Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1907)
' Cincinnati, O............ ................. 38 00 r>etroit, Mich........ . . ......................3» » ........... A... 39 n Keno is situated in the Southern Buy Your Ticket to Thrall, Califor. Nashville, Tenn ......................... 40 00 part of Klatnuth County, on the Pittsburg, f’a............. .................. 41 00 nia. It Will Not Coat You Any Klamath river, at the terminus of Toronto, Ont . < .................. 41 « More, and Will Save You navigation. Two steamers land here ; Buffalo, N. Y .............................. 42 50 Paying Local Fare mail, express and passengers are Birmingham, Ala......................... 44 00 transferred from the stage U> the 1 Atlanta, Ga............... ................. 4H 7S boat at this point. Adjoining Keno i Ashville, N. C.............................. 4rt 75 on the west is a large belt of timber, Kxn.a. City | Mobile, Ala................ ................. 46 and on the east is a large body of st. Joseph Washington, D. C.... ................. 48 25 marsh lands. Near Keno, on the f-eavenworth 1 Montreal, Que............ ................. 48 ’» AUhlaon river, is immense water power. Tele Baltimore, Mil.......... ................... 49 25 phone connections with all parts of Council Bluff. the country, lias a g'xsl school, two I Omaha »25.00 Philadelphia, Pa............................ 4» 75 stores and two saw mills. Boston. Mass............. ................. 49 '10 i Sioux City New York City, N. Y. ................... 50 00 Mr. Dyer’s boys ha\c gone to Ashland St. Paul Minneapolis to attend school. Society Duluth Another heavy rain fell last Friday Winnipeg night, tlie precipitation l>eing 1.71 lie. Moine«, la.... »29 00 Mrs. Smith—Did you get one of thoaa Inches. Tiiia makes over three inches Ft. Ixiuis, Mo........ 30 00 of rainfall for August, which is a record Oklahoma City, Ok 30 00 I beautiful cut glass pitchers they are breaker. Peoria, Ill............ 31 00 giving away at the jewelry store? Mrs. Jones—Why, no, I hadn’t beard Chicago, III .......... . 33 00 The captain and engineer of the Can about them. by, Ham Padgett, I'an Doten and Brice Evansville, Ind.. Mrs. Smith—I saw the add in the McCormack, have gone to the hills for a Indianapolin, Ind. Republican. Memphis, Tenn ... hunt l'«ad«*<i for le-ar. Now the poor Moral—Subscribe for the Republican. Louisville, Ky.... grizzlcy will have to suffer. COLONISTS RATES KENO Klamath LEADING STORE Falls 50 COIlt lildlCN white WIIHll Ill'ItS 25 cunt ladioH wlyle wash belts 25 COIlt ladies ' hose «« «« 2o cent 20 cent childrens heavy ribbed hose....................... 05 cent Jap silk................................ .......................... BO cent lawn wuists................................................... $1 summer kimonas, made of good material, only 15c 15c 10 I Oc 15c Ifc 50c K I li T Largo asBorinent of skirts, consisting of Panamas, Si cilians and fancy suitings will bo sold at especially low prices. >|o Fancy Panama Skirts, elegantly trimmed,only $7.50 $6.00 S3 Fancy Sicilians, beautifully trimmed, only. SG.50 latest fancy suitings, made in latest styles S I 75 $1 goo'tl rainy day skirts, very sei viceable cloth $3-oo Great Bargains in Ladies Ready Made SKIRTS Now i, tlx- tom« tx purcbti-e your full nn l winter Underwear. We have just ricrtviil h i-'inph-tx lii>. 1.1 tlx very b<-t quality. Wear» making «|«-cial price» on a.I g -al* • xtrs i i*»vv lie. -<-l nisn'a underwear, r«ular aix-bit aeller, now ONLY 5OC VI w • >1. «ilk and w sil and pure «ilk at reduced prices. CHll.DUI VS 1 NDI.KW I;AR--Dr<>«« the children warm thia winter and •avv doctm I. I-. lleguU> »•- «viler, extra heavy and warm, Only xjc. A »wi ll lino of the very latest pattern« and finest material« in men’s shirts offer«« I at afiocial prices. Men 's Shirts These are onlv a few of the thousand and one ar ticle« we are offering at price» to anil vour pocket- U«>k. Our stock Is fresh ami new. Just'drop in ami mm - and we know you will lie «uited. STORE The Place to Save Money ST. MARY’S ACADEMY is the ideal school for Y; inoqiiM si jno; o\j M idway B ar BIG STOCK OF MIN1CRAE WATER Cold Steel, Castle Rock, Shasta. Free Delivery Family Trade a Specialty Sold in lots of one dozen up to one case PHONE cz6 LORI KLAMATH Fort Klamath is located in the northern part of Klamath county, and is in the center of a hat is recog* nixed as the Switzerland of America. In close proximity toCrater Lake and surrounded by the greatest natural and scenic wonders on the continent, it will, within a lew years, be one of the greatest tourist resorts on the Pacific coast. Key West, and Imported Cigars Wines and Liquors of Choice Vintage NOTICE Notice ot I Inal Account Nott«-«* 1» hereby given that the unflvrulgnetl, a 1tnini»trator of »aid <*»taie, lot« file«! In the t,d:« v<»f the Count) Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, hl» Final Account of the a<1nihii»tra- i|«>n« f#al<l estate, mi <1 the Court ha* fixed Woliii ••lay, Octolwr 2. 