Parpatua! Motic In tin» dais of tin- Mayflower the first perpetual motion Inventors took out their patents for "Engines which J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. being put in order will cause and maiu- teyne their own uiocions with continu­ ance and without any borrowed force of man. horse, wind, river or brooke.” Cleanliness and Good Work and In the last century they have ap­ plied for about 000 patents which are Guaranteed. based chiefly on the force of gravity, lost of equilibrium, specific gravity of floats and weights immersed in water Also Agent for LONDON AND or other liquid, accession of receptacles LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. inflated with air or gas under water, compression and subsequent expanden of gases and of the surface tension of Notke for Publication. liquids. So sanguinely hopeful are Unltivl State« Land Office. Lakeview. Oregon. these ingenious designers that In many cases they provide brakes to stop their | August 13. 1907. Not1«« 1» hereby given that In compliance machines If necessary or to prevent ! with the provisions of the actol Congress of any dangerous Increase of speed. The , June 3.1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of care and thought expended on the prin- ■ timber lands in the Stales of California, tire- ciple and detail of many of the inven- gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as tions demonstrate that many men of extended to all the Public Land States by act mental ability cling to the idea that of Angusl 4. 1892. Delta Brewbaker, ol perpetual motion is possible and that Klamath Falls, county of Kiamatn. State of they themselves are successfully solv- Oregon, has tiled ilk tn*8 office her sworn statement No. 3761. lor the vurchase ing the problem. KLA hi AÏH BARBER SHOP Votinj In t'.q Senate. U oik i-'or l ite llugue, ? Jefferson's Man il .tya; 1. When the Thi.-i country is now Involved in two yeas ami nays are ordered. the names of senators shall be called alphabet­ dl-puled wtierelu International treaty ically, aud each senator ahull without right« nppenr to conflict with I ik ' ii I delay declare his assent or dlaaent to rights. The case of the In the question, unless excused by the the public schools of Nan Francisco I« aenale, and no senator shall be permit well known. That may bo arranged ted to vote after the division shall without reaching the dignity of an in­ have been announced by Hie presiding ternational episode to date from In fu­ officer, but may. for sufficient reason«, ture cases. with unanimous consent, cluing,' or The case of the Newfoundland fish­ withdraw his vote. No motion to sue pend this rule shall be lu order, nor eries. however, 1« of deep moment be­ shall the presiding officer entertain cause actual and |>ermauent cominer- any requisì to siuqs'nd it by unaiil clal Interests are Involved. Thia matter inoua request (section 41). 2. Wheu a was temporarily arranged, but the senator declines to vote on call of his opening of the herring season of 1907 name he shall be required to assign finds It still unsettled. The Newfound­ bls reasons therefor, and. having as­ landers claim the right to legislate lo­ signed them, the presiillug officer shall cally tor tlie fisheries s> long as they submit the question to the senate "Shall the senator, for the reasons as do not discriminate against Americans. signed l>.v him. Is> excused from vot­ They say that the treaty rights of the ing?” which shall tie deckled without Americans In the Ashing grounds go debate, and these proceedings shall tie no further than to protect against dis held after the roll call and liefore the crimination. Apparently the British result Is announced, ami any further goveri.mcut tun recognized the sound- of the se'.-w1. o( Seclion No. 2, in proceedings In reference thereto shall lies;, of th! ■ cant at:o:i. The American Township No. 41 8. R No. 6 E. W M, Is* after such announcement (sections fishermen assert that the laws of New­ How to Shoot a Rattler. aud will offer proof to show that the land 17 and lfl). foundland o|>eriite against profitable The writer once saw an Indian kill soueht is more valuable for its timber or stone a rattlesnake in a very peculiar man­ than .or agricultural purposes, aud to estab­ fishlti" with the outfit nee.ssarj for A Fiery Speech. ner. T|je rattler was about ten feet lish her claim to said land beiore the clerk ol thetu to carry on l>iisi;n*u so far from William O'Brien in his "Recollec­ from tiff* Indian, who was resting the Klamath county. Ore., al bis office al Klam­ their niark't. The Newfoundlanders rifle on his kuee. apparently taking aim. ath Falls, Ore., ou Monday, the 4th day ol tions" gives this picture of Timothy have offered to refer th* matter to The Healy'« first appearance in parliament: Whenever he moved the weapon a few November. 19o7. "A quarter of an hour after he took his Hague. As the ca o has been handled She names as witnesses: Inches the snake would move around Jennie Seehorn. Milo Estes, Cora Estes, aud seat as member for Wexford he started It Is distinctly one of state rights and get exactly In line with it. Then, VI tn. Lashuaall of Klamath Falls. Oregou. up to make his maiden s|>e«*eh tiny of agnlnt t treaty r’.rhts, and a decision to show how the thing was done, the Any and all persona claiming adversely the — Indian moved about the snake in a cir­ ■ above-described lands are requested to file frame, sardonic of visage, his hands in upon it by the court of arbitration cle, and the reptile moved as If Its tail I their claims in this office on or before said 4th his breeches pockets, as coolly Insolent would be held to establish a precedent. as a Parisian gamin, as entirely de­ were on a pivot, always keeping Rs ! day of November, 1IM7. testable as a small Diogenes, peering head and body in line with the gun. Tile fact behind the Georgia's long 8-22-10-24 J. N. WATSON, Register. over the rims of his plncenez us front The Indian then agreed to bandage his list of dead and maimed gives a whole­ his tub. through bilious eyes over his eyes and shoot the snake lu the mouth. Notice for Publication contemptible audience—and horrified some warning which the uavy should The writer bandaged the Indian's eyes, United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore­ the house of commons with the follow­ not neglect. The men of the gun crew and, holding the gun by his side at ing exordium: 'Mr. Speaker, if the were in a hurry. They were after a July 19.1907. arm's length, the latter pulled the trig­ gon, Notice is hereby given that in compliance ger. and the ball entered the snake's with the provisions of the act of Congress ol noble marquis (Hartington) thinks be record. Lives should not be iiti|>erlled mouth and passed the whole length of June 3,187». entitled. "An act tor the sale of is going to bully us with his high and just to score ut target practice. Its body. “How do yon take aim?” was timber lands in the States ol California. Ore­ mighty Cavendish ways, all I can tell I the query. "The snake, he takes aim.” | gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as him Is he will find himself knocked Into a cocked hat in a jiffy, and we will Notice for Purchase of School Landa was the reply. We have talked with I extended to all the Public Land States by act have to pnt hltn to the necessity of wip­ an old hunter on this proposition, and . of August 4, 1N2, Fred L. Bunderman ol Department of the Interior, United ing the blood of all the Cavendishes he claims that a rattlesnake will al­ Klamath Falls, county of Klamath Stale ol . G^Yon. has this day filed in Ibis office bix from bls noble nose a good many times States I-and Office, Lakeview, Oregon, ways range directly in line with a gun Jnly 23. 1907. sworn statement No. 3751. tor the purchase of before he disposes of us.' " or stick pointed at it.—Exchange. the of Sec. No. 13, inTp No. 38 8. R No. V K W Notice is hereby given that the State M.and will offer proof to show that the land I A Singular Dream. of Oregon has flits! their application to Snake« a« War Weapon«. sought is more valuable for its timber or A singular dream la related In a well select tlie following described lands, When Hannibal, the great Cartha­ stone than for agricultural purposes, and Io ginian, was fighting Eumenes of Per- eatabliah bis claim to said land before the­ known British magazine. A woman State Indemnity Igimia. to wit: Liat No. 228, for tlie aw.^nwl^, ae,1^» gamos with a fleet of very inferior eler k of Klamath county. Oregon, at bls office suffering from anxiety caused by re­ strength be hit upon an artifice which nt klamath Falls. Oregon, on Wednesday, lire duced circumstances dreamed that she ne'4', nel4ael4. and Lot 2, Sec. 3, Tp. 29 went to church. “ The people liegatt to would scarcely be sanctioned by the 2nd day of October. 1907. go out one by one. I looked around ‘ 8., R. »E„ W. M. He names aa witnesses: laws of what we are pleased to call Any and all iieraona claiming adverse­ Archie Johnston. Fred Applegate, Charles and inquired why they were leaving civilized warfare. He discovered by Donart and Wm. Mendenhall all of Klamath the church. They said: To look for the ly the altove deecribed lamia are re­ means of, a bogus message under a flag I rails. Ore. of truce on. which ship thj king was. i Any and all persons claiming adversely the magic bird In tlie churchyard. You quested to file their claiaia in thia office He then caused poisonous snakes to be ' above-described lands are requested to file will always have luck If you find It.’ I on or beiore the 13th. day of September, Inclosed in earthen jars, These be dis- 1 their claims in this office on or before said thought I would try to And It. went 1907. out and swept away the fallen leaves tributed among several sLips and or- I 2nd day of October, 1907. J. N. Watson, Register. J. N. WATSON. Register. I and found a speckled thrush, and as dered them to close up on the king’s i 7-25—9-26 The a I wive notice will Is? published in soon as I took it up It dropped £1 in the Klamath Repnlftican a weekly newt- galley. In the melee that followed my hand. The next morning I went the jars were flung on to the deck. The Notice for Publication into our back garden and there among paper of general circulation, published curious liombs were greeted at first United Slates Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­ the fallen leaves was the speckled at Klamath kails, Oregon, lor a period with ridicule, which soon chi nged to gon, July 19.1907. thrush, which had just been killed by of five successive weeks. panic when the nature of their contents Notice is hereby given that in compliance J. N. Watson, Register. made itself manifest. The galley was with the provisions of the act of Congress of a cat. It was yet wartn. I said, ‘Here extricated from the fight as soon as June 3,1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol Is the magic bird, and the money I possible, and the captains of the others, > timber lauds iu the States of California, Ore- know will come liy fxjst.’ The hope believing that the king bad taken flight, ' gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as was justified, for £1 came In the morn­ followed suit, with the result that Han­ extended to ai. the Publi: Land States by act ing and a check from a friend In the E. WHITLOCK of August 4, 1892. Esther O. Applegate, evening." nibal gained a complete victory. Cat« a« Retriever«. It is claimed,” said a Chicago an tlquary, “that cats may be trained as retrievers—trained to swim to your slain birds and bring them back to you in their mouths. The thing sounds incredible, but look here.” He held up the photograph of an ancient Egyptian painting. Men with spears rode on the Nile. In some of the boats large cats sat on their haunches in the stern, while toward others several cats swam with dead birds in their mouths. “This picture,” said the antiquary, "proves that the Egyptians used cats for hunting dogs. If they, why not we? The original of the picture is in the British museum, where there are also several pieces of carving that dis­ play the cat In the role of a retriever.” of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath State ol Oregon. has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 373», for the purchase of the a’^aeJi and sc1,»»1, ol Sec. No. 20. in Tp. No. 3* 8. K No. 10 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vsluable for its timber or stone . than for agricultural purposes, and to estab­ lish her claim to said land before the county clerk of Klamath county. Oregon on Wednes­ day the 2nd day of October 1907. She names as witnesses: Herman Scbmor of Dairy. Ore., John Jens- sen, Fred Colhaan and Gottfried Neubert ol i Klamath Fails, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2nd day of October, 1907. 7-25—9-26 J. N. Watson, Register. | Notice for Publication United States Land Uffice,. Lakeview, Ore­ gon. July 1», 1907. 1 Notice is hereby given that in compliance Ths Garman and the Fatherland. A German always remains a German. 1 with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878 entitled "An act for the sale of He respects and loves his fatherland, timber lands in the States of California, Ore­ although isolated and separated from it gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” aa by boundless oceans and vast conti­ ' extended to all the Public Land States by act nents. A German heart always re­ j of August 4, 1892. Bertha C. Harris, of mains true to the country where it first Klamath Falla, county of Klamath, Slate of commenced to beat until It is silenced Oregon, has this day tiled in this office her I by death. As a rule, to which there are saorn statement No. 3732. for the purchase of Sec 34 and wjgnwJi of Sec. few exceptions, a man who is loyal to | the the country of his birth will be loyal to | No. 35, in Tp No. 38 8, K No. 10, E W M. the country of bis adoption.—Dr. Nicho­ and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for iu timber or las Senn. stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Niagara. clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at hl« office Niagara is a corruption of the Seneca at KlamaMi Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, the word "neagara,” meaning "across the ! 1st day of October, 1907. neck,” an allusion to a strip of land be­ I she names as witnesses: Wm. Lashua, P. L. Fountain, John Sheppard tween the lakes. The name has been subjected to many changes since the and Clyde Bran.lenberg, all ol Klamath Falls, discovery of the cataract, more than I Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the thirty different readings being found in above-described lauds are requested to file the writings of the various early ex­ I their claims in this office on or before said 1st plorers and geographers. day of October, 1907. | 8-1—9-26 J. N. WATSON, Register, j What He Would Do. Grandpapa — Tommy, Tommy, you aren’t behaving well. Do you know what I should do if I were a little boy like you? Tommy—Yes, grand papa, you’d do the same as I do, 'cause if you didn't you wouldn’t be a little boy like me. The Universe. The heavens '.hemselves, the planetn and this ceutar, observe degree, prior­ ity and place, fnslstiire, course, propor tlon, seasob form, office and custom and all in Use of order.—Shakespeare Ask« ■ Good Deal. "How about the rent of this house or yours. Flitter? Doesn't the landlord ask a good deal for It?” Flitter—Yes. lie often asks five and six times a month for It. The kangaroo readily jumps from six. ly to seventy feet. The highest record M leap of a horse la thirty seven feat. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court cf Oregon, for Klamath County. Clara M. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. John M. Nelson. Defendant. To John M. Nelson, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon; Von are hereby required to ap|a.*ar and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en­ titled suit, on or beiore Friday, September 6, 1907. being the last day prescribed I d the order for publication of this summons, the first pub­ lication thereof being July 25, 1907; ¿and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wlt: for a de- Creedisrolvlng the bonds of matrimony exist­ ing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is served by publication in the Klamath Republican, by order of Hon. J B. Griffith, county judge of Klamath county. Oregon, dated July 2.1, 1907, which order re­ quires summons to tie published once n week fopsix successive weeks from July 25, 191/7. J. C. KlTENlC. I 7-25 »-5 Attorney tor Plaintiff. I PAGI Do an ay with barbed wire Investigate the Sliding Loop Top V I ----- -- ! J 1— —■ 1 —! —«f __ - A. All styles and height -J " 1 I J ■ J l entes for every purpose III US QUOTI. YOU PRICES GADDIS & DIXON, Medford or.Vt’I.NI-Y' DIXON, 1 ravelling Representative, Klamath I alia, Ore CHAS. H. WottOBR Prrtldtnl / IZ/ /> WH/HW The American Bank and Trust Co Capital Stock $100,000 Klamath Falls, Oregon -t* Interest Paid on Savings Deposits B. M. RIHR. CuMr We are Local Dealers for the Renowned REMTICO TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Remington Typewriter Company (Incorporated) Remtico Paragon Ribbons - in all colors and for all makes of typewriters. Remtico Paragon, Red Seal and Billing Carbona of different weights suited for all classes of work. AII Remtico Typewriter Supplies are known as the Highest G rade Goods Manufactured. UNDERTAKER Ths Unexpected. A curious story Is that of the late AND EMBALMER Colonel Harry Mcl'almont of tlie Brit­ Bolder of License No 29. ish army. He was a poor man wheu KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON he went to the reading of his unde's will, hoping that perhaps the departed might have rememliered him to the extent of an old watch. Trite cuotigh. the lawyer rend out the words. "To DR. WM. MARTIN my nephew, Harry McCalmont. I leave nty watch and chain.” The k "atee I DENTIST was satisfied, and, leaning back, he drowsed, lulled by the monotonous tones of the lawyer as he road through the long instrument. At the close bo arose to go. “I congratulate you.” said the solicitor. "I don't know why yon should,” said the other. "You are residuary legatee,” remarked the law .'ATTORNEY AND yer. “You will have £4,000 annually COUNSELOR AT LAW for the first five years from thia date, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON and afterward you will Inherit some £7,000,000.” ROOMS 7 A 8, MURDOCK BLDG. WOVEN WiRi CHITWOOD DRUG CO. ; Office over Klamath County Bank Klamath Lake Railroad in connection with the C. C. BROWER Hclntire Transportation Co and the Ore. and Cal. Transportation Co Unlearned, but Wise. “I'm after justice rather than law.” said John Dudley, who for twenty-one years, from 1770 to 1791, was one of ; the most popular judges of New Hamp­ shire. He was unlearned in the law. and bls education was so defective that be could not write five consecutive sen­ tences In correct English, yet so ac­ ceptably did he discharge his judicial duties that Chief Justice Parsons of Massachusetts, one of the most learned of lawyers, said of him, "We may smile I at his law and ridicule his language, yet Dudley, take him nil iu ail, was the greatest and best fudge I ever knew In New Hampshire.” The only through line for freight and pas­ sengers between the Southern Pacific and the Klamath country, Quickest service and Lowest Rates. Tell your troubles by Phone or Letter to DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Office in American Bank A Trust Com­ pany’s Building PHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON E. T. ABBOTT, Gen. Mgr, Thrall, Cal E. B. HENRY CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR or to Mtl\ IIRl. IRANS. CO. at Klamath Tails or Bokcgania KLAMATH FALLS All kintls engineering and draughting The Strain of the Glass Houses. "The son of a glassblower Is rarely found in the game employment,” said a speaker nt a child labor conference. "I would rather send my boys straight to hell than send them by way of the glass house," one glassblower is quoted as saying. It appears that the charac­ ter of the men Is greatly affected by the extreme heat and consequent physical f I strain of the glass bouses. DENTIST Wlthrow-Melhase Building C. F. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE The royal Infant of .Spain link been photographed. It la only proper fore- sight to get him accustomed to the es­ sential formalities of modern great­ ness. That racing man who wait jilted by bis sweetheart bearne li!» horse felled to win a race tnuy conclude later on that the borse did him 11 favor. WILL A. LEONARD Klamath Falls, Oregon i I Just so soon as Japan and Russia learn to trot In harness some outsider will want to drive them. And maybe, i they won’t cure to l,e driven. American dentists are wanted in In­ dia to fix up the teeth of Tommy At­ kins so tiMt ho cuu chew rations MIDWAY I STABLE ZS SHOP General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work livery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses Phone 456 BALDWIN & HUGHES MELVIN D. WILLIAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR Civil and Irrigation Engineer, LAND SURVEYOR. East Main St., below 4th KLAMATH FALLS, ORE Joo Worte MeehanlcN Best Aliitorlfkl -»vt *tiio « I ■