I Otto Schoenfelt, witness, Justice Court....................................... 4 10 Alfred Fischer, witness, Justice Court ......... 4 10 E. J. MURRAY, Editor O A Stearns, Fruit Inspector. . I ■ 00 O A Stearns “ •• 10 50 Earl Whitlock, burial of county charge......................... '. ... 20 00 >> 05 Geo R Burn, supplies ................ \Vm Flackus, supplies (or * bridges.. .................................. 74 1*0 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE R M Richardson, transcript of testimony for District Attor­ ney ................ . ............ . ........ « :w The following from the Bonanza Bul­ Hundreds Seek Claims Frank Sickles, care of county letin is gratifying, in view of what ap- ( l*H»r....................... 16 [Continued from page one] peered in that paper a short time ago. |G«i R Hurn, supplies. 9 Wt>en the Bulletin was urging the! Withrow Melhase Co.,, rent for , ... | dtd not go on the lands prior to Scp- Assessor’s office ., M 30 secession doctrine, the Republican sng-[ temb the sum of............ 75 beginning to see the light and do what ed on the laud previously visited by * and disallowed ill the sum it should hive done before: him. and this point is raiseil in contest, of........................... .... »23.80 4* 4« 4. 4» 4* 4s 4$$ 4« 4 • •rnn.nltinff FnotnMr Sanders, S.nJ.r« of the ' then it will involve many of the claims F P Cronemiller, printing ■Consulting Engineer Reclamation Service, and his wife, had settled on last Friday. H Boivin, supplies and latxir for Many of those who went to Bly have a fortunate escape from a serious UCCi- connty.................................... 27 V l.innie Gear. nursing Mrs. *»1111 dent last Saturday. Driving fn'iii I returned, some to remain others to re­ Glass A Prudhomme Co., sup- inons and family, disal­ ? i Klamath Falls to Bonanza, the team turn with supplies and a big amount of lowed ......................... $«0.00 plies........................................ ti 25 suddenly shied near the Rex Bord staying qualities. Those who will William Martin, holding inquest, Newsome A Underwood, medi­ : eventually secure a claim will have water wheel and ran off the grade, over- 1 cine for Mis. Simmons and (Geo Solts) ..................... 13 tU) turning the buggy. Mr. Sanders i was learned it, for the hardship.« endureil Dr Geo II Merryman, Coroner’s family, disallowed as not it thrown to the ground and his wife was : have already been severe and the future physicist................................. 50 I» propel charge against the entangled with the buggy top. Mr. is not as rosy as it ought to be. The t: M Richardson, reporter (or county.............................»6.00 Sanders retained the lines and man­ storm that passed over this city Friday Coroner .............. ............... 15 00 Harrison Brown, rabbit scalp aged to turn the horses into the bank, left its can! at Hly in the shafie of seven Wise A Maxwell, ls>x for interr­ M I* < i.tlarneau " lie and his wife escaped without a inches of snow, and it was through this ing corpse............................... DO C C Deisenroth, care of county that the homesecker had to wade to scratch. Asa Engley, digging grave for |s>or .. .................................. reach his or her claim. Perfect har­ "The chief purpose of his trip was to corpse .................................. 5 00 Alice Allen, care of county poor view Yonna valley, he having already mony prevails throughout, the general Chas Barneburg, hauling corpse K K K Store, supplies (or in­ understanding being that all difference« visited i 70 sane......................................... were to be settled later. Many even he was not at liberty to discuss his re­ I John R Odom, Coroner’s witness 1 70 Fred Melhase, Commissioner'« went so far with the amenities as to Andrew Wise 4 * 44 port upon the Upper Project, the rules 1 70 salary and inspecting roads . "swap" their tools, tints and other « I • 4 Alliert Cole of the department requiring that all 1 70 equipment. Whether this good cheer It 4 4 High School such statements should come from FT Maxwell 1 70 was due to the dampening effect of the 44 Washington, he freely expressed his Ida Martin 1 70 J G Swan, teacher’s salary... rain that fell ail day or the bitingquali­ very favorable opinion of the country C E Phillips, Coroner’s jury... 1 20 Wm Ketsdever, janitor'« salary . 100 ties of the snow is hard to say, but they 44 and the feasibility of the Upper Project. B H Hutchins 1 20 Underwood Tyjiewriter Co., were fortunate that such common sense «4 He said that the Klamath Project R E Maxwell 1 20 bens................................. ruled. 4 4 * 4 Chas Biddix would not get for the coming year the 1 2i» JG Swan, telephone charges 44 I. F Titus amount of money that Messrs Hennv 1 20 Virgil A Son, chairs, etc. and Murphy desired to expend, and that County Court Proceedings Farmers Implement Co., road high school .................... should the government begin the Clear material. ............................... i DO - - Geo R Hum, supplies .... Lake dam in the spring, it was not cer­ E Duval, repairs to Court C O Brown, wood (or high The following is a true and Airrect House, »8.50 disallowed as tain that the Service would lie able to school.................. . ........ . not a proper charge complete it during the year with the list of all claims allowed by the linn, J M McIntire Co., freight on sup­ County Court at the September term against the county, having money available. plies ................. .......... . ......... thereof. ! been paid once before. "Apparently a satisfactory solution of Miss Leta Nickerson, teaching General Claims J A Martin, care of county the Upper Project muddle wili t>e music in high school ........... poor......................................... *> DO reached. 5Vith the strong present pros­ L Alva Lewis, stamps................... $ 4 00 Road Claims pect of the Service beginning construc­ W Triece, care of county l>oor......................................... 10 00 Fred Melhase, money advanced tion work on the dam in the spring, Schallock A Daggett Co, supplies for county poor...................... 51 no action looking toward a cancellation T F Nicholas, Justice fee»....... . 11 20 fur repairing bridge« ....... ... Geo Chastain, stamps, etc........... 13 Tom Newton, witne«» fees, Jus­ of the contracts between the landown­ J L Padgett, work on connty tice Court....... ..................... •. 3 00 ers and the Water Users Association Jesse Ansel,quarantine guard... 5 road......... . .............................. A M Worden, witness fees, will be taken until the program of the Childers Bro«, lumber for poor Fred Melhase, cash advanced for house...................................... 24 Justice Court......................... 3 00 Service for next year is announced. bridge repair« ........... John G Schallock, Constable When the work begins, most unsub­ W J Tnohy, care of county Kingdou Bros., lumber poor......................................... 30 fees. ......................................... 37 50 scribed land will be purchased by par­ bridge« ......................... Newsome A l'nderwiM>d, supplies ties who will place it under contract Jhe American Hotel, care of Geo W Looaley, rimd appropria­ county poor ......................... 19 county poor........................... 38 with the Association, and tfiere will be a tion for District No. 7.......... Neil eampbell, care of county Shives Bros, supplies for county ready sale of excess lands. Fred Melhase, appropriation for poor house............................. 51 52 p x>r....... .................. .. 15 repairing Link River bridge ‘‘If the work on the dam be begun in Mason, I’avis Co., .hauling the spring, there will be no complaints Silas Obenchain, telephone bill.. 4 30 ' G R Carlock, Teachers’ Board of Examiners........ '................... .- 20 crushed rock for county from the people because of its not being Silas Obenchain, boarding pris­ oners ........................................ 15 road, allowed in the sum 20 completed during the year. We do not of ............................................. expect the Service to accomplish the Dr Geo H Merryman, insane ex- E Duval, caring for Miles 5 00 and disallowed in the sum impossible nor to expend all the avail­ nm ¡nation...................................... children, disallowed.. »1UO. C O Brown, Woo-1 for Court of.................................. »118.46 able money on the Upper Project. House...................................... 150 CO G W Maston, medical attend­ Klamath Falls Land A Trans­ "Whatever Mr. Sanders’ report and I ance on county poor.............. 84 00 Wm Broderick, supplies for coun­ portation Co., crushing rock recommendations may be, they will be ty poor house......................... 