Dr. Goble will In- at Ft. Klamath on I Tuesday and Wednesday August 27-28.1 ¡Those who wish to consult him about Dr. Goble is at the Lakeside Inn this their evus must cull at the Hotel. week, August 1* to 25. This is his last Mr». E. IL Henry and the Misses lee week here. If you wish glutes see hiui 1 aie sojourning at Odessa, now. CITY B VYING YOVR JEWELRY OR HAY* ing your work done at HEITKEM- PER'S will surely result in your be- ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as fine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments, Phonographs, Records. Supplies. Strings. Sheet Music, Etc. A big line to select from. Send for catalogue. See Adv for marsh land*. 4 Mr». L. Jacoba and Mr». W. P. Rhode» left thia week for a visit to .< ah- land. Klamath Falls, Ore I . I I I I . I I ► > ' ' > [ « jmxenys « Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Toys !; All the latest Newspapers and i• Magazines J Most complete line of PIPES to select from f Long Lake Lumber Co LUMBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, AH Kinds of Mouldings, Band sawing and Turning, Specialty PHONE 381 W. 0. HUSON, E. M. Bubb, cashier of the American “Every drop pure,’’ is what can lie Bank ami Trust company, returned this said of Continental whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye ami F. F., week from a hunting trip in the Cas­ cades. V. Rye. Fold by C.D, Willson. 4 FOR SALE—240 acres of land seven Do not buy blended whiskey. When miles below Keuc/ on the river. One i you want pure whiskey see that it is million five hundred thousand feet of Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? put up under the government's “bonded i timber on the place. Good range. En­ warehouse stamp,” as is the Continen- The difference in cost of a good fence and quire of Jack Connolly, Keno, Oregon, ' tai whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ or come to ranch and take a look a poor one is so small that it pay« to buy mandie rye and F. F. V. rye. Sold by ¡iron nd. 7-11-tf a good one. I will have ' C. D. Willson. 4 WALL PAPER-WALL PAPER I Dr. A. M, Magilton went to Fort A Carload of Ell wood Fences WALL PAPER Klamath this week, where she expects About May 1st. It costs nothing to examine them, but if n000 Rolls Choice Wall Paper to remain for a couple of weeks. you investigate yon will be surprised how cheap they are. House Lining I carry a fine line of mattresses at Everything that the farmer needs, I have. All at popular prices prices that are reasonable at Boiler’s Baldwin the Hardware Dealer Furniture Store. 8-8 + Klamath Falls George A. Wright of Chicago is visit­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stout, who have ing his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. been visiting in Ashland, returned home Wright. this week. Dr. Goble is a specialist in his line. The best range in tow n fur tin-money. He has no other business, remember. 8-1 tf •) DON J. ZUMWALT BERT E. WITHROW ALLEN SLOAN •) He may be able to save you a trip to Virgil A Son. Studies will he resumed at the High President V.ce-Pre*. h Treas. Secretary San Francisco or Portland. Better get your eyes fitted to glasses before it is School on September 16, instead of tiip KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC —» too late. One week more. August 18 9th., a« was at first announced. to 25. Lakeside Inn. Second hand fruit jars, $1X0 per <• CAPITAL STOCK $10,000, FULLY PAID -1 tf J. C. Rntenic made a professional trip dozen. Virgil A Son. to Lakeview this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G.Sapp arrived here •) ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING Dr. Goble is at the Lakeside Inn this this week liom Silver City, New Mexi- 6» ......... . " •■■■■ i <-•■■■ week, August 18 to 2.r>. This is his last I co, oi on a visit with Mr. ami Mrs. B. St. KLAMATH FAI LS, OREGON — 0) week here. If you with glasses see him ! Geo. , Bishop. Mrs. Sapp and Mrs. now. i Bishop are sisters. Well Fenced Farm * : 2 '• Si l'S? * « A bave Been Placed In So many homes. Cbcv Sell Cbemselvcs. The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the Beautiful Nickel Finish atu! the High Class Workmanship Embodied in all the good features of this range is the Economy of Fuel Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Malable Top National and Niagara Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 Emma Block M ASON & S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP We are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. done promptly. Repair Work of all kinds We guarantee all our work to be first class and at Satisfactory Prices. Dr. Goble will be at Ft. Klamath on' Alex Martin, Jr., alter spending a Tuesday and Wednesday Anguet 27-28.1 week at Spring Creek returned home Those who wish to consult him about I Sunday. their eyes must call at the Hotel. A full line DKX) wa*-hers at the new Mieses Louise Sargent, Stella and Furnittire Store. 8-8 t 1 Mattel Campbell, Mae Worden ami Mr. ami Mrs. C. C. Low left this week Maud Baldwin are having an outing nn for Odessa and latke ol the Woods, , the Upper lake. where they will enjoy camping life tor ! Do you know that I have all kinds the next two weeks. 1 of property tor sale at a bargain. Mark I Go-carts 25 j«r cent off at Boiler’s, 4 ! L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4 i CROWN AND í NIAGARA STEEL RANGES Cal., Munday on business. Mr. Wynne Mr. and Mr». Jonas Spark» returned was formerly engineer in charge ol the thia week to Bonanza, after a visit in works <>f th ■ Klamath Canal company. th is city of »everal day» duration. WANTED—50 head of horse», moiu l'oatal». Local view» and all other». , or less, to pasture and winter. Pasture fl a month per head ; feed f-’ a month Star Drug Store. 4 or fur the winter. Good pasture and Mias Nett R. Drew, who wm here for i timothy hay. Charles Westlotorn. the purpose of taking the teacher»’ ex­ I Fort Klamath .Oregon. 