1107. at 10 O'clock in the forenoon of »aid day, •» the time for the lo ur Ing of objr<Hon» to »aid a< count and the M'tth maul t hereof. Dated at Klamath Fall», Oregon, thia 30th day of Augu«t. ¡'.«07. <•. r. STONK. Ad nilolatrator ut tlx- l -tate ol Barry Slayton. lleceawd. 4 J. D. Heaton, who has been ill, is con- valesing. John Noble is over from I-akeview to attend tlie funeral of his brother. This community w as saddened this week by the death ot one of its favorites.: John Noble, w ho die«! at the home of. his parent« on the 26th. He had a host of friends here who will mourn with bis parents and relatives. The funeral was held in Bonanza, ami was largely at tended. Alex McDonald lost a fine horse Sun day. It win the stallion he recently purchased from J. F. Arant, and for which l.e paid |-W. The recent rains <li<! considerable damage to the bay. BOSTON For Thorough Education and Character Building ¿isinqoiuoiny aqi pjnoqs ÁqM II inoqjfAA oS },uop spjjng Umunna pur sjaiuBajg Langell Valley You arc cordially invited to inspect our lull line of goods. It is no trouble to show them. New goods are arriv ing daily. County Court of tbt State of Oregon, fir the County of Klamath. In thr Matter of the F.Mate of Harry Slayton, The berry hunters of la«t week return* | ed with but few berries, ami glad to get back before the heavy rain fell. II. Snowgoose was appointed justice of tlie peace and ha« now qualified, and is ready to transact busine.s. Keno has | been without a justice for nearly two' years. The log hauler» have been laid off for j several days on account of the heavy 1 rains. Mis« Kerns, who was here visiting her brothers, has returned to her home in California. The steamer Klamath was at Keno . Sunday with an excursion party. ] wish to inform my patrons and the people of Klamath Falls that I intend taking my dairy again on October 1st. 9-5-41 II. N. WHITELINE. W. H. D claxev , Manager S tewart < fc L yons , Prop's Church Services M. X. CIU RCll ✓* There is always a welcome for you at Grace M. E. church in their temporary place oi worship, one block north of Public School building. Sunday Services: Bible School..................................... 10 a. m. Preaching.................................... U a. m. Preaching..................................... 8 p. tu. Epworth League..................... 7 :15 p. m. A hearty welcome to all, P. COX KLIN, Pastor. A. G. Copeland is out in the monn- t aina for the purpose of locating feasible YOUNG LADIES routes for new roads and trails to points Notice lor Publication A thorough education in all Department of I bo Interior, land O thee at of interest hereabout«. There is per standard branches assured, in haps no section in the United States Laker law, Oregon, Align»! 29,¡9H7. cluding literature, languages, Notice la hereby given that John Laughllu that has so many beautiful scenic sights of For tat, Oregon, Raa tiled notice of hi» In as this portion of Klamath, and it is to mathematics, science, history, tention to make final Five year proof In tup* music, needlework, etc., alto make them accessible to tourists that I orl of bi« claim, vlv: Hommtead Entry No BAPTIST CHCMCH careful attention to matters of de 2.19 • made June 7. I vol, far the »c‘4 s»*c. 4, Tp. 1 Mr. Copeland is seeking out easy routes. Preaching services next Sunday at 11 WI.R 6, t.W. M , and that »aid proof will be He is an enthusiast in his work and that portment and those accomplish ments which mark the cultured, I made before tbe Clerk of Klamath County, at ( it will result in much good is certain. o’clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. in. Sun- hlNoftlce at Klamath Fall»., Oregon.on the till refined woman All courses are I day school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. P. U. day of Novambor, IW7. Steers are bringing 7 cents, and cows at 7:15 p. m. Everyone invited. thoroughly modern in subject He names tba following wltne»aea to prove and system. hl» continuouR residence upon, and cultiva 5 cents, weighed here. On this l«asin E. E. Hunt bought SIM head, delivered tion of, thr land, via: Devoted attention I, paid to dome.* Charles I. Hornes. Kugcne Spencer, II. C. at Ashland. tic comfort of itudenta. Nodiatinction Sparr and T. K. Morri». all of Forest. Oregon. SPECIAL OFFER or interference in matter, of religion. p-ft ¡0-17 J. N. WATftoN, G. \\ . Loosely is at work improving Ashland Commercial College. Ash. Give your daughter, the privilege, of Register. •chouling in thia healthy, cultured town the roads. land. Ore. Write for Circular-TO DA Y With an experience of more than Notice for Bids Dr. Best Ims secured an extension of i twenty years in educating voting men St. Mary’s Acadamy his lease on the Cox property five years. and women, and in placing them in the This places the projiertv in his control most desiiable poBiliotia, and appreciat Jaclaonville, Oregon healed bids for the construction of 11 for ten years from last May. The prop ing the advantages of a course of busi new school building to lie erected st erty embraces 1400 acres, and if at the ness training that is the most complete ' and at the same time within the means Dairy, Klamath county, Oregon, will l>e end of five years the doctor concludes of all who would be greatly benefited, received by Win. Wight, school clerk, to buy it, he may do so at $35 an acre. we make this special offer: Ftudents who secure the nine months’ tip to 12 o'clock, noon, Friday Septem While here E. II. Harriman took con scholarship for $55 and enter September ber 6th, 1907. Structure to be frame siderable interest in local conditions. 9tn, 1997, will be entitle«! to any or all with stone foundation. | Among the things that attracted his at the courses, Commercial Shorthand, Plans and specifications may be seen tention were the horses. He stated that and English to July let, 1908. Arrange to be with us beginning Sep at the residence of Mr., Dairy, or at they were not up to the standard that tember 9th. 7-25—9-5 the office of the school superintendent, would lie required and urged the people Klamath Falls. hereabouts to improve the strain. To The board reserves the right to reject show his confidence in this section and any and all bids. SUNin MAGAZINE its [teople, he stated that he would send beautifully ilkiArai«d,(ood «tones WILLIAM WIGHT, here a thoroughbred stallion, of either 60 YEARS* •nd aitx les »bout CaUornia Clerk. 8-29-9-5 EXPERIENCE the running or trotting strain, and place •nd all th, far Wart. JH him at the disposal of those who desired TOWN ANO COUNTRY JOURNAL to improve their stock. The stallion • monthly |>ublua!ioa de.ot'd $0.50 Estray Notice will be in charge of Ed Hoyt, which is a Io th« (aiming uiteierts of the 1 1 R i I kw 1 Wert. a year deserved compliment to this gentleman. MAO OF A THOUSAND WONDCU Strayed from the Bigs and Mills p«F- TRADC MARKS • book of 75 pages, containing Drxtas« ture one white mare, weight about 1250; Friday evening, September 20, is the 120 colored photographs of $0.75 cfft W^ C opyrights A o . branded T on calf of left hind leg; 11 pictuivaqua apote in California date set for the opening of the Dorris Anyon. aandlng a «kei <-h and deacrlptlon may aacaetaln our oplnlnn traa whathar an and Otaooa. years old. Ono white mare, weight opera house, anti it is the intention to •ulekly $2.75 Invention la prohably natautabla. < ommunlon- TotJ . . . HAHOBOOK on Patente alxmt 1225; dappled on hips; branded 5 give a grand opening ball in celebration tlonaatrleUreonndanlial. aanl free, «ildaat aeancy für aacurfna patanta. Patente takan throuah Munn »Co. racoiva $1.50 on left shoulder. One bay bald faced of the occasion. For that purpose the ■pcW «wtic«. without Charge, In 1ha iAkll for •••• •••• horse, branded T on the hip. Anyone steamer Klamath will be chartered for Cot out this advertisement finding them put the n up and write me a free excursion. The boat will take the and send with $1.50 to A handaomaly lllaatralad waakly. Larosa, «fr at Little Shasta and 1 will come after passengers to Teeter’s binding, from eu lat Ion ot any aelanlldo lonrnal. Tarma.Si • I yaar: tour montha. »L Bold by all nawadaalaea. which point they will be taken in car SUNSET MAGAZINE them and pay well for their trouble. GEORGE CARTER. riages to Doiris, JAMES FLOOD BLDG , SAN FRANCISCO MAGAZINE READERS SekMHk flmtrkan. Pure Milk Pure Butter Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. Every Detail of Our Dairy is Sanitary, insuring the Purity and Healthfulness of Our Products. ALTAMONT DAIRY TRY THE f? New Furniture Store AS FOR PRICES YOU CANJJUDGE AH ERICAN HOTEL BLDG. R. M. BOLLER FREE E LECTRIC IRONS We will give away absolutely frek 100 Pacific Electric Flat Irons. For particulars, call at our office, where irons are on display, or if convenient call us by ’phone. Klamath Falls Light and Water Company