Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 05, 1907, Image 7

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Definition of Authority.
During the early days of "Big Tim’
Rulllvuu's service In the house of rep- Many Fins Instruments Have B««n Haw It and ths Conductor's Supremacy
Lay of ths Last Minstrel.
Picksd Up Chssp.
Cams to B« Established.
Wliere now Is Billy Rice? ID» was a rvseii la lives there ocpirred a discus­
Great nil inliers of fine old violins and
Although tliero does uot seem to bo
joy to me, und so wen» I lie other slurs sion between him and Representative
Violoncellos tl»it riunii into the high anything In common tietween pugilism
of the nigger show Billy Birch, Du vid Alexuixler of Buffalo touching tho
right of a third representative to pose class market of London are procured and railroad rules, yet the adoption of
Wamlxild, Backus slid n delightful
us uii authority of finance. Hulllvau through the medium of advertlaemunta
dozen of their bretbreu who mud« life Insisted that the metniier In question inserted in oliscure country piqiers tbe familiar bell rope that stretch«?«
s pleasure to ma forty years ng<> end bad every rigid to speak like an oracle. and c» iM-i'Irilly those of ancient cathe­ through every car of the modern train
wan tho r«*sult of a fistic encounter. At
later. Birch, Warn bold end Backus are
"What 1« your definition of an au­ dral cities.
Of <«>ur <• few of the fiddles thus ob­ ttie same time and by the !««»>» of tbe
gon«» year« ago, and with them depart­ thority?" suddenly u»k«*<l Alexander.
"My uotlon of an uuthorlty," Instant tained are veritable masterpieces, hut same com but tbe supremacy or tbe con­
ed to return no mor«* forever, I «up-
pose. the real nigger «how, the genuine ly retorted "Illg Tim," "Is a mini «lin a great nmiy of them are line exam­ ductor lu railroad travel waa ordained.
nigger allow, the extravagant nigger bluff« lM*yond my limit."—New York ples of curly English nnd foreign mak­ It was Philadelphia which gave both
ers. mid they are often bought for ri­ to the world.
show, the show which to me hud no
diculously small prices by u group of
One of the ol<!«*st railroads In the
Would Tsks What They Had.
peer and whose |x-cr I iiim not yet nr
exports, who have brought tho busi­
country Is the Philadelphia, Wilming­
A gentleman purchased at the post-
rived In my experience. We have the
ness to a lucrative system. Many a
grinid o|M*ru, and I liuve witnessed uml oftlee a large quantity of stum|H«l en­ struggling family of long descent. In ton and Baltimore, now known as the
greatly cujoyi«l the first net of every­ velopes, nrw«pn|M*r wrapper« and otbur some out of the wuy part of the coun­ Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Washing
thing which Wuguer created, but C*s postal requlMlteH.
try, happens to see In the one county ton, which waa opene«! In 1KI7. The
Finding them somewhat dlttbult to
effect on mo Im« always been so pow­
newspuper of the week that good terminus In Philadelphia was at iiroad
carry, he asked one of the counter
erful Unit one act was quite sulflelent.
prices are given for old fiddle«, and and Prime «treats Prime street now
Whenever I have w K iicssim I I mo nets i clerk« If h<< could supply him with a some long forgotten Instrument In a b«*lug known as Washington avenue-
have gone iiwny pliyxhnlly exliaiisti«l. HumII quantity of «(ring.
lumber room or put awuy on a shelf mid after erasing th«» Schuylkill river
“We are not ¡M*rmltted by the de­
nt Gray's Ferry tlie route ran along the
nnd whenever I have vvntiireil nil on
•uddetdy comes to mind.
Delaware river on what 1« now the
fir«» operu th«* result bus lioen the next partment to supply string," was the
thing to suicide, lint If I couhl have
sends n deposit In order that some fid­ <’h«*«t»-r Ilin* of tlie R<-a«llng railway.
"Then givi* me a bit of red ta|H*,"
th«* nigger show back again lu Ils pris­
dle spoken of iiiuy i»e sent to him and The first schedule contain««! onsqias-
was the sarcnsliq retort
tine purity und perfection I sbquhl
examined, and he usually replies that ««•nger train, which went to Baltimore
The string was supplied Dindon
have but little further use for «»pern.
tho Instrument sent Is dilapidated ami one day nnd «nine back the next, which
It neeinn to me Hint to tho elevated T m 11er,
but sono generally, but that he 1« Mill­ was conslib-r««! a remnrkable feat In
mind ami the «ensltlve spirit the band
ing to give fill shillings or £2 for It. In rapid travel. Wh«-n a train a day each
A Ocitntific Horse.
organ and tlx* nigger allow are n
An English g>-ntl<-m:in otic«» shared a great many cases th«» offer lif ac­ way was placed In service th«» ¡»eople
standard nnd a summit to whom» rare tbe box «cat with tlx- driver of n stage- cepted offlmnd. ami In this way most of the two cities served concluded that
tl«*d nitIttid«* th«* other form« of musical couch lu Yor^sblr«-. mid, being u love» of th«* finest fiddles extant of the sec­ tlx* acme of «■oiivenlcnce in transporta­
art may not hop«* to reneli. .Murk of borne«, h<> lull.»-«I ulth tlie coach- ond dims come Into the hand« of deal­ tion had bet-u reach««!.
Twain In North American Review.
Next to th«» president of the railroad
man nlsuit his temii, admiring on«- ers. Only lately a «-elio that came
horse In particular.
from a Shropshire farm ut the price the most Imjiortant functionaries were
"Ab," anld tlx» coachman, "but that of 1'2 sold the same tiny to Il WWlt the engln««-r ami conductor. It was a
Art Lovsrs Not Disarmsd.
«¡ui-stion whether or uot tbe bead of
"'Ill«* «lllh-Ht old rille lu tho world,' »» 'osa ain't as good as ho looks, lie's a -end dealer for nearly £100.
One of the most shrewd and respect th«» line was not considered a subsidi­
■aid an artiat, "is that which requires scientific 'oss."
"A scleutltlc hone!” exclaim««! tho •«I of all th«-««* dealers wus until U ary <>fll««-r In ¡»opulnr estimation to the
the public to leave their sticks and uni-
brclliis at tlx* eutrance to art galleries tourist “What on earth do you mean year or two ago a bumble memlier of men who run the train, but Robert
by that?"
the orchestra <>( a Loudon suburban Fogg, who polks! the throttle, and
and museums.
"I means," r«-pll«*d Jehu, "a '<»«» ns theater. He Is-gnn to advertise In re- John Wolf, who collectc«l fares, won
"Tii«' ground for this rule Is tli<* sup-
position that the public If admltti«! thinks lie know« a deal more nor lie mot«» pa|»erM to the greatest limita of the d«-fer«»iee of the public tiecause of
bls scanty wages ami is now one of their high ami responsible duties.
with their umbrellas and their sticks does."
Fogg, an Englishman, had all the
the most extensive and prosfierou«
would Jsb them luto tlx* pictures and
The Timidity of sn Elephant.
dealers In the trade. Lindon Tit-BItu tenacity of opinion of his race. Wolf,
chip up the statues. How absurd aueb
Riding along n r«»nd In India 1 saw
an American, had the Ingenuity of tbe
jj siippositlou is! The public are not
the following iiistaiue of a big ele­
Yunk«*e nnd, M-elng the need of some
phant's timidity, which 1 venture to
method by which lie could «»imuiunl-
"Yet for y«*sr» tlie nil«» tins held, A
««.*lxl you: The elephant, ridden by a
cate with the engineer, devised the
mini with an umbrella or «tick bua
mahout, was follewed by n «mail Mal­
scheme of running a cord throtrrh tbe
I io «» ii deemed a daugsroua lunatic,
3»r Henry Bellasis.
tese terrier, which, Intent on It« own
curs to th«» locomotive. As tbe engine
whoso malady pa«««*« with Ills disarm­
affulr«, U«»tt««l Is-fore It« muster, mak­
Borne of tbe royalists who were was a wood burner, Wolf fastened one
ing in «»very art gallery In tlx» world.
ing <M-caaloiial Instinct!« e Investiga­ forced to endure tbe English common- eml of tbe con! to a log, which was
R<> lx» Ims b«-rn dl«urmc»l before hl» en­
tion« by the ruad«l<l«> after tlie manner wenltb secm«*«l to console themselves placed on the engineer's seat and was
trance. But lately the tide lias turn««!.
of dog« without particularly noticing for the dullness of life under a Puritan pulled to tbe floor when the ««inductor
Th«» altstirdlly of the nilo Im« been rec-
other travelers. From the first mo government by fighting ns many duels desired to signal for a stop.
ognlxrd. «nd t<«1ay at th«* Royal iK-ad-
mvnt the eleplialit set eye« on the dog as they could compass, so that Iguoble
Fogg resented what he considered an
etny exhibitions III Ixmdon and at tlx*
he never lost sight of him, turning e<|uabbl<*s and foofflih plots make up Interference with hla rights on the
Parla salon tlie «(»ectntora uro treatc<l
from «ide to aide always with an eye tbe history of their days.
