CITY If ycu want a limiter claim come to me on or before September 24. Mark I.. Burns. 9-12-21 BRIEFS. ’‘There Is Only One Way Of Judging The Future; That is By The Past.” See the Boston Store’s ad. W - UYING YOUR JEWELRY OR 11AV- ing your work done at HEITKEM­ PER’S will surely result in your be­ ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as fine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments, Phonographs, Records. Supplies, Strings, Sheet Music, Etc. A big o lino to select from. Semi for catalogue. B WANTED—50 bead of horses, more See the Leather Goods window at the Star Drug Store. Au eye upeuer for or less, to pasture amt winter. Pasture »1 a month per head ; teed |2 a month anyone. ♦ or *8 for the winter. Good pasture and Mrs. Geo. Chastain has returned timothy hay. Charles Westlotorn, troui a visit to Ronansa. Fort Klamath,Oregon. 8-15 t See Ady for marsh lands. Miss Nettie McIntyre of Ashland is a Mrs. R. E. Central has returned from guest of Mrs. Neil Campbell. a visit to Eugene. See the Boston Store's ad. FOR RENT—Two nice suites of Mrs. Kent Ballard has gone to Port­ rooms with range and bath. Mason A land to undergo treatment at one o( the Slough. 8-29 t hospitals of that city. Rev. W. G. Smith and family came See the Boston Store's ad. iu ou the boat the other evening. Chas. Horton, the well known Bo­ A tine line of Tooth Preservers is at­ nanza stockman, registered at the. lake- tractively displayed in one of the win­ side Inn this week. dows in the Star DrugStoce. f Bee the Boston Store’s ad. R. M. Roller, the furniture man, has Harry Wilson of Klamath Agency was . «old his business to E. B. Gillette. iu Klamath Falls Saturday after a load ' Duck blanket liued and mackinaw of freight. ' pants K K K Store. t Remember School Supplies of all Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray are spend- kinds can best lie procured where the , mg the week in Portland. School Book Exchange is conducted. t Rubber goods ot every description at Star Drug Store. I K K K Store. t Miss Jessie Newton has returned to | the Falls after enjoying raueh life lor a f BORN—In this city. September 12, to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnson, a daugh- few days. ! ter. See the Boston Store's ad. ’G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Republican Block - - Klamath Falls, Ore MDKenvs « '! 1' 1' 1' (► I' ladies' coats, latest styles now in K L. Alva Lewie spent Sunday at the < • K K Store. f Brown place up at the head of Crystal ; The Buena Vista boathouse will be Creek. Fine Line of Fresh Candies completed in a few weeks. Exclusive agency at K K K Store Swell line ladies' walking skirts K K fur Stetson and Thoroughbred Hats. t j K ."tore. 4 Dr. Geo. W. Merryman has returned J. G. Hampton, a former resident ot from a professional trip to Medford. ' lake county, died at Eugene a few days If you want a timber claim come to me 1 ago of apoplexy. on or before September 24. Mark I.. Shoes for every member of the family Burns. 9-1231 at K K K Store. t Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart have re­ L. J. Bean, of Bonanza, passed turned from their California trip. i through this city last week on his way Fell bools and rubbers of all kinds at to Rogue River. K K K Store. ♦ Men's sweaters, sweater coats, neck W. H. Shook came down from Dairy I sweaters, cardegan jackets, silk and Saturday evening on a business visil. wool underwear at K K K Store. t Blanketsand quilts—K K K Store, t i J. F. Salcido camedownfrom Bonanza F. M. Priest, the life insurance man, i last week, where he has been working in is spending a few days al Bonanza. the bay fields for several weeks. Latest Novelties in Toys !• All the latest Newspapers and !; Magazines * Most complete line of PIPES to select from Long Lake Lumber Co. LUMBER 4 The Rev. H. L. Grafious, of Klamath Store. Agency, was in the city last week. John Ellie will go up to Fort Klam- ( Grain sacks at Klamath Stables and ath Monday on a business trip. A. F. Bunnell ranch, one mile south of Men’s mackinaw, leather, corduroy, | Stukel Bridge. 9-12 2t» rubber and duck coats K K K Store, 4 j F. M. Rolfe is over at Medford on Joe Koessel has gone to Oakland to timber land business. remain during the winter. FOR RENT—A four room cottage The government says that Continen­ with bath *18 per month. Mason A tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ i Slough. 8-29 f mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure Dr. Wm. Martin attended the conven­ for it is put up under its supervision in tion of the National Dental Association bonded wariheusee. Sold by C. D. Willson. 4 at Norfolk, Va., last week. Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, Band sawing and Turning, Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a Specialty PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum­ ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de­ livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. Have Been Placed In So many Bornes. Cbev Sell Cbemselves. The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the Beautiful Nickel Finish and the High Class Workmanship Embodied in all the good features of this range is the Economy of Fuel Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Malable Top National and Niagara Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 | Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? The^diflerence in cost of a good fence and a poor one is so small that it pays to buy jr a good one. I will have <£ F A Carload of Ell wood Fences About May let. It cost« nothing to examine them, but if * you investigate you will lie surprised how cheap they are. F Everything that the farmer needs, I have. ¿z STRAYED—Three-year-old cold black Miss Maud Nail has returned from a horse; D run on left shoulder. Star on visit to relatives in Douglas county and forehead. Gentle. Reward paid for will attend the High School this winter. his return to Exchange Stables. 