KLAMATH BARBER SHOP Women's Trad.-» Culoua. Notice for Publication. The Raven. I A variety of views ss to the fnturs Many birds seek the protection which I’nltad Htatea I.and ottlc«, l.itkovi«*, Oregon the presence of man affords ngnlnat Align»! 11, ttW7, st women's trades unions was display­ furred and feathered foes when the Nolle« |a hereby given that In compliance ed at the receut conventions of breeding season approaches. Not so with the provision* ot the set ol l'o*gr*o»ol leaguers held In the principal cities, the raven. Its distrust of us la pro­ June J, 1*?B, entitled "An set tor the aale ot It is self evident that the women cau- found, and its neat is placed Ut some timber land» in the »late ot t'alltornis I .. net as speedily attain success as have Cleanliness and Good Work wild spot far out of roach of out | hm - gon, Nevada. and Washington Terril >ry." a» the men, because they have not the Bible attack or succor. Hut there are e Blended to all the 'Public laud Slates by act Augu»l 4, IBliJ, Jennie Heohorn, ol Guaranteed. voting power of the men. Unquestion­ other euemlea. I know of a pair that ot ol Klamath Falla. County ol alamaih. Stale ot ably the suffrage has helped men to built on the side of a project Ing crag Oregon baa Bled In thia otttoo her ■nuke their case heard. Protestanta Also Agent for LONDON AND high up on the cliffs of Rathllne Island ■worn ataienieut No. S7HJ for I ho purcha»e ot who may keep their mad up until the Some tierce peregrine falcons occupied thvlotl.nl Neo. No. It In Tp. No. 41 H. It LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. the other aide of the crag, and wheu No. <1 K, W M. and will offer proof to «how next electlou are not to be waved aside. one day their eggs were taken by an that the laud Bought la more valuable Even without the ballot the women adventurous collector they, sharing the tor Ila timber or atone than for agricultural are finding that the development of Notice for Publication popular opinion of a raven's blackn.'«s, purpoaoa, and to eatalillah her claim to raid unions is a menus of progress. Ix'agues laud before clerk ot Klamath county at hla I l'ntterew baker. Milo Katea, Cora Kale* ami tion and management of women's so­ | June 3. 1ST», entitled “An act for the sale of tion. the falcons found their nest de­ Wm l.aahua all of Klamath Falla, Oregon. timber lands in the State« of California, Ore­ cial clubs are object lesaons in practical spoiled they were seen to hold a con­ Any and all peraona claiming adversely the gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,•’as polities for the classes which engage extendetl to all the Public Land Hta’ea by act sultation, rtnd after much delllxrntloli • hove dvcrlbed land, are re.|ue«tod to file their claim» tn thia office on or before »aid 4th in this work. Workingwomen should j of August 4, IMI» Brewbaker, ot they suddenly arose and both in one day of November, 1*07. not be outdone by women of more Klamath Fall». county of Klamath. State of accord tiew at the ravens’ neat and H® -10*24 J N W ATSON. Heglater. tiled iti ini. «See her sacked It. tearing it In their rage and leisure and opportunity, for if the bal­ | Oregon, ha« -worn statement No. 3701. for the uurehaNV ludiguaUon until not one stick was left lot is given to the sex it must mean of the of Section No. J. in upon another. London Standard Notice for Publication more to the toilers than to those whose i Township No. 41 S. K No. 6 K. W M. Interests are mainly social. It is a and will offer proof to show that the land Pvparlment ol the interior, I and OMce at The Sun. the Moon and the Tides. Lakeview, Oregon, Auso that the tnoou than .‘or agricultural purpoaoa, atvl to vstab- Notice ia hereby given IhM John l. cause iu a convention and fidelity to : liah her ciaim to »aid land before the clerk of alouo is r Klamath county. Ore., at his office at Klam non of tides, but the nttracUou of the tention to make flnal Five year proof tn »up- portant truth for women leaders to j ath Falls. Ore., on Monday, the 4th day of Bun is also an important factor. Of poi l of hi* t .»:nt, v i.■ : li«>iii> aivtid Kutiy No course the distance of the Him from the ¡*A» made June 7. |'M»l, for the ««•»» jmt . 4, Ip. lenru. They may learn it in local un­ November. 1907. b W. \l , ami tlmt <*ai«l proof will In* earth is unthinkably greater titan that •<' s H ions and in conventions of federated She names as witnesses: Jennie Seehorn. Milo Estes,Uora Estes, and of the moon, but Its inass is so enor­ made Iwfore the Clerk of K l^matii County at unions. And. failing to get the ballot, Wm. I^shuaaH of Klamath Falls. Oregon. mous that it has a const.ierablo tide >>•••• hit «»flier at Klamath Fall* .Oregon, on the 4th they may also learn in these move­ Any aud al! person.* claiming adversely the dticlng Influence. The force which the »!•*% »»f November. lie tiMin«'N the , 1907. tides are higher than the average for months. Of course the money will be Notice is li r. t'v given tiiat the State the remainlug portions of the month. 