KLAMATH BARBER SHOP THE BIGGEST FISH. Yew never heard mt tell Abaout thet monster? Wellt He wui the bl«. I ever eeen. 1 sw un When I describe his sis* I can't believe my eyes. An' I don't ‘apart thet y«» Kin aKurcely b'lleve it tew. J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. Cleanliness and Good Work f Guaranteed Down Llnard crick one day I Ashed an’ Ashed away. An' here I wanter state I had the proper bait. An' everythin* wm clear. My head an' hands an' (ear. When 1 felt, nigh the bank. A moa' tremendous yank. Also Agent for LONDON AND LANCASNJNS FINE INS. CO. My oork went aout o’ sight. My pul. bent double quite; The crick she b'tled an' b lied. An' rot all rough an’ r'lled. I straightened like a bull. An' fetched a mighty pull. An' would yew b'lleve it? Say. Ha—well, he got away! Notice for Publication SUMMONS Contest Notice i In the Circuit Court < t Oregon, tor Klamath I Department ot the Interior, United ; County. Clara M. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. John M. Nelson, State* Land Otlice, Lakeview, Oregon. 1 Defeudaui. July Id, 1907. To John M. Nelson, defendant. A sufficient contest affidavit having In the name of the State ot Oregon; You are been tiled in this office by Sadie New hereby required to appear aud ausaer the complaint filed against you In the above en man, contestant, against homestead titled suit, on or baiora Friday, September 6, entry No. 2W0, made May 15, 1903, for IW7. being the la»lday prescribed in Ihe order nS|Sc>i4, Sec. II, n%sw'4, Sec. 12, Tp. for publication ot ihia suuiuious. the fir*l pub lication ihereuf being July 25. 1907aud It 27 N„ R. ¡0 E., by Charles Fronuuer you fall so to Slower, for want thereof, the conteetee, in which it is alledged that | plaintiff will apply to the iourl for the relief among other things) eaid entryman deuiaiid<-d In the eomplatul. lo-wlt: tor a de- tailed to establish hi* residence on said creedissolving the boud* ot matrimony exist land at any time after making said ing between plaintiff aud defeudaui. This summons 1» served by publication in entry: that said entryiuan failed to re- the Klsmath Republican, by order ol Hou J on said land at any time after mak- B. Griffith, county Judge ot Klatualh county,'' itig said '* entry and ... lietnre or prior to Oregon, dated July 25, HM7. which order re- hia attempt to make final proof; that ’ quires summons io be published ono»» a week said entryman abandoned said land six for *ik tuccaaaiva aeek* from July Jfi. IW7. month* prior to the aubmiaaion of at J. C ROTKNIC, 7» »-5 • Attorney for Plaintiff. tempted final proof, and that aat>i United Mate*Laud Office, Lakeview. Oregon. August I*. 19*7. Nonce Is hereby (Iren that tn aomnlianc* with the provisions ot th* act ot Contres» of June 3, l»7S. entitled -in act for the sale ot —Joe Cone in New York Sua, timber lands In the Slate»of California. Ore- *on. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as Ninety-nine Feet Left. it 11 edged at me nee from said land extended to all the Public ¡.and State* by act was not due to his employment in the of August 4, 1*92. IH-11» Drewbakvr. of Contest Notice Klamath Fail*, county ot Kltmatu. State ot ; ; Army, Navy or Marine Corpe of the Oregon, has filed in tui» nffte* ber | Department ot the Interior. United Sislee United States as a private soldier. rworn statement No. 3781. for the ourch*** Land Office. Lakeview, Oregou, July 16,1*17. : officer, seaman or marine during the wrar of the sei4sw', of Section No. 2. in A »uffieiant content hiving been Hied In tills Township No. 41 8. R No 6 E. W M. ¡ offi.-e by Stella M Merlin, evntevlaul. against with Spain or any other war in whicli and will offer proof to show that the land homestead eutry No. 2V98. made May 1». luoj. the United State* may lie engaged; sought i* more valuable for its timber or stone tori>S"Hsec rr. Tp. Tt 8. R 191, by Chas. said patties are hereby notified to ap- than .'or agricultural purposes, and |o estab W. Peterson. con les tee, tn which it ie alleged pear, respond and offer evidence touch lish her claim to said land before the clerk of that, anions other things, said Chas W. Klamath county. Ore., at his office at Klam Peterson has not been ou said land tor the ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. ui. ath Falls, Ore., ou Monday, the ttb day ot six month» last past, and never did continu on Sept. 2, 1907 before W. I». Weat, U. November. ISWC. ously reside on said land or Improve It and >. Commissioner at bilver ijtke, Oregon, She names as witnesses: has wholly abandoned said lend, and that and that tiinal hearing will lie held at Jennie Seeburn, Milo Estes.Cora E»te*. and said alleged absence from the said land »•» 10 o'clock a. tu. on Sept. 7, 1907 liefore W m. Laabua all of Klaiuath Falls. Oregou. nut due to bis employment In the Army. Navy Any and all persons ilainilng adversely the or Marine Corp* of the l ulled States as a pri the Register and Receiver at the Unit above-described lauds are requested to file vate soldier, officer, seaman or marine during ed State* I-and Office in Lakeview, Ore their claims tn this office on or before said lib the war with Spain or during any other war gon. day of November. IA’7. in which the I uited Slate* may be eugaged. The said contestant having, in a 8-23-10-21 J. N. WATSON. Register. »aid parties are hereby notitied to appear, re spond and oAer evidence touchiug said alte proper affidavit, tiled July 11, 1907, set ration at W o’clock a. rn ou Sept. 17, 1907. be- forth fact* which show that alter due Notice for Publication tore the Register »ud Receiver at the fulled diligence personal service of thia notice States Laud Office in l.axeview. Oregon. can not be made, it is hereby ordered Unite! States Laud office. Lakeview. Ore The said couiesiaui having, tn a proper and directed that such notice be given gon. June 15, 1907 affidavit. Hied June 25, 1W7. sol forth lavl* Notice is hereby given that in compliance which show that after due diligence personal by due and proper publication. with the provisions of the act ot Congress of J. N. Watson. Register, First Worm—I bear that old man June 3,137S, ectitled “An act for the »ale of service ot this notice can not be made, lit» S.1-S-2V hereby utUeieU auo directed that such uullcv- Ontlped Is to be married again. timber land* in the States of California, Ore-1 be given by dueaud prupe. publication Notice for Purchase of School Landa Second Worm—What; that old codger gon. Nevada, and Waabiugton Territory,'' a* »1-829 J. N. WATsON, Register. extended to all the Public Land Slate* by act with one foot in the grave? Department of the Interior, United First Worm—Oh. well, even with one of August 4,1992. Augusta J. Hayden, of Klam State* Land Office, l.akeview , Oregon, foot in the grare It may take a long ath Falls, county ot K.amatb, Slate ot Oregon, Contest Notice tn this office her sworn July 23, 1907. time to get In the other ninety-nine.— ba* this day filed statement No. 36». for the purchase of the Notice i* hereby given that tiie State IMpartment uf ths Interior. United State* Kansas City Times. sw'a»*1* Sec. 6. el,nel4 nwL4ne*4 of Sec. Laud Office. Lakeview. Oregon. July 33. 1.V7 of Oregon iia* tiled their application to No. 7, in Tp No. 3? 8. R No. 10. K W M. A sufficient coutetl affidavit having lx-eu . Classified. aud will offer proof to show that the land died tu this, office by W H Martin, cvuleat •elect the following deaerilied laud*, as A bright little girl in one of the sought Is more valuable for its timber or ant. against homestead entry No. Kd, made State Indemnity I-anda, to wit: Washington public schools applied to or stoue tuau tor agricultural purpc*es, and may 39. 19ua. for »S’»1-» Sec 25. amt »''-»«e1-« List Np. 228. for the *»'4nwl4, se'4- ber teacher recently for leave to be to establish her claim to said land before the Sev 2b. Tp 26 S . R. 10 E.. by Albert Lautner ne.l4, nel4se’4. and Lot 2, Sec. 3, Tp. 29 absent half a day on the plea that her clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at his office outeste*. iu which it is alleged that, among 8., R. 9 E.. W. M. mother had received a telegram stating at Klamath Falls. Oregon, ou Tuesday, the other thing*. said eatrytnan tailed to evtab 3rd day of Sept., 1907. Any and all |>eraona claiming adverse that company was on the way. I ash bls residence ou said land al auy time ly tiie above described land* aie re She names as witnesses: after making »aid entry; that said enirj man “It’s my father's half sister and her Wm. Lashua. P. R. Goodwine. Elmer I. Ap four boys,’’ explained the little girl plegate. B. E. Htydea. all of Klamath Falls, failed to reside on said laud at any time prior quested to tile their claims in tins office to bis attempt to make final proof; that said on or Ijeiore the 13th. day of September, somewhat anxiously, “and mother Oregon. eutrymau abandoned »aid laud six mouths 1907. doesn't see bow she can get along Anv and all persons claiming adversely the prior to the dale uf the submission uf at- Sove-described lands are request* 1 to file without me around the house.’’ J. N. Watson, Register. tern pied final pruof. and that »aid alleged ab .eir claims tn this office on or before said 3rd The teacher, handing the pupil the sence from »aid laud was not ihn» »o hlsem- The nlvove notice will l>e published in printed list of reasons Justifying ab ij of sept., I9u7. ploytueutln the Army. Navy or ue.iue t urps the Klamath Republican a weekly news- J. N. WATSON. Register. sence. asked if her case came under 6-27-8-29 of the United stales as a private »seller, offi cer. seaman or marine during the war with pa|>er of general circulation, published any of them. Notice for Publication Spain or during any other war iu which the at Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a period The little girl scanned the list a mo ment and then, pointing to the words United State* L»nd Office. Lakeview, Ore United State* tuay Leengsged. said parties are of live successive weeks. hereby notified to appear, respond and offer J. N. Watson, Register. “domestic affliction,” said, “I think It gon, July 1». 1907. evidence toucn.n* said allegation al tu u ctuca Notice Is hereby given tb»t in compliance might come under this bead, ma'am." with the provisions of the *ctof Congress of a. m. on September 17. ten', before the Keguu-r —Woman's Home Companion. June J. 1ST*, entitled, "An act for the sale of and Receiver at the Culled Stales Land office E. WHITLOCK timber land* in the States of California. Ore tn Lakeview.Oregon. The Only Way. The said contestant having, in a proper arti- gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,’’ as Gunner—There goes a man who once extended to all the Public Land States by act davit, filed July 22. 19u7. set lot:h taut* h hieb UNDERTAKER kept a cook thirty days. of August 4, UM. Fred L. Suudermsn of sbuW that afier due diligence in-rsunal service AND EMBALMER Guyer—Great Scott! He is a wonder. Klamath Falls, county of Klamath State of of this notice can nut be made, it is hereby Holder of License No 29. It Is a wonder she didn't leave, Oregon, has this day filed id this offiq^- hi* ordered and diret ted that such notice be given sworn statement No. 1751. for the purchase of by due and i roper publication. though. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON •t-1 s-29 J . N. W AT8ON, Register. Gunner—She couldn’t. He is a sher the sei »of Sec. No. lJ.inTp No.»S. R No >EW M.and will offer proof to show that the land JU iff, and she was locked up thirty days for breaking d I sties and upsetting the sought is more valuable tor it* timber or storie than for agricultural purposes, and to Notice for Publication stove.—Chicago News. DR. WM. MARTIN j establish bi* claim to said laud before the United States Land Uffice. Lakeview, Ore clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at bt* office gon. July 1*. 19tT7. A Grudging Patron. at klamath Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday, the ÍDENTIST Notice Is hereby given that in compliance “An artist,” said the man with point 2nd day of October. 1W7. with the provisions of the act of Cougress of He name* as witness«*: ed whiskers, “must not think about Archie Johnston. Fred Applegate. Charles June i, 1st» eutilled "An act lor the sale of money.” limber land* in the State* of California. Ore “I suppose not,” answered Mr. Cum- Donart aud Wm. Mendenhall all of klamath gon,Nevada, aud Waabiugton Territory," a* rail*. Ore. rox. “Every time I buy a picture the Any and all persons claiming adversely the extended to all the Public Laud elate* by act artist want* enough to keep him from above-described lands are requested to file ol August 4. 1*92. Bertha C. Harris, ul thinking about money for the rest of their claims in this office on or before »»id Klamath Falls, county ot Klamath, htate of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office her hl* life.”—Washington Star. 2nd day of October, 190?. ’ATTORNEY AND saorn statement No. 37 j 2. for the purchase ol 7-25—9-26 J. N. WATSON. Register. COUNSELOR AT LAW the a)-,ne^i Bee »4 and *%nwj* ot Bee. Grazing Ground. No. 35. in Tp No. 3» 8, K No. Iu, E W M. KLAMATH FALL«, OREGON “I never saw a man with such a Notice for Publication i and will offer proof to show that tbe^and bead fer business,” remarked the first United States Land Office. Lakeview. Ore sought Is more valuable tor ita timber or ROOMS TAB. MURDOCK BLDG. «y- stone than tor agricultural purpose*, and to gon, July 19,1907. “Smart, is be?" asked the otner. Notice is hereby given that in compliance establish her claim to >atd land before the “Oh, I mean for our business; he's with the provision* of the act of Congress of clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at nls office DR. C. P. MASON absolutely bald.”— Philadelphia Pres*. June 3,1*7». entitled "An act for the sale of at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, the X timber land* in the state* of California. Ore Lat day of October. 1907. DENTIST She names a* witness**: gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as Ought to Ba Satisfied. Wm. Lasbua. F. L Fountain, John Blieppard Office in American Bank A Trust Com* “I declare, John,” exclaimed Mrs. extended to au the Publi: Land Blates by act and Clyde Braudenberg. allot Klamath Falls, of August 4. 1»92, Esther O. Applegate, party'■ Building Gabbe, “I don’t believe you are listen of Kiamatb Falls, county of klamath Oregon. PHONE 614 ing to a word I say!” A dj and all persons claiming adversely the State of Oregon, ha* this day filed “Well, I’m letting you do all the talk-. in this office her sworn statement No. 3738. above-described lands are requested to file KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tag,” rejoined her busband. “What’ for tbs purchase of the s)i»e!4 and se'-tsw', of their claims in this office on or before said 1st more do you want T'— Chicago News. Sec. No. 20, in Tp. No.» 8. R No. 10 E W M, day of October, 1907. 8-1-J ® J. N. WATSON, Register. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone ______--------------------- Bad Luck. Tired Tatter*—I saw de new moon than for agricultural purposes, end to estab e CIVIL ENOINEER and SURVEYOR over me left shoulder las’ night, I lish her claim to said land before the county Contest Notice clerk of klamath county, Oregou on Wednes wonder wot dafs a sign uv? KLAMATH FALLS the 2nd day of October 1907. Department of the luterior. United Htates Weary Walker—It’s a sign dat de day Land Office, lakeview, Oregon. July 16. |vu7. She names a* witnesses: All kinds engineering and draughting Hex’ place youse ask fer work youse’ll Herman St-hmor of Detry. Ore.. John Jen»- A sufficient contest artidxvlt haviug been git it—De* Moines Register. seu.Fred Collman and (iottfried Neubert ol filed in this office by Jam«» Newman, contest ant. against homestead entry No. 3024, made . Klamath Falls, Oregon. In Ona Sense Only. Any end all persons claiming adversely the May 2», MH. for See. 34, Tp. 26 B.. R. 10 WILL A. LEONARD “Gabbie certainly likes to hear him above-described lands are requested to tile E.. and w*4nwJ4 Bee. 2, and ne!,ne!4 Sec 3, Tp. 1 their claim* in this office on or before said 2nd '27 H . R. 10 E., by Edward Anderson, conteetee. self talk.” in which it is alleged that (among other DENTIST “Yes, he seems to think his conver | day of October, 1907. 7-25—9-26 J. N. Watson, Register. I things) said entryman failed to establish . sation Is positively intoxicating.” his resident e thereon at auy tiepe after mak-1 Wlthrow-Melhase Building “Well, it may be intoxicating in th* lug entry, that said entryman failed to reside sense that it's ‘extra dry.’ ’’ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT on said laud at any time prior to Ills attempt » —————————— to make final proof; that said entryman In tiie County Court of the State of His Mistake. abandoned said laud six months prior to date Oregon for the County of Klamath. C. F. STONE He had never whispered a word of of the submission of attempted final proof, love into her little ear. In the matter of the estate of Octavia aud that said alleged absence from the said ATTORNEY AT LAW Later he wns sorry 'twas thus. land was not due to bis employment in 0. Cranston, deceased. OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Army, Naw or Marine Corp» of .l.e Unit In a breach of promise suit written Notice is hereby give that the under Mtates as a private soldier, officer, sesman or words are so much more effective on a signed, administrator of said estate, has marine during the war with Bpaln or during Jury.—Detroit Tribune. filed fri the office of the County Clerk any other war in which the United States may of Klamath Couuty<Oregon, hia Final b« engaged, raid parties are hereby notified Surprised. to appear, respond and offer evidence touch “What do you suppose inspectors Account of tiie administration of said ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Sep found in a can of chicken the other estate, and the Court lias fixed Satur tember 3. PW7. before W. D. West. U. S. Com day?” day the "til day ot September, 1907, at missioner at Silver Lake. Oregon, 2nd that “Don’t know. Veai, perhaps.” 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, final hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock a. m. on “No; Just plain chicken.”—Philadel as tiie time for the hearing of objection* September 9,1907, before the Register and Re ceiver at the United state» I.»nd Offiea In phia Ledger. to said account and tiie settlement Lakeview, Oregon. thereof The said Contestant having, in a proper Not a Spendthrift. fluted at Klama'.h Falls, Oregon, this affidavit, tiled July 11. 1107, set forth facts Anxious Mother—I hope you are not LAND SURVEYOR. which show ihataiterdue diligence person thinking of marrying young Clarkson Oth day of August, 1907. »< rvice of till» n«te «an not be made, 1 t H. A. MfARP, He spends every cent he earns. hereb; ordered aii'idirected that »ucli notl e Pretty Daughter—Oh, well, he doesn’t Administrator of the estate of Octavia be given by du> auu propel pi.hli*alu 11. J. N. UA'IS* N, itcglster. earn very much.—Detroit Tribune. I (J. Cranet >n, deceased. 8-8-8-29 a-l —-*2 j KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Office over Klamath County Bank PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE Do away with barbed wire Investigate the Sliding Loop Top ‘ _— J All styles and heights. Fences for every purpose LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES GADDIS & DIXON, Medford or VOLNEY DIXON, Travelling Representative. Klamath Falls, Ore chas . a. woanas ram nm.twu! V ke-Pre» Heit The American Bank and Trust Co. Capital Stock gioo.ooo Klamath Falls, Oregon 3 Interest Paid on Saving* Depouts jH K U. Ht flfl. Pulii" We are Local Dealers for the Renowned REMTICO TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES k, th* Remington Typewriter Company (Incorporatasi) Rrmtico Paragon Ribbon* — in all color* and for all make* of typewriter*. Rrmtico Paragon, Red Seal and Billing Carbons of different weight* suited for all classes of work. All Remtico Typewriter Supplies are known a* the Highest Grade Good* Manufactured. CHITWOOD DRUG CO. J Klamath Lake Railroad in connection with the C. C. BROWER riclntire Transportation Co. I and the Ore. and Cal. Transportation Co. f Tiie only through line for freight and |>a»* senger» between the Southern Pacific and the Klamath country. Quickest service ami Lowest Rates. Tell your troubles by Phone or Letter to E. T. ABBOTT, Gen. Mgr, Thrall, Cal. E. B. HENRY Klamath Falls, Oregon 3 or to MclSTIRF: TRANS. CO. at Klamath Falls or Pokegam a 7VVIDWÄY STABLE ZHE SHOP General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Livery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses Mt« BALDWIN & HUGHES MELVIN D. WILLIAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ‘Civil and Irrigation Engineer, East Main St., below 4th Best Jol> Work Best Aleehanlero Beat Alfiterlril At flit» reei>iil>Kea¿i