8-15 4 If you want a timber claim come to me Miss Leona Biehn, of Bonanza, is at­ on or before September 24. Mark L. tending St. Mary’s Academy in Jack­ Burns. 9-12-2t sonville. O. A. Stearns is clerking in Yoe A Need any plumbing done? Then get Bruner's fruit store while Mr. Yoe is at our prices first. Best work and reason­ Ashland attending his son’s wedding. able prices. Baldwin A Baldwin. 4 See the. Boston Store’s ad. See the Boston Store’s ad. Chas. Lenz has returned from his Small tracts of well located tule marsh ranch up on Klamath Marsh. lands offered for one week at *20 per *l)o you know that I have all kinds I acre. Abel Adv. 4 of property for sale at a bargain. Mark Ray Satchwell han returned to Ash L. Burns,.Klamath Lails, Oregon. 4 1 land, after spending a couple of weeks Mrs. E. E. Heidrich has gone to Port- i in this city. , land to remain during the winter. She On receipt of two cerite in stamps I will send descriptive literature of Klam­ was accompanied by her daughter, ath County to any address.—Mark I,. Miss Anna, and son, Curt, who will at­ tend school. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4 {"OR SALE—240 acres of land seven miles below Keno on the river. One million five hundred thousand feet of timber on the place. Good range. En­ quire of Jack Connolly, Keno, Oregon, or come to ranch and take a look around. 7-11-tf Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pelton and F. 8. Billington, of Gold Hill, are regis­ tered at the Lakeside Inn this week.] • Do you want a choice timber claim or homestead? If so call at my office at once. Mark L. Burris 4 J. F. Boiler, a brother of R. M. Boll« -, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sapp, who have arrived from Chicago Sunday evening been visiting Mayor and Mrs. B. St. and will enjoy an outing in the tall Geo. Bishop for the past several weeks, timber for a few weeks. left for Silver City, N. M., this week. “Every drop pure,’’ is what can be WALL PAPER-WALL PAPER said of Continental whiskey, Water WALL PAPER ' Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. bOOO Rolls Choice Wall Paper 1 V. Rye. Sold by C. D. Willson. 4 House Lining I Alliert Walker, county commissioner, All at popular prices ALLEN SLOAN • 1 came in from Bly to attend the ad­ Baldwin the Hardware Dealer DON J. ZUMWALT BERT E. WITHROW journed term ol county court which con­ Klamath V Falls Secretary Vice-Pres. A Treas. President vened this week. See the Boston Store’s ad. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY INC, , Do not buy blended whiskey. When Merrill is to hold a Sfiecial election on you want pure whiskey see that it is CAPITAL'JTOCK $10,000, FULLY PAID put up under the government's “bonded Wednesday, next, to vote on the elec­ warehouse stamp,’’ as is the Continen­ tric light proposition, water bonds and a tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ stock ordinance. mandie rye and F. F. V. rye. Bold by Ed Nunes, who has been in chargeof KLAMATH FAILS, OREQON C. D. Willson. 4 the 8. P. launch on the-Upper Latke, has GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man I • »■«••«••ÎS.ssSSSêî» •SSs'S»'« « ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING • See the Boston Store’s ad. returned to San Francisco. Emma Block "1 M ASON & S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS .A. choice 1111 «3 of nient« tliot ^vlll moke the ptirehnser money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP FOR RENT—Four room cottage at J. L. Padgett is up from Keno on a *10 per month. Mason A Slough. 4 business visit. Let uh figure on your work. Baldwin Miss Nett Drew, of Dairy, has re­ turned to Ashland to resume her stud­ A Baldwin, plumbers. ies in the State Normal School. See the Boston Store's ad. Manager | A Well Fenced Farm NATIONAL AND CROWN A NIAGARA STEEL RANGES Swell line men's (all suits and over- j Men’s cravenette rain coats |5 to *20 coats now in at K K K Store. ♦ K K K Store. 4 Joe Smith and Herb Cramner are Capt. O. C. Applegate has returned from a business trip to the Rogue River back from a timber cruising trip. valley. Watch the bargain counter at K K K Manufacturers of All Kinds of W. 0. HUSON, Chat is Why Che * 1 Pay the Freight City Trices. S. O. Shattuck, one of the pioneers of Mra, R. ..................... M, Richardsou U . and ‘ son Harry Wood River valley, came down Satur­ are l>ack from a visit to Thrall. day after a load of supplies. IFe are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WONK. done promptly. Repair Work of all kinds We guarantee all our work to be first class and at Satisfactory Prices. BETWEEN 5th AND 7th ON WALNUT I aim to be reliable CAPITALISTS AND STOCKMEN 4 ATTENTION Absurdly low prices on 65,000 ACRES of OREGON CENTRAL MILITARY ROAD LAND IN KLAMATH COUNTY. Will Rent or Sell on Easy Terms. I ï. W. ¡STEPHENS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE