1 t * X w Write your friends about the Colonist Rates. Get them to buy their ticket To Thrall. <* < < < / 1 • / a- • * ✓ A 1 r * N • • A Man of Many Parts. Here la uii nmuxllig old handbill printed and • n-ulatcl in «'uinlM-rland. England. early In Hn* nineteenth cen­ tury "I, James Williams, ptirlab clerk, an Hone. town cry«*r and bellman, make atul sella nil aorta of linl>ordn«l>arlca. groceries, etc., likewise linlr ami whig drrat, and cut, on the shortest notice. Also "N. B I keep nn evening school, where I teach nt reasonable rates, read Ing, writing, singing and sums. "N. B I |>laya the hoobiy occasion ally, If wanted. "N. It My shop la next iloore, where I bleed, draw teeth slid sins» horses, all with greatest sell. "N. B. Children taut to dance. If agreeable, nt six pence per week, by Uli*. J Wllllnmi. who buy mid sell i Id Iron mid conls shoes cleaned and mended "N. It A but and pair of stoc! Ings to Is* cudgelled for, the lM*st In 5. on Hhrof Tushdity. For particulars Ineulrc within, or ut the horse slioo mid bell, near the church, on (other side of the wny. "N B Ixxik over the door for the slghn of the 3 pigeons. "N. R.~1 sell good nyle, nud some­ times cyder lodgings for single men.** Our Lost Sense. One of the grontest discoveries of physiology la (lint we once hud six senses. What the lost sense was n<> one knows, mid probably no one wilt ever know, hut Hint our forefathers possessed It there la no doubt, for the remnlna of that pnrt of the brain Iri which It resided lire still to I m * seen In nny one of us. There remnlna nre simply a amaH'and now perfectly useless little mass of brain iiulrdnuce cnllcd the pituitary body. It c nslats of two tiny little oral lobea Joined together mid lying in n little entity of the skull, strangely nnmed the aelln tur< len mid sltmitisl over uml behind the nose It Is quite possible that It tnay Imve enabled our forefathers to see In the dark liefore lamps and can­ dles were Invented, or It mny have plnced them In coinmiinligi with ghosts nud fairies, or It mny have been nn organ I hut enable«! them to go homo In n bee line when they lost their wny In tin* primeval forests, on the other hand. It is |Missibk* Hint It was n bad substitute for vision or smell or hear­ ing and died out when the Improved sensi* organ developed. Just Two Kinds of Men. "There are two classes of men.” snlil the close observer. "One knows noth­ ing about woman, having spent yenra In studying her. The other knows ev­ erything. never having studied her."— Chicago Jourpnl. At 3 A. M. Ills Wife You needn't make nny ex­ cuses, John. It's all right. You’re Just In time to walk the baby for an hour or two. Puck. Skill mid assurance are an Invincible eenple Dutch Proverb. When a man gets luto trouble we al way» "look for the woman," but when "It la not solely to please the lady he succeed« we do not. though we have patrons,” said nn Interior deeorntor. more reason Nt. Louis Republic. "that mirrors so abound In ehope. They You will save a great deal of worry serve another nud more lm(x>rtutit pur­ and trouble every day If you do not pose. They help detect shoplifters. bother your mind alaiut what you cun- If you should study the various watch­ not help Baltimore American. ers In the employ of big retail stores you would find that they don't watch Grandmamma What are you doing the patrons directly. T(jey look nt in the pnutry. Tommy? Tommy—Oh, their reflection« In Hie mirrors. Of I'm Just putting a few things away, course their watching done that wny Is gran'ma! tinpercelved. The shoplifter glnuces at Amethyst quartz varies In color from the watcher, sets« thut bls back In to very light blue to very dark yellow, her and secretes a pair of silk stock then green. then transparent. Its col­ , Ings in her shirt waist The next mo­ oring is dm* to manganese. ment she feels mi unfriendly nnd ter­ Flour aud grist milling first liegan in rifying tnp on her shoulder, nnd the watcher, who has caught her by the this «xmntry near Jamestown, Va.. In mirror’s aid, bids her sternly to ac­ 1021. when Governor Yeardley built a company him to the office." New York windmill. Press. Cltlman Yes, she’s married to !. real estate agent, nnd a g«MMl, honest fellow Whsrs ths Flowers Came From. too. Subbubs Good gracious! Blga "There was n teacher, touching In a my. ch? Philadelphia Tress. very poor ncghborliiMHl," said a New In fasting feats the sect of Jains, In York settloment worker, "who received dally gift« of flowers from one of her India, Is far ahead of all rivals. Fast pupils, a ragged little boy. Tile flow of from thirty to forty days are net era wen* of all sorts, sometimes costly | uncommon. hothouse blooms, sometimes simple, old The first town of many named after fashioned garden flowers. As n rule our first president wan Washington. they wen* somewlmt faded. One day Wilkes county. Ga. The first Wash­ the boy brought Hie t«*acher a great ington county was in Virginia. bouquet of mauve orohlda. To I m * sure, Aunt (to her nephew, a student)—You they were much wilted, but none the less It could I m * seen that they had once are taking much longer than usual to cost a great «leal of money. The pux- ask me to lend you some money this time. Nephew Really, auntie, how r.bsl teacher ns she took them said: "'Jimmy, where do you get all these thoughtful you are! If It hadn’t lieen flowers tlrnt you give me? You don't for your kind reminder, I should have forgotten all a 1 tout It.—Meggendcrfer steal them, I ho|ie.' " ‘Oh. no, ma'am,* the youngster an­ Blatter. swered; ‘father’s an nah man.' ” Natives of Borneo place rudely carved female figures nt tin* entrances Patti and the Wasp. to their huts. Tlie image represents a Otic of Charles Smitley's most amus­ gtsldess, which prot«x*ts the house from ing ex|H*rlenccs