32 50 Seehorn A Estes, boar,I and for county road, allowed in based upon sound reasons, for he is a lodging for county poor al­ Frank Sickles, nursing county the sum of.............................. I sensible man as well as an unusually lowed in the turn of.............. 2« 00 poor......................................... 50 and disallowed in the sum capable engineer. If the Service de­ W J Tuohy, nursing county and disallowed in the sum of................................. »4,o 00 cides to proceed with the work, the peo­ of......................................»6.40 9 poor......................................... W A Walker, appropriation for ple, and even the manv who are indif­ J Scott Taylor, printing and pub­ Geo R Hurn, supplies for poor road work ............................. ferent will lend all possible assistance.” lishing..................................... 54 farm ....................................... 40 00 Frol Melhase, appropriation for The Republican firmly believes that A B Petett, guarding insane....... 5 repairing county roads and J O Ifatnaker, road viewer, al­ the people of the Upper Project will be F G Low, material and labor on bridges lowed in the sum of............... ■8 00 more than satisfied with the program county poor house... ............ 429 and disallowed in the sum for next year. We have no inside in­ Alfred B Petett, caring for coun­ State of Oregon, of ................................. »4.00 formation, but we have been able to put ty sick.................................... 9 J L Sparretorn, r?ad viewer, al­ / * County of Klamath. ) many things together and the whole in­ Henry Vose, board of county lowed in the sum of.............. 4 00 dicates that the Clear Lake dam will be I, Geo. Chastain, County Clerk poor......................................... 35 50 and disallowed in the sum Klamath County, Oregon, do hereby undertaken next year, and following John G Schallock, janitor's sal­ of......................................»1.40 certify that the foregoing is a true and that will be the rapid completion of the ary ........................................... 100 00 Glass A Prudhomme Co., sup­ correct list of all claims presented to entire Upper Project. That section of I F W Eglington, county road plies......................................... o 62 and allowed by the Hon. County Court, Klamath County is too rich to be viewer...................................... 4 CO at the September term of said Court, passed over by the Service, and the peo­ I D Ross, county road viewer.... 4 00 Glass A Prudhomme Co., sap- plies........................................ 74 10 except such salaries as are provided ple living there have too much energy Judd Belknap, refunding taxes.. 8 00 and progressiveness to admit of their Silas Obenchain, stamps........... 15 00 John D Witt, work for and tsiard- for by law. ing county poor..................... 41 00 remainingin the background. Long Lake Lumber Co, lumber.. 9 96 I in testimony whereof, f have here­ Klamath Republican, printing J M McIntire Trans. Co, freight unto set my hand and affixed the seal of and publishing..................... 35 70 the County Court, this 30th day of Sept., charges.................................... 3 M D Williams, surveying county Patrick Crowley, born March 17, 1831, G R Hurn, supplies...................... 1 1907. died September 25, 1907. Chief of Po­ J B Griffith, expenses conveying road, allowed in the sum (SEAL' GEO CHASTAIN, of................ ......................... 19 00 lice in San Francieco for thirty-one orphan children to Orphan’s County Cleric. years and known as the most honest and disallowed in the «lira Home...................................... 40 70 and efficient man who ever held that C C Deisenroth, caring for a of ....................................»6.20 office. That might serve as the Geo Morine, board of county John G Schalloi-k, supplies....... 2 50 epitaph of Patrick Crowley, 76 years « poor.'................................ 20 John G Stevenson, hauling lum­ old, who uied at the family home, 1629 county charge....................... ber, and labor....................... 10 Sacramento street, Wednesday morn- William Martin, bolding inquest, T F Nicholas, Justice fees........... 3 ing.—San Francisco Examiner. (Frank Dickson)................... John G Schallock, Constable fees 4 At the Excelsior, Dairy, Dr F M White, Coroner’s physi­ Geo T Baldwin, supplies for cian ......................................... 10 00 I county bridge....................... 12 Ore., to make room for For Sale Chas Meaner, Coroner’s witness. 1 70 H Boivin, repairs on jail............ 7 4» our Fall stock of goods.' Mike Lavenik 1 70 Geo Chastain, stamps for office It D Ryan " 1 70 use.......................................... 5 640 acres of excellent land, 3 Ji I miles We will sell for the next Harry E I’eltz, Coroner's jury... 1 20 J P fx*e, obtaining records from out, one mile from macadam road; 560 n Il o M G Wilkins 1 20 Land Office ........................... month at and below cost. acres under gravity ditch, laterals all It ll R J Sheets 1 20 Humphrey Bros., supplies for 9 20-11 made; 140 acres under proposed high- Edgar Virgil il It 1 20 county poor bouse................ 10 oo line ditch; 250 acres in grain; 250 acres II li E A Dunham 1 20 W W Lightbury, guarding in­ I in alfalfa; good eight-room house; ll li Henry Webber 1 20 sane ......................................... 9 00 Estray Notice large barn and granary; four wells. T F Nicholas, Justice fees........... 10 80 W E Bowdoin, printing.............. Hi 00 Price $53 per acre, one-third cash, John G Schallock, Constable balance on easy terms. Frank Sickles, care of county Strayed from the B iggs and Mills pas- fees.......................................... 8 50 MASON & SLOUGH, poor......................................... 10 00 , tureone white mare, weight about 1250; W E Thompson, witness, Justice Exclusive Agents, ♦ ' branded T on calf of left hind leg; 11 Court...................................... 4 10 W A Walker, cash advanced for county poor............................ 8 "^■ars (Id. One white mare, weight Bert Sanders, witness, Justice [0 W A Walker, Commissioner ’ s aliout 1225; dappled on hips: branded 5 Court ...................................... 4 For Society and Wedding' salary and mileage..... .......... 31 on left shoulder. One bay bald faced Martha Patterson, witness, Jus­ I horse, branded T on hip. Anyone find- tice Court.............................. 4 10 Geo H Merryman, medical at­ Stationery—either Engraved j i ing them put them up and write me at Carrie A Collman, witness, Jus­ tendance on Simmons, dis- tice Court.............................. Little Shasta an J 1 will come after them or Printed, call at this office- 50 allowed as n< t a proper and l ay well for their trouble. A E Bensinger, witness, Justice charge agaii.st this conn­ Work and prices right. 10-3 2t • GEORGE CARTER Court...................................... 4 10 ty................................... »86.00 I • 4 KLAM A TH REPUBLICAN SEEI SEE!! ¡SEEK WHAT? LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON That Swell Line of Dress Goods, Ladies and Children's Coats, Ladies Tailor Suits, Skirts and Waists. AT * THE I BRICK STORE C9 T Preferred Stock Tomatoes I come out whole can be served at 1rs-, emt than freihnnes though equally ai good. I hey muut be just a rei, hrm ripeness fur Preferred Stor k use the kind V <’U tvuillil I'll k from the vine d you had your rlmir e, Quality ¡1 the afoo- lut requirement of every rrgetablc and fruit l'ut gor a into Preferred Stock Canned Goods r««V«4 WMr«»«r lh. S-.i ar« ur«v« I in Cillfai I.. . meal and I cm water. * r k ■' Lk) r' yrW*aM4. ./ to the f..... .. Santa Clara Valley . more Wc |uv more lor ■ ;r 1 .111.10 be scke the To.v.ir<>i.s i- f w • m • m ! - -1 f> ¿ be rut; here /) st < m . b k. m ALLEN & LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, OREGON, U. S. A. NO CROWDING WRITE TO DriK WASHINGTON A TENTH STS . FORTLANO. ORt New School Supplies Tablets, Pencils, Pencil Poxes, l:tc. CHITWOOD DRUG COMPANY KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP We are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. done promptly. Repair Work of all kinds Wo guarantee all our work to 4 be first class and nt Satisfactory Prices. BETWEEN 6th AND 7"» ON WALNUT KLAMATH Ì LIVERY AND FEED STABLES Closing Out Sale BUESING A. CLENDENNING, PROP’S. Rigs furnished with or without drivers. Feeding our specialty. Grain by the sack. Hay by the bale or ton. Large corrall for loose horses. Phone 591 i I* ■ Corner 8th and Main _ FOR SALE! * •è The Entire Stock and Fixtures of Milliner Store Cheap fit Mrs. Wright’s * * I