger show are a
stnndard nod a xnmuilt to w I iom * rare-
fie«I altitude the other form« of musical
art may not laqa- to reKcli Mark
Twain In North American Review.
Definition of Author!*/
During ttie early day« of "Big Ttar*
Rnlllvnii’s xcrvlce in th» boil-»- of rep­
resentatives there occurred « dl«cua- 4LEX MARTIN, Bresident
E. R. REAMER, Vice-President
■ lon le-twcen him and R»pn-»entati ve
ALEX MARLIN', Jr., Cashier
LESLIE KOGERR, A».«t, Caxhier
Ah-xunder of Buffalo trzuchlug the
right of a third representative to jiose
a« an uutborlty of finance. Kulllvau
iii«l«ted that the member In question
bud every right to «peak Ilk» an oracle.
"What lx your definition of iiu nu
JUNE 20, 1907.
thorlty?” suddenly asked Alexander.
RKMOritf K*
"My notion of nn authority," Instant­
Ixians and Discounts..........................
f 314,962.7«
ly retorted "Big Tim," ”1« a Iran who
bluff« le-yond my limit.**—New York Bonds and Fecuritiex .........................
Ileal Estate, Building« and Fixture«
(iaxh and eight Exchange..................
Would T«k« What Th«y H«d.
A geotlemnn purchaned at the pont-
ofllce a large quantity of xtunq>»d en­
velopes, iu*WHpii|M-r wrapiMTH and other Capital Stock, fully paid
I 100.000.00
postal requisites.
rurplu« an<l Profit«.........
Finding them somewhat difficult to
carry, he asked one of the counter
491 ,M9.51
clerk« If be could supply him with a DEPOSITS.......................
•tnull quantity of string.
"We ure not [x-rinltted by the de­
partmeut to «upply string, ws« the
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemn
swear that the above xtaternent is true to the bent of my knowle«lgeand belie
"Then give me a bit of red tape,"
Atzx M akti . h , J r ., Cashier.
was the sarcastic retort.
Subscribed and sworn to liefore me this Sth day of July, 1907.
Tbe string was «applied.—London
A. .M. Woane«,
Ta tier.
Notary Pnblic for Oregon.
A Scientific Horse.
An English gentleman once shared
the l*ox seat with the driver of a stage­
coach In YorifHldre, and. being a lover
of horses, li» talked with tbe coach­
man about bls team, admiring one
horse in particular.
“Ab.” said the coachman, "but that
' ohm ain't ns good as he looks. He’s a
■clcntlflc ’os».”
■*A scientific horse!" exclaimed the
tourist. “What on earth do you mean
by that?”
“I means,” repll«! Jehu, "a ’o«« aa
thinks he know« a deal more nor be
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
Dreams that pax« through our head«
during the night that 1« «acred to sh-ep
from whatever cun««* produced tri­
queutly turn out to I«« prophetic In
their character.
During a breach of promise «ult nil
epistle written by th«’ fultlllcHH lover
was produced. In It be atat<*d that lie
would terminate all relation« with the
young lady, uh there were "no signs of
the coal bUHlliex« ever becoming u
fact." In explaining tho peculiar rea­
son tho defendant stated that for three
night« lu « uccchh I oii lio hail dry-umed
that the father of th» girl bad In-on
made rich by finding a rich xram of
coal <>n nome of hl« land.
Thia dream had led him to court the
«in that lie might Inveatlgnte the mut­
ter nnd see the likelihood of the dream
ever coming true; but, his effort« be
Ing fruitless, ho decided to break off
the engagement. In «ummlng tip the
Art Lovers Not D tarmed.
cnao to the Jury tin* Judge coiiiuu-nted
"The silliest old rule In the world."
•cnthlmAy u|M,n tin- sordid motive« of
said an urtist, "is that which requires
the mercenary lover, nnd the Jilted one
tbe public to leave their sticks and um-
was awarded 1250 damage«. Tho fa
bielliH at the entrance to art galleriM
tber, though n hard beaded buxine ««
auil museum«.
man, could not rid himself of certain
"Tbe ground for this rule Is
ImpresslonH received during the young
poaltlon that tbe public If ndmltted
man’s telling of hl« oft repeated
with their umbrellas and their «tick«
dream, so commenced Imrlng for coal
would Jab them Into the picture« and
In tho field und. a« the sequel proved,
Ths Timidity of sn Elephant.