platform of the l«x«>motlve and on the
Ilk«* ordinary human being«. They are
on the small animal and hurrying out
Tom Porter was of a family which first run out from Broad and Pr
trust««! with umbrellas aiu! can««, ami
of hla way whenever he approach«.»«! had zealously served tbe king. Under streets with the new ddpee paid
J no
ao far not one of them ha« jal»l»e<! a The tlmldltj*of the one and the conM
tbe n»*W government his occupation was heed to the displacement of the log
bole In a painting or knock««! a chip
denee of th«» other were irresistibly goiM-. and be defended to a triviality from the seat when the conductor de
ont of a statue.
amusing.—London Spectator.
of life which finally Involved him In a sired to take on a paasenger from a
“Ho there Is every probability of the
most pathetic event. This wa« a duel farm near Gray's Ferry, but sped on
abolition of this silly old nilo tb<* wide
The Letters on the fltono.
which he fought with his friend. Sir over the bridge and did not deign to
world over.''—New York Press.
Ruch is the skill of modern counter­
Henry Beliaala, and which, says Pepys bring his engine to a stop until Blue
feiters of sntlqmm that tlie moat learn­
In bls "Diary,” is worth remembering Bell station, on the south aide of tbe
ed ex|M*rts uro often <!<«'rlve<! into
An Odd C.inoid.no.,
for "the silliness of tbe quarrel. • • • a Schuylkill, had been reached. Then
A vain««! <-orre«|M>tulrnt to whom
kind of emblem of the general com­ he demanded to know of Wolf why he
Frequently, too. ths
render« have iwen Indebted for aererai bygone age«
plexion of the whole kingdom."
had tiecn jerking that log all about the
remarkable examples of the possibili­ task of tbe swindler 1« made ea«y by
But, silly as the quarrel uudoubt«*dly l«K«»tnotlve.
ties of <*olncld«*tice furnish«»« another tbe enthusiasm of the antiquary. A d wa«. It carrle«! In It an element of heart
Wolf hotly declared that he had sig­
Instnnce well worth a pin«»» In the dia­ instanc-c of thia was when Valleucey! break.
to stop, but Fogg retortc*d that
ry of th«MM> who word data of this
The two young rn«m Involved were
character. A dlatliigulah««) public man great sum for a sculjiturcd «tone found Intimnt«* friends and companions, but be would stop when nnd where he
and traveler, for whom tlie Initial« upon the hill of Tara. He reproduc­ one day. "being merry In ««»mpany," pleas«*«! and that, too, without any ref­
"A. I!." «ball stand, received on May ed tbe atx letters engrav««l on tbe Torn Porter «aid lie should Ilk«* to s<*e erence to orders from the conductor,
<1. an he vary often receive«, a cata­ stone in hla costly work of antiqui­ the man In England who would dare whom he did not regard as bis superior
logue from a ««»»ndhaml bookseller. ties nnd mad«» them out to i»e "Belus, a give him a blow. With that Sir Henry In the management of the train. The
In the catalogue waa a rare liook. God of Fire." They prove«! afterward liellasls struck him a txix on tlx* ear. altercation grew very hented. and Wolf
"A. B.” at once sent off Ills clerk to to lw only some of the letters of tbe Tbe Inevitable duel follow-<*d, wherein invlt«*d the engln«*er from the cab to
settle the matter, and tbe challenge
purchana the volume On turning to name of nn Irish lalsirer scratche«! up­
each was wounded. Sir Henry proved was quickly accepted.
the title pnge of the work he found, to on the stone with a knife — Minneapolis
to lie seriously hurt, so be called Por­
Passengers nnd a group of men who
hl« surprise, hl« father's name nnd ad- JournaL
ter. kissed nnd bade him fly.
had gathered nt the station to w«*e the
dr»«» and the date Muy 0. ISXd. Tbe
Rszorlsaa Shaving.
"For," said he, "Tom. thou hast linrt train come In fornnnl a ring about the
addre«« M-as tlicit of a house In Ireland
I'or raxorlcsa shaving plenty of prec­ me. but 1 will make shift to statul tifsin combatants, but the tight «11«! not last
In which "A. B.” was liorn. Tiler«» Is
edent can 1« found In antiquity. At my legstill thou may«*st withdraw, for long, ns Wolf prove*«! by far the su-
no «aylng how long tho Ixsik had ls-en
school we read bow Dionysius, the ty I would not have thee troubled for ¡»erlor artist with his fists and with
up«m ita truvela nor by what mean« It
rant of Syracuse, who had probably w hat thou hast done.”
a few blows made It almost Impossible
ha«l stiirted But hero It was In the
very good reason for not trusting a
Porter profit««! by Ills friend's gener­ for the engineer to see suuiciently to
band« of the «on of tbe original |>os
barlwr uear hla throat. Invented a osity and csca|>««l to France. Sir lleury complete his run. but Fogg admitted
aesaor on th«» twenty-first anniversary
method of burning off bls beard with died a few days Inter, and Pep.vs con­ that hi* had lx*en fairly lieaten. and tbe
of Its bfx'omlng the property of the
glowing walnut ahells.