11 nvorporatad) refunded out of the Cuban treasury, of Oregon has filed application, under These are the "spring tides." The and instead of our "milking" the hap­ the provisions of tlte Act of Congress of “neap tides" come in the time of ths moon's first aud third quarter and are less island now that she is in a sad August 14, 1S48, and the Acts amenda­ not as great as the average, because plight It Is claimed by level headed na­ tory thereof, for the following described the moon and the sun are each worklug tives that we are more than paying our ’ General Job Work unappropriated, non mineral and sur­ iu opposition to the other. own way—that is to say. Cuba can I other and Works—llelmati Ht. and HI' K K. veyed public lands in lieu of losses to well afford to keep American protec-' ASHLAND, ORE. The Ambitious Boy. its grant for common schools, to-wit: tion, even though it comes high. Manutacturara ol l-nrumatlc Sawing En- A boy at seventeen can practically I List No. 231, sel4se’. Sec. 3, Be'^se1, It is Cuban public opinion which flaw. Saw Milla, Architectural Iroa Work. I Sec. 4, Tp. 29 S, R. 11 E., W. M., and determine for himself whether he will Iron. Hr*.»» and Hronao Casting» holds that the provisional government be a simple burden bearer for others I nwL,nel4 Sec. 29, sw'.'net. Sec. 7, se'4 Estimates hirntshvd. Order* prom fitly tilled set up by the United States should as long as he lives, a leech on society ' swJi Sec. 5, Tp. 29 8., and sel4se1-4 Sec. i GEO. T. BALDWIN, AGENT or whether he will be a broadminded, last and last indefinitely. The argu­ | 8, Tp. 28 8., R. 12 E., W. M. I useful and successful man. If the ment by Cuban conservatives is that the moment the Americans withdraw | Any and all jove described lands are requested anybody and is content to simply let the country will be at the mercy of 1 to file their said claims in this office on things flicker and take his chance with conflicting cliques and politicians. An­ others just like him. frittering away nexation is not demanded in this case, 1 or before the 18th. day of Octot'er, 1907. his opportunities to acquire knowledge E. WHITLOCK J. N. Watson, Register. for it is held that at a day not hope­ and caring only for the trivialities of The alove notice wili l>e published in UNDERTAKER lessly distant the professional politi­ life, he can make up his mind to carry cians and ‘‘revolutionists'’ of Cuba will the Lake County Examiner and the a hod. ride the bra! !>eam of a freight AND EMBALMER die out. American example in all thia Klamath Republican, both weekly car or dodge the p >" •“ as long as ho Holder of Ideen«« No 29. time will teach the people to work, the newspa|M*rs of general circulation, pub- lives, or be can resolve to be a man lshed at Lakeview and Klamath Falls, In the highest sense, seek every means KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON security guaranteed by American occu­ for physical. mental and moral growth I pation will convince them that It pays Oregon, respective! >■. and development and must graduate 9-19-10-17 J. X. Watson, Register. to work, for the sower of the seed and Into the ever widening field of utilltv not a gang of loafing bandits will reap , aud success. It matters little what the harvest. This view makes Uncle ” his boyhood environment may be. if he DR. CHAS. H. DRAKE LONG AND SHORT DAYS. Sam a paid police officer, and unless but has the ambition and well ground be shirks the job it is good for ten or ed purpose he will climb out of it— Wham the Sun Never Seta For Three Ueterinary Surgeon Pittsburg Press. a dozen years longer. Pure Milk Pure Cream Pure Butter Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. Every Detail<4Our Dairy (»Sanitary, insuring the Purity ami 11««IthfuIno«» of Our Producta. PHONE B3 PAGI WOVEN away with barbed wire Investigate the Sliding Loop Top Do 1 —. ■ “ __ I —.J .. *■' Í All styles and heights. ASHLAND IRON WORKS ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS and a Half Month*. It may be that stronger rails are needed than are now in use on the best roads to endure the extra strain put upon them by high speed trains, and „railroad men and manufacturers do well to confer on the subject But the best rail in the world and the best roadbed will not prevent disasters where road employees leave switches open that ought to be closed, stand trains on tracks on which expresses are approaching unwarned and around a curve, rush trains on blocks occupied by others and do other things noted in the frequent accidents of the time. A French diplomat says that the United States is up against trouble In the Pacific and that it is all owing to the “slowness In digging the Panama canal.” Perhaps the French learned the canal trick during their twenty years of failure and would sell ns a few pointers. Some of the Filipinos think Japan would give them independence. They should talk it over with the Koreans— and think again. Unfortunately there is no method of bringing the terrors of a Fourth of July celebration up for consideration at The Hague. Predictions by Tolstoi of the down­ fall of the United States, of course, have the hearty indorsement of Maxim Gorky. Fences for every purpose GADDIS & DIXON, Medford or¿VOl.M.Y DIXON, travelling Representative, Klamath laita. Ore. CHAS. & WOHDb.S, /*//> W///MWÍ Prvtl Work Best AIechantes Best IM[fitei*iri 1 Atthe RepubKcon 1 )