8-15 t amination, returned to her home in MARRIED — In this city Saturday, Dairy Sunday. August 17, Miss Angeline Brooks and STRAY El »—Three-year-old cohl black Arthur Prieen, Justice of the I’vace horse: D run on left shoulder, star on Nicholas officiating. forehead. Gentle. Reward paid for Hand bags. A swell line at the Star his return to Exchange Stable», 8-15 ♦ | Drug Flore. 4 I. D. Applegate arrived Friday own­ ILL. lleaid of Merrill was in the city ing from Oakland. He states that Mrs. this week. Hargua will probably be home about the Mr. ami Mrs. George R. Hurn, ac­ first of the month. companied by Mr. ami Mrs. H. T. Car­ Need any plumbing done? Then get roll of Bly, left this week for ail outing onr prices first. Beet work and reason­ on the Upper lake. able prices. Baldwin A Baldwin. 4 Pictures! Yes, framed and unframed. Miss Stilts went to Portland thia week A big assortment just arrived at the to purchase fall and winter millinery. Star Drug Store. 7-18 4 Small tracts of well located rule marsh Dr. Goble will lie at Fort Klamath on lands offerer! for one week at (20 per August 27 and 28. Those wishing their i acre. Abel Adv. 4 eyes examined will please call at Hoyt's BORN—To Mr. amt Mrs. Tracy Bomb- hotel. ' by of Eagle Point, a son. Mr. aud Mrs. C. H. Withrow, Alex Shive ami Gus Boothby were formerly residents of tins Melbase returned this week from a 1 countv. hunting trip in the Cascades ami they On receipt of two cents in stamps I report having had splendid success and will send descriptive literature of Klam­ a good time. ath County to any addre»».—Mark L. FOR SAI.E—Thoroughbred Scotch Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4 Collie pups, registered. No liettcr bred Mrs. Fatcbwell of Ashland, arrived W. H. Shopk was down frurn Dairy here this week on a visit with her Saturday. daughter, Miss Vale, whois the operator [ Let us figure on your work. Baldwin in the telephone office. A Baldwin, plumbers. 4 Manager GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man NATIONAL Mrs. Arthur Lewis and her mother, i Dr. Goble will be at the Lakeside Inn I one week ; August 18 to 25. See him at who have been enjoying a vacation on once as he goes to Fort Klamath the Short creek, returned home this week. next week. The government says that Continen­ Any one wanting property of any tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ kind in Southern California or if you mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure I have property to sell or trade, write J. fur it is put up under its suj>ervi»ion in bonded warehouses. Sold by C. D. , E. Paddock, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4-18 tf Willson. 4 All kinds of Finishing Lum­ ber now on band. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de­ livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. 1 Chat 1$ Ulbv Che The Morine hotel at Bonanza has been dogs in the State. Frank Downing, rented by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hill, who Keno, Ose. 8-8-8.22 I for the past year-conducted the Houston Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Daniel» are enjoy­ house in this city. ing their outing on the Upper lake. I Dr. Goble will tie at Ft. Klamath on Dr. Goble will be at Ft. Klamath on Tuesday and Wednesday August 27-28. Tuesday and Wednesday August 27-28. Those who wish to consult him at>out Those who wish to consult him a lout their eyes must call at the Hotel. , their eyes must call at the Hotel. F. H. Sunderman and family left this The carpenters union of this city will week for Ashland, where they expect to give an excursion to Nelson’s grove make their home. September 2, the Steamer Klamath Do you want a choice timlier claim or having been chartered lor the occasion . homestead? If so call at my office at Yolanda jx-rfume. Royal Cherry | once. Mark L. Burns 4 Buds Talcum Powder. Latest. Sam­ I J. A. Phillips, representing the Sacra ple at Star Drug Store. 4 1 rnento Bee, is in the city for the purjiose I Harry Engie returned from Grant's of securing subscribers to that paper. Pass this week, after a several weeks so­ Dr. Goble will be at Fort Klamath on journ in the bailiwick. August 27 aud 28. Those wishing their All kinds of tied spring«. From (2.00 i eyes examined will please call at Hoyt's i up to (6.00. Virgil A Son. 8-1 tf i hotel. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a I have a nice line of Iron Beds at prices that »ell. R. M. ¡killer. 8-8 ♦ Toilet soaps at the '»tar Drug Store. 4 G. HEITKEMPER. JR. Republican Block "There Is Only One Way Of Judging The Future; That is liv The Past.” Dr. Goble is a specialist in hi» line. He has no other busine»», remember. He may be able to save you a trip to I have good goods at the right price». San Francisco or Portland, Better gut The New Furniture Store. 8-8 t your eyes fitted to glasses before it is Mr. and Mr». C. S. Moore and sons too late. One week more, August IS returned thia week from their outing to 25. lake-ide Inn. on Spring creek. W. A. Wynne arrived from Paicines, 1 Pay the Freight City Prices. BRIEFS. BETWEEN 6'* AND 7'* ON WALNUT BISHOP’S Furniture Store <• ¡¡is the place to furnish your house 1' 1' Don’t send your money to outside dealers I will guarantee to save you money on a bill of goods <• If yon MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let- i' ter to our wholesale houses, where yon can select anything you like. <• Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire line of Pianos of the EILERS PIANO HOUSE for Klamath Jand Lake Counties, Samples of some of the makes ¡'are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, ! ¡for cash we will give you a libeffll reduction., i' I» <• t I ;! V All that remains unsaid, just consider that it has been said :: :: :: B. ST. GEO. BISHOP ,'Mie. Residence66 (I « Klamath Falls. Ore. J : :