Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 05, 1907, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
City Dads Wield Big
Stick for Revenge
Pass Speed Ordinance and
Establish Building Re­
Additional Briefs
Rev. W. <i. Smith is ex|<ected to re­
turn to this city next week.
Professor Hobbs, of Merrill, was here
C W. Hirtotnan, of Fruitvale, Calif.,
was registered al the luikeside Inn this
Mrs. It. Cartwright and daughters left
for their home in Salem last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. George Brandenburg
and Mrs. G. Heitkem|i«r, Jr., and little
son, Rolx-rt, left today for Portland.
■Mr. V. L. Snelling and Miss Eugenie
Snelling, of faikeview, were registered
at the Iaikeside Inn Fat unlay.
W. E. Nicholson of Fort Klumath ami
Dale Sturgis ot Grant's I’llSS Here in the
city .Monday.
Prof. R. II. Dunbar and family and
R. H. Brigham and family returned this
week from their trip to ('rater I ike.
J. D. Carroll was among the repre­
The regular meeling of the CityCoun- sentatives from tins county who went
cil w.i* hi'hl Tuesday evening and con­ t-i Sacramento Monday,
siderable routine business win transact­
C. (’. l/>w Mii'l family, who have bei-n
ed. Incidentally the city fathers took a
camp life for some time, re­
back handed slap at L, Jacobs of the
turned home thia week.
Boston Store, ami place«! a “»peed
ernor'* <>n owners of automobile*.
Marion Hunks and family, who were
Th«> first thing to come liefore tin- visiting friends and relatives in Douglas
meeting was the fact that (Councilman county, returned home this week.
WiMxIliiiry bad alimented himself from
William Carmichael, who has be< n
several of the meetings, the nunilxT liv­
abnent from the city for several months,
ing Sufficient to cause a vacancy to
returned here last Friday.
exist, under the rules of the charter.
C. T. Oliver is nt Shovel Creek for the
Therefore the mayor declared the office
Vacant, but asked the council to re-elect pur|HHie of regaining health alter Ida
Mr. Wixslbtirry. It would be doing no attack of appendicitis and rheumatism.
more than what is right if a different
Dr. MagilUm will be al Bonanza on
successor bad been selected, for it is the Ifltli and will Is* pleased to meet
quite evident that Mr. Wmsllmry is dis­
those requiring dental work.
inclined to fill the office. He was one
of the tncmliers who absented them­
Mrs. Blaisdell, who has been visiting
selves last year at a «ritical time ami with her mother, Mrs. Fierce Evana,
left tho city without revenue to meet its returned to her home in Fan Francisco
running expenses. When a citizen is Friday morning.
ele« tel to the council he ia sup|x>se«i to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Applegate and
assume some of the obligations of the
daughter, Elizabeth will leave today for
office, and when the time conies when
Cleone, where Mr. Applegate enters the
ho can nut do so, lie ought to stepdown
service of the Mason Construction com­
and out ami |x<rtuit tho appointment of
some one who will.
J. D. Stewart ami wife left last Friday
An ordinance extending the tire limits
to lots 6, 0, 7 and 8 block 3W, lots 6, fl, 7 morning for Montague, where Mrs.
and 8 block 37, lots 1, S. 3, 4 block Ifl, Stewart will visit her sister for a short
iota 1, 2, 3 and 4 block 17 and Iola 6, fl, lime alter which they will visit other
7 and 8 blink 34 was unanimously pass­ California points.
ed with the emergency clause attached.
E. T. Aldiott, general manager of the
The great speed with which this was
Klamath lake railroad, accompanied by
done is accounted for by the fact that
his daughter, was in the city last Friday
the «council desirixl to vent its spleen on
and Saturday visiting with his many
L. Jacobs. Their effort was in vain, for
friends ami looking after business.
Mr. Jacobs never intended to erect any­
thing but a brick building on his prop­
The excursion given by the Carpen­
ters’ Union was a very successful affair,
Then an ordinance providing for and those who attended hud u most en-
building |>rrmit» was |>«ssrd. In future ' joyable time. The outdoor sports in-
those desiring to erect buildings within I dulged ill furnished a great deal of
the corporate Inuits of the city must first amusement nn«l interest.
secure h jx-rmit from the city council. | Dr. R. Cartwright left this week for
This piece ot legislation is all right and
I Portland, where lie enters the service oi
should have been enacted long ago.
the Mason Construction company as
The next thing to attract the attention
official physician and surgeon. He is
ot the city fathers was the automobile
succeed«*! as
Reclamation Service
question It was generally admitted
physician here by Dr. G. W. Mastou.
that the germs of “nutomania” were to
lie found within thecity.and a determin­
J. B. Aiilen ia over ftom Lakeview.
ed effort must tie made to stamp them He is accompanied by Frank ljine, who
out liefore the entire community be­ ia looking over tbia section with a view
comes infected. Therefore on ordinance to making investments. Mr. Lane will
was passed providing that no automo­ make no mistake if he will place his
bile should I* driven through the streets money in a good live community.
at a s|x<ed exceeding five miles an hour.
