Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 05, 1907, Image 2

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A.O. U. W.—Linkville Ixxlgv No. 110
meets in the A. O. U. W. hall every
Tuesday evening. Visiting Brothers al­
Mr. Bonee — Ah ah ah-ab-ah, Mlotah
England does not look as large to ways welcome.
John Vaden, M. W.
Interlocutor M ni m tn mletah Interior
Americans of today as It did to our
J. W. Siemens, Recorder.
great grandfathers, nor I* the reason
Evangeline Lodge No. 88 Degree of
Interlocutor Mr. Bones, please don't all to be found in historical perspective. Honor Lodge meets in the A. U. U. W.
■Ude that way wbcu you talk. What As a matter of fact, England is really hall every second and fourth Thursdays
cau I do for you, sir?
much smaller than It was in their day, in the month. Nancy N. White, C. of It
Jesse Marple, Recorder.
Mr. Bones — I-I-l-I-I-II's dun got because it has lost thousands of acres
W. O. W. Ewauna Camp, No. 799, W
a-a-a-a-a-a puzzle fo* yo'.
O. W., meets every Tuesday evening
Interlocutor A puzzle for me. eh? ocean takes heavy toll from "the tight at 7:30 o’clock at Sanderson’s hall. All
Well, send.It along. Mr Bones. But do little island.”
neighbors cordially invited.
It is a long time aluce Raveuspur
•top that sliding when you talk
C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk.
Bones — W-w-w-w w-w-what was a uamo of meaning even to Eng
M.—Klamath Lodge No
would yo' call a-a-a-a a-a-a-a man dat lisbmen. yet In 1399 Itaveuspur was a 77. Meets Saturday evening on or lie
(ore the full moon of each month in the
wuz bo'n in Germany, ah-ah ab-ah-ah-
ah-ah-ah ah-ah ah educated in Spain, portant than the city of Hull Is today, Masonic Hall. W. T. Shive, W. M.
W. E. Bow Join, Secretary.
ah-ah-ah-ah ali-ah-ah lived in Italy an' lleury IV. lauded there in that year, as
Shakespeare notes. The city sent two
ah-ab tib-ah died in de United States?
O. E. S.— Aloha Chapter No.61, meets
Interlocutor -1A-t. me sec, now. The meu to parliament; but. like many in the Masonic hall every second and
puzzle Is what would 1 call a man who other towns lu that part of Yorkshire. tourth Tuesday evening« in each menth
Christine Murdoch, W. M. Jennie E
was born In Germany, educated in It loug ago vanished under the sea.
In the reign of Edward I., says a Reauies, Secretary.
Spain, lived in Italy and died in the
United States. That's too much for writer in the New York Sun, Cornwall
I. O. O. F.— Klamath Ixxlge No. 137
me. Mr. Roues, so we'll Just let you measured fifteen hundred thousand meets everv Saturday evening in the
acres. Today Just half of that Is left, A.O. E. W. hall. W. H. North. N.G.
answer it yourself.
Geo. L. Humphrey, Secretary.
Mr. Bones—I-I-l-I I I I I-I'd call bim the rest washed away by the sea. It
Is said that between Laud's Eml and , Ewauna Encampment No. 46,1.0.O.F.
a dead one. rah.
Interlocutor - Very good, Mr. Rones, the Scilly Islands lie 140 parish Encampment meets second and fourth
▼cry good, sir! And now Mr. Bones churches and villages. A line of an­ Saturdays in the month in th«
will kindly favor us with that touching chorage off Selsey, In Sussex, is still A. O. I'. W. hall. C. C. Brower, C. 1'
Geo. 1.. Humphrey, Scribe.
little l>allad entitle«! “Papa. Get the called by sailors "the park." It won
Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. 101
Hammer; There's a Fly on Baby's its name duriug the reign of llenry
VIII., when it was a deer park famous I. O. O. F. meets in the A. O. V. W.
B Lawta in Judge.
for its stags.
hall everv first and third Thursdays m
Dunwlch, the aucieut capital of East the month. Mary E. Fish, N. G.
Tough Chewing.
Lorinda M. Sauber. Secretary.
Anglia, furnished forty ships to Henry
"You should bave bearti Knox roast- III. and was so powerful as to appall
of I*.—Klamath Lodge No. 9»|
Insr Hnskie last night, lie us, m ! some the Earl of Leicester. A forest lay
meets in Sanderson's hall every Mon­
pretty hard words.”
between the-city and the sea. but in day evening.
Bert Bamber, C. C.
"Yes, but they didn't seem so hard the reign of Edward II. the sea en­ I John Y. Tipton, K. of R. and S.
to Knox last night as they did this gulfed 400 of Its houses. In 1677 comb­
M. W. of A.—Lodge meets in the
ers washed in the market place, and A. O. U. W. hall every first and third
"How do you mean?”
in 1700 the great church of St. Peter's „ Wednesday in the month.
"He had to eat them this morning.”— collapsed into the sea.
XV. B. McLaughlin, Consul
Catholic Standard and Times.
W. A. Phelps, Clerk.
More recently. In a single night. $300,-
000 worth of damage was done in the
Foresters of America—Ewauna Camp,
Ths Cupid Limited.
Kentish town of Margate. Within the No. 61, meets in the A. O. U. W. hall
"Boss." whispered the grinning por- last decade Sussex has lost 374 acres every second and fourth Fridays in the
ter. "dis here train am filled up wld to the sea and other counties In propor­ month.
C. D. Willson, C. R.
honeymoon couples."
E. E. Jamison, Rec. Sec.
"That so?” replied the hat drummer.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are
Women ot Woodcraft, Ewauna Circle
"Is there an observation car on the spent every year by the coast cities No.
647, meets every second and fourth
maintaining sea walls and coast de­ Friday in Sanderson's hall.
“No. sah. Dem couples ain’t seeln' fenses. but every year come storms
Mrs. Dollie Virgil, G. N.
no scenery. Yo’ know ‘love am blind.' ” which tear these ramparts to pieces.
Order of Eagles meets
—Chicago News.
In a single night hundreds of feet of
granite wall will be torn away, the everv Monday evening at 8 o’clock in
A. O. V. W. Hall. Henry Boivin. W.
massive blocks rolled out to sea or P. , Otto Heidrich, Sec.
"My client desires a stay.” said the thrown higher on the land and gaps
i in the wall of defense established.
lawyer, reaching for some papers.
"The court is glad to find your client 1 Trains of supplies are kept at proper
amenable to the situation." replied points to aid in repairing such breaches.
A royal commission on coast erosion
gravely the gentleman on the bench.
"The stay will be for ten years.”—Phil­ has been appointed to study this whole
matter of invasion by the sea and to
adelphia Ledger
propoae measures of more effective de­
I fense
They're a Majority.
Ths Attack Is by th* Sea. Nst by an
Enemy’s Armed Force.
At the Minstrel Show,
Decline of Trade Secret*.
The day of trade secrets and monop­
oly privileges is ending. At every
trade convention, at every craft gath­
ering. at every professional associa­
tion. new discoveries in principle and
new methods of practice are offered
free to those engaged as competitors
In the same business. It is recognized
that no man is able to think a thing
through to its ultimate application.
His suggestion is Instantly seized upon
by others aDd comes back to him and
to society vastly improved. .If thia is
true of mechanical and professional
invention, it must be true of business
I Improvement. The methods by which
a great business is organized, the plans
! by which its capitalization Is secured,
its relations to other organizations and
individuals, on any Just theory of prog-
I ress deserve to be known. Every in­
dividual and every institution gets a
He—I understand two of your sis­ great deal more out of society than it
ters have Joined the great majority.
gives. This is particularly true of in­
She—Yes. One of them married a stitutions specially chartered by socie­
man named J odcs and the other a man ty. Trade secrets are out of date.—
named Brown.—Evening Mail.
; Lincoln (Neb.) State Journal.
Na Hurry About it
Germany’s Ruler*.
“Of course. Tommy,” said the Sun-
day school teacher, "you’d like to be an
angel, wouldn't you t’
"Well—er—yes’m,” replied Tommy,
"but I’d like to wait till I can be a full
grown angel with gray whiskers.”—De­
troit Free Press.
Germany is ruled by one emperor,
four kings, six grand dukes, seven I
princes and one simple count. These
sovereigns occupy very different de­
grees of importance, even in the eyes
of their own Immediate subjects, but
I In one degree or another they all enjoy
| the dignities and privileges of kingship,
and all have to face some of the re­
sponsibilities of state. Every one of
them has a capital and a court of his
own. Some of the capitals are not
' very big cities, but they are all very
I proud. Among them are places with
populations of 11,000, 9.000, 6,000 and
j 5,000. Arolsen, the capita! of the prin­
cipality of Waldeck-Pyrmont, has only
2.620 inhabitants. The entire popula­
tion of the principality of Lichtenstein,
the smallest of them all, is a trout 9,500
souls. The ryipltal is Vaduz, with 1,139
Inhabitants.—Boston Transcript.
Ths Usual Result
I understand the famous pitcher is
courting the sister of bis old time
"Yes. How do you suppose It will
“In a tie, no doubt.”—Cleveland Plain
Of Course.
Tawker—I see a tiger fled from a bull
In Central America recently.
Cuttemoff—Well, what of It?
Tawker—Do you suppose be was
Cuttemoff—No, bullied.—Kansas City
The Proposal.
He (nervously)—Er-er, Margaret—er- |
er--there’s something has been trem­
bling on my lips for the last two
She—Yes, so I see. Why don’t you
shave it off?—Princeton Tiger.
Paes It Along.
“That young groom.” said the minis­
ter after the ceremony, "gave me a fif­
ty dollar fee. What a blessing!”
"Yes,” said his wife, with her baud
out, "it is more blessed to give than to
receive.”—Houston Post.
Otherwiso Occupied.
"Ho you think the railways realize
their responsibilities?”
Some of them don’t,” answered the
offhand economist. "They are too busy
Improving their opportunities.”—Wash
lngton Star.
"Did George kisa you last night?"
"He wanted to.”
"Well, what happened r
"When he made the proposal I net
my face agalngt it”—Baltimore Amerl-
Republican flds
Bring Results
Such is the popular verdict of our
Mr. Business Man, you
will do well to try the Republican
columns, as it is read by practically
everyone in this city. Get in the game
First CliiMM
of oil I c I ik I m
of Price
General Job Work
Office and Work*—Helman St. and 8.P R.R.
Laundry Trays
Manofectarer* of Pneumatic Sawing En­
gine. Sew Mill«. ArchHectnral Iron Work.
Iron, Brasa and Brome Casting*
Etti mate* furmthed. Order* promptly filled
H. BOIVIN, the Plumber, Agent,
KlamMU fila. On»!
Buy Lots in fiilis’ Addition
Just Hast of the Depot
Atom* of the Element*.
Bo important Is an exact knowledge
of the atomic weights of the various
chemical elements that there Is an in-
ternational commission which under-
takes to revise the list of such weights
once each year in accordance with the
latest researches. The list for 1907
contains seventy-nine elements. Among
these there are seven whose atoms are
heavier than those of gold namely,
mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth, ra­
dium, thorium and uranium, which has
the greatest atomic weight known.
The weight of an atom of hydrogen, I
still the lightest of all known sub­
stances, is fixed at 1.008. that of an
atom of oxygen at 10, that of an atom
of gold at 197.2, that of an atom of ra­
dium at 225 and that of an atom of
uranium at 238.5.—Youth's Companion.
Concrete Lighthouse.
By the use of concrete a tail light­
house was constructed In a short pe­
riod of time at the Point de la Coubre,
at the mouth of the Gironde river, In
France. The building is 225 feet high
end about thirty-five feet in diameter
at the base. It was finished in nine
months after the beginning of the
work and cost >90.000. The haste was
due to the fact that the sea tbriMitened
to wash away the old structure.
Can you find a better investment in the city? You are
paying the present value price and will thus secure
the benefit of the increase