It does not cludes. "It Is pretty to «««- liow the supremacy of tbe conductor on a train
latter —Rt. jam«*«* Gazette.
aound luxuriously comfortable, and no world do talk of them as a couple of wna settled for all time.
doubt Dionysius did not succeed In ef­ foola that kl)h*d one another out Of
Aa tbe log signal was crude and in­
Origin of Oions.
fecting a very close shave. Rut the love."
effective. Wolf devised the use of a
Oxone, which Is an allotropic form of effeminate young men of decadent
bell on the locomotive, and thia method
oxygen, ha« long iH-en recognlted as nn Rome, objecting to the razor, secured
Spying on Bargain Gifts.
was soon adopted by all of the Amer­
active purifying agent In the atmos­ I the desired smoothness by resorting tr
The engaged girl was found study­ ican railroads. Then a codo of sig­
phere, owing to Its powerfuI oxidizing all manner of depilatory plasters and ing lire iti nn miction room.
nals was adopted, an«! these remain
qualities, but the question of Its origin ointments. There la much amusing
"I don't expect to buy anything.” she practically to this day.
The only
has been much disputed. The Investi­ reference to these In the "Epigrams of said, "but 1 want to see if anyl««ly I
change In the bell coni is that by use
gations of M. lienrlet In France have Martial,’* who made merciless fun of know buys anything. A lot of auc­
of the nlr from the brake system a
recently led lilm to the conclusion that these timid dandles. -New York Globe tioneers are advertising that they have
whistle has superaed««! the bell In the
ozone forms In the upper regions of the
on hand bric-a-brac and pictures and locomotive cat».—Philadelphia Ledger.
air, probably under the Influence of the
odds and ends of furniture suitable
Mr Gladstone made the mistake of for wedding presents. That set me to
ultra violet radiations from the sun. and
Clay's Ready Wit
that It la brought down toward the sur­ thinking that the phras«* "the land of wondering If any of my friends would
When Henry Clay was stumping
face of the earth both by descending the leal" referre«! to Scotian«! and co try to avail themselves of these auc­
Kentucky for re-election, at one of his
air currents nnd by drops of rain. After used It. And It was he also who, In tion room bargains when buying pres­
mass meetings an old hunter of wide
a shower of rain the quantity of ozone one K bls Midlothian »pc«*clies. refer­ ents for me. I saw two girls here this
political Influence said. "Well, Harry.
In the nlr Is always found to have l>ecn red to ttic won!« of the psalmist, "Ood afternoon who have been invited to
I've always lieen for you, but because
Increased.—Youth's < 'ompnnlon.
of that vote (which he named) I'm
temjiers the win«! to the shorn lamb,”
of a brass bowl, another a vase. They goln' ag’ln you."
a text for which the devout may aearci
got tlx* things dirt cheap. I fancy they
Ths Gloucester Fishing Boat.
“Let me see your rifle," said Clay.
th«» Scriptures In vain. Sydney Smit)
are for nie. If they are—well, just
The Yuukec fisherman lias been com­
It was hand«*«! to him.
wax guilty of an even more atrocious
wait till those girls got married!”—
plimented ngnln, for tho Ashing boats
"Is she a good rifle?”
blunder when ho spoke of "that l»eau-
New York Press.
of tho Atlantic seiilioartl an* to lie
tlful psalm (»«'ginning 'Now lettest thou
copied t>y tho Japanese. At tile present
"Did she ever miss fire?”
thy servant depart In peace.' " A n<
When to Taka Off the Sinker.
time the Japanese Ashing !>oat In n fmil
"Well, yes, once."
loss curious mistake was made by
For angling In quiet, deep running
affair and has bard work In ntnndlng
"Why didn't you throw her away?"
Bright on one occasion when he attrib­ water more «Inkers should lie placed
up to n stiff bream. Reports have liecn
The old hunter thought a moment
ute«! tlie common phrase "Cleanliness on the lender to keep It down from the
made on tho yachting lines nnd fitness
Is next to godliness” to the Apoatl** aurfnce, but if angling in a quick and then said, "Harry, I'll try you
of tho Gloucester type of boat, nnd
Paul.-Glasgow New«.
running brook or river for chub, dace
Japanese fishing craft are to tie built
Anti Harry was elected.
or brook trout the float and sinkers
after that model. The American style
Francs'« Earlisst Artists.
