K LAM A TH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THE FUTURE WEDDING BELLS Lost River M ish Hasel Brown left for Eugene Saturday, where she will enter the I’m- versity of Oregon. Mrs. Bert Hawkins, who haa l>een visiting in the east, returned home this week. John Matney is at wotk on hie new home. Harry Holt returned home front Port­ land where he has been for the past several months. Closing Out Sale Ore., to make room for I. P. Lee, accompanied by his twojOUr Fall Stock of goods, daughter«, were among those who this We will Sell for the next week went to Bly to participate in the timber land opening which will occur month at and below cost. I on Saturday. V 20 41 SBEII SBEII -WHAT? — ■ - Mr. Folsom is confined to his home ■ with Hiekneas, It has not been so long since there « YOE- BRUNER was considerable discontent throughout A pretty home wedding look place M isb Agnes Stevenson will be among the county, many people seeming to Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock, at the the Klamath county girls who v ill at­ think that the entire county was going residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bruner, tend the University of Oregon at Eu­ to join the down and out club. This on Wimer street, when their eldest gene. idea prevailed, it is true, among those daughter, Elva K., and Jas. A. Yoe, of who are willing to let themselves look Klamath Falls, were made man and Mr. Patterson arrived here from on the dark side of everything. But as wife. The ceremony was performed bv Chico, Calif., Sunday, for a visit with lime sped on and the expected up­ Rev. H. J. Van Fossen, of the M. E. his old friends. He was formerly a rea­ heaval did not occur, the most jiessi- church, < the presence of about 20 dout of thia section. mistic settled back and their nerves be­ guests. The young couple took their George Jury has disposed of his black came quiet. Then came the victory at places wl ile the wedding march was be­ smith shop in Merrill and will engage in the Irrigation Congress- and the most ing played by Mrs. Van Fossen, and the pleasant pastime of being a rancher. disconsolate seemed to show signs of after the nuptial vows had been plight- Herbery l>liillipe, Jr., is on the sick brightness. There was something lift ed, they were the recipients of hearty yet. congratulations. A bountiful collation list, as is also Rena Colson. Now comes murmurs of what may be followed. Mis. Arthur Hawkins lias taken her expected next year. Among the first of Mr. and Mrs. Yoe left on the stage baby to the Falls for medical treatment. these is the advance that is being made Thursday morning for their home at Mrs. George Dick, who suffered from by the railroad. Already preparations Klamath Falls, where the groom is en­ a stroke of paralysis recently, has so far are being made to handle business at gaged in business. He is a brother of Bray’s. The grading has nearly reach, d G. H. Yoe, of this city, and has many recovered as to l>e able to walk alone. Mt. Hebron and the road will he com­ friends here, while the bride is also The work of the headers is nearly at pleted to that point not later than De­ esteemed by a large circle of friends for an end. cember 1st an 1 to Dorris soon after, for her many amiable qualities.—Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Booth are visiting at the work between these two points is of Tidings. the home of S. B. Booth. So well the lightest From Dorris to this city, pleased are they with this county that but twenty miles, will be completed they hate decided o sell their farm at BOOTH—LaPRARIE next summer, unless unforseen obstacles Sisters and invest in Klamath realty. arise. Mr. Harriman has issued orders One of the most elaborate weddings of to put it through as fast as poseib'e, the year occurred at the home of Mr. Exit Mr. Smith and it is understood among the South­ and Mrs. LaPrarie Monday noon, when ern Pacific people that the road will their daughter. Mi sGeorgia, was united have passed on towards the Upper in marriage to Harry Booth, Rev. J. B. Rev. W. G. Smith preached his fare­ Lake by the time Mr. Harriman arrives Griffith officiating. The ceremony oc­ well sermon last Sunday in the Presby­ here next year on his annual vacation. curred on the lawn of the home, beneath terian church. He was very pointed in Following the railroad rumors comes a canopy of vines and sweet peas. The hie remarks, and bluntly told his con­ those of the Reclamation Service. Con­ matrons of honor were Mrs. Cook, gregation that they did not want a man sulting Engineer Sanders, who is here grandmother of the groom, ami Mrs. of tilier, but one who could lie molded to for the purpose of mapping out the plan Greely, grandmother of the bride. The suit their whims and fancies. He shed of campaign for next year, has about bride was gowned in turquoise silk and no tears and expressed no words of re­ completed his work. Engineer Henny carried a boquet of sweet peas. gret, for he said in view of the action will be here this week. These plans Following the ceremony the guests, taken by the church he was not sorry to will be gone over finally by Henny, of whom there were ninety, adjourned be once more free from the duties that Sanders and Murphy and forwaided : to the house, which was prettily deco­ at times were onerous and distasteful. to Washington for approval. While1 rated with blue and white ribbons, cut He left for Medford Monday morning, Mr. Sanders has given out absolutely flowers, potted plants ami sweet pea.«, where it is stated that he lias purchased nothing as to what his report contains, where an elaborate luncheon was a fruit ranch. and will not until after the conference, served. It is understood that an answer has it is a safe prediction to make that when Mr. Booth is well known here, hav- been received from the call that was his report is made public the people will itrj» been a resident of this county tuost sent to Mr. Pratt, in which he states be satisfied with it. Walls sometimes of his lifetime. The bride came here that be can hardly see hie way clear to have ears, and if they heard aright it from Wisconsin about a year ago, dur­ come here fora five montila engagement, would indicate that there will be aome- ing which time she has lieen engaged in but suggests that if given assurance that thing doing on the Clear Lake dam. teaching. She is a young woman of he will lie continued longer that he will The work along these lines will be all charming personality and has a host of accept the ofier. that the most agressive resident of the friends who extent! to her their best hustling region embraced in the Upper wishes for a long and happy married X New Traffic Man Project would demand. The east branch life. will also be completed. In addition to these there will be other work of which Warrants Issued When W. R. Davis came to this city the Republican will have more to say i many months ago j»nd gave out the later. Out of >420,000 a great deal of statement that he was going to give to good can come, and it may be stated Two warrants were issued Wednesday, this city the Iiest stage service it ever that the horn of plenty is full ot good one for the arrest of T. C. Billings, i had. few realized how far he was going things for the Klamath Basin, so far as charged with absconding with >50 Ire- to go to make good his promise. His the Klamath Project is concerned. . longing to his employers, Baldwin A This year was simply the calm before Hughes; the other for T. Maddock, final stroke in securing control of the Klamath Lake Navigation company met the storm, a storm that will sweep into charged with departing with >200 be­ with such popular favor that he was the Klamath Basin an era of prosperity longing to Jeff Jones, who had entrust­ recognized as a public benefactor. Fol­ that will dwarf into insignificance any­ ed the money to his care. lowing his entrance into the company thing that has so far made its appear­ Billings has been employed by Bald­ he liegan to look around for the best win A Hughes and it is alleged that ance. traffic man he could find, and finally Tuesday be collected money to the succeeded in securing the services of Of the many factors that are now en­ amount of >60 and that evening took to R. A. Autenreith, who has been the gaged in the upbuilding of Oregon none the tall timbers with the evident inten­ traffic man for the McCloud railroad. will have a more potent influence than tion of keeping the money. He has not Mr. Autenreith is recognized as one of Maddock the anniversary edition of the Portland as yet been apprehended. the best men in this line of work there Journal. From a typographical stand­ and Jones came to town Tuesday even- is on the coast, and Mr. Davis is to be ing. Believing that Maddock was point it will long remain as the greatest congratulated in securing his services. achievement in the Pacific Northwest, thoroughly honest Jones gave him the I That he will further popularize the fine but this is a small atom in the results money for safe keeping. Wednesday service given by the Navigation com­ that will be accomplished by the pro­ morning Maddock left for the railroad, pany is certain. duction of such an encyclopedia of in­ but the long arm of the law was quick­ formation about the greatest state on er than be, and he was brought back In New Home Coast. In no section of the state has from I’okegama. He denies having re­ this edition met with greater favor than ceived >20) from Jones, but admits that it has in Portland, especially among re­ the sum was >60. The Holcomb Really Company of Ore­ cent arrivals, who have senk thousands gon have removed their offices to the For Sale of cipies to their friends back home. American Bank and Trust Building, oc­ In this city it met unqualified praise, cupying about one-third of the spacious and many residents of Klamath Falls 640 acres of excellent land, 3J^| miles room in which the bank is located. No have ordered copies forwarded where expense has lieen spared in furnishing they will do much to accomplish one of | out, one mile from macadam road; 560 and equipping the new home of this acres under gravity ditch, laterals all the results aimed at in the publishing well known firm and it van now Isiast of made; 140 acres under p'rof>osed high- of such a paper. having the finest real estate office in 1 line ditch; 250 acres in grain; 250 acres | in alfalfa; good eight-room house; Southern Oregon, if notin the state. Since coming to thin city a few The United States Senatorial cam- large barn ami granary; four wells. months ago this firm has done more to pbigii is liable to be a hot one in this i Price >53 |»er acre, one-third cash, advertise Klamath County and bring state next year. It is reported that balance on easy terms. her investors and home-seekers than any Prosecutor Heney stated that if Senator MASON & BLOUGH, other organization. Having a large Fulton was a candidate to succeed him­ Exclusive Agents. t clientele throughout California and self he, Heney, will come to Oregon and other states, it was in a position to im­ take the stump against him. The Sen­ Notice mediately interest a vast number of ator has replied that he would Ire glad people in this Basin, and the success to have an opportunity to meet that re­ with which they have met demonstrates To the public: doubtable gentleman in debate, and if I am now prepared to furnish milk in that the organization is a perfect one such a program should be carried out there would lie more political pyrotech­ pint and quart quantities; also to hotels and founded on correct principles. nics in Oregon than was ever seen here and restaurants. Delivery daily. Rates before. It would attract the attention for family trade: Milk, quarts >2 per of the Nation and would certainly place month; cream, half pints lOcents ; pints the name of Oregon before the reading 20 cents; quarts 35 cents. All goods public of the United States, whether in guaranteed first class. RIVERSIDE CREAMERY, a favorable or unfavorable light remains i H. E. WILLARD, Proprietor, to l.e seen. At the Excelsior, Dairy, , 9-12 4t Box 63, Klamath Falls. Mrs. Neill Camplieil lias gone to Ash­ land, where she will remain perma­ nently. This change has been made necessary on account of heart trouble, the altitude here being too high for her. Mr. Campbell will join her shortly. SEBI i * That Swell Line of Dress Goods, Ladies and Children’s Coats, Ladies Tailor Suits, Skirts and Waists, AT | | * | THE BRICK STORE C9. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE fl fl fl fl fl P atents C opyrights Ac. ' A auli blr ••n4lng a «b»l«’h «”4 4»arflt»•» wli»ih«r «n tbin«»t i ivdjr i oi'Aduntlai. HANDBOOK “*• * • «<’»»<• •out fi«>«. HMM «Mener f< r ••« |~ <•«>«•. ratem« tabe» lhr»ufh Humi A < v. fwe. C. - QIRLS GET PROMOTED Soon when they are Studious a Good Tablets, Pencils, Pens and Rulers promote quick learning. All our School Supplies are the best quality. / Get your School Supplies of Us SCHOOL BOOK EXCHANGE CONDUCTED HERE STAR DRUG STORE WASHING MADE EASY 6000 ROLLS CHOICE WALL PAPER I n JdlS Not family Jars but the Genuine BALL mason fruit jars Pints, 90c Doz. Quarts, $1.00 Doz. Half Gal. $1.30 Doz GEO. T. BALDWIN THE HARDWARE DEALER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON V