Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 29, 1907, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 22
Pelican Bay
Resch LnderSiuHuiii^
on Appointments
Leaves Overland for Port
land and Will Visit
Central Oregon
Law for Marshal and Stone
for City Attorney-Ap-
pointments Satisfactory
The high wind that prevailed here last
wealth should lie expressed as freely as
Friday night "did business” with the
the gratitude of an individual.
Upper lake and backed that body of
Mr. Harriman Is one of the bestfriends
eo far that it was aecemry to shot
that Orange county ever had, and bis Will Open Thia Year On
down the electric light plant. After
I friendship has lieen tried and tested
ot Reclamation Service
about an hour enough water came down
lime and again. He was a inend of ours
the flume to operate the wheel.
last fall when he t<«ik »200,000 of 3% per
cent gissl roads bonds at par and saved
"One of the most serious and complex | N. 8. Merrill, - the sage
- of Merrill, was
Klamath County High School will
' the tax|iayors 118, (XX). He was a friend
open Heptemlier ltt. The building is
1 of Orange county years ago when he
being cleaned and dusted, the floors oil-I had to deal baa lieen that of labor. lection for the Irrigation Congress ex­
stood alone as an advocate ol road im-
Among the grasses was some
ed and new equipment place*). Some Iailxir has lieen riot only scarce but in­ hibit.
I proveinent and by his |M<rsonal liberality
The"great aiuiunt’oT railroad ■ 1‘lial,a
8loo<1 *5V,!n **Mwo. The
handsome new commercial desks have efficient.
—------------ -■----------- -
made possible a beginning of the work.
arrived. They are die latest pattern and building in the West has caused an ex- I Kepublicar. had a photograph taken of
The Orange County Road Construction
Printed ,n "n*
are to lie found in few schoals in Oregon. «optional demand for all classes of la- “■ at*d “ *•»
company for some years past lins built
Tlie commercial work will lie pushed borers and bat made it almost lmp*isei- ear*Y numbers.
gissl roods in Orange county al less than
Assistant District Attorney Stone re-
: vigorously this year and tlie yiung peo­ ble to retain the men for long periods.
cost. it was hia friendship for us that
The pay rolls on the Gunnison tunnel turned this week from a trip to San
ple will have an opportunity to obtain a
inspired Mr. Harriman to make the
practical business education here at show that only about 25 [»er cent ol the Francisco, fxis Angeles and Salt f-ake
losses good, although it cost him thous­
home equal to that offered by business men are steadily employed, the re- City, where he had lieen on legal liusi-
ands of dollars. Aside from this Mr.
colleges. In (act the High School offers mainder woikirig for ¡»eriods varying ness. None of his time was spent in
1 Harriman built g<ssl roads in the town
J lie tier courses than the business colleges from a portion of a day to thirty days, pleasure seeking, for he kepi on the
I ot Woodbury entirely at his own ex-
for tlie average person. The State Boa id This condition has confronted the con- move from the time he left until he
lienee. He went even further, and from
ol Education lias adopted a commercial tractors as well as the engineers by returned.
1 hie own pocket paid the charges of the
Course covering four tears. This gives whom work has been carried on by ,
One of the fines t heads of lettuce eve
■ state for making road surveys in tbi<
' a practical education, strong enough for force account. The contractors have I shown in this county may tie seen in
anyone. However, students may take a l>een obliged to ship most of the lal>or-
the show window of the Republican.
Many a time and in many a way he
shorter course, getting only the commer­ era from the large centers and in many
It was grown in tbia city by George
lias shown his interest in and friendship
cial studies. Several of the students cases the men do not work long enough
for us. it was through liis influence and
Nowlin, and is only one of many like it.
who look this work last winter have fill­ to repay the money advanced for their
No special attention was given to the
lilicrality that tlie practically obsolete
ed office ¡xisitiigis this summer in a very transportation expenses.
cultivation of ’bis lettuce, and it g'*s
industry ol breeding and raising light
satisfactory manner.
The scarcity ot labor has decreased
to show what can be grown in this
harness horses was revived in this coun­
efle< tiveness. The meu cannot be
The first real business meeting of the
As Stated ill th« Republican two ty and bids (air to regain its lust pre-em­
county if only an effort is made. It
weeks ago, E. 11. Harriman came to inence. it was largely through hia in­ principal, J. G. Hwan; Principal Com­ urged successfully to greater exertions measures 18 inchee in diameter.
city council was held last Friday even-
this county for two reasons, first to en­ fluence thut tlie assessed valuation of mercial Department, Willis E. Fought; when they can readily get work at other
• ing, when the mayor and the members
Miss May Sutton is now teaching at a were able to get together anti agree on a
joy rest an<l recreation and second to the old town of Monroe, now divided, Science and Mathematics, Charles A. points, if they think they are being
look over Pelican Bay ixalge as an avail­ more than trebled and today approxi­ Howard; English, Bessie M. Applegate; pushed too hard they stop work without summer resort near Eureka, California, corps of employes for the city. This
j where she secured one of the best schools condition was made possible by the
able site for a summer home.
U it mates »1,Uta),(XV uf>on which taxes are Music, l*eta Nickerson.
The eight hour law has also been a «« the county. Northern California is resignation of Marshal Broderick, who
Considerable attention will lie paid to
suited him, then he would purchase it. paid.
music. Chorus classes will lie conduct­ source of difficulty and increased ex- in the same position as Klamath in re- has decided to go into the hotel busi­
And this he has done. While none of
It was solely through his influence
by Miss Nickerson snd Professor ¡»enee. Strict enforcement of the eight gard to teachers—in need of many. If ness.
tlie parlies of the transaction will make that the saloons and dives were obliter-1
The first thing that came to the at­
any statement whatever regarding the ated from certain sections which lie ' Fought, and the Glee Club will lie reor­ hour law, as practiced on the reclama-: some of the teachers who are work-
matter, the Republican learns from a adjacent to the Erie railroad in the ganized. it is likely that an orchestra tion work, ia adding materially to the ing in the east for a few dollars a week tention of the council was a petition
would come out on the Pacific Coast signed by a number of business men,
very reliable source that Mr. Harriman towns ol Woodbury and Tuxedo, and will lie formed under instruction of Pro­ cost of irrigation works.
would have no difficulty in securing asking that steps be taken looking to-
was delighted with the Lodge property. which were formerly infested with law­
positions and high salaries.
' wards the widening of Main street. It
This will be a source of much gratifica­ less and shiftless men.
In the county who desire places to work much per hour, and the ordinary labor­
was referred to the city attorney for
tion to the people of this county for it
We do not know how many friends
, consideration.
will mean greater developments along Mr. Harriman may have in the big world lor board while attending school they er prefers to be at work—the pay being
Bank For Dorris
i An ordinance establishing the grade
the line of a summer resort than would of finance where fortunes change hands should write to Principal J. G. Haan, proportioned to the hours of work—
Tu every minute or so, but in Orange coun­ who will endeavor to find such a situa­ rather than to lie forced into idleness,
probably be fxieaible otherwise.
at the corner of Main street and the
That the business men of Klamath Esplanade was introduced, which con­
Mr. Harriman the people ol Klamath ty, where his home is located, he lias tion. Any of the citizens who can use especially with the uncongenial sur­
such help will confer a favor on the roundings of the construction camp re­ Falla are going to take an active interest tained the emergency clause, in order to
Falls extend the glad hand of friendship friends in plenty.
school by letting the fact be known. mote from home or places of amuse- ¡n the affairs of the town of Dorris was allow the Hot Springs Improvement
and irrea|>ective of what the opinions of
Mr. Harriman at Arden, with his
indicated this week, when the an- company to go ahead with the work it
ethers are, feel that they have a friend in business cares and responsibilities tern- Everybody should attempt to push the ment.”
We '.earned at the Reclamation Camp nouncement was made that local capi- ie doing.
the great railroad magnate.
While porarly laid ashte, is, perhaps a differ­ interests of the High School.
that men often leave pay there at 31 talists would open up a bank there in
here lie met many ol tlie citizens of the ent individual than the Mr. Harriman
A sidewalk was ordered built on the
per hour, for eight hours, to work the near future. Interested in the hi- east side of Seventh street.
county, and to these lie demonstrated with the keen eye and the chin like a
for the contractors on the railroad, ten atitution will be Major C. E. Worden,
that he Is not the "soulless individual” hunk ot flint who puls the railroad deals
Then came the principal business of
hours at 27,S cents per hour. The fact president of the American Bank and I the evening, the resignation of Mr.
that some of the people who are play­ through. Al Arden Mr. Harriman ie
ing to the galleries would have the pub­ beloved by the poople. He ie a genial, After an uninterrupted career of nearly that they were receiving only 121» cents Trust company and Fred Melbaae, one I 1 Broderick and the appointment of a full
per hour for the two extra hours does of the directors of the ¡same concern. slate of city employes and officers by the
lic believe.
democratic, unassuming citizen, Inter­ twenty seven years, E. R. Reams this
Much of the time while at the lodge ested princi|>ally by the good that he week retires from business. Ihiring all not appeal to them ao much as the extra Associated with them will be several of mayor.