Is expected to be adopted gradually by
The enves of southern France niv should tie removed and tile bait al­
Hard on ths Reporters.
the Japnneao fishermen generally, the most remarkable In the world for lowed to run In front of the angler
'1 had a strange dream the other
which will mnrk the passing of the their wall pictures, mado by prehl» wherever it wills on the surface by night,” said the major.
light Junk, equally adapted to sculling toric men who were contemporary with the action of tlie current, which take«
"What was it?” asked the young
or soiling, nnd the substitution of the the mammoth, the rhinoceros and the It naturally just ns nature does their thing.
dory for the sampan.
reindeer In that country. Koine of the general food.—Louis Rhea«! In Outing
"I went to heaven nnd as an old
pictures are engrave«) In tho rock,’ Mngiizlne.
newspaper man was intereste«! in their
some are painted with different color»
journal up there. It was a miserable
High Finanes.
A Long Tumble Needed.
"High finance is uot confine«! entirely They usuully represent extinct ntil*
thing not a well written story In It—
"They say that when a man la fall­ an«! I told St. Peter so.”
to Wnll street," said John E. Wilkie, mala, such as cave Ilona and cove
"What «lid he rm ?”
chief of th«» secret service. "I saw an bears. A faithful representation of the ing fretn n height be thinks of all his
example of it the other day that made rhinoceros, with Its two horns of un­ evil deeds.1'
“He said: 'it's not our fault. We
"I don't believe it."
equal length. Is found In a cavern at
me dizzy.
never get any good reporters up here.’ "
uy not?"
"One of the clerka lu the treasury Font-de-Gaunie. The prehistoric art­
—Philadelphia Press.
"Some men would have to fall out of
"wanted to go to the Dall game. He had ists mads their paint ef ocher of vari­
'but 26 cents, his exact admission, and ous shades, pulverized aud mired In
A Trsaaura.
mortars. Four phases of advance in Tiilin Dealer.
nothing for car fare.
Mrs. De Hltt-Ths Dobsons at last
"He announced that be would raffle thia troglodyte art have been distin­
have a girl they hope to keep. Mr*. D*
'hie 20 cents for 2 cents a share. Eight­ guished by explorers.
Witt—Absurd! Where to such • girt
One Sexton—Do you have matins at to ba found? Mr*. D* Hitt—8b* WU
een clerks took chancee. One won the
Different Views.
your church? The Other-No, we have born to thorn yesterday. — Hafpsr**
iquarter for 2 cents, but the thrifty
She-Don't yog *!tilnk the new deb» oilcloth.—Harper's Weekly.
ipromoter had 20 cents for hie ticket, 10
talite's voice Is perfectly heavenly?
cent* for car fare and a cent over for
He—Quite unearthly.-»Bystander.
The father*» virtue I« the child**
No exile or dtager can fright a bEBTffl
an afternoon paper.”— Saturday Bven-
bMt Inheritance.—Chinese Proverb.
ALEX MARTIN, President
ALEX MARLIN, Jr., Cashier
E. R. REAMES, Vice-I’resi.lent
LF.SL1E ROGERS, Asst, Caxhier
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
JUNE », 1907.
Ixrsna and Discount«............................
Bonds and Securities.............................
Beal Fatate, Building, and Fixture«
Cash and Bight Exchange....................
......... I 311,W>2.78
• ••••• •
« mo non no
40 ,< MH.98
491 .M'« M
Capital Stock, fully paid.
Surplus and Profita...........
Due other Banka........
deposits ..................
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above name«! Bank, do solemnl
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowiedgexnd belief
Aux M astix , J b ., Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to liefore me thia 8th day of July, 1907.
A. .M. W obdm ,
Notary Public for < iregorf.
Lakeside Inn,i
—------ i
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and snitps. J
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to
a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South­
ern Oregon and Northern California: also to favorite
camping, hunting and fishing grounds.
Horses Boarded by the Week or Month.
Special attention given transient etock
and tpecial rate» to freighter». Grain
bg the tack. Hag bg the bale or ton. Phone-Main 44
Cor. Main and 'Jlh St».
■ r
o s
Every drop
Of Old Continental Whiskey
Water Mill Whiskey
Normandie Rye
F. F. V. Rye
is as ¡Hire as Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso­
lute purity.
is the word that tells the story, and when the
government places its 0. K. on whiskey you may
be sure it is pure.
Sold by
Wholesale and Retail Dealer
Advertise jn the Republican and get Results