Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOTBER 3, 1907. VOL. XII. THE BIGGEST CONTEST YET The New Bank Baldwin Returns NO. 27 HUNDREDS SEEK CLAIMS “It is impossible to estimate the valve of the advertising tha* Klamath County received from the exhibit at the Irriga­ tion Congress,’’ rai»l Hon. George T. Baldwin, who returned home last Satur­ day. During the past three weeks sines the close of the Congress the Jndgo has boon in California, and has had ample opportunity to learn the benefits accru­ ing from the work done al Sacramento. “Hince the close of the Congress I have been in California ami 1 was sur- pri«e«l to learn that there are few j«*ople in the parts ol the Golden Stale visited by me who have not heard of the victory gained by Klamath. It was a victory better off we are here than they are, not only for Klamath County, but for and we never will unless we go back Departmental Divisions the whole state of Oregon, and the and see for ourselves. In western Kan­ credit for the immense amount of adver­ Very Plain on All Dis­ sas, where thousands upon thousands of tising Oregon received is due to Klam­ I homeseekers hjave been pouring in for puted points, and under ath ami Malheur counties. Those of us the past few years, is a desolate place who attende«l the Congress realize now Them Few Settlements this season. Crop* are an absolute fail­ that if Klamath County had done her | ure, ’ and the famine of the nineties are I t bent we would have carrie»! away sev-1 are Legal * to lie again repeated in that ill-for­ eral thousand dollars in prises instead tuned section. It is dteary winter that of 11550. But the most of us have not | looms in front of hundreds of families sufficient confidence in our greatness.: The grand rush for timber is over, there, quite different from that to lie We do not seem to realize that what I expected in Klamath where the crops«* -ind now comes the story of the great can be rained here is sujterior to any- ' are abundant and prosperity is appar- I event. Realizing that this waa prob­ thing of the kind on the Coast. I saw ent on every hand. I am glad to get ably the last of the large bodies of tim­ many things there that «urprised me, | back to Klamath and never again will ber land to be restored to entry and that and I have only one ambition now, and I have a wish to call any other place it furnished the last opportunity for that is for Klamath County to go to the many to use their timber right, hun­ home.’’ Seattle ex|>osition with a representative dreds went to Bly to lie on hand when exhibit and show the people of the Pa­ the appointed time arrived for the open­ WEDDING BELLS cific Coast that Klamath County is a ing of the land Estimates as to the prize winner from the start. We have I number of people who went there ditter, plenty of time to make preparat'ons for but the general opinion seems to be that THOITAS-HUGHFS this event and I hope that when the .Miss May me I-eah Hughesand Charles there were about 500. Tbe two sections time comes that every man, woman and W. Thomas were united in marriage at 30 seem to have been the plums for child in this county will place a shoul­ the home of A. J. Manning Tuesday which most hands were reached, and as der to the wheel ami pash it on to vic­ evening, Rev. J. B. Griffith officiating. a result as high as sixteen people were tory.” Mrs. Thomas, whose home is in Rose­ on one claim. Home of these seemed to burg, is one of Klamath County’s popu­ . think that the mere formality of going lar and efficient teachers. Though liv­ on the claim, posting their notices and ing here but a comparatively short time hiking for Lakeview in order to 1« the she has endeared herseli to a wide circle first to file was all that was necessary. of friends who join in wishing her much But there were others who evidently joy and happiness throughout life. In were acting under careful instructions. Douglas county, where she has spent These remained on their claims, com­ most of her life, she was one of the most i menced the construction of their cabin popular young ladies of that section. and made earnest efforts in the matter t Mr. Thomas, who has been identified ! of actual settlement. When the time List of Prizes with the Klamath Falls Ice company ! comes in the fight for the claim, these DRAFTS HORSES for a number of years and is also en- homesteaders, whether they file«! at the ' A r stated in the Republican for the past two weeks, gaged in the brick and stone business, is end of the ninety days allowed them or Slalliona earlier will have tangible grounds on Three year old ami over 2.5 00 the Clear Lake «lain will be undertaken next year. This a man who has earned and deserves the • Two year old 15 00 esteem and confidence of the people of which to base their rights. The law relative to entry of lands 10 00 information comes to the Republican from a source that is this city. Hie many friends congratu­ One year old thrown open under