Mr. Broderick’s resignation
the business men of Dorris. Mr. Mel- was accepted, and the mavor thanked
was spent in hunting bear. He was cando. Hals the man who generally of that time he has been in business in money receive«! for a day’s work.
hsse will have direct charge of the new I him for the efficient and conscientious
unsuccessful in his efforts, but never­ sees to it that Fanta Claus comes around. this city and is perhaps one of the best I
< bank.
theless he enjoyed the days spent in
. work he bad done since he was ap­
Additional Briefs
Hia home life is ideal in all its envir­ known merchants in the southern part
Temporarily the bank will be located pointed. Following bis remarks the
northern Klamath, and ia looking for onments, and in this rosjiect it differs of the state. Wearying of the confine­
in the poetoffiie building. The mater- mayor offered to the council for confir­
ward with considerable pleasure to tlie widely from most men of large wealth. ment and desirous of giving more atten­
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams were I ial for a two story block that will house
time when ho will agian return here.
mation the following names :
Mrs. Harriman is a most gracious and
' the new institution has been ordered
He left for Crater loke Tuesday charming woman and is known and Reams decided to dispose of his immense here this week.
City Marshall and Poundmaster, C.
morning, where, after viewing nature's loved for tier unostentatious lienevo- sP>ck, and has been carrying on a clos­
Francis J. Bowne, of Bonanza, was in from the mills of this city, and will be C. Low.
framed ready for erection before ship­
greatest wonder, he started on a cross lence. Tlie daughters are regarded as ing-out sale for over a year. Thia week the city for several days this week.
Special Police, John Schallock and E.
ment. Major Worden will look after ! E. Jamison.
country trip that will lake him through the finest ex am plea of athletic woman­ lie made arrangments to dispose of
Alex McDonald was in from Langell
Central Oregon. Tim purpose of thia hood to tie found in America. Mr. Har­ wliat was left to Mrs. Edna McMillan valley Saturday, being called here by the securing of the equipment, and ex­
City Attorney, C. F. Stone.
pects to go to Fan Francisco in a few
journey ie to furnish iiim a first-hand riman is justly proud of them.
These appointments were immed­
and B. if. VanSickle.
the illness of his wife.
days for that purpose.
view ol this great inland empire, and if
iately confirmed, and a sigh of relief
Mrs. McMillan left immediatly for
in and about the vicinity of Arden
J. L. Buell and family left Tuesday for ; Among other local business houses to •*eemed to prevade the chamber. That
bis opinions after the trip will codneide nearly 500 men are employed by Mr. San Francisco where she will purchase
will) the reports that have liecn made Harriman, it is said his payroll is very a complete line of drygoods and furnish­ San lose, going via Shovel creek. Dur- be represented at Dorris will be H.J. the mayor has exercised splendid
to him regarding this section of the close t*> »1)0,000 a month. One feature ings. Fbe lias l>een connected with the ing their residence in this city they made W inters, who has made arrangements judgement in the matter of bis appoint­
state, then it is a certainty that dirt will of Arden life ia the devout and rigid ob­ Brick Store for a long time, and her many friends who regret to see them for the establishing of a branch store ments is admitted on all sides. Thev
there. There are several other enter­ are men specially well qualified for Op­
fly on the Oregon Eastern nezt year.
servance of the Sabbath day. The men many friends and patrons of this well leave.
prises that will be established there in positions to which they have l«en a, -
The trip through Central Oregon is are called from labor, the village lies at known establishment will tie pleased to
Mrs. Frank Ira White left for Lebanon
the near future, announcement of which pointed, and that they will give eatii-
being made in automobiles, and al real and forge and foundry on the moun­ greet her once more.
Sunday, where she will visit relatives
Hhatiiko Mr. Harriman will lioard a tain top are still. For tliis the Harri­
, faction is certain.
The business men will be sorry to lore for several weeks. Mr. White accom-1 will be made later.
special trail) an<l go to Portland, where man family ia responsible.
Mr. Reams from their circle, as will panied her as far as Pokegama.
he may make a statement as to wliat he
The Recital
That a man who could rear a family every man, woman and child in the
Clam Digger Gone
Mr. and Mrs.G. W. White, Dr. and
exfiects to do with the Oregon Eastern. like Mr. Harriman's, and who could win county regret to learn that he w ill no
One of the results ot this trip will be to and hold, year in and year out, tlie es­ longer greet them at the Brick Store. Mrs. F. M. White and Misses Bernice
The recital given in the Houston
eradicate much ot the ill-feeling that teem and regard of an entire commun­ But being freed from the details of Angle and Georgia and Clarice White
The clam digger went to the scene of
prevails in the central |>art of the state ity, should lie ao viciously attacked and the mercantile business he w ill lie in a and Kirk White visited Crater Lake this ! opera house was quite well attended, operation last Saturday morning. Un-
towards Mr. Harriman. There is no abuaed, ia more tlian a shame—it is a better position to care for his other in­ week, and had an enjoyable trip of it.
considering the inclemancy of the forseen difficulties delayed its departure
doubt but that much of it is due to a reproach ii|K>n the American sense of terests and take an active part in the
T. W. Stephens visited his family at weather. Those who attended felt amp-( nearly three weeks, but it is to be hoped
misconception of the man. When the decency and fairness.
up-building of a greater Klamath coun­ Odessa for a few davs this week. Judg- >>' repaid for braving the rain, for the that it will meet with no further diffi­
people meet him they will see that lie is
It ia not necessary for till* newspaper, ty, a work in w hich he will undoubtedly ing from the manner in which he loaded | Xonn8 ladies far surpassed the expecta- culties until the work is completed. It
one of them, anil that he has been pre­ or any other, to come to the defense of lie as prominent a factor as he has in i up with flaking tackle the fish had a lions of their friends. Miss Lets Nick­ is expected that this one dredger wi'.
vented from building the road by insur­ Mr. Harriman, but it is our privilege to business circles for the past quarter of a tough time of it while “I aim to be re-, er#on wa8 in 8Pledid voice and received handle about 2000 feet of dirt every 24
mountable obstacles.
liable" was there.
a warm welcome from the audience. hours. Another dredger will be pl iced
demur to the utterly rockiest and absurd century.
That he is a greatly misunderstood chargee that emanate from irresponsible
, Miss Grace Nickerson is a talented elo- in operation in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. \\ . J. Broderick and ■ cu<ionist and showed remarkable ver­
man is evidenced from the following sources, it is due Mr. Harriman that
tbese two, allowing ample time for de­
Will 'Not Prosecute
children left for Portland Sunday morn- satiiity. Each number was cordially
from the Goshen, New York Democrat. he lie given a square ileal. The citizens
lays, the work ought to be completed
ing. It is Mr. Broderick’s intention to | recejved by her auditors, particularly
No man is quite so well known else­ of Orange county are hia friends. They
by next Februrary. It is stated that
enter the hotel business in one of the Sally Ann’s experienc», which, by the I
where as he is in his own neighborhood, appreciate hia worth and give him full
Deputy District Attorney Stone, im- towns near the state s metropolis. Mr. ( WByi OUght to l»e in the hands of every under the plan of operation that the
and it is always interesting to learn credit for his integrity of purpose and
mediatly on his return to this city, Broderick carries with him the best housewife, for there is a whole lot of1 dirt will settle sufficiently to allow the
what "the people back homo” think of hie earnest desire to lie of real service to
passage of trains in two months after its
summoned the witnesses to the killing wishes of his many friends in this city.
gospel truth in it. It is to be hoped completion.^ If this is correct, then
anyone. Thia gives a close view of the the county of his choice.
of Gorge Soils which occured at Keno
man, and is worth reading:
Al Kubes returned Friday from a trip that the people of this city will have next summer ought to Bee the train ser­
We realize what the withdrawal of hia last week, and after making a thorough
Since E. H. Harriman's famous interests would mean to Orange Coiuity,
several of the cities on the Pacific the pleasure of hearing both of ihese vice extended to this city. It is stated
examination into the matter decided
"Where do I stand” became public and we trust that the day will never
lie feels more confident than artists many times in the future.
on the very best of authority that it
that Mr. Cole was justified in taking
property it is asserted that President come when ho will be disheartened by
ever of the great superiority of Klamath
is the intention of the engineers to com­
the course he did. It is quite likely
Roosevelt and hia advisers have lieen any lack of our appreciation.
plete the line to this city early next
that the matter will be brought to tho county than he ever did before.
sitting up nights tryins to devise ways
Winema Resumes
The "muckrakers” should find some attention of the grand jury, in order to
Announcement cards were recived in
and means to take a fall out of Orange other mark at which to hurl their shafts
forever settle the matter and ire«' Mr. this city during the week announcing
county’s distinguished citizen. This of malice. If all that there are of them
Cole from any legal technicalities in the the wedding of Miss Cornelia Stratton
The deep personal interest manifested
Holgate Here
has lieen a signal for the "muck racke” were piled together in one heap, they
and Carlton R. Parker, which will occur by the people of this city in the Steamer
writers to get after Mr. Harriman, and a would compare in point of real useful­
in Oakland September 19. Mies Stratton Winema was manifested last Friday
pack lias lieen in full cry for several ness to Mr. Harriman about as an
is quite well known in Klamath Falls.
H. L. Holgate, cashier of the Bank of
night, when the old familiar whistle was
weeks |>aat. Meanwhile, Mr. Harriman anthill in the desert compares to Mount
Visited Clear Lake
beard in the streets. Everyone seemed Bonanza and spokesman for the opposi­
is attending to hie own business, as us­ Olympus.
Lightning struck a stack of hay be­
to feel that it was an old friend that had tion in the Upper project, was in the
ual, dignified and Imperturbable.
Doubtless there will la* some who will
longing to B. Aberbloos, of Langei) Val­
Engineers Sanders and Murphy visit­ ley, last Friday evening, setting it on returned. It is likely that the plans city this week on private business,
In the American Magazine, a screed say that tho good feeling throughout
from the ¡ten of Edwin I^ j Fevre attacks Klamath is due to selfish motives. Be ed Clear lake this week for the purpose fire. The men bad just quit work and for the big excursion, to which reference When asked relative to the conditions
Mr. Harriman and states that he lias that as it may, they are genuine, if of securing additional data relative to were not more than 150 yards away was made last week, will be carried out in and around Bonanza he said that
and if so it will meet with the warm everyone up there was too busy with
not a friend on earth.
they are selfish, it ie no disgrace, for the work that is to be done there. When when the bolt struck.
their harvest to think of anything else.
support of the business men of town.
To this we feel it our duty to take ex­ the person or poraous who are indiffer­ seen by a representative of the Republi­
Crops were never better, and the ear­
ception. The Democrat has nothing in ent to good fortune must be made ot can they said that no statement would
common with railroad magnates and queer material. Yes, Klamath is glad be made at this time, nor until all the Saturday evening. He had been to the and sufficient headway was made to marks of prosperity are to be seen on
Wail street financiers, but it believes in Mr. Harriman ia to lie one of us; glad necessary information was gathered. metropolis for the purpose of seeing hia permit of the fires being put under the all sides. Bonanza is moving a •»<
giving honor where honor is due; it be­ that be has bought Pelican Bay; glad Mr. Sanders ie going over the ground superior, Father LeMott. The latter ie boilers at 5 o'clock that afternoon. She nicely and cofisiderable building ie
lieves that Orange county is packed to that he is going to improve it and em­ very carefully, and when his labors are expected to arrive here this week, and reached her dock Saturday. She ie now .ng on. Work| on the Bonanza Li h
ploy an armv of men in carrying out his
the rim with friends of B. H. Harriman. ideas ot landscape gardening; glad that finished he will doubtldss have some­ will be accompanied by Father Vasts, on her old run and the Republican school is progressing satisfactorily, .*•♦
Gratitude ia one of life’s noblest senti­ his being hera
sre will make Klamath f fa- thing to say that will be of interest to who will have charge of the Lakeview hopes that it will be many a day before t will not be long before it is ready lor
she has to lay off again
ments and the gratitude of a common- mous. Of such man we want several.
every water user in the Basin.