Mr. Jones, brother of Mrs. J. M. Hol­
Violation of the law will bring down
Upon the head of the offender a fine of man, was drowned Bunday aftermxjn.
not less than |'i nor more than |50 and He had Ix-en fishing, and it ia presumed
not less than five nor more than ten fell from hi« boat. Not returning as
s«xin us was ex|iected an investigation
days in the city jail.
I. qnor licenses were granted to Barnes was made, resulting in the finding of
A Talxir and C. D. Wilson. The appli­ his laxly. The funeral was held Munday
cation of L. 11. Melton was laid over ailernoon at Fort Klamath, iuterinent
' lining in the local cemetery.
until the next meeting.
In the matter of tho request of the
Re|xirts from the huckleberry patch
Klamath Development for the vacating are to the effect that this toothsome del­
of part of Main street, the mayor ap- icacy is very scarce this year, it is up
pointed Councilmen Castel, Bennett to tiie weather prophet who not long ago
anil Htilts as a committee to pass U|xm stated that we were going to have a
the question.
severe winter because huckleberries
Councilman ('astel was instruct«’«! to were unusually plentiful, to account for
continue tlie work of removing the hump this discrepancy lietween his theory and
from Main street, at the junction of | fact. There are many who prefer an
Center street.
i abundance of enow to a scarcity of huck­
leberry pie, and these will receive the
news of the scarcity with more regret
Prominent Party
than did tho public the prediction of a
One of the most prominent and influ­ severe winter.
ential party of investors that has visited
llaren's transfer team gave a lively
this basin recently is hero now looking
over the field with a view to making exhibition of running away Monday
investments. The party consists of Mr. afternoon. They were standing at the
and Mrs. Arthur Gregory, Mr. nnd Mrs. corner of Main and Center streets,
C. B. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. when they took French leave and
Felts. Mr. Gregory is a prominent started towards the bridge. Before they
orange grower and shipfier of Redlands were stopped they collided with a team
and Messrs. Scott and Felts are well belonging to Henry and Cranston,
known bankers and business men of which had just returned from the
Artesia, Calif. They are friends of Mr. hucklelterry patch. This resulted in
A. H. Naftxger, who is showing them the breaking of the wagon tongue of the
thia basin. Tuesday they went to Mer­ latter wagon and scaring the team so
rill, Wednesday to Bonanza and today
they visited Wood river. It is not un­
likely that they will become intereated
in antarprieaa that will be of very mate­
rial valaa to tbia city and county.
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
that it plnuged into the eight-horse
team belonging to the Long Lake Lum-
bar company, k nocking one of the
horses down. No other damage wee
NO. 23
Thrall the Gateway
Erb M. Morgan, of Kenn, was in the
Mr. and Mrs. M. H wartout passed
city Friday and Haturday of thia week.
through this city Monday enroute to
Tacoma. They had been over to lake­
Mrs. L. .lai'olts ami daughter, Waive, view, and while there Mr. Hwartont
who have •x-rn visiting ill Eugen«’ and gave the people of fjikeview a dose of
Springfield, relurn«xl home last «veiling. chill» and fever by announcing that
('. 11. Owen, wifi- *ml two cliildmi, there was no certainty that bis corn|«ny
>d Medford, arrived here this week from would put through the irrigation scheme
Medlord. Mr. Owen is a painter and that the residents of Lak«- county have
been crowing over for the past several
[taper hanger.
He gave as a reason that the
William Wagner ha* severed his con­
price of land was too high, f-and that
nection with the Expre*«, with which
publication he ha* Ix-en connected, in would not raise coyotes was jumped out
tlie capacity of city edihir, for the past of sight just as s<xin as Fwarlout made
his appearance, the owners expecting to
make a fortune over night and have the
J. ('. Mitchell, the California cattle other fellow pay for the fun. But the
man, >» in the city visiting with his Hewitt I .a nd company, the concern rep-
brother, II. V. W hile here he will com­ resented by Swartout, have been up
bine busine»« and pleasure and make against such a game before, and since
several sorties out into the county for iht y can find plenty of profitable sec­
the purp >se of buying cattle.
tions in which Ur invest their money, it
not at all unlikely, unless the people
Sunday wxh the first <lay of the duck
sliixiting -eason, sii'l msriy of the bxral io Lake county wake up, they will lose
iiiiiihh I- tried llieir luck. Few of those one of the best opportunities they have
wh>> went out relumed without trophies ever l-eeti offered.
of their effoit, and the indirstioris are
tout tins will be one of the Lett season» 1
Serious Accident
tn the history oi the county.
TJie rumors of the new stage line that i
have l«en flying thick and fast for the
past several months were laid to rest
Saturday by General Manager Abbott
of the Klamath Ixtke railroad. Rumor
stated that a stage line would be started
from Brays as soon as the railroad
reached that point, and that it would !
make connection with the boat atI
Teter’s landing, ft may be run, but the
probability is that it will have nothing
to carry, for the reason that General
Passenger Agent Fee of the Southern
Pacific has issued instructions to the
agents ot his company that they must
not cell tickets to Klamath Falls via any
other gateway'than Thrall. Several in­
stances have arisen where agents haze
been negligent in this matter, and in |
each case the railroad has [raid back to
the |>erson affected the expense he has
been put to. This doubtless has to lie
paid by the agent who made the mis­
take, and will act as an effectual barrier
against his again making a similar error.
When the arrangements for the clos­
ing of the Grass Lake-Laird stage line
w ho are in doubt aS to w het her
went into force and Messrs. Davie and
Untoward circumstances hare played
anything ■ an lx1 grow n in this county
While driving from this city to I’o- McIntire bought out the Oregon Stage a prominent [«art in the transportation
are referre«! to the window - in the office ki-gama Monday evening, Mrs. G. W. company and began operations tietween
affairs of this rogion «luring the |>aut ten
of th«’ Klamath fJevelopment company, Offield and children and I’rof. J. if. this city and Pokegama.it was the un­
«her«’ are to lx- seen some fine samples Hobbs all of Merrill, had a narrow derstanding that the Klamath Lake nays, with the result that the difficulties
that have arisen in the path of estab­
oi Klamath county products, raised by escape from death.
The accident railroad would remain in the field nntil lishing the boat service between this
O. Short and H. E. Willard.
occurred on the hill this side of Chase’s such time as the California Northeast­ city an«i Keno are removed and next
1 and at a point near where Stage Driver ern reach«« a point where it could han­ week will see it an accomplished fact.
Wi’srein receipt of a post card sent ' Galbraith was killed last spring. I’rof.
dle the business coming into this basin
The key that unlocks the door was an
out by the Klamath Commercial Agen­ Ilohlxt was driving, and had just started
in a manner that would lx- more advan­ attachment taken out by the American
cy. on one side is a picture of Hie Join the hill when the bridle dropped
tageous than coming via Thrail. This Bank and Trust company against the
Klama'li Falls Military Band composed ‘ from one of the horses. He was then
was confirmed by Mr. Navigation company and Mr, and Mrs.
<>l " I iiiemliers. The band has mad«* unable 1» control the team. Believing
he was in the city this 0. E. Woodbnry. The approximate
quite a reputation for itself under tiw that he could extricate himself from the
week. He stated that bis road would amount was |4<X)0. When it became
management of the instructor, Ivan 1 difficult situation by turning the horses
handle the business ’«’•o this section un­ evident that it was going to be a difficult
Daniels, and no doniti if they went to ’ in a circle he did so, but they got too
the I rogation Congress at Sacramento, close to the side of the hill, with the re­ til such time as the California North­ task to raise the funds to meet the in­
eastern reached Dorris and was ready debtedness covered by the attachment,
they would surprise a few of the Native sult that the buggy was upset, throwing
for business. Then, and not until then, W. R. Davie came forward with a prop­
Sons.—-Bonanza Bulletin.
, the occujiant to the ground.
would the Klamath Lake railroad step osition that offerered a solution to the
Discovering that Mrs. Offield was ser- down and out. Under such conditions
Fathers Feusi and Vasta left for Lake­
problem, and incidentally gave him con­
view Monday, where the latter will tie­ - iously injured Frof. Hobbs succeeded in there is no liklihood of a stage line being trol of the Navigation company's prop­
gin ids pastorate. This is the first resi­ 'summoning assistance and the injured established between this city and Brays. erty.
dent Catholic priest Lakeview has ever woman was taken to the station. Dr.
