Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 05, 1907, Image 3

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^P—SW^S— mmww . i -*— aw^-wew.««., ei n—man wswimiri
Write your friends
about the Colonist
Rates. Get them to
buy their ticket To
Thrall. < < < <
England’s "Ross Regiment.
novation, "it would I m * a great mis
The custom of wearing r<
In their
take." said the financier.
beadgear by tlx- fxincnahlrv regiment queried Mr Goa« hen. "Well, you e,-c.
on tin- apnlveranry of the battle of
you can tom* with u sovereign, but you
Minden orlgluatisl In a curious man
can't with a one pound note," was
ner. <m tin- day of the battle, Aug.
the reply, and the one pound notes
1. 1731», the men passed through u field
were shelved. Bellman.
of roses, cacti man plucking a rose ami
placing It In his iHMiuet, wearing th«-
Wasted Irish Land.
flower during the light,
'this volli
Tlie landlords own moat of the land
nienecd the custom of wearing ro*»* lu Ireland unil rent It out to tbe farm
on the anniversary of the buttle
ere, who urotert Unit It la poor, and con
Squaring ths Circle.
aequcntly they have a hard tliue to
A correspondent semis us a <•(. py of produce enough to aitpport their fam
a statute which lie says was euuctc-l II lea and pay the rent. Moat of the
in Mississippi Incorporating n town
land M*ema to ls< used for pasturage,
and declaring "that the certiorate Dm
and but tilth- of II Is under culUvu
Its uf said town shall Is- us follows
Beginning at the quarter stake tn tlon, as arc the lauda of Italy, Ger-
front of Caleb Hannah's realdence many aud France. Besides, there Is
end running GOO yurds every direction, u great waxte caused by the building
making said corixirate limits 1,200 of wide turf fences. There are more
yardaaqnnre." Wboaald the circle could fences to a farm In Ireland than In
any oilier country. Travel Magazine.
not be squared? Cam- and Comment.
Egyptian Obelisks
Tlie obelisk in Central park, brought
to this country in IMHO, was net up at
the entrance of the temple of the Sun
at Hrllo|silla. Egypt, about 1831 B. C..
by Thotiues HL Twenty-three yearn
before Christ the Emperor Augustus
moved the otiellak, together with Its
companion, now on the banks of the
Thames, London. to Alexandria, from
which place It was brought to New
York nt the Him* designated above,
of Egyptian ols-llsks some forty-two
ar<> known, though many of these arc
broken or otherwise practically <!<•
ntroyed New York American.
Squirrels Reared by a Cat.
Among the Intereating things shown
nt a recent meeting of the Zoological
bpclcty w«-r<- two young spcctmcns of
'Hi«- English squirrel which had uluiost
entirely cluing«-«! In color from the
usual chestnut brown to a light drab,
the ears and feet only allowing traces
of the original color. It wns stated
that the animals had been taken from
n nest when very young and put In
charge of a cat, which acted as foster
mother and aucccaafully reared them.
It wax suggested that tills fact might
have caused tlie color change.-St.
James' Gazette.
tn ihr County Court «tibe State of, Oregon. I
For th«- County of Klamath.
lu tbe matter of th«- Estate amt Guardianship
of Mary Parkinson und Frank Dewey Parkin-
•on. Minor»
Order to »bow eause on application of Guar­
dian lor order of »ale of Real Estate.
It’*l I •■•rlris to the Court from the petition
this day presented amt Bled by Sina
Parkinson, of Palo Alto. Manta Clara «-ounty.
California, I he t.uardlan of the ¡>er»on» and •
tat«*» of tbr above moatloned Mary Parkinson
and Frank Dewey Parkinson. Minor» and resi­
dents of Palo Aim, Santa < larscounty. Califor­
nia. praying for an order of sale of certain real
«■»tale situate In the County of Klamath, Slate
of Oregon, belonging to Mid Wards, that It Is
ftbo re best Interest» of said ward» that such
real « »täte should be sold and that the pro­
ceeds of such »siehe pul out al interest, or
Invested in some productive stock to their
credit or bem-nt;
It Is hereby ordered that the next kin of
Mid wards anil all persons interested in
I be said estate, appear before this Court on
Could Not Interfere.
Munday the latli <*ay of September, 1W7. at the
Coroner So you found our poor hour of V:ao tn the forenoon of sald'day'at the
friend hanging In the bam?
court room of the atsive entitled Court, in the
Yokel—Yea. xur, yer 'onor.
Court house a*. Klamath Fall» In Mid County
Coroner And what did you do?
of Klamath, state of Oregon, then ami there to
Yokel Well, yer 'onor, I take« a good show cause, If ai.y exist, why a license should
look at 'un and g«xm straight off for not be granted for the sale of all the right,
title and Interest of the and eacb of the minors,
Coroner But you cut the poor fel­ being an undivtde«l one-seventh interest ea« h
tn ami to the •S:,w'«t'e'i and lots 1, 2, a. t and
low dowu flint?
*, Hee. 2B; nj^aw *4 sw<4swj< and lots 1 and 2
Yokel—Oh. no. yer 'onor couldn't do of See. 27 all in township :«> H, R 7 K. W M,
the Interests of »aid wards In said premises,
Coroner (borrilied) Why not?
being subject however, to an unassigned out­
Yokel Well, It's like thia, xur. Wheu standing «lower right therein.
It Is further orderedthat a copy of th Is order
1 found 'un, he worn't quite dead!—
lx- published lit tin- K i . smatii Itxt-t nlican . a
Ixmdon Outlook.
newspaper of general circulation published tn
Man Arraigned.
tbo County of Klamath, State of Oregon an«l
Mrs. A. Men are so queer after the circulating therein.
Dated August .Mb;, B07.
If you tell them your
J. B.GR1FF1 I'll, Judge
love Is growing eol«l they don't even
glance up from their altomlnable pa
tiers. Mrs. X No; but tell them the
soup is growing cold ami taey Jump
aliout ten feet—Philadelphia Inquirer.
Allva Four Months In a Grave.
Hart l>as. the great Hindoo fakir,
who lived In the tlrat half of the nine­
teenth century, Is the only wonder
worker of modern times who Ims* ever
allows! himself to be burled In the
ground for months. In the year 183!»
Hurl told General Ventura tliat for a
A Lesson For Two.
certain fee ho would ullow n committee
There Is a legend In n certain dnily
to test the claims which he made of liv­
newspaper office which Is luatnictlve.
ing able to die and remain dead for
Arrives an article lu the composing
months and then come to life strain.
room from a well known reviewer.
When all was arranged Hart hypno­
Not a man there can rend it. The
tized himself to such a degree that his
“copy" is return«-«! as Impracticable to
circulation was wholly stopped. When
the editor. In a tit of Impatience ho
he was, pronounced dead to all Intenta
sends it back to the writer. "Unless
and purposes he was burled In a gar­
clearly written no further contrllm-
den and a high wall built around the
tlona can la- received." The reviewer
grave. Guards were stationed on the
politely replies: "I have received back
wall so that Interference or deception
my inannacrlpt with an undeciphera­
would lie Impossible
Four months
ble scrawl attached. May I request
later I lari wns exhumed according to
an explanation?" Editor ami contrlbu
agreement, and after a few minutes of
tor now both employ a typewriter.
vigorous rubbing of lila body by friends
Couldn’t Toss With Them.
he opened his eyea. and an hour Inter
While the late laird Goschen was he was well and aldo to walk. ’The
chancellor of the exchequer under fakir was clean shaven when burled
i.'.*n«i Salisbury it was propoNed to and Is sold to have come out of the
bring out on«- pound notes. Mr. Go­ grave In the same shape, a fact which
schen, as he was then, was rather Is cited to prove that vitality must
doubtful of the value of such notes, have been completely auapended.
and he consulted a well'known fins*-
First puhti« »ilon. August a, lu07.
l-asl publication August 29. 1907
J. O. STKAXNS, Attorney.
JI Few lUords Concerning
Sood Printing
ever occur to you that nine men
out of every ten judged your stand-
mg in the commercial world by the
stationery you used? Such is a fact. If
you use cheap, shoddy printing, such as
many printing offices give you, devoid of
merit, then your correspondents will put
you down as a has-been and irresponsible.
GOOD PRINTING has been our motto for
years and in quality we refuse to- be ex­
celled. And our prices are right.
One Brade-Chat the Best
Try us with your next order. We have the
latest styles of type and competent men to
execute the work in the latest approved style.
Notice for Purchase of School Land.-*
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office Lakeview, Oregon,
July 24, 1P07.
Notice is hereby given that the State
of Oregon ha« filed application to select
the lands hereinafter deacrilied, a« State
School Indemnity Lands, to wit:
List No. 221», for the sw^nw1^
20, Tp. 34 8., R. 18 E., ami «ease's
Sec. 27, ne*4nw'4, Sec. 29, Tp. 35 S.
and lot 2, Sec. 2, swl4ne,4, Fee. 11 Tp.
311 S., It. 17 E., and nel4nel4, See. 31,
Tp. 28 8. It. 11 E„ W. ,M.
Any and all |s*rs<>ns claiming adveraly
the above described lands are requested
to til«- their claims in this office on or
Is-fore the l.'lth. day of Septemls-r, IW07.
.1. N. Watson, Register.
The above notice will be published in
tlio Lake County Examiner and the
Republican, both weekly
newspapers of general circulation, pub­
lished nt Lakeview anti Klamath Falla,
Oregon, respectively, for the period of
live emTesaive weeks, before tbe l.'lth.
day of September, IIMI7.
J. N. Watson, Register.
Phone 31