condition similar to late him on this happy occasion and i •Mares unimpeachable. Engineers Henny and Sanders this week wish them both a long and happy those governing that embraced in the Rest Marr anil sorkllng colt 12 50 Bly section is very plain, and the rulings Rest two year old and over 7 50 made u thorough examination of the Upper Project and marital life. of the Department are published here­ Best one year old 5 00 with that he who runs may read. They interviewed the people of that section. The result is that VAN SICKLE-McniLLAN IIORSER of ALL WORK are as follows: Mr. Henny is now satisfied that all matterswill be arranged Wedding bells never rang out more “Acts of settlement, performed in di­ Hlallions Best three year old 15 00 in such a satisfactory shape that he fully coincides with , sweetly nor with brighter prophecies rect violation of a department order Best two year old 10 00 than at the wedding oi Mrs. Edna Me lands to entry, cannot be con­ Mares Sanders and Murphy Oil the advisability of beginning Millan and Bernard H. Van Sickle, aol- opening sidered in determining priorities be­ lU st mare ami suckling colt 12 50 i - - • - - — - * i emnized at the home of Mrs. G. W. tween conflicting applicants for the Rest one year old, either srx 7 50 operations on the Clear Lake dam next year, and official1 , Fish last Saturday evening, the Rev. same tract.’’ Rest Rrixxl Mare and Family announcement to that effect may be expected within the B- (Jriffith officiating, in the midst “.Settlers, who without authority of 1 of a host of friends they step into life’s Any class 25 00 2nd Prize ' pathway hand in hand with fond words law, enter upon lands that are held in 10 00 next few days. ¡of God speed ringing in their ears and reservation under departmental instruc­ Jacks Best three* year old and over 20 00 followed with the lest wishes of all who tion that expressly forbid all settlers entering thereon, until lawful per­ Best two year old 10 00 Another Railroad Deer Holds Up Stage , know' them. Mrs. Van Sickle is one of from Best one year old Klamath’s most popular young ladies, mission is given, acquire no equitiee 7 80 possessed of a charming personality thereby.’’ Best jennett 10 (XI Klamath is to have another railroad, "Settlement made on land, after the I'assengera on the incoming stage from that has endeared her to all who were CATTLE according to the sage of the Oregonian. beginning of the specified calendar day Pokegama last Saturday had the novel favored with her acquaintance. She Rhorthorn Durham Bulls _____ L . __ ...__ ______ • .1 . . . .. .. Best three year old and over 15 00 It has discovered what the Republican and somewhat exciting experience of has l»eeii identified for a long time with and prior to the entry of another on the 7" . first " ___ w_ | the Brick Store company, which con- same day defeats tbe right of such entry­ stage Best two year old 7 .’>0 long ago stated that the Mount Hood I lieing held up by a deer. The : n has recently passed under the con- man.’’ Best one year old 7 50 railroad is not a local affair at all, but ; had reached the junction of the Ash- ' is to be a link in one of the grrnt trans ­ land and Pokegama road«, when on •I of herself and husband. Mr. Van “One who knowingly enters and oc­ Cows • >■< a splendid young man who cupies the lands opened to settlement, Best three year old and over 12 50 continental lines. The Oregonian man, around the road they came into full vie«' Best two year old 7 50 however, seems to have read the cards i of a handsome buck standing in the p...--vUie ability to carve out for prior to the time fixe«! therefor, is dis­ Beat one year old 5 (X) wrong, for he line« his new find up with middle of the road. His buckship was biuiself a bright future and who will qualified therefor, though outside of the the Mollit road, now being built from , not in the least disconcerted and e*i- undoubtedly become an important fac­ boundry when the said lands were Hereford«—Bulls opened.’’ Best three year old and over 15 00 Denver to Salt Lake, and the lbxk Is­ denllv disbelieving in the right of emi- tor in the business circles of this city. land. This is evideutljKjncorrect, for nentdomain, whether claimed by the 1 Best two year old 10 (X) “One who purposely enters upon the 5 00 according to informational this end of stage company or Uncle Sam’s mail, Best one year old lands restored to the public domain, Rev. Pratt Appointed the line the Mount Hood line is simply ’ wmcxl intent on remaining where he Cows prior to the time fixed therefor, and a branch of the Western Pacific. ■ was. Doctor Parker occupied the seat Best three y ear old and over 10 00 goes upon the tract subsequently select­ It is eipected that tbe road will con­ alongside the driver, and when the Rev. George T. Pr-Ut has been ap­ ed, is thereby disqualified to make a Beat two year old 7 50 Beat one yeur old 5 00 tinue south, striking the Ifeschutee near sisgecametoa standstill he grabber! pointed as pastor of tne Presbyterian homestead entry of said laud,’’ the mouth of Warm Spring creek, his Winchester and climbed down. church of this city, to till the unexpired Jerseys—Bulls “One who enters in person or by agent I Taking aim he pul)e0 the Sprague river, is will follow up this ment underneath his hide did the deer I 19th of this month. When the pastor­ lands opened to settlement, for the pur­ Be«l one year old 5 (X) stream, thence across the Klamath In­ move. Alter circling around he crosaed ate was tendered him, he stated that he i pose of securing information with re­ Cows dian reservation, taking a nearly direct the road about 150 yards back of the did not desire to come here for the five spect to said lands, is thereafter dis­ Rest th ree year old and over 10 ast ture«! in this city for the past week, I thereon until said lands are subject to Another Cantata Best trio Rhode Island Reds t oo month, returned home Saturday, and i closed their engagement Monday even-1 settlement, is disqualified as a settler 3 00 Best trio Bronze Turkeys glad she is of it. “I used to think that ing. They will visit Merrill this week, under said act.” Best trio turkeys, oilier breeds 2 00 I Professor Robinson, who successfully I never would lie satisfied until 1 could Bonanza next, then Iaikeview, from | These paragraphs are excerpts from VEGETABLES produced the cantata, Queen Esther, in return to my old home in Iowa there to which point they will go to Carson, Ne ! the d^s^F^ D«'p.7tmen7of‘uw Best half bushel rod potatoes 2 00 this city a few weeks ago, is on his way remain. But I have changed my mind. yada, where they will open their winter lnterior the Ui(j i reser­ Beat half bushel white |x>tatoes 2 00 here and will arrive between the 15th I little realized how foolish this desire .lecturing tour. Dr. Bancroft is one of vnir i.nd. voir lands were restored to entry under I Beat half bushel, any variety 2 00 and 20th of this month. He will stage was until I made this trip to Kansas. It the ablest lecturers that ever visited this the act of June 20, and have formed tbe I Best 3 cabbage, any variety 2 00 the comic opera, “Tried by Jury.’’ This wns then I saw what a great country is city, and the large audiences that taxed basis of ail decisions on these points 2 (X) news will be received with much satis­ Klamath and how thankful I ought to the capacity of the opera house gave Best 3 Hubbard squash since tliat time. It would seem that 1 (X) faction here, for Mr. Robinson is recog­ be, as well as every other resident of evidence of the interest his lectures Beat squash, any variety the only ¡»erson entitled to a right, as a Beet baltbu. Mang. Wur. beeta 2 00 nised as a master in hit line and the tlN county, that I waa living bare in- aroused and the general satisfaction be homestead entrynaaa, is the man who people can be assured of something above attfed «f io the much vaunted Middle gave. It is to be hoped that he will in­ The First Trust and Havings Bank will open for business on October 15. It was. the intention of the founders of the new institution to Is-gin busin»--« on the first of th!« month, but all oi the details were not |H*rfected in time to admit of the carrying out of such a program. Th»- new bank will occupy quarters in the «nine room with the First National 1 Bunk. While Isitli institution« are dis­ tinctly tw-parate, the stie kliolder« of one are «x|ual «tuckhohfera in the oilier, thus preventing any conflict of business. At n meeting of the stockholders held Monday aftermwrn, the following officers anti directors were elected: President, G. W. While; vice preaiilrnt, Goorge T. honors, if they will just semi them in. | All that is necessary is confidence, ami I Baldwin; cashier, J.W. Hietnen«; assist­ if the |Ms»ple residing in these localiliea ant cashier, W. A. Delzell. The lx»ard have m»t confidence in their own terri­ of directors will consist of the officer« tory they must not expect others to and George I’. Lindley ami W. J. Vaw- j have. The wav to prove supremacy is fer. The last two are prominent bank­ to come to the fair with the determina­ ers of Medford, ami it speak« well for tion to carry off all of the prize« ami Klamath when such men become inter then lay clai m to having the l>e«t Mic­ ested financially in tiii« county. tion in the county. You have the tro- i interest at the rate of three |>er cent phies to beck up your claim, am! it will < per annum will l»e (raid by the new in­ lie a potent factor in convincing the stitution, payable semi annually. One homeaceker where he bad better locate. of the feature« ol the bank will l>e de- Irenture bond« which it will issue. Hpecial pains are to be taken to secure I These bond« will carry a higher rate ol the w»»r«t outlaw horse« of this region interest than that paid on saving de­ for use in the bronco busting contests, i posit« and will be doubly secured, It As a special irtducement a piize of |50 will likely prove a popular method of will lie offered for the horse that scores ' investment. three throw«. All horses entered will i The opening of this bank marks an- i I m * kept free ol charge. The first prize to ’ other e|xx-h in the growth of Kiamath tliu cow boy making the Iw-st score will 1 county. Il is the fourth financial insti­ lx* a |50 saddle. This may I hj increase«! < tution, the second to Is- established to one costing |75. Those entering the | within the past year. The rapi»! »level- contest will have to put up a 110 en- opruent of this city and county i« such trancu fee. This will, however, be re- that it will, as have the other banks, fumled if the ;x*rson paying it puts in undoubtedly have a prosperous busi­ an ap|M*ar«uce at the contests. In addi­ ness. tion to ridunding the entrance fee, I'J.W will Is* pat'I (oreach saddle thus making it possible for some ol the rider« to pull <|own a g»xxl «iztsl purse. A horse that scores one throw will not lie ridden again that »lay, so that tbe animal enter- ingtlie contest will not be fatigued. Every «■fforl will I m * mad« to have the contest one the fairest ever held ami one of the moat interesting. Which Section of the County is Go ing to Carry Off the Honors Stay Out in the Rain and Wade in Snow Seven Inches Deep BONANZA IS WORKING HARD MANY CONTESTS WILL RESULT But Fort Klamath a ud Merrill are Taking No lice and Say They Will Be There With The Goods The Interest that is lieing manifested throughout the county Indicate# that the next county fair is going to I* one of the biggest in the history of the coun­ ty. Bonanza is going to try and make October III, “Botianxa Day,’’a memor* able one and will try and dwarf into insignificancn the efforts of Merrill and Fort Klamath. Regarding the big time that the Ronaniaile« are going to allow the |M*ople of the county, the Bulletin says; Go in your Sunday nieetin* clothes, Go in your overalls, We’ll all lie there Al the County Fair— The Fair nt Klainnth Falls. In your IsH.k <>( forget-me-nota write down in red letters “October IHlb.” That Is to ls< “ Bonanza Valley'«’’ day. Then you and I and all of us will fall down upon the meek-eyed denixena >>( the county m *«1 to let them and the world know that the inhabitants of the tlp|Marae<>ple. There will lie n 0 special program to entertain the crowds. And the committee« have hardly straightened on their thinking 7 cap. M You can find on the ranch something to exhibit—grain, grasses, vegetables, B fruits or live slock. Send it, except the 10 live stock, to the »tore of the Driscoll Mercantile company, with your name 11 attached. Rome member of the com­ mittee will probably call u|K>n you, but do not wait for that. Do your share 12 and do it early. 13 Fort Klamath is hard at work gather­ 14 ing an exhibit that will place in the 15 shade anything else that will lai shown at the fair. The |>eople of the northern metropolis simply aav "watch our HI smoke.'* That Bonanza is going to 17 make things hum is certain, and the 1H boosters from the little giant are going to set a pace that will lai hard to la>at. It» Rut the denizens of Fort Klamath and 20 Merrill seem confident that they will 21 gel away with the trick. From Mer­ rill comes the story that when she gets 22 through with the rest of the county 23 there will la* nothing left but a shadow 24 for the other fellow. Il has lawn decided by the lair man- 25 agement to dispense with the horse rac- 20 ing part of tlie program ami devote the 27 money to a bronco busting contest and increasing the premiums to lx* offered 2R for the best displays of farm products. 29 This seems to meet with a great deni of ,30 favor and will result in a stronger effort being made to bring out the beat that county has. Already the Republican is I31 32 in receipt of four inquiries from farmers 33 of tl.e middle west, who nt present are 34 in the Willamette and Rogue River val­ leys, asking when the county fair is to be held. They slate that they are look­ 3S ing for a location and would like to 3tl come here at the time the fair is to lie 37 held in order that they may have an opportunity to see what can lie raised 3S in this county. Doubtless there are 31» others of the same mind, and if the 40 farmers will get in and bring in the 41 liest they hnve on their ranches it will 42 be productive of much good. Everyone 43 who is engaged in ranching or gardening ought to remelier that they are liable to 44 get a handsome premium for their 45 exhibit. Many there were who thought 40 that Klamath Bounty would not have a 47 look in at Hacramerilbf yet she walked 48 away with the best to be had. The 40 came may be true of Bonanaa, Merrill 60 I «• REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper and Fort Klamath. These sections have all that is necessary to drry off the The Clear Lake Dam [Concluded on Page 5, Coloma 2] clude this city on hie program next year. the ordinary. I {Concluded on page four, column two) • i . *• G ; I t -i > f v <■