CITY BRIEFS A. H. Naftzger returned Monday (rum a trip to San Francisco. Seo the Boston Store's nd. Archie Johnson returned from British Columbia thia week, where he had been on timber business. See Adv for marsh lands. ) Tom Mcl-aiighlin wet^Jp Dorris this w^ek, where it is his intention to open a saloon. FOR RENT—Two nice suites of rooms with range and bath. Mason A Slough. 8 20 ■ Dr. C. P. Mason went to Portland Tuesday. FOR RENT—A four room cottage with bath *18 per month. Mason A Slough. 8-29 t E. Whitlock returned Monday from Merrill and Bonausa. i Ü p n (» n < flRKenvs < i Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Nove/ties in Toys _ !• All the latest Newspapers and Î ¡! Magazines J Most complete line of PIPES to select from l Long Lake Lumber Co. ” There /.s’ Only One ITay Of Judging The Future; That is By The Past.” C. C. Low assumed the responsibili­ ties of his office, as city marshal, Mun­ day. Arthur Wilson, of Odessa, was in the city Munday. I have a nice line of Iron Reds at prices that sell. R. M. Buller. 8-8 ♦ T. J. Jackson of Fort Klamath was in ths city Monday. Chat la Why Cb« WANTED—50 head of hones, more or less, to |>asture ami winter. Pastura *1 a month per bead 1 feud *2 a month or *8 for the winter. Good pasture and timothy hay. Charles Weatlotorn, Fort Klamath,Oregon. 8-15 ♦ 1 C. C. Brower left Monday for Ashland and Redding, Calif., where be expects to remain (or the next ten days. NATIONAL AND CROWN A NIAGARA STEEL RANGES Rave Been Placed In So many Romes. Cbev Sell Cbemselves. See the Boston Store’s ad. Austin Cox, J. O. Haniaker, Harry FOR RENT—Four room cottage at Nichols, William Goss and R. I. Kilgore were among the Bonansaites who visited *10 per month. Mason A Slough. ♦ the county seat thia week. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Barter, who have Hand bags. A swell line at the Star been spending their vacation at Fort § Klamath and Crater Lake, returned Drug Store. home this week. J. C. Mitchell lias purchased upwards I have good goods at the right prices. of 1000 head of cattle from Pelton A Sisemore, Dan Ryan and Jack Pelton. The New Furniture Store. 8-8 t They are to lai driven to Gazelle a I “out J. I.. Bateman and William Sanderson September 20. returned from the huckleberry patch Fee the Boston Store's ad. this week, and report plenty of snow in Work was la-gun this week on the that region, making the picking of tlie berry anything but a pleasant pastime. new building that is to house the Bank of Dorris. G.E. Hurst is in charge of Toilet soaps at the Star Drug Stori“. § the work and the material Is being sup­ Court Reporter Richardson has de­ plied by Ackley Blethers. See the Boston Mure'« ad. cided to return to the jury room with his otfice, it lx>ing more convenient for MARRIEI*—In this city, Thursday, the Circuit Judge that he do so. afternoon, August 20, 1UV7, Miss lamina The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the Beautiful Nickel Finish and the High Class Workmanship Embodied in all the good features of this range is the Economy of Fuel Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Malable Top National and Niagara Postals. Local views an.I all others. Pratt and Daniel Shell, Justice uf the Peace Nichols officiating. Star Drug Store. 4 Pictures! Yes, framed and untrained. Mrs. A. C as tel, who ha* been visiting her sisters, Mrs.T. J. Jackson and Mrs. A big assortment just arrived at the 7 18 § G. S. Hoyt, at Fort Klamath, returned Star Drug Store. home]Monday. P. I.. Fountain went to Sacramento STRAYED—Three-year-old cold black Monday, where be hopes to sing the horse; D run on left shoulder. Star on praues of Klamath in such a melodious forehead. Gentle. Reward paid for manner that ho wili attract a large his return to Exchange Stables. 8-15 t numlierof investor«. See the B>fton Store's ad. Dr. Ida Stone returned Tuesday even­ ing from Walkerton, Canada, where 1« r . H. L. Holgate, ol the Bonanza Bank, three months she has l>een vi»- was a visitor the pMt ] si tor al the county seat Sunday, cuuni^scat Suuday. Ring j n! r parents. He many friends aie He was accompanied by fV-nanza’^pop. glad to welcome herback. uiar druggist, C. J. Heidtuian. Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 A . M ASON &. S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS Need any plumbing done? Then get Yolanda perfume. Royal Cherry our prices first. Best work and reason­ Bude Talcum Powder. Idlest. Sam­ able prices. Baldwin A Baldwin. $ ple at Star Drug Store. * Dr. J. G. Patterson expects to leave Mies Vale Satchwell, one of the popu­ next week for the east, where he will lar operators al the telephone uffice, take a’post graduate course. Dr. Pat­ terson of Lakeview will care for his who has been al Odessa tor an outing, returned hume this week. practice during bis absence. The government save that Continen­ See the Boeton Store’s ad. tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ B. St. George Bishop has sold to H. mandie Rye antirol*i inc r money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages A card received by the Republican Small tracts of well located tule marsh I lands offered for one week at *20 per from Judge Baldwin states that he and PHONE 381 Mr. Merrill arrived at Sacramento acre. Abel Adv. * “right side up with care” and that they Mrs. J. T Henley went to Sacramento were busily engaged in installing the Monday to attend the Irrigation Con­ exhibit, lbs Judge is a hummer when All kinds of Finishing Lum- gress. She also expects to visit her it comes to getting tilings in shape. daughters in Ban Francisco before re­ . ber now on hand. turning. Let us figure on your work. Baldwin Large assortment of Doors 00 tons on Eureka, Kansas, Monday. this ranch this year. See the Boston Btore’iad. J. F. Croft, who has l