The indebtedness of the Navigation
had. When Bishop (J'Keilly was here Maston wae summoned and upon arrival
is close to tlfl.OUO. The bad
Rooms Wanted
he decided that the growl ii of the Cath­ I found that Mrs. Offield'» leg was broken
has been pretty heavy for some time,
olic population was sufficient to warrant
and especially so since no agreen ent
a permanent pastor. This growth has Hobbs wss suffering from a severe
was made with the McIntire and S.age
been mainly due to the large number of
a scarcity of accommodations for the companies. Big corporations were or­
Irishmen who emigrated from
injury. Dr. Maston reduced the frac­ large number of excursionists expected ganized and some big talk indulged in,
Emerald Isle.
ture and left the patients resting com­ to arrive here the last of this week and but it would seem that it was all moon­
the first of next, the reception commit­ shine, for when it came to raise the cash
William I.ubke an«! wife left ún» fortably.
week, the former to visit his home in
Mr. Offield was notified and immed- tee of the Chamber of Commerce re­ it could not 1« done. Davis, it is under­
Germany and the latter to s; ipend the lately went to Chase’s, Mrs. OSald spectfully requests those who have stood, has offered to undertake the job.
winter in Loe Angeles. They expect to was taken to her home Wednesday.
spare rooms to list the same with the As security he takes a second mortgage,
return to this city next spring. This is
Prof. Hobbs wae going to Pokegama secretary of the Chamber ; or, if they assumes control of the affairs of the
the first time Mr. Lubke has visited his for the purpose of meeting bis wife. so desire, they may leave their name company and will operate all of its busi­
old home since he left there, 34 years Mrs. Offield and the children were going and address at the Republican office, ngs. He will take care of the attach­
ment that now hangs over the company
ago. His mother is still living, having to Roseburg to visit friends.
where the matter will be attended to.
and meet the other indebtedness as it
readied the advanced age of 89 years,
(alls dee. In the meantime the entire
arid it is to see her <>noe more that
Fine Work
income of the company goes to him to
caused him to make the trip.
liquidate the indebtedness he assumes.
FL Stein, who has neen as»‘»ciat«xl
That “Bill” Davis is aide to take care
with K. Sugarman in the Portland
George C. Hill, manager of the Hol­
of the matter is well known. He will
Store, has deci«led to stepdown and out. comb Realty company, states that there was knocked into a cocked hat. Here­
make a contract with the McIntire and
This decision is due to the fact that Mr. will lie an excursion from Sacramento tofore it has been the belief that good
Stage companies and thus place the
Stein has not iteen enjoying the liest of . t<> this city following the Irrigation
operation of the Steamer Klamath on a
health for- sometime, having been con­ Congress, and that it will bring here at in this city. The Republican has con-
paying basis.
fined to liis room for the past tines least one hundred persons. The stage
It is an ill wind that blows no goo-*.
weeks. Mr. Stein left for the Klamath «■otn|>any has lx-en notified and it is
Hot Springs this week, when’ lie hopes making extensive preparations to han­ faction to this office that the Holcomb Out of all this trouble will come benefit
to recover sufficiently to return h«‘re dle this immense volume of business. Realty company «ieci<l«xl to issue 500b to the public in general and the inter­
copies of its Real Estate Review fcr die ested parties in particular. The properly
an<l close up his business preparatory to
The railroad company has already had
tribution at Sacramento and gave the of th« Navigation company is recognized
over one hundred applications for
job to us. This publication is issued by as being very valuable. Under the di­
As an evidence of the fact that Bo­ tickets, with stop over privileges to this well know a firm and represents the rection of Colonel Wilkins it was pros­
nanza is up to snuff and that the people Klamath Falls, and this would indicate very beet in the line of printing. In th« perous. but other influences often
of that hustling little burg are not that there will be a big influx of inves- [iast all of ths work has been done in over-rode his judgment and it was not
■sleep, they sent 5oo lisdges to Sacra­ ) tors and home seekers. There may lie Oakland and San Francisco and it wa.- long until it was traveling stormy seas.
mento for distribution «luring the Irri­ difficulty in securing accoinm«slations with the understanding that we would Now that it is in the hands of a man
gation Congress. The design is a unique for all who come, and steps are tieing ■ come up to the standard required that w'.io will run it on busintiss principals
one. 11 is cut out of a leather an«i repre­ taken to list a number of rooms among we weie awarded the contract. That and who will not be handicapped with
sents the four leaf clover. On each leaf | private families, where those who fail I this office sncc«‘ede«l in giving entire eat- petty, hair-splitting interference it wi’l
ia burned the name of one of the four ' to secure rooms at the different hotels i isfaction is evidence«! by the following once more return to its prosperity ar. I
valleys of which Bonanza is the hub. may go for l«xlging. Any person in the i letter from Mr. Hill, manager of the in the end be returned to the cum Dan ••
Tti<* idea is a g<xsi one, and Bonanzaitee , city, who has a spare room, who will company. We commend its careful free from debt and on a paying basis.
»«■ to lx* congratulated for their energy leave their name and address, together perusal to those who contemplate the The public will hail the new deal
with their charge per night, at this
and enterprise.
issuance of pamphlets as well as to those with delight, for it cuts out the ride from
| office will confer a favor of the reception
David Beaton, of Chicago, traveling . committee of the Chamber of Commerce. w ho desire to secure first-class, up-to here to Keno, and the winter has not the
dark and stormy appearance to the
J date printing of any kind :
representative of the Farm and Field, a
traveler that it had.
publication of wide circulation, siwnt
the week in this city. He came here
New Corporation
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
for the purpose of looking over this sec­
First Victim
tion and gathering data for the informa­
Articles of incorporation were hied
I wish to thank you for the splendid
tion of the readers of his paper. He
spent a couple of days at Odessa, w here with the County Clerk this week for the work that yon put on our little booklet
The first victim of the hunting season
he enjoyed the splendid fishing of that l-akeside Co., the incorporators t>eing and for the promptness with which the
Johnny Oliver, who accidentally dis­
work was executed.
locality. Mr. Beaton is visiting the
charged bis shot gun while taking it
principal sections of the Pacific Coast,
and the result of his impressions will be ed as the principal place of business. I am as much pleased with it as with from a boat Tuesday morning. The
The capital stock of the company is any of the former issues, which were charge took effect in the right hand.
published in the Farm and Field and
divided into shares of flOOeach. published in larger and more complete He, together with John Siemens and
will undoubtedly do a great deal oi gisxl.
I-eo Houston, started on a duck hunt
While the articles permit the company shops.
Here is a paragraph which the exchan­ to engage in a wide range of business,
I will say here, that anyone wishing early in the morning. Thev pulled the
ges are passing around: Every dollar the prime object of its creation is the booklet work done need have no fear in boat ashore after reaching the lower end
in your pocket says to you: “If you’ll handling of what is now known as the placing same in your hands.
of Iutke Ewauna and proceeded t<> get
their guns. It was while engage I in
let me stay in this town I’ll circulate Lakeside tract, which borders on Tuie
Yours truly,
doing so that young Oliver met with the
areund and do lots of good. Yon buy a Lake. No statement has as yet been
big lieefsteak with me and the butcher made public, but it is understood that it
Secretary. accident. He directed his companions
will buy groceries, and th«’ grocer will is the intention of the Lakeside Com­
to tie a handkerchief tightly around his
buy dry goods, and the dry gixxla mer­ pany to plat this big tract into small
The horse, »addle and bridle belong­ wrist, and when this was done started
chant will pay his doctor bill with me, I farms and by a systematic campaign of ing to George Sol tn, who was killed at to the city. They followed the railroad
and the doctor will spend me with the advertising to bring farmers into the Keno recently, was sold at public auc­ grade until the macadam road was
farmer for oats for his hone, and the basin to settle on the same. It is not I tion this week. Ira Whitcomb buying reached, when they hailed a wagon and
farmer will pay his subscription to the likely that there will be very much done the horse for 125.60 and W. Nl. N’eiter rode into town. Dre. Merryman and
White wers summoned and decided , hat
editor of the local paper, and the editor along this line this year, but the coming the saddle and bridle for |13.
it would be necessary to amputate <he
will pay for his lsst summer trousers season will undoubtedly see considerable
and buy
you see,
at home
Service Will be Inauj
Next Monday
Will Handle all Passenger
And Freight Traffic Be
tween here and Reno
■ pair of socks. In the long ran activity.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houston and Mrs
I’ll be more useful to you here
J. A. Houston, who went to Medford to
than if you’d sent me away for­
Henry Hchmobr, the pron inent Dairy take in the circus returned home Tues­
Kansas City Journal.
g ■
ra tcber was in the city Wednesday.
first finger. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, * ho
are stopping st ths Klamath Hot
Springs, were notified of the accident
sad returned home immediately*