»hip up the statue«. How alwmrd such
found It In such rl< h quantities that In*
Riding along a road In ludla I naw
a mippoNltlon 1«! Th«* public are not
aud Ills daughter are now worth u
the following instance of a big ele-
■mall fortune through tlx* And. The
pbant’H timidity, which I venture to
fatthlexH lover l»*w wishes be had mar
■end you: The elephant, ridden by a
man with an umbrella or stick
lie*! the girl.
mahout, wax followed by a small Mal­
li»<*n deemed a dangerous lunatic,
A story coines from 8><dlaud of n
tese terrier, which, Intent on Its own
dream ts-lng the menu« of «uvlng the
affair«, trotted before Its master, mak­
ing in every art gallery In the world.
live« of two little children near Dum­
ing occahlonal instinctive investiga­
Ko be han been disarmed liefore his en­
fries. They were daughter« of a black­
tion« by tbe roadside after ttie manner
smith and dlxap|H-iir<-d one evening at
of dog« without particularly noticing
The absurdity of the rub* has been rec­
Scare li parties aco u red the
other travelers. From the first mo
ognized, ami t<xlay at the Itoyu) acad­
nelgliliorlng lountry during the night,
rneut the elcphnnt set eyes on the «log
but without auccciMi.
Duo of tbe
he never loxt sight of hlui, turning
Purls salon the H|Hx-tntor« are treated
searcher« went to l«-d early the next
from side to «Ide always with an eye
like ordinary human lielngs. TJiqy are
morning, tired out with lit« long
on the xniall animal aud hurrying out
eesrch; but, unable to sleep, tic paaxed
of his way whenever he approached.
ho far not one of them has jabbed a
Into nn uueaay doze, when he dreamed
Tbe timidity of the one and the confi­
bole lu a painting or knock«**! a chip
that he »aw the mlxxlng children In a
dence of tbe other were irresistibly
hole at a certain part of tbo woo«!«
amusing.—Loudon Spectator.
"Ko then* is every probability of the
which be nnd others had pa««c«l In
abolition of tblx silly old rule tbe wide
Ths Letters on the Ston«.
tbvlr «enrch during th«- previous even­
world over.”—New York Press.
Rueb Is tbe skill of modern oo
ing. Though skeptical of dreams, he
feiters of antiques that the mow
got up nnd went to U m » place, nnd. Io
ed experts are often deceived into
and brbold. he found tbe children fast
An Odd Coincidence.
anleep, though hidden by a dense pile
A valued correspondent to whom paylug enormous prb-es for relics of
Frequently, too, ths
of brushwood.
readers have tx-en Indebted for several bygone ng»«.
An Imdnnce !» given of a young Ital­
remarkable examples of tb«‘ possibili­ task of th«- swindler In made easy by
ian lad named Luigi Ttrnntl, employed
ties of coincidence furulsh«-« another the entbu-l.-inin of the antiquary. An
lu a home for loat children In Ixmdon.
ln«tau<-e well worth a place In tbe dia­ Instance «if this was when ValJenceyl
having a dream In which four numbers
ry of those who record data of this tbe celebrated Irish antiquary, paid a
occurred frequently. Ro Impressed was
character. A distinguish«*«! public man great sum for a sculptured stone found
be that bo saved up until bo could af­
and traveler, for whom th« Initials upon tbe hill of Tara. He reproduc­
ford to «¡tend f3 on lottery tickets. At
"A. B.” shall stand, re<-elved on May ed the six letters engrave«! on tbe
the drawlug, which occurred shortly
fl, ns be very often receives, n cata­ stone In his costly work of antiqui­
Wid« Rang« of Wolvoa.
afterward, tho magic numbers were
logue from a ne«x>n<*and bookseller. ties and made them out to lie "Belua, a
The rung** of a pair of wolves Is an In the catalogue was a rare look. God of Fire.” They proved afterward
drawn, bringing him $80.
Richard Mansfield, tho actor, once area of from «lx to ten miles square. "A. B.” at once sent off h|s clerk to to I m * only some of the letter« of the
had a dream In Ixindon which was the When the hunter learns that wolves purcha««- the volume. On turning to uarne of nn Irish latiorer scratched up­
turning point of his career. It occurred have been seen ami heard in a certain the title j«ig«’ of the work he found, to on the stone with a knife.—Minneapolis
when Mr. Mansflcld was trying to eke locullty, It in«y take several days of hl« surprl««*, hl« father's name and nd- Journal.
out mi existence a« a painter In Ixin­ scouting before tho dog« can I m * got on dre«« nnd the «late May
IRRfl. The
Ruzorless Shaving.
don that his training n« a singer ena­ the trail The hunter must look sharp adilrem wan that of a h<>u<c In Ireland
shaving plenty of prec­
bled lilin to obtain an engagement with for «IgiiM lu soft or xnudy places nnd In which "A. IL” was born. There Is
edent can be found iu antiquity. At
D’Oyly (’arte In a traveling "Pirates nlong creeks und stream«. The old no «nylng how long the l*ook hnd been
lady wolf will, ns n rule, go to the upon It« travels nor by what means it ■cliool we read how Dionysius, the ty­
of 1’enxance" company, but the mana
rant of Syracuse, who had probably
ger of tbe company wa« eo exacting, nearest water to drink when leaving had started. But here it was in the
very good reason for not trusting a
cutting xalurlee or inqxHdng tine« on tho den or to get n drink as she re­ hnnilx of the son of the original pos­
barlier near his throat, invented u
the sllgiitext excuse, that Mr. Man«flcbl turn« from the hunt before going to sessor <>n the twenty-first anniversary
of burning off bis beard with
found It bard to get nlong. As he did the den, nnd Its locality In often found of it« IsH-omlng the property of th«*
glowing walnut shells. It does not
A wolf Intter.—Nt. James' Gazette.
not yield promptly to unjust demsuds, on account of thnt habit.
sound luxuriously comfortable, and no
he nt last wan set adrift with hardly a track can be distinguished from thnt
doubt Dlonyslu« did not succeed In ef­
shilling lu Ids pocket. No he walkctl to of h dog been urn* the two front toe
Origin of Ozone.
fecting a very close shave. But the
London, found a cheap lodging bouac nails arc net farther ahead, tanking the
Ozone. which I n an allotropic form of effeminate young men of decadent
and tri«*d to get a Job.
oxygen, ban long lH>en rwogulzed aa nn Rome, objecting to the razor, secured
On tbe third night away from tbe running, nnd especially If frightened, active purifying ngent In the atmos­
the desired smoothness by resorting tc
Ipmpany he dreameti of being calle«! these toes spread apart, making n track phere, owing to Its powerful oxidizing
Jack to play otfee «gain for D’Oyly that nt a hasty glance looks very much qualities. but the queatlon of Its origin all manner of depilatory plasters and
ointments. There is much amusing
like tho track of a deer Fur New«.
Garic. He dreamed be aaw tbo eecre
has becu much disputed. The Investi­ reference to these in the "Epigrams of
tary of (’arte call upon him In a great
gation« of M llenriet In France have Martial,’* who made merciless fun of
Animal Cleanliness.
hurry, rush bl« portable property Into
recently led hint to the conclusion that these timid dandles.—New York Globe.
A zoologist thus writes upon a point oaone forma In tho upper region« of the
a traveling bag and do tbe lightning
Mixed on Quotations.
run act for tho next train. Ho plain lu which he claims that the lower ani­ air, probably under the Influence of the
and vivid was tbo dream that on mals «Ct an example to many meh, ultra violât radiation« from the sun, and
Mr Gladstone made the mistake
awakening In the morning at fl o’clock says Chum«:
that It la brought down toward the sur­ thinking that tbe phrase "the land
"It han taken human beings many face of the earth both by descending
be Jumped quickly out of tied and
the leal” referred to Scotland and
without coiiHldertng how fooHab It hundreds of year« to a«-qn1re habits of air current« nnd by drop« of rain. After
used it. And It was he also who,
might I m * began throwing thlnga In hl« nentncMM nn«! clennllnenx, whereas the a ahowcr of mln tho quantity of ozone
j C his Midlothian xpesches, refer­
satchel But when he had completed
In the air 1« a I way« found to have been
the word» of the psalmist, “God
hla toih't he began wondering why he From the time when they first made Increased.—Youth’s Companion.
tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,”
had been acting ao absurdly when their apprerance on earth animals have
a text for which the devout may search
there came a ktuxk at the door. On waaliod nnd combed and bru«he«l them­
Th. Qlouc.st«- Fishing Bost.
the Scriptures In vain. Sydney Smltt
selves with tongue, claws and tali.
opening It he aaw D’Oyly Curie's sec
The Yankee finliermiui ban t««»u com­
rotary just aa In hla dream, and be Many of them grow wretched and lan­ plimented again, for tbe fishing boats was guilty of an even more atrocious
Was In a gvpat burry too. He cried out guish If deprived of auy opportunity of the Atlantic seaboard are to be blunder when he spoke of "that beau­
of taking u cold bath. An for the apes,
tiful psalm beginning ‘Now let test thou U nited S tates C ourt of C laiim
to Mansfield:
copied by the Japanese. At the present
"Can yon paek up and reach the sta­ tb^r are such »ticklers for cleanliness time the Japanese fishing boat is a frail thy servant depart in peace.’ ” A n<
The Publishers of W^st.r's InternstkiMi
allege that it "is. In fact,the jiopu.
tion In tea mtnatae to rejoin tho com­ that they expel any member of the affair and han bard work In standing leas curious mistake was made by Mcttoasry
I*r Itnabridgod thoroughly re-edited in every
tribe who shows a disposition to shirk
Bright on one occasion when be attrib­ detail, and vastly enriched In every part, with
pany F
up to a stiff breeae. Reports have been
the purptoe of adapting It to nmet tbe larger
*T can," answered tbe actor, calmly his duties In this respect. Been the made on the yachting lines and fltneas uted the common phrase "Cleanliness ■tid
severer requirement, of another senera-
la next to godliness” to the ApostF tion."
pointing to tho bog- "It *" all ready,
of the Gloucrwter type of tawit, and
are of the opinion that this allegation
naatnerai. as anybody who has watched
Paul.—Glasgow News.
for 1 was expecting yon.”
most clearly and accurately descritaw the
Japiin«^«- fishing craft are to be built
The little man was a trifle scared, a fly brushing Itself with Ita feet, for
work that lias been accomplished and the
after that model. Tbe American style
Franco’s Earliest Artists.
result that has been reached. The Dictionary,
bat Manefield was bundled Into a cab, Instance, will readily admit."
Is expected to be adopted gradually by
The cave« of southern France ar. as It now Manila has been thoroughly re-
and they hurried to tbe station In a
«Kilted ill every detail, has tieen corrected in
the Japaueeo fishermen generally, the most remarkable In tbe world for every part, and is admirably adapted to meet
Get Up Steam.
way ulmllar to hla dream — Kansas Cfty
which will mark tbe passing of the their wall pictures, made by prehis the larger and severer requirements of ■
Before water generates steam It
which denuuids more of popular
light Junk, equally adapted to sculling toric men who were contetnpirary with generation
philologies knowledge than any generation
moat register 212 degrees of beat. Two
or nailing, and tbe substitution of the tbe mammoth, the rhinocerox anil ths that the world hanever contained.
hundred degrees will not do It. Two
Penal Coda of Mexico.
It is perhaps needless to a«1d that we refer
dory for tbe sampan.
rotndeor in that country. Some of tbo to the dictionary in our Judicial work ax of
Mcxlco’a penal code 1« patterned aft­ hundn*d nnd ten will not do It. The
pictures are engraved in tho rock; the highest authority tn ai-eiiraey of iteflni-
water must tvoil hrfore It will generate
er that of the French. Incom unlcado,
tlon ; and that in the future as in iu. past it
some are painted with different colors wiU 1« the source of constant reference.
High Finanoe.
often mentioned la criminal cases,
enough steam to move nn engine to
, cnARIJ3 C. NOTT. <l»r
"High finance is not confined entirely They usually represent extinct ani­
moan« solitary confinement, without
run a train. Lukewarm water will
mals, snch ns cave lions and cava
power to communicate with nny one.
not run nuythlng A great many peo­ to Wall street,” said John E. Wilkie,
stanton J rrrt.t.K,
chief of the secret service. "1 saw an bears. A faithful representation of tho
eiiAiujss u. liowitT,
When n man la «mated on a serious ple an* trying to move their life trains
example of It the other day that made rhinoceros, with its two horns of un­
charge he 1« put in a ceil for throe day« with lukewarm water or water that lx
Th/ fi/ww rr/mr to WKttSTKWS
equal length, is found la a <avern at i
me dizzy.
tacomunicsdo. At the end of that time almoat boiling, and they are wondering
"One of tho clerks iu tbe trensury | Fout-de-Gnuuie. Tbe prehistoric art­ INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY
be 1« given a judicial examination. It why they are atallMl. why they cannot
wante«l to go to tbe ball game, lie had I ists mate their paint af ocher of vari­
lb qelte different from the American
but 2b cents, his exact ndmission, and . ous shade«, pulverised aud mired In
Iler with 200 or 210 degrees of boat, I nothing for car fare.
procedure, but It muni be ««Id that
mortars. Four phases of advance In (the highest nwardl wan given to the Interna-
tional at the World's Fair, St. Louis.
after a man haa been in jolftary con­ and they enn’t understand why they
"He announce«! that he would rntUe this troglodyte art ha vs been distin­
finement for three day« and la Inter­ do not get anywhere. There Is an In­ his 25 cents for 2 cents a share. Eight­ guished by explorers.
viewed by the judge In the first In- finite dfxtimce between the wishers een clerks took chances. One won the
Different Views.
eta nee bo often cornea nearer telling and the doers. A mere deelre 1« luke­ quarter for 2 cents, but the thrifty
r**M trill t* Intrrerisd <now* W
She—Don’t you think the new deb»
rptrimrn jmws , sent /res.
the troth and the whole etory than If warm water which never will take a promoter bad 2B cents for bls ticket 10
train to Ita destination. The purpose cento for car fare and a cent oxer for tants’s voice Is perfectly heavenly)
he baa been in cemmunlceUM
Hs-Qnlta unsarthly -Bystander.
Bust boll, must be made Into Uva an afternoon paper."—Saturday Even-
eutoMto paiOee al
fltoM—Modern MeriM.
Lakeside Inn,
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rtjoms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
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$____________________________ —<
Every drop
Of Old Continental Whiskey
Water Mill Whiskey
Normandie Rye
F. F. V. Rye
is as pint’ as Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